Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, July 14, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Oregon’s New Industry
DO YOU KNOW that there is under way on Klamath County’s rich Marsh Lands, a project that is destined to become .one of thd
LARGEST and most PROFITABLE industries in the State of Oregon^
DO YOU KNOW that the Soil and Climatic conditions on thede Marsh Lands are NATURALLY adapted to the growing of the
different varieties of PEPPERMINT, as was thoroughly demonstrated the past year?
DO YOU KNOW that as a result of these demonstrations and the superior grade of PEPPERMIN OIL produced, it is predicted
by the Pioneer Mintgrower of Michigan, and the biggest buyer of Mint Oils in the United States, who recently viewed our overa-i
Jions, that “ Klamath County will within a very short time, control the Mint Production of the entire United States, and fix the
Mint price of the world?
DO YOU KNOW that 40 pounds of Mint Oil per acre was produced on these lands last year—that this oil tested 65 per cent Men
thol content, as against 36 to 42 per cent Menthol found in Eastern oils—that there is a constant demand for the oil that we call
produce, and at a price ranging from 75 cents to $1.50 per poun d higher than is usually paid for Mint Oil produced in other part i
of the United States?
DO YO UKNOW that OIL OF PEPPERMINT is being produced on these Marsh Lands of Klamath County on a wholesale scale
and that the companies now operating should reach a maximu in production of 250,000 pounds of Mint Oil annually within a very
short time—that Mint Oil sold for $9.00 per pound last year, while the average price for 40 years has been around $3.00 per pound
The Pacific Coast Mint Company, an Oregon Corporation, is the Pioneer Mint Company of Klamath County.. They shipped
in the first carload of mint roots for experimental purposes in 1920 and now own a 1300 acre tract of land 10 miles from Klamath
Falls on the Upper Klamath Lake.
of production.
830 acres of this land is the choicest marsh land in the county, and is now in an actual stage
We now have over 400 acres in crop, including PEPPE RMINT, GRAIN and other PRODUCTS. It is the plan of this
Company to plant their entire tract to PEPPERMINT as fast as possible, and by November 15th, an additional 200 or 300 acres
of mint will have been planted.
One planting of this crop continues to produce for a period of from 5 to 7 years.
This Is You
to invest in a business which has unlimited possibilities for mon ey-making in the form of an EIGHT PER CENT CONVERTIBLE
MORTGAGE BOND, interest payable semi-annually, and maturing November 1st, 1923. This investment enables you to watch
the pi ogress oi the business for a period of two years, at the end of which time you may either advantage of any increased
earnings of the Company, or withdraw your money plus the int erest.
There is every indication that when production has rea ched the maximum stage, our Company will pay 25 to 50 per cent
on the investment. Our security is authoried by the Corporation Commissioner of the State of Oregon. A number of Ashland’s
most prominent citizens have already invested‘in Klamath’s New Industry.
We are in a position to handle a limited amount of Liberty Bonds.
Pacific Coast Mint Co
(IN C O R P O R A T E D )
American National Bank, Klamath Falls, Ore.
First State & Savings Bank, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Authorized Representative:
James M. Watkins Jr., at C. B. Lamkin’s office, Citizens Bank Bldg., Ashland, Ore.