Wednesday, July 18, 1Ö-1 ASHLAND DAILY KDtN<& _ tees ,, Rip Van Winkle at Chautauqua— J. W. H atcher, constable fees R ip Van W inkle is t <$> iff’s salary , . . . J ............. 110 00 whole world had made up her mind Southern Pacific company shops in . Have a fit a t Orres. Tanprs-for Glen Terrill, deputy sheriff’s tennis tournam ent w«ll he posted at 00 salary — . . . ............ 100 to make Willy an extraordinary Dunsmuir, Calif., was a recent vis-j Men and Women. 116tf the commercial d u b this evening. } birthday present. She gave an order Hazel Tetherow, deputy sher­ All players ai asked to be on hand ito r at the home of his father-in?law , i iff’s salary ......................... 85 .00} to a famous English silversm ith to at the time their matches are sched­ F. 'M. Merrill, where Mrs. Good is 1 H otel A u stin A rrivals— R. C. Grainger, work in sher­ The following new arrivals regis­ iff’s office ......................... 104 00 make an~image of that “ mailed fist” uled. as the entry list is quite large, visiting. Edna Snyder, work In sher­ of solid silver. tered a t the Hotel Austin yesterday: <* and any delay will cquse the com-' 00 iff’s office ......................... 93 The iron fist arrived in good time R. W. Terrill, H. F. Meader, Med­ tuitttee some trouble. Any playej- Back to Pre-W ar Prices— V. A. Wilson, work in sher and A ugusta placed it on the break­ ford; Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Stauffer, On and after July 11. 1921, we w anting a chang of date should see 54 .00 ! iff’s office ......................... fast table of the kaiser. It was ex­ Allentown, P a.; Mr. and Mrs. V. N. will work to the pre-war price list. Mrs Anna Coleman, work in the m anager as scon as convenient. I pedited .00] somewhat speedily into the Kieth, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. sh eriff’s office .................. 66 261-6 The courts have been crowded to For cash. Ira Reeder. Grace Lydiard, work In sher­ <3» E. H. Barron. Seattle; C. H. Valen­ corner by the receiver, who, for some th eir limit every evening. iff’s office ......................... 66 .00 Í reason, did not seem to he pleased tine, Salt Lake City; H. M. Holden, F ish in g a t Jennie ('reek— <•> St» Home Tel. A Tel. Co., sh er­ Gene Hastings, Henry Pace and P ortland; Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Lock. H. R. Adams for ptumDIng, heating iff’s telephone for April . 19 .80: with the present. From here it was Los Angeles; Mrs. A. L. Rodda, San Harvey Cliff, of the Standard Oil Geo . L. Howard, deputy I picked up quietly by the. empress and gas fitting. Repairing a speci­ .08 40 sheriff’s traveling expense and sold later to a man who is in alty. 248 Fifth St Phone 16 6-J company here, made a trip to Jen ­ Francisco; Mrs. E. A. Mestrot, Mrs. possession of it today. Since he is nie Creek Sunday with a truck load Nellie Carlon, Sacram ento; Alfred Geo. J. K unxnun, sh eriff’s <•> «•> office e x p e n s e ..................... 4 .80 G. Rodda, San Francisco; Lorraine a good p atriot— and a business man of oil. The business trip tvas a fte r­ Medford Book Store, sheriff’s We specialize on fancy brick ce Foster, Seattle; Mrs. W. J. McMa­ — he is trying to sell it, preferably office expense ................ .. 10£ .20 cream. Rose Bros 264tf w ards turned into a fishing expedi­ hon, Seattle. J. J. McMahon, deputy sher­ to an American. tion. <«> iff’s traveling expense . . 80 .56 O <» e ♦ Trip to Crater Lake— McCurdy Insurance Agency, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Mr. Z. B. Brown of Tolo says Midsummer suits at Paviserud’s. It. E. McCracken and family, Mrs. premium on sheriff's bond 125 .00 __________________________________ . Smith told Jones that George Yeo 263-tf Postal Tel & Cable Co., tele­ B. F. Toles. of Uriah, Calif., Mr. and j FOR SALE— Piano in A-l condition. 1 262-tf gram s for sh eriff’s office . 22.56 Mrs. .James Lennox. Elizabeth and- still insures automobiles. ♦ ♦ Phone 279 or 199. 265-tf Fred Pettigrew , sheriff’s ex­ R eturn from O uting Trip — ♦ * Keith Lennox, and Paul Nichols left) 2.50 pense .................................... L. G. Fitzw ater and family and ; LOST— Baby’s white open work cot­ Valley View this morning for C rater; Colfax, C alif., V isitor— Glen Terrill, deputy sh eriff’s ton knitted sock, Monday, in b u si-' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ring returned to Mfes H enrietta Spuhler, of Colfax, Lake. They will continue their tour; traveling expense ............ 10 43 ness district. Finder please leave, to Pelican Bay and Lake of the Calif., arrived this morning for an Ashland yesterday a fte r a four days C. E. Terrill, sh eriff’s trav el­ at Tidings office. 265-1 ing e x p e n s e ......................... 10 08 extended visit with Miss Edith Moody trip to McCloud, Weed and Monta­ Woods gue, Calif., where they were visiting W estern Union Tel. Co., tele­ of 107 M anzanita street. g , LOST— Sm all fox te rrie r dog, an- <$> 4> grams for sheriff ........... 2 ' ’ -» < s > J swers to name of “Trixey.” Find­ friends and relatives. They are en­ Florence autom atic oil cook 6toves er please retu rn to Provost H ard­ Big dance at the Bungalow Wed­ thusiastic over a reported good time. Total $1525.48 and ovens. Ashland F u rn itu re Co. w are Store. 265-3* nesday night. 3t Mrs. E. Compton and children, ol Clerk’s Office & <§> W hat is a vacation w ithout m u­ McCloud, returned w lh the Fitzw a­ Chauncey $ <8> FOR SALE— One Underwood revolv­ county Florey, For Sale— Fruit, grain and hay ter family for a few days visit. 166 66 ing duplicator, for m aking type­ clerk's salary . .. sic? Buy a small Victrola and take w ritten copies, $12.50. Cost new, deputy M. Neil, insurance. Yeo. of course. Phone Mildred it along. Rose Bros. 247-tf ♦ ♦ $50. One second hand bicycle, $10. 125 .00 clerk’s salary . . . Special price W ednesday night at 274-J. 262-tf ♦ Ashland F ru it and Produce Asso­ deputy Stevens. L ooking for Locution— the Bungalow. Dancing 75, war tax Delilia ♦ ciation. 265-6 110 00 salary . . . clerk’s Mrs. Ed. Sullivan and little daugh­ P ortland V isitor— 10,total 85 cents. deputy Pearce, R uberia Jenis Moody arrived from P o rt­ 90 .00 ter, of Dunsmuir, Calif., were re­ ♦ ♦ clerk’s salary . . . deputy Grace McDonald, cent visitors to Ashland. Mrs. Sul-1 land and is spending a day with R eturns from B erkeley, C alif.— clerk’s salary ..................... 78.00 Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Mills have re­ lhran is trying to rent a home here., home folks. Jenis « special fruit j Helen Clark, deputy clerk’s turned from Berkeley, Calif., where inspector for the express company, •» <•» 39 00 hire in April . they have been visiting friends for M attie Stevens, work in Special price Wednesday night at! running out of Portland. the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. 4 4 00 clerk’s office . the Bungalow. Dancing 75. war tax Pure pasteurized milk 10c the Neil Rogers and daughter, Alpha Mida McIntosh, work in 10,total 85 cents. 00 clerk’s office . 243-tf .lae, returned with Mr. and Mrs. quart at Rose Bros. ♦ work Bolton, in Mildred ♦ <» WE REPAIR anything. Phone 114 j Mills for a visit here. 52 clerk’s office . 259-tf | For ‘a good plunge or tub bath in ♦ ♦ Ashland Tidings, printing for ■3» <*- pure sulphur water, go to the Nat- clerk ’s office ..................... 53 00 Don’t forget the big dance at the Due to change of residence T ak es P osition at D unsm uir— atoriuin. 235-tf Bungalow W ednesday nrght. Columbia Carbon Co., carbon 3t Ellis Potter, who formerly lived 31 25 « -ft ® . paper for clerk’s office . , will sell Oakland Six ❖ ❖ on Em erich street, has accepted a E nlarge Butte F alls H atchery— Chauncey Florey, stam ps for R eturns from ’F risco H ospital— 00 clerk’s office ......... 10 position with the Southern Pacific That the Butte Falls hatchery Is W. H. Bartges, 510 W imer street, Glass & Prudhom m e, supplies Tou rine Car for surveying gang at Dunsmuir, Calif. one of the best in the state and will 32.23 employe of the Southern Pacific for clerk’s office . . . . . . & be enlarged, and that Jackson county company, returned from San F ra n ­ Home Tel. & Tel. Co., clerk’s Cool off in Rose Bros’ ice cream will be made the center of steelhead 10 70 telephone for April . . . . . . parlor where quality ice creams and propagation in Oregon, were two cisco yesterday where he had been Jacksonville Post, printing sherbets are served. 264t: points brought out by the visit of confined in th e company hospital for for clerk’s office . . . . . . . 3 00 the past three weeks. Medford Book Store, suppl’es the ntate game couiiqiss on term inat­ for clerk’s office . . . . . . . 22 87 ♦ ♦ ing last night at a banquet given at Special price W ednesday night at IL. E. W akem an, premium on the Hotel Medford and attended b> the Bungalow. Dancing 75, w ar tax* clerk’s bond ................ &0 00 about 100 citizens of Southern Ore­ 85 cents. Total $1018 23 J 919 model, completely gon. ❖ ❖ TreaAurei’i Office Ashland was represented by Rep­ D e W h t Orr D ies— overhauled and in fine A. C. Walker, treasurer s sal­ resentative E. V. Garter, Harry Tom­ De W itt S. Orr, 75, died yester­ 0ft ary *.............. ............. $100 linson, E. D. Briggs and E. R. Hos­ day afternoon a t the home of his Dorothy Bedw9ll, deputy condition. Six good tires. ier. treasurer’s salary ............ 90 00 sister, Mrs. J. R. Plttinger, 406 at North Main street. The funeral will Home Tel. & Tel. Co., treas­ 4.?0 u re r’s telephone for April We m ake Suits to order K. he held from the Stock undertaking Medford Book Store, tre a s­ Nelson. tf 11 parlors tom orrow afternoon at 2 urer’s office supplies . . . . <•'* L. E. Wakeman, premium on o’clock. Mr. O rr was a life long G nus am i Fishing Tackle— deputy treasurer's bond . . Elkhorn Gun Store, 81 Oak street. member of the I. O. O. F., and will 261-1 mo be buried in the cemetery of th at lodge. Besides Mrs. Plttinger, he is survived by another sister, Miss Mary O rr of this city. Ashland News in Paragraphs I •' Rip Van W inkle" Chautauqua Friday Night ■ THE GREATEST in this country, and perhaps in any country is baseball It is clean, exciting in a wholesome way, fine exer­ cise, and a game of skill. We supply all the needed equipment to play it, from uniforms down to counters. Also sporting goods of all kinds. SIMPSON’S HARDWARE E. R. IS A A C & CO. S U C C E S S O » r o C. H. v a u p e l 7HE Q U A L IT Y S T O R E Opportunity Day-Thursday I The following items offered should he of interest to every thrifty shopper. Every one a bargain. Bath Towels 35c ea 3 for $1.00 Jap Lunch Cloth $1.35 ea Good size and weight for fam ­ ily use. Made of double thread Terry. A real value. Size 48x48. Blue print lunch. Best quality. Hemstitched. Napkins to match. $1.00 doz. Swiss Organdie 95c yd Jap Pongee $1.00 yd. Sold regularly at $1.25. 45 inches wide. Perm anent fin­ ish i nthe new and wanted col­ ors such as Nile Green, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Orchid and Jade. Sold regularly at $1.25. 33 inches wide, smooth finish, best quality. For waists, dresses, underw ear and gowns. Windsor Kimonette Crepe 28c yd Women’s bandeaus, extra good quality. Come iu Flesh ami While. All sizes. Sold regularly a t 3 9c yard. 30 inches wide. Comes in Piuk, Blue and Grey. Kimona pat­ terns. Millers Corsets $1.98 pr. Sold regularly at $3.00. Comes in W hite and Flesh, some num­ bers with elastic in tops. An opportunity for you. Bungalow Aprons $1.25 Made of best quality Percale cut good and full size with belt — in 1 Ight colors. Bandeaus 48c each Aprons $1.00 Cretonne “ Polly Prim,” aprons in new patterns. Trimmed with ric rac. Regularly sold at $1.19. Crepe Apron Dress $2.98 Sold regularly at $3.89. Made of Jap crepe. Two color com­ binations with two pockets trimmed with fancy braid. Gowns $1.59 Creepers 85c each Women’s muslin gowns, trim ­ med with lace and em bro’dery, good full sizes. Infants’ creepers made of ging­ ham in Pink and Blue checks. Sizes, 1, 2 and 3. Have your H em stitching and Picoting done h e r e - THE BALCONY SHOP The store where your patronage is appreciated. ♦ ♦ Summer Fuel Cut Pine Cord Wood Special price W ednesday night at the Bungalow. Dancing 75, war tax 10, total 85 cents. ♦ F ly in g Trip to Crater Lik*“— “ Doc” Saunders and son, Claude Saunders, m ade a flying trip to C ra­ te r Lake Sunday, going and re tu rn ­ ing the same day. <$> ❖ Snyder’s Royal Jazz O rchestra at the Bungalow W ednesday night. 3t ♦ <$> $3.25 L eaves for D etroit— PER TIER Good For Cook Stoves Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. “ In the Heart of Town’’ W, A. Blake, on the Boulevard, has left for Detroit, Mich., on a bus­ iness trip In th e Interests of his firm, the Simplex Auto Whee! company. His family rem ain In Ashland. ' 5s Will Visit Here — Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peyton, accom­ panied by Mr. Peyton’s sister, Mrs. ] Morrison, who !s visiting here from Illinois, left today for Medford and Ashland. They will visit there for a few days and retu rn by way of C rater Lake.— K lam ath Falls H er­ ald. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS L E A V IN G T O N IG H T IHCATER BCAUTlfl» BIG SPECIAL PRODUCTION Without Limit FEATURING » _ Anna Q. Nilsson FRIDAY— SATURDAY et The Sage Hen” AND Larry Sentón IN— ’’The Sportsman” .The following is a schedule of ex­ penditures of Jackson county, Ore­ gon, together with a list of th e claim­ ants and articles of service for which the claim is made and which- were passed upon by the county court of Jackson county during the month of May, 1921. The following bills were allowed as follows with the exceptions shown: County Court and C om m issioners G. A. G ardner, county judge’s salary .................................. $150.00 Victor Bursell, com m isioner’s salary and e x p e n s e s ......... 46.50 lames Owens, commissioner’s salary and e x p e n s e s ......... 83.00 j G. A. G ardner, county ju d g e’s traveling expense ......... 40.62 Home Tel. & Tel. Go., coun­ ty judge’s telephone b ill. . 11.35 W estern Union Tel. Co., te l­ egrams for county judge 2.05 Any Spring* Coat one-half Pric •—Ladies Suits 25 per cent to 50 per cent discount. Every W aist or Blouse 10 per cent or more off. Silk Dresses reduced IQ to 50 per cent—Summer Underwear 10 per cent off. .« vslin and Silk Underwear Reduced. Laces and Embroideries 10 per cent to 50 per cent discount- Wool Dress goods 20 to 50 per cent discount White Goods and Figured Voiles all reduced. Bleached Muslin, 12 1-2—19—22 1-2—25c—Curtain Goods and Draperies 10 per cent disc One Lot Dress Ginghams, 19c Sport Silk Skirts, $9.75------Jersey Jackets, now $6.95 FOUR COLLEGE BOYS ARE HERE— Wm. McKibbln $ 70.95 J u stice Court D. W. Bagsbaw, justice court fees ....................................... $ W. H. Gowdy, justice court F re d Young Kail font Halley They are properly authorized to solicit subscriptions to THE PICTORIAL REVIEW There is nothing iu it for us, except th a t you may use more PICTORIAL PATTERNS, but there is a lot of good reading and inform ation for you in the magazine, and some­ thing in it for the boys who are attending U. of O. anO. A. C, Therefore we do not hesi­ tate to recommend th a t yon give courteous consideration of their proposit'on if you wuut a good magazine. « J. H. McGEE. Total $333.62 Circuit Court A. R. Thompson, circuit court crier . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. M. Calkiiis, re n t for circuit judge ..................................... 30.00 F. Roy Davis, circuit court re­ porter ................................ 13 20 A. K. E arh art, petit ju ro r . 12.00 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., circuit judge’s telephone . . . . 3.75 Frank Ray, petit ju ro r . . . . 3.00 Total Ed Taylor 6.45 1 I B GAME