P ag » ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. p o e ti M Tuesday, July 12. 1021 f i i M M accountancy and of the general prln-| broad principles which lie at the bot­ ciples of business are invalutole to tom of Anglo-American ju risp ru ­ the lawyer. dence. Four times a year it pub­ “As to your last question. “ What lishes the Oregon Law Review, which Local and Personal is the law school of the • r'v ersity is devoted to problems ol special in­ —— Side Lights— ...-... ■ doing for the legal profession?, terest to Oregon lawyers.” Through its high standards of ad­ mission it is helping to raise the Baker— Improvements on O. W R. S» Ils Grocery Store— , Grenada, Calif., Visitors— W e ’re proud o f o u r standard of the profession in the & N. Co. tracks to sta rt soon. V. A Stew art, form er owner ol the Mr. and Mrs. W. E. W anaka, of to w n and co u n ty . state. It now has Ulve full-time and Eastside Grocery at the corner of Grenada, Calif., were recent v.'sitors. It is a h u m m in g b u si­ two part-tim e professors, and is as Gates— New wing to be added to Iowa street and the Boulevard, has at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. n ess c en ter and a n a tu ra l trad­ well prepared as any on the coast to school building. sold his business to H. L. Sayle. of Eastm an, 134 Pioneer street. in g sp ot fo r a very m u ch larger By ALFRED POWERS fit the young men and young wom­ Portland. Mr. Sayle was a res «dent ♦ ♦ pop u lation . * en of the Pacific Northwe.st for prac­ (Special to Tidings) S alem — One p la n t h e re will ev ap ­ of Ashland about fifteen years ago.) H. R. Adams for plumbing, heating tice. The law library now contains o ra te 600 to n s of lo g a n b e rrie s It is th e n o rm a l n erv e cen ter fo r UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EU -1 The future plans of Mr. and Mrs. and gas fitting. Repairing a specl- Special emphasis a w id e and rich fa r m in g co u n try — an d it is fast GENE, Or., July 12.— Why do wom­ 18,000 volumes Stew art are not known. alty. 248 F ifth St. Phone 166-J. a d d in g to its im p o rta n ce a s an in d u stria l c o m ­ is laid on the Oregon law and pro­ Albany— Survey of Elkhorn min­ en study law? $ > •$><$* m u n ity . cedure but w ithout neglecting the, ing region is planned. W h a t-a re the opportunities forj Florence autom atic oil cook stoves We specialize on fancy brick ice O ur sto r es, sh o p s a n d b u sin ess o r g a n isa tio n s are lawyers in Oregon? and ovens. Ashland F u rn itu re Co. cream. Rose Bros. 264tf eq u ip p ed w ith a ll that is n ecessa ry to th e best s e r v i c e - ! How much money do lawyers ♦ <> ♦ O b u t te llin g y o u a b o u t th e a d v a n ta g es th at are h ere isn't make? W hat is a vacation without m u -! Nine Pound Boy— q u ite g e ttin g it a cross. W hat can a trained lawyer do be­ sic? Buy a small Victrola and tak e, ‘A nine-pound boy was born to Mr. sides practice law? Y ou'll n e v e r k n o w h o w g o o d th is c o m m u n ity o f ou rs it along. Rose Bros. 2 4 7 -tfj and Mrs. Carroll E. P ratt. 438 North W hat should a prospective law­ is u n til y o u stu d y its g ro w th and d ev elo p m en t, w eek ' Main street. Sunday. The baby was a fte r w e ek — fifty -tw o w e ek s in th e year. yer study besides law? i christened John Raymond P ratt. Highway Detour Necessary— ¡What is the law school of the O * T h e re is o n ly o n e correct w a y to d o that. It is to A detour is now necessary for ui Big dance at the Bungalow Wed- i University of Oregon doing for the read th e n e w s, ed ito ria l a n d a d v e r tisin g c o lu m n s o f the little over a mile on the highway to i nesday night. 3t ! legal profess on in Oregon? to w n ’s le a d in g n ew sp a p ers— T H IS N E W S P A P E R . Medford, because of the tearing up « <8> These questions were put straight E v ery w eek in th e y e a r th is n ew sp a p er p laces a t y o u r of the bridge over Sardine creek, toi R o g » , River Visitor*__ j to Professor W. G. Hale, dean of d o o r in ter e stin g , in str u c tiv e an d profitable in fo rm a tio n allow for the retim bering of the Mrs. S. L. Sundry, of lto< te River, , the university law school this inorn- — n e w s b o th in ed ito ria l and a d v e r tisin g c o lu m n s w hich structure. The detour starts at Rock wag y^gjtjng friends in the city Sun- | Tng. can m e a n D O L L A R S A N D C E N T S to you. Point before the big concrete bridge “ As^to why women study law,’’ he over the Rogue is crossed. T hepav-i A nd a ll fo r le ss th an 3 cen ts per w eek. i said, “there are many government ing will be completed in about a w eek’ Por Sale— p rult( graln aDd kay It's a HOM E P A P E R fo r th is to w n a n d c o m m u n ity accord nt g to S. S. Shell, who has laid ' insurance. Yeo. of course. Phone I positions, federal, state and m unici-> o f o u rs. j pal, that call for law training. So- the m ajority of the pavement b e -’ 274-J 262-tf I cial service w orkers of all kinds can It is a part o f YOU. tween here and Medford.— G rants! ' utilize a knowledge of law. There Pass Courier. Visits D aughter a t P ortland— If w e h aven 't y o u r n am e— su b scrib e today. ;s a demand for law -trained women ♦ L. J. Heer left th ’s morn* for jin these fields. In juvenile courts, Special price Wednesday night at ( Portland where he will visit at the women with law tram,¡ng are play-’ the Bungalow. Dancing 75, war tax home of his daughter Mrs. Alda An- Plow ing an increasingly large and im­ 10,total 85 cents. derson. With the Fordton portant p a rt.” $ <&> <0 * 9SE9B Disk California Visitor P ure pasteurized milk, 10c the “As to the opportunities of prac­ W ith the Fordsen H ealth is F a ilin g — and to the crests of a numbe” of Edward Stannard. who has been quart at Rose Bros. tice in Oregon, there are approxi­ 243-tf F. M. Roberts, of G renada, Calif., lordly peaks. Whether in the field, around Harrow attending the University of Caltfor- $ mately 1000 lawyers in the state. fath er of Miss O. Roberts, of this W ith the Fordaon The club wl’l go by autom obile the farm, or on the road, the nia at Berkley, is spending part of. Visits A unt at Yreka, Calif.— Not all of these are in actual prac-i city, is critically ill. He has been from Bend, according to present Fordson Tractor is floing won­ his summer vacation in Ashland Miss Carrel Van Dyke left yes- Harvest j failing in health for the past two \ plans, and sta rt th e veal foot tour tice. T h's means about one lawyer ders in saving time, reducing W ith the Fordaon visiting friends and relatives while i terday for Yreka, Calif., where she to every 750 people. As compared cost and increasing profits for ! months. ■ from Lake Crescent. The route from with conditions in other sect’ons of looking after property interests h e re ., will visit her aunt in that city. Thresh thousands of farmers every ♦ here will include trips to Waldo and He is stay *i.g at the home of A. M. With the Fordaon the United States, this does not in­ where. Odell lakes, a ja u n t to the lop of Beaver, 016 Ohio street. For a good plunge or tub hath in Old Tim er V isits— Bale Hay dicate special congestion. H. J. O verturl, a form er Ashland I Diamond peak, Old Bailev and Thiel- With the Fordaon pure sulphur water, go to the Nat- “ How much money do lawyers No matter what the farm task, WE REPAIR anything Phone 114. atorium 2 3 5 -tf resident twenty-five years ago, is i n ' sen Peak- From Diamond take the m ake?" The law dear, smiled at this if it can be done by motive Saw Wood 259-tf i he city .visiting friends. ' ¡h ik e rs will proceed south to C rater ♦ « With the Fordaon power ihc Fordson can do it, question, but d’d not attem pt to * 4» <$ Lake, where a base of operations will ’F risco V isitor— Medford Visitors— and do it well. Pump Water R eturns from C alifornia— ! be established for conquering Mount evade it. ‘While pecuniary rew ard s! Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Riggins, for- With the Fordaon Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Roberts, s o n . In the legal profess on are usually Mrs. Fred D eardorff and little ' Scott and Garfield peak, 170,000 now in use in all parts Lee. and Mrs. Jennie Montgomery i mer,y oi Derby’ Or” now of San small for the first three or »four Grade daughter, of 523 North Main street., August 1 has been set as the date Francisco, who have been visiting of the country and in every kind were Ashland visitors from Medford , With the Fordaon who have been m aking an extended' for the sta rt from P ortland to Rend, years, yet one who succeeds w ill1 of field and belt work prove the with Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Edmund- today. They spent the day with rel Pull Stumps visit with relatives in Southern Cali-j The outing, which is the ofiicial Later on even the scale. This does efficiency, stability, and relia­ i son, of Medford, in company with atives. With the Fordaon ro t mean th a t the legal profession l'ornia, returned home Saturday. ju n k et of the clubbers, will las’ ov- bility cf the Fordson Trader. the latter, visited Monday evening 3« ■§> is a money-making DrofP3sion. It Fill the Silo ♦ * e r two weeks. with the family of Dr. Browner. Hack to Pre-W ar Prices— is distinctly not Ru* one who is With the Fordaon Leaves for P ortland— Call, write or phone for the On and after July 11. 1921, wej sufficiently well prepared to mea­ facts. Learn now just what Mrs. Hal McNair left yesterday for Grind Feed We make Suits to order. K will work to the pre-war price list. JAPAN SILENT MEMBER With the Fordaon the Fordson means to von in sure up to the lawve. ep p o rtu n it’^s *f P ortland where she will spend a For cash. Ira Reeder. 261-«. Nelson. OF “BIG THREE” ON the day's work. will earn enough and to spare.” week with friends. > «fc DISARMAMENT “ A trained lawyer can find many Celebrate Wedding Anniversary— ! Rogue River Visitor— HARRISON BROTHERS P ortland V isitors— uses for his law even if he never Mre. Wall G albreath, of Rogue Mr. and Mrs. Jackson celebrated! (Continutd From rage one) Mrs. Mildred Bowers and son, Ray- FORD AND FORDSON DEALERS practices. Judicial positions and their sixty-sixth wedding anniversary R*'®r, is \ ¡siting a t the home of her ASHLAND, OR. very quietly at their home on thei ,1,o^ e r , Mrs. M. L. Johnson, who has mond, of Portland, are Ashland sum-i the F a r East, and the other discuss- many government, puslt’ons are avail-: , ¡ng disarm am ent directly.- r i l e to men. trained in the law. Pol­ Boulevard last Friday. These aged bePn critically ill for the past sev- m er visitors. ❖ ______ itics also, if he has n fancy for it. $625 people who have reached the eighty- ftra' Hays. H otel A u stin A rrivals— f.o. b. Detroit It is of particular value to the busi­ WASHINGTON, D. C., July 12.— sixth and eighty-fourth years of th e r'i * The following new arrivals are reg- Many men who have The cost of w ar to the United States, ness man. life, have won the love and esteem iuu^ Fishing Tackle— istered a t the Hotel A ustin; J. gone to the top in big business have! past, present and future, is estim ated of their many friends, who are re- Elkhorn Gun Store, 81 Oak street, Brown, Seattle; Tressa Jones, E u - ‘ Finally and 261-1 mo gene: Lola Keizer. Eugene: C. „ . “ « « 'h is eountry nearly H .O e e , been law -trained men joic'tig with them that they are still very im portantly, the study of law is ❖ ♦ Ouffy, P ortland: J. B. A tkin,on. S e - ' ° “ ,be ba8ls ° ' tbc able to enjoy life. s preparation for citizenship. Cliff Payne makes lawn cha>rs. a ttle : S a z a n » and Emma Applegate, “ a . J “ 1' J“S‘ e" ded- ♦ ♦ ❖ <$> “ A prospective law jer should P ortland: W. G. Ito ,,. San F r a n J “ “ ■?“ * >» reeorda. Sev- I Midsummer suits at Paulserud’s. R ecovering from Illness— study many things hes'-des law. He cteco: Mr. and Mr,. E. W. P ru itt. T ? ? par cenl of every do,lar 263-tf The friends of Mr. and Mrs. George G ra n t, Pass; Chas. Norton. D e tro it;! in*° ‘be b-v taxpayer, should study English, argum entation & * i Mathes, will be very glad to learn Band to G ive Concert— Florence and A nita Lubben, Napa, went to pas' b1" 3 *'tb e r arlsing ,rom and debate to acquire t e power of i they are recovering from their re­ The Ashland band will give a con­ or preparing for war. Other nations lucid, forceful statem ent. He should cent illness, an attack of the “ flu.” Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. H. Ames, Med­ study sociology, economics and pol­ cert at the C hautauqua grounds at ford; H. H. Hafele and wife, Otto are spending still a g reater am ount «$> itical science in order to grasp the 7:30 o’clock Wednesday evening. It in proportion to th e ir income. For Cool off in Rose Bros’ ice cream Wise and wife, Oakland, Calif.; L. will be an out-door prelude to the i parlor where quality ice creams and B. D raper and wife, Aberdeen, Wash. the previous fiscal year, ninety-two human which it is '«he tunction of evening lecture in the auditorium . sherbets are served. " 264tf J. J. McMahon, Jacksonville: J. S. cents of every dollar went for war the law to serve. A knowledge of A large gathering is expected to as­ expenses, actually n early . $6,000,- Ackley, K lam ath Falls. ♦ ♦ semble to hear the bamj. 000,000 with taxes over th a t a m o u n t: Portland V isitor— <» A * ♦ z G. L. Goodell, of Portland, was a Visits at Suntex, Or.— TOO LATE TO ^ A S S IF Y ? Have a fit at Orres. Tanors for ! business visitor at the Billings realty Ray Jilson left a few days ago for Men and Women 11 Rtf office yesterday. a visit w ith his cousin, W alter Lowe, FOR SALE—Barn. Inquire 275 i $ Scenic Drive. of Suntex, Or. * * 264-34 I Visits a t A s t o r ia - The best milk money will b u y ’ < 8 » < 8 > Mrs. Howard Rose left yesterday LOST— A bundle of ten t some p la ce 1 Why? it is pasteurized. 10c per R eturn from I o w a - betw'een 568 E ast Main and tow’n . ! for Astoria where she will visit her quart. Rose Bros. 243-tf Mrs. S. T. Frizelle, and son. C har­ Finder please retu rn to 568 E a s t’ sister, Mrs. F. L. Fry. ♦ les, have ju st returned from a seven M ain street. Reward. 264-2* i C alled to ’F r i s c o - months visit with relatives and Mr. Z. B. Brown of Tolo says Chester W olters, proprietor of a friends in the south and east, stop­ FOR SALE— 45 Leghorn hens. 803 Smith told Jones that George Yeo j N. Main. Phone 442-J. 264-1 still Insures automobiles. 262-tf grocery store at Talent, is in San ping on th eir way at San Francisco, j Francisco with h 's mother, who has Los Angeles, and east as far as Chi­ BABY CHICKS ECAUSE we put the utmost quality into this undergone an operation recently In cago and Des Moines, la. BA BY CHICKS— T-A-N-C-R-E-D-S— ’ th a t city. ,300 egg white Leghorns, Golden one brand. Camels are as good as it’s pos­ Buff and Brown Leghorns, Ancon- ♦ ♦ V. 8. HEALTH SERVICE TO as, Black Minorcas, Buff Orping- sible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of Special price W ednesday night at i tons, R. I. Reds, Barred and W hite GIVE BEST TREATMENTS the Bungalow. Dancing 75, war taxi fine tobaccos to make a cigarette. Rocks. Special rates on advance POSSIBLE TO TUBERCULAR i 10,total 85 cents. I orders. Enoch Crews, Seabrfght, i Calif. 264-1* ♦ ♦ Nothing is too good for Camels. And bear this ¡WASHINGTON, D. C., July 12 — Flying Trip to P atrick Creek—- in mind! Everything is done to make Camels the The em inent tuberculosis special­ COOKING APPLES— Can’t beat ’em Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Murphy made for pies or sauce. 20 lbs., $1.00; at a flying trip Sunday to Patrick creek ists, who, a t th e request of Surgeon- best cigarette it’s possible to buy. Nothing is done 50 lbs., $2.00, delivered. Phon 9 -F -ll. to attend to mining interests in th at General C um m ng of the United simply for show. States public health service, have section. FOR SALE— Ford hug, 175 Meade. been visiting the tuberculosis hospit­ ♦ > Call after 4 p. m Take the Camel package for instance. I t’s the Special price Wednesday night at als of the service “ to see th at everv WANTED— To rent. 5 room furnished i the Bungalow. Dancing 75, war tax most perfect packing science can devise to pro­ house or bungalow. Tel. 447-Y.I lO .total 85 cents. 264-6* tect cigarettes and keep them fresh. Heavy paper ..... ......... 1 . _____ I - , , . . « . h In the l a n d , h a v e completed their —secure foil wrapping—revenue stamp to seal task and have subm itted th eir sug­ the fold and make the package air-tight. But gestions. there’s nothing flashy about it. You’ll find no Steps to put into effect their sug­ gestions were immediately taken and extra wrappers. No frills or furbelows. are already- in operation in part. The new' developments will entail some Such things do not improve the smoke any more additional expense and additional em­ DENTAL CREME than premiums or coupons. And remember—you ployment of personnel, especially high grade personnel. The special­ must pay their extra cost or get lowered quality. ists, Doctors David Lyman, of W al­ lingford, Conn.; Victor Cullen, of the If you want the smoothest, mellowest, mildest Maryland state sanitarium ; Martin cigarette you can imagine—and one entirely free E. Sloan, of Towson, Md.; George Thomas Palm er, Springfield, O., from cigaretty aftertaste, and Henry Hoagland, of La Jolla, Calif., represent the highest ideals I t’s Camels for you. in the tuberculosis sanitarium m an­ TRY IT! agement, and th eir suggestions when It’s uo (ale of Midden Ik h e s; it is a 's lo r j o f life, fear- carried Into effect, will prpvide the lo lly true and tearfully beautiful. You m ay have read very best type of sanitarium . Ashland News in Paragraphs ftNOW YOUR TOWN STATE Ü. OF 0. In the --z \ Day's Work ♦ * Here’s why CAMELS are the quality cigarette B Rip Van Winkle” Chautauqua Friday Night Without lim it FEATURING W hite Teeth Healthy Gums and a Glean Mouth Anna Q. Nilsson 100 per cent Program ilu original, Calvin Johnston'a “T em ple D u sk ” in The Saturday E ven in g Pout. Bui if you have or hnven’e, y ou ’ll oot want to mkis it a* enacti-d on th e erreen by a notab le east hearted by ANNA