PACK TWO THÈ ASHLAND DÀfLY TtDlfcçS Ashland Tidings ' I'Z* mickie , the printer ’ s devil Ratfthllah orl 1«7fi ■ ■■ n . ■ . , ,,, ' y X " Established 1876 Published Every Evening ____ Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 Subscription Price Delivered in City One month .................................. $ .65 Three m o n t h s ........... .............. 1.95 Six m onths ................ One y e a r .................... Mail and Rural Routes. One month .................. Three months .............. Six months .................. .............. 3.50 One year ....................... AMOS OOOZEklBERRN, WHO USED TO START MOST EVRN SBWTBUBE W W “ THf TIME I MfxOE MN TR IP TO EUROPB’,’ ADMITS TW W *R TÖOW T U ' VhMO O U T OF HV3 SAILS BECVL HALF TU' NOUHS FELLERS TOO S6fc HAMS BEEU THEFE AHO TALK ABOUT PARIS , LDHOOM O R * GIBRALTAR L IR E TU E T AVLOS LW ED TU EFt] lhieMay, Joly I X 1921 By Charles Sughroe '»-«».NW W .O-. STOFFN MOGIUUIS K lU REME.MBER MÏUEU N A U S TA Q0ULO SUT EHUFF PBAHUTS F E R A MM&UBL TO WkAMB NA, S lC K 1 Around Town Gossip ALEC SPWBHS WAS GOT UIVA OHE OF T R E M O L ATTER BIKE’S W T U A S ID E CAR OH IT AUO SUHOAN AFTERHOOH HE MADE TUIRTN-SESlEH TRIPS PAST A QERTAIW HOUSE UlM TURK ALLOWS AS HOW HtS MOST TURILLIHG MOMENT WOT WHEW HE WHEELED H lS HEW BABT PAST A GROUP OF NHRBE G 'R l S WHO HE USED TO GO WITH ‘ OH UUOSOH STREET zl H E OIOHT HAVE HERV E E MUFF TÒ G O 1 U * ADVERTISING RATES: Display Advertising Single insertion, each Inch........... 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising One time a w eek..................... 27 •'wo tim es a w eek.....................25c Every other d a y ......................... 20c Local Readers. progress was being made towards! h.hch line, each tim e .................... 10c* To run every other day for one .en d in g the growing of opium in m onth, each line, each time . . . 7c j 1 China. But when it w >•« le arn ed 1 To inn every issue lor one month that foreign interests had reaped im­ or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c mense fortunes from the disposal of; Classified Column. One cent the word each time. the drug stocks on hand at the time A letter signed “ W orker” deplores' everybody is unhappy, To run every issue for one month or of the “clean up,” the natives re­ the existing system of com pensating; /The wage system is definite and more, 4 c the word each time. belled against the new order oil Legal R ate: The employer B yCHARLES EDWARD HOGUE employes through the payment o f ' remov®s uncertainty things and revived the industry. We can furnish good slab F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c puts up the money, assumes the (United Press Staff Correspondent) wood at $6.75 per cord; order wages. He thinks the uniform ity of Each subsequent time, per s point HANKOW, China, July 12.— Half l i n e ............................. . ............ 0« payment is deaden'-tig and takes away risks of the business and agrees to now while we can deliver from Columbia Hotel Arrivals— pay a definite sum regularly to the a million dollars moftthly trib u te ' Card of Thanks, $1.00. cars and can save you extra The following guests registered at incentive. The system ought to be employe. Assuming the ris k s .'th e will be paid to the provincial a u th o r­ O bituaries, 2 % cents the line. hauling expense. the Columbia hotel yesterday It. E F ra te rn a l O rders and Societies. arranged, in h's opinion, so there ities of H unau province for a mono- Advertising for fratern al orders would be variations, depending on employer gets the profits, if any; oly of the opium traffic there, it was McGinnis, K. H. H arris, J. P. Weeks, takes care of the losses. Also mill trim m ing at $7.On or societies charging a regular initi­ R. C. H artley, Siskiyou; Gus Hixson. ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ the state of the business. In boom times, like those of the announced today, as a result of an per load and mill blocks at ligious and benevolent orders will be Certainly the wage system is open j spring of 1920. the employe wishes auction conducted by the state gov­ Dan Ryan. P ortland; Mrs. H. Nelin, $7.50 per load. E. C. NeMn, Dunsmuir, Calif.; R E. charged the regular rate for all ad vertising when an admission or other J*’ Worker men . he was in. ou the profits. In periods ernm ent. Hsia Tou-ying, a form er | Doyle, San Francisco; Dr. and Mrs. charge is made. j tlons‘ The battling question is how of depression, ^ike those of last win­ , Tuchun (military governor) of : to improve it. Any num ber of ex­ ter, he is apt to say, “ I ’m certainly province of Hupeh, made the win-; Osmun, J. M. Casselman, San F ra n ­ cisco. What Constitutes Advertising! perim ents have been tried. Some of glad th a t it’s up to the ‘old m an’ to ning bid. In order to allay a m isunderstand­ PHONE 20. ing among some as to w hat consti­ them under unusual conditions have get the money for my pay envelope, i R efus’tog to recognize the prohibi­ Don’t forget the big dance at the tutes news and what advertising, worked well. But, in general, busi- I’d hate to have to ‘scratch for it’ tion of opium traffic ptovide.l in he j Bungalow W ednesday night. 3t crim inal code of the republic of we print this very simple rule whic.n ness has fallen back on the wage! with this rotten business used by newspapers to ditferin- SV3tem as the m08t satisfa(.torVt in Year . d year out the average China, the provincial auth »ritiea have a tiate between them : "ALL future , . , , ‘ average events, where an admission c h arg e ! 8P,le OI lts taults. ¡m an feels more com fortable on the taken adv^.v.age of the chaotic Ren­ is made or a collection is taken Profit sharing, ownership in the — I assurance of a definite income when ditions existing throughout the na­ IS ADVERTISING." Thia applies to business, bonuses, all have had their he is working. T hat is why the tion to re' vs. the drug trade to pro­ organizations and societies of every| advocates. In times of active busi­ wage system has survived in the face vide revenue for the m aintenance kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after ness they promise well. Then comes or competition with other methods of their local armies. Each province has its own army subject to the call they have occurred is news. a depression, w ithout profits, and of determ ining compensation. All coming social or organization of the central governm ent a ' Peking meetings of societies where no money I or the southern governm ent at Can­ DR. STERNHEIM J O contribution is solicited, initiation ton only when it suits the whim of charged, or collection taken is NEWS. SPEAK ON ‘‘MAIN STREET’ the local party in power. AT CHAUTAUQUA PR HIRAM We make quotations on For a time it a p p earci th a t some \\ e sold enough paint this spring to paint one out of everv eight houses in Ash­ JOB WORK SSSSEBSBOamBK land. from Dr. Emanuel Sternhelm, u Bog- I THE FRANKLIN PRICK LIST. ton, will speak tonight on “ Main Phis enormous turn over of our stock insures the purchaser of the latest price Same prices— Reasonable Price— Street,” this being the tit?« rf a to all. and that the material has not stood on our shelving for any length of time. novel by Sinclair Lewis, and the American Voice, m the senee of talks e n tered at the Ashland, Oregon, W e have been the exclusive paint dealers of the town for twelve years and estab which he is giving on “ Voices” from Postoffice as Second Class Mail lished our reputation on service and our willingness to estimate ami give advice on When tea or coffee M atter. the various nations. “ Main stre et,” ------------- By MILES w VAUGHN any work. Ashland, might he considered typical causes annoyance, try The soul on earth is an .m m ortall (United Press Staff Correspondent) of Main streets of jth e r towns and We are specialists in paint and its uses and our experience is at your command. guest, RIO DE PANEIRO, July 11.— It cities, and application of the story- Compelled to starve at an unreal is the general opiniiou in well in­ should prove entert ilning and in ter­ Use it. feast. — Hannah More. formed business circles th at the esting. Mildred W rigl :, violinist, and Su worst stage of the present financial There is too much of the spirit and commercial crisis in Brazil h a s .sann® Pasmore, pianist, will furnish Charm without harm of captious criticism abroad in the been passed and th a t conditions fro m !the musical prelude at the Chautau in this table drink. land. There is too much destruc­ now on will show a gradual improve-! dua tonight. Those whe have already tive censoriousness, to the exclusion I ment until a new and stable basis ! heard these talented artists will de- of constructive adverse criticism of for international commercial re la - islre to hear them ag tin and those Sold, everyw here i who have not, wU t-ave this one th a t which really deserves censure, j ^ OJM *9 reacbed. by grocers and constructive praise of th a t which Several factors have contributed to more opportunity. Paid $500,000 Tri bute for Opium Permit in China Why the Wage System WOOD SPECIAL Ashland Lumber Co. Spring Painting Treat your nerves right POSTUM C ereal There’s a Reason Dickerson & Son THE Paint Store m erits favorable consideration. ---------- t Recoprocity should be featured more and more in ta riff legislation at W ashington. This country should protect, in reasonable measure, its own industries. But at the same time it should not handicap indus­ tries by gutting of foreign m arkets .... by prohibitive duties. the recent ripples of optimism in .MARNE VETERANS MEET commercial circles. The success of the $25,000,000 Brazilian loan, just floated in New York, is, of course, MILWAUKEE. July 11.— Plans j the most gratifying indication. Com- were completed today for the Third j mercial circles here interpret the Marne Division convention, to be i n i fact th a t the loan was over sub- session here July 13, 14 and 15. at! scribed in three hours as a proof which mohe than 1200 iormer*mem- ^ e ^ore*Kn credit of th e repub- bers of the division were expected i| it« j ■. .. » States. . lie is still ___ sound in x. the » United to be present. The slight improvement in ex The committee has found it ad-1 No human society is stronger or change, resulting from the loan, and visable to handle the gathering on a more virile than its morals. Moral the gradual increase in the price of coupon basis. On registering each decadence brings on other forms of f : coffee also have provided ammunition member will receive a book covering for optimists decadence. i admission to all meetings and cot -! The present crisis apparently is ering most of the expenses of the! --------- - *uv p.vocm General Wood would fit the posi-’ aifectinR the northern states worse i convention. tlon of governor-general of the Phil- l *iau in an-v other district. Dis- 1----- L-- - 1 ■ ■ gRi------------- a 1 i ippines like the right key fits a door- Patch®8 from Para and Pernam buco j lock. declare that the rubber and cocoa I ATTRAtTTIVE ---------- m arkets virtually have disappeared Evdry stroke ^for cleanliness of •—offerings finding few buyers at any premises is a swat at the fly. Flies price. . FALL STYLES cannot live on cleallness. In Sao Paulo, “ the bulw ark of the and nation,” the critical condition has FALL PRICES CANADA IS AFTER THE ! been aggravated by the recent cattle CHEESE CHAMPIONSHIP plague, which has necessitated the Have arrived at SASKATOON. Sask., July 12.— ! killing of hundreds of valuable anl 3F Holland has a new rival iu the cheese mala and has ruined some farm ers making industry. Canada has step­ American m eat packing companies Tailors for men and women ped Into fourth position among the which are now- operating extensively You are invited for a look producing nations and .ts 3300 dairy in Sao Paulo and Rio Grande de Sul, factories are rapidly increasing the! have been especially hard hit. since output. Thirty-six million dollars is ’ embargoes stopped all export ship- the sum returned to Canadian farm- m eats and butchering had to he »us­ ers for cheese exported during the: pended. last year. Most oi these exports However, the optim ists declare the went to England, long one of Hoi- “ R inderpest” now is virtually land’s best customers. i stamped out, the coffee m arkets ini- ■ ----------- —— proving,, the foreign credit of the Special price W ednesday night at ¡country established, and that all lhe Bungalow. Dancing 75. war tax signs point to a gradual business re- 10,total 85 cents. ; covery. A Fund of Information That You Should Have F a ll W o o l e n s e We Have Just Received A New “T r y It O u t Y o u r s e lf ” sa y s th e G o o d J u d g e e And you will find how much more satisfaction a little of this Real Tobacco gives you than you ever got from a big chew of the ordinary kind. The good, rich, real to­ bacco taste lasts so long you don’t need a fresh chew nearly as often. So it costs you less. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. W-B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco R IG H T C U T is a short-cut tobacco Brown Kid Oxford ISRAEL^, who lor six years was prime minister of Eng land, said: “ ft has been my observation that the most successful man in any undertaking, is the man who has the most information.’’ It doesn’t require any particular information just to go out and buy something. But to buy the best of that something aL a price that is satisfactory to you—that is a successful purchase. And to make successful purchases you must have information. Advertising give syou just that kind of information. It tells you where to go in order to get the best of anything you want at a fair price. That is why it is a paying proposition for the man or woman who handles a pocketbook to study the advertisements in The Tidings—regularly—every day. Chestnut Brown Color To those who use it properly, newspaper advertising is a Source of economy and satisfaction that never runs dry. It is a watch-dog of. dollars—a guarantee of satisfaction. An Utz & Dunn If you would learn the facts about the things you need to make you comfortable and happy. Made on a Combination Last read the advertisements