Saturday, July 9, 1921 ASHLAND ÙAlLt HfttiWS. PAGE FOUR M eoptifean slides, W atch for the date* g o n g to be put on every Sunday ev­ 4 T A L E N T N EW S «•> Unique Touring Rig— ening through all of July and Aug­ 4 - • • ■ — 4 The unique touring rig of the of the lecture. The following guests registered at Morning worship at 11 o’clock. The ust at this church. Come and see. • 4 season passed through town today. the Hotel Austin yesterday: H. J. 4 Leaves for Frisco— morning sermon will be given by Mr. 4 Chester W alters left Satpr- 4 It was a Ford car drawn by a team. Halvoriher, New York; N. G. Nich­ Ray Hawley, a m inister from South­ olson, P ortland; Ray L. Antrim, 4 day for San Francisco to he with 4 A tongue had been improvised and Aloha; J. C. Frost, P ortland; Mr§. 4 his m other who is 9oon to un- 4 the team was hitched as to a wagon ern Oregon. Christian Endeavor at 7:15. Brown, K lam ath F alls; C. C. Hub­ 4 dergo a serious operation, for 4 ¡The car was loaded with camping 4 cancer. Mrs. W alters, with her 4 ! pharaphrenalia, and an ext’ a horse Evening worship a t 8. The topic bard. Mr. and Mrs. John Melhan, of the evening sermon will he "Anti- — a Vacation for M others San Francisco; F. O. Bunt'ng, Lake- 4 daughter, Mrs. Jim Pellett, 4eft 4 was let! behind. Fishin’ Worm Crusade.” ♦ 4 view; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Love, Med­ 4 a couple of weeks ago and Mrs. 4 A really worth while program is ford; C. W illiam, G. V ., Hedrick, 4 W alters has been taking the 4 G ets A th letic H onors— W ouldn't you relish relief from George Caldwell, form er A shland? 4 radium treatm ents uh to this 4 Phoenix. home labors— at least a part-tim e 4 time, and her many friends are 4 high school boy, is an honor w!n-| ♦ ♦ rest from heavy washday work these 4 hoping for a successful opera- 4 ning athletic star at the South PA'it-i Single admission, 35c. warm weather days? Dr. Em anuel Sternhelm .the dis­ 4 tlon. Jay T errill is caring for 4 : dena high school, Pasadena. r,.»af..' 'Tig true we can’t take you to tinguished o rato r and Jewish rabbi, ! 4 the store during Mr. W alter’s 4 according to the recent sport w rite -, the seashore, or even bring the m oun­ 4 J ups in the Pasadena post, a news­ will commence a series of addresses j 4 absence. tain breeze— but we can take the at C hautauqua on Monday afternoon ! 4 Visits D aughter a t Medford— 4 paper of the southern city. He is! I fuss and fumes of washday out of Mrs. M argaret Crosby has 4 credited with being one of the lead-1 July 11, continuing afternoon and : 4 j the home and give you leisure that evening for Monday, Tuesday and 4 gone to Medford to be with h er 4 ing athletes of his school. Young 1 ! will make each week pleasanter-— Wednesday. Afternoon admission, 4 daughter, Mrs. Meda Nether- 4 Caldwell was formerly well known In ! ' and a t a cost t h a t's m ost m o d era te . 4 land, for a couple of weeks. 4 this city. 25c; evenings, 35c. For the many bundles th at come ♦ 4 1 4 Resign.» Position— 4 ♦ 4 : to us, the average cost Is but $1.5«» h ig '4 ! W ill Tour C alifornia— A. Kouns has resigned Clothes for warm w eather at j 4 1 to $2.00— of course, there are some Dan Conner, H arry Hosier and i Panl3eruds. 247-tf ! 4 position here as section fore- 4 , th a t cost more; others th at cost 4 man and expects to take the 4 families will leave by auto next week ♦ 4 less. 4 job as flagm an a t the Main 4 for Crescent City, Calif., and nearby Colum bia H otel A rrivals— i We call this our Family Laundrv points on an indefinite touring trip The following new arrivals are 4 street crossing in Medford. Al- 4 ) Service. Our driver calls tor e v e ry registered at the Columbia hotel: 4 bert Han scorn of Medford has i> to last from three weeks to th ree' i thing at a definite tim e on definite Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Le Febre, Seat­ 4 the section here tem porarily. 4 months. , days. We* wash everything, dain- ♦ ♦ 4 tle. W ash.; O. F. Riebel, Roseburg; 4 Woodburn Visitors— , The Odd Fellow and Rebekah! I tily iron the flat pieces; fluff up the A lbert Race, Pinole, Calif.; H. C. Coy, 4 George Ziders and daughter, 4 lodges of Medford and Ashland will! j bath towels and underw ear ready to Los Angeles; R. O. Johnson, P. C. 4 C arm alita, of W oodburn, Or., 4 jointly give a picnic in Lithia Park I use, and leave to you only the iron- G ardiner, H. A. T rotter, A storia; 4 are here visiting relatives and 4 on the afternoon and evening of July i ing of the lighter pieces, such as Jam es W. W atkins Jr., E verett C. 4 friends. Mrs. Ziders was un- 4 29, to which all Odd Fellows and , many women prefer to do them- H arnham , K lam ath Falls. 4 able to come on aceount of h er 4 Rebekahs, th eir families and friends ! selves. Everything refreshingly clean 4 father, Mr.. Badger, being ser- 4 are Invited, and cordially requested ♦ 4 ! — and delivered to your door just 4 to attend. The picnip will be of th e ’ If you're in line for a suit see 4 iously ill. t as punctually as it's collected. Paulseruds before buying. 2 47-tf basket variety, the hosts furnishing Phone for full inform ation— you'll ♦ ♦ Chautauqua Sunday Night— coffee, milk and sugar, after which j I ( lid much more to this home vacu- K lam ath F a lls Visitors— , Music gendered by Susanne Pas- an Interesting program will be given; i tion service that you’,1 appreciate. M argaret and Buford H argus, of ■ more, pianist, Mildred W right, vLo- followed by dancing a t the Bunga­ K lam ath Falls, are visiting a t the ' linlst, and th e q u artet. Address by home of th eir aunt, Mrs. Emil Peil. I Dr. Norm an F. Coleman on “ Abra- low and a social t !me at the Odd Fel- j 2X« lows’ hall. Do not forget the date 52 G ranite street. • ham Lincoln and th e Problem of and the well filled baskets and watch Phone 165. ♦ 4 1 Labor.” for fu rth er announcements. 262-1 Rack to P re-W ar P rices— 4 4 On and a fte r July 11, 1921, we ! Mr. Z. B. Brown of Tolo says will work to the pre-w ar price list. j Smith told Jones thak George Yeo For cash. Ira Reeder. 261-6 i still insures automobiles. 262-tf 4 4 TMt TMOTtR KAVTTU ♦ ♦ V isitin g P arents — I Outing at Gold B e a c h - Mr. and Mrs. Miner Cavin are vis­ George Brook mi ller and family CatboDc Church iting at the home of Mr. Cavln’s p ar­ have gone to Gold Beach for a short Mass Sunday morning at 7, 30 and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cavin, outing. j 9 726 Iowa street. 4 4 ♦ 4 F o r Sale— F ru it, grain and hay i Church of the Nazarene C hautauqua Saturday N i g h t - Insurance. Yeo, of course. P h o n e ’ Corner of 4th and C Sts. Musical prelude, Miss Speer ap­ 274-J. 262-tf; J. E. McShane, P astor pearing in costume in a group of Services for Sunday, July 10: Southern songs. Dr. Coleman lec­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. tures on “ W illiam Jam es and the COOKING APPLES— Can’t beat ’e m ’ Preaching service, 11 a. m. Problem s of the P ractical.” for pies o r sauce. 20 lbs. for $1; ’ Young People’s meeting, 7 p. tu. j ♦ 4 50 lbs. $2 delivered. Phone 9-* Preaching service, 8 p. m. R eturn from M otoring Trip— F -ll. - , Evangelistic services morning a n d , Mr. and Mrs. Jack McRae, nelce, STARRING FOR RENT — Modern furnished evening. The revival meetings are Miss Alexander, and Dr. and Mrs. F. apartm ent. Close in. Adults-only. growing in interest and souls are 9 G. Swedenburg have returned from Inquire 166 H argardlne. Phone 264-Y. 262-1 praying through to victory. a three weeks m otoring trip to Til­ Be sure and come. lamook and o th er northern points. CHICKEN DINNER at F ountain Inn 4 4 every day from 5 to 8 o’clock, 75c. C hristian Church L eaves for L ake o ’ th e W o o d s - Call up for reservations. Phone; SUNDAY-MONDAY 411-R. 262-1; Mrs. Josephine Champie, Pastor Louis Dodge and Ray M inkler left Bible school at 10 o’clock. Every' for Lake o’ the Woods this morning WANTED— No. 1 Jersey cow. C. one who comes to Bible school today 1 In the form er’s car. Mr. Dodge will W ittenbach, 1401 Boulevard« — IN- 262-3* gets two tickets, one for yourself a n d : make arrangem ents for the erection of a sum m er cabin a t th e lake, pre­ FOR SALE— Leaving for Eastern one to give to a friend. These tick-! paratory to spending a vacation there W ashington In a few days; will ets will adm it you to a lecture given ■ell a t a bargain a 6 room modern a t the church by Mr. Frank P a tte r­ with his family about August 1. Mr. Y oh will see this fascinating star in one of her bouse, one h alf acre land, all in son, of Medford. The lecture is en­ M inkler will visit Professor Vining, best pictures. garden and fruit. Call and see titled “ Beauties of Oregon” and will now spending his sum m er vacation the place. S. S. Callahan, 383! at Lake o’ the Woods. Helman street. 262-1* be illustrated by unusually tine ster- 4 4 x H otel A ustin A rrivals— Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal _______ —___ — Side L ights---------------------- W ill Preach a t G iants Pass— Rev. Edwards, pastor of the Meth- odist church, will preach in the Meth- odist church at G rants Past) tomor- row, presenting the outlined plans of the work of the Epworth League institu te to he held In Ashland for a week, beginning July 18. 4 Rogue R iver Visitor— Mrs. J. K. McLaren, of Rogue Riv- er, spent a few days th a week with friends In Ashland, and incidentally took in the celebration. 4 4 Pure pasteurized milk. 10c the quart at Rose Bros. 243-tf ‘S> 4 4 Florence autom atic oil cook stoves Mrs. K. W. R uckus 111 — and ovens Ashland F u rn itu re Co. Mrs. E. W. Flackus is quite ill 4 4 at her home on F ourth street. I Slaves for C orvallis— 4 4 • Edward Gallatly and family, who Everybody knows that Veo is still have been visiting for the past two insuring autom obiles; he gives you weeks a t th e home of Donald M .!a coverage policy. Spencer, 620 Iowa street, left yes- *. , , . . . i r. n- R eturns from Calif. Mines— terday tor th eir home in Corvallis. . J. M artin has returned to his home 4 4 on Liberty street after spending sev­ What is a vacation w ithout mu- eral months in California a t his sic? Buy a small Victrola and ta k e ’ mjnea it along. Rose Bros. 247-tf & 4 4 ' Guns and Fishing Tackle— A tten d s Albany C ollege— ( Elkhorn Gun Store, 81 Oak street. Miss Elva Burris passed through 261-1 mo Ashland this week en route to Cali­ fornia. Miss Burris is attending At- C haatauqun Sunday Night— hany college and has a position as 111 k musical program. Address by assistant in chem istry for the com -• p r Norman F. Coleman: “ Abraham ing college year. She is a g ra d u a te ; Lincoln and the Problem of Labor.” of the Ashland high school, class 4 4 of 181». Have ft fit at Orres. Tailors for ♦ 4 Men and Women. 1 16tf Cliff Payne makes lawn chairs 4 4 Beagle Residents Visit— P ainting H ouse— Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lucas, of Bea- To keep in Lne with her neigh- j gje> were up to spend the Fourth bors and friends, Mrs. E. J. Roberts an(j with friends in Ashland, is having her house on Liberty street painted. Wa make Suits 10 order. K . 4 4 Nelson. ’f H. R. Adams for piuinbing, heating* ♦ $ and gas fitting. Repairing a »peel- M,chi Visitor^ — alty. 248 Fifth St. Phone 166-J. Mrs. Grace Dreys, of Michigan, is ♦ 4 spending th e sum m er with her s's- V isits at Doren Home— Mr. and ... . ,,, , , « 1« ■ ter, Mrs. F. H. W alker. Miss Essie Glendenning. of Cali-I , . . . , . . Mrs. W alker are also entertaining tornia, spent a few days last week . . . . . . . . . . . , . T X With the family of J. A. Doren o n I ’ th eir , , son, ’ Donald, wife and little . . , , . . ’ Donald Jr. Ashland street. ♦ * 4 4 „ , i The best nnlk money will, b uy’ WE REPAIR anything. Phone 114. 2 5 9 -tf!Why? ft is pasteurized. 10c per quart. Rose Bros. 24 3-tf w» 4 Build Bungalow — 4 Mr. and Mrs. M e rrit Randles are Berkeley, Calif., Visitor— building a nice little bungalow on Mrs. Homer Payne, or Berkeley, Liberty street. Calif., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rob- 4 4 ¡err Hach, of Granite. Cooking Apples— 4 4 C an't beat ’em lor pies or sane. For a good plunge or tub bath in 20 lbs. for $1.00, 50 lbs. $2.00 de- pure sulphur water, go to the Nat- livered. Phone 9 -F -ll. latorium . 235-tf « Yes, We Have It » NEW P A R T S FOR ALL CARS ll over C alifornia auto repair men have teamed they wilt get this re­ sponse to a call for a part—no matter what part it is or. for what ear—from Pat terson Parts, Inc., of San Francisco amt Oak­ A land, and now of this city, at 20-22 Twelfth Street North at Burnside. And what is more, the response, ‘‘Yes. we have it,” is followed by immediate de livery. PATTERSON PARTS, Inc., by its com­ plete stock o f parts for all popular ears, its service in procuring obsolete parts ami its hasty delivery has earned the reputation of having “ speeded up” the entire replacement and lopaii business in California. Motorists get their cars in a hniry localise there is no delay in “ waiting for parts” ; garag» 4 men make more money by increasing their job turnover, and at the same time they can cut their capital investment by reducing their stock of parts. Already many Oregon repair men have availed themselves of Patterson P arts' service— at long dis­ tance. Now, with th e Portland branch fully estab­ lished, the service is available to all the garage ami repair men in the state of Oregon, and Patterson Parts, is in a position to do for Oregon repaV men exactly what it has done for those in California. H ave youe garage iuuu call on P atterson Parts, Inc., the next tim e he needs a pert for your car. In addition to a large stock of parts for all popular makes of cars, Patterson Parts, Inc., carries an absolutely complete stock of JA H N ’S MANN Quality Light Weight Q u ality PISTONS WRIST PINS MUSKEGON MANN Quality Step-Cut Fly Wheel S tarter PISTON RINGS GEARS DOUBLE DIAMOND DIFFERENTIAL GEARS PIONEER BEARINGS TURNER McCORD Heal T re a te d W hite Metal C y lin d er H ead AXLES GASKETS Valve Cages and Guide»— Rushings, Replacem ent P arts PARTS CATALOGUE TO THE TRADE PA TTER SO N PA R T S INC. “ New Parts for All Cars PORTLAND, OREGON 24122 12th St. N orth at B urnside Phone Broadway 2731 O ther Store» 294» G olden G ate A ve., SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF 3 3 2 2 Broadw ay OAKLAND, CALIF. For $2 a Week SPECIAL!! on Box Stationery from 50c to 75c values for 25c McNAIR BROS Stan Ashland Laundry Co. One of the Vining Most Entertaining Features Ever Screened The Silver Lining JEWEL - CARMEN OFF SHORE PIRATE O verseas Soldier R eturns— W allace Hamlin, who has just re­ turned from France after three and a half years spent over th ere,” and who claims Los Angeles as home, stopped a t Ashland yesterday on his way to the southern city where his parents live. 4 4 lxx>king for Location— Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Bachelor are new arrivals in Ashland from Cali­ fornia, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pacey, of this city. They are well pleased with the city and are look­ ing for a location here. Mrs. Bache­ lor was formerly Miss H ildreth, of this city. 4 4 T h e T a r ta r s H a d L ite ra ry T a s te s M usic R ecital Ju ly 14— The junior class of Cey-Young will give a ening of July 14 at hall. The recital is public is invited. 4 4 Madame Tra- recital the ev­ the Memorial free, and the A rrives from H ollyw ood, Cal»f.— Mrs. M. J. Lawrence, of Hollywood. Calif., form er ow ner of Buckhorn lodge in this city, arrived in Ash­ land yesterday evening after a three days auto trip. Mrs. Lawrence Is visiting Mrs. J. H. Provost of this city. She was accompanied by her cousin, H arry Coy. 4 4 D unsm uir V isito r— T HE lowly and uncultured Tartars—when books fell into their possession—ate them to acquire the knowl­ edge contained therein. They doubtless suffered indi gestion. At least, tbe> weren’t overlooking any beta. There are mistakes both of commission and omission. Better, by far, to be satisfied that you have done your best and endure indigestion, than overlook real opportunities and feel the pangs of unavailing regret. t Mrs. Guy Good, of D unsm uir, Cal., is visiting at the home of her p ar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Mer­ rill. on the Boulevard. 4 4 The advertisements you will find in The Tidings are busi­ ness mines of opportunity. They tell you of values you might never know, if they were not there to guide you. Return*, from E u reka— Do you read—and digest—this advertising! Figuratively speaking,»some folks “ eat it up.” They are the wise shop pens—the economical buyers—the ones who are strictly up to date on the opportunities for saving money or spending it most judiciously. Miss Florence Mfesteris, who has been visiting, a t E ureka, Calif., has returned from th a t city and is stop­ ping at the home of Mrs. F ran k Murphy. 4 4 R oseburg V isitor— “ Burnle" Hyland, special agent of the Standard Oil company at Rose­ burg, was a recent business visitor in this c ity ,. stopping with Martin L. Patton, m anager of the local branch of th e Standard Oil company. 4 4 To Take M otoring Trip— J. P. Wolf. J. H. Provost and A. H. Pracht will leave T uesday of next week for thr th a t busi­ ness to his brother, P. 8. Provost. Mr. P rach t recently resigned the m anagership of th e Southern Pacific depot hotel, afterw ards assuming charge of the Hotel Austin. Read the advertisements. Read them to know what’s what in the shopping district. Read them to save steps— to save money—to save disappointments. Read them because tbey place before your eyes a moving panorama of business prog­ ress. Read keep yourself infonned. Read them regularly^dt pays •>