PAGE TWO ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. ta Ashland Tidings mickie , the printer ’ s devil E stab lish ed 1876 Every E ven in g Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. P u b lish ed OFFICIAL CITY AND PAPER THERE VWI SOMEYWNG IMPORTAIT \ XAEAHT TO OO COUNTY TOMlGRT BUT ,POG TÄKE 11'. TELEPHONE 39 Subscription P rice D elivered in City One m onth ......................................$ .65 ‘ Saturday, Jul> 0, 1031 ta ita By Ckuie« Sughroe A nd the Circus Arrives at Four O ’clock! SHOCKS'. HERE \TS ALWKOSY ELEMEM O'CLOCK AHO I'LL BE TEE-ToTAL.LV HORUSWOGGLEO \F \ KiH G\T TH' OLE BRAIH TO PERCOLATING'. VLV HAVE; TO GIVE T OP AH' GO TO — ! ALL 1 WW RBMÆWtBEtt W X THAT \ WM> TO DO rv 1OMKGWT FBR SORB'. I KMOVd TÖ>AQ«ÄOVJ WlX BE TOO LATE'. GEE - e r § r SUFFERIN' SWR IMP'. I W W ftED TO GO tO &EO EW2VN - m s w e -m w it : wx Three months ............................... 1.95 Six m onths .................................... 3.75 One y e a r ........................................ 7.50 Mail and Rural R outes. One month .................................. $ .65 Three months ............................... 1.95 Six months ......................... 3.50 One year ............................................. 6.50 ADVERTISING RATES: Display Advertising Single insertion, each in c h ........... 3 Or YEARLY CONTRACTS D isplay A d vertising One time a w eek.....................27 ^ c Two tim es a w eek.....................25c Every other d a y .........................20c Local R eaders. Ehch line, each tim e .....................10c To run every other day for one m onth, each line, each t i m e . . . . 7c To i un every issue for. one month or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c C lassified P e a d in çf Colum n. One cent the word each time. . To run every issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. Did you ever stop to think that the advertisements of the home merchants in this newspaper make it a BETTER newspaper? Well, it does Advertising teaches PROGRESS, ECONOMY—and CONFIDENCE. It teaches progress in keeping you abreast of the times, of all that is new and desirable in foods, cloth­ ing, homes, supplies, and comforts of all kinds. It teaches economy through informing you where the best prices may be had—because economy is not only in the mere saving of money but also in the in­ telligent spending of it. It teaches conlidence through the knowledge gained in knowing you live as other folks live; enjoy the things they enjoy—that you have the same advantages. The text book of our worldly comforts is written in the terse lines of our merchandising advertisements —AND IT’S WELL WORTH READING If we read the advertisements we soon real­ ize that they can work to our advantage just as much as to the merchar.l with something to sell. Then t h e HOME-SPENT DOLLAR starts its pepful jour­ ney amongst we home folks— every one of whom has the de­ velopment and growth of this community at heart. L egal R ate: F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c Each subsequent time, per 8 point l i n e ................................................. •»< Card of Thanks, $1.00. Obituaries, 2% cents the line. F raternal Orders aqd Societies. Advertising for fratern al orders or societies charging a regular initi­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will be charged the regular rate for all ad­ vertising when an admission or other charge is made. W hat C on stitutes A d vertising! In order to allay a m isunderstand­ ing among some as to w hat consti­ tutes news and w hat advertising, w e print this very simple rule whicn is used by newspapers to differin- utiate between them : “ ALL future events, where an admission charge is made or a collection is taken IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to organizations and societies of every kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after they have occurred is news. All coming social or organization meetings of societies where no money contribution is solicited, initiation charged, or collect*, on taken is NEWS. We make quotations on JOB WORK from THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. Same prices— Reasonable Price— to all. en tered at ‘the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mai’ M atter. The soul of man, a native of the skies, High-born and free, her freedom should m aintain Unsold, unmortgaged, for earth 's 11- tle bribes.— Young W herever die picnic lunch k set. there the ants ir e sure to appear Colonel Harvey has not s a d any­ thing indiscreet for several days. He hasn’t said anything lor several days. <1111.DREN BEAT UNCLE SAM New YORK, July — Here’s how New York youngsters were m aking 2500 per cent profit on investments of one cent. They placed pennifs on street car tracks and dropped the flattened coins into stam p vending hacmiues, getting a q uarter's worth « ach tim«. The scheme was broken up when a policeman arrested four, ranging in age from ten to twelve. HALIFAX, Nova Scotia.— From $750,000 to $1,000,000 or more will be made available for the province of Nova Scotia to be used for hous­ ing as a result of the legislation which was passed by parliam ent. At the Churches P resbyterian Church C. F. Koehler, Pastor Subject for the m orning sermon, “Three Marks of a Gen line Chris­ tian .” There will be no evening services on account of Chautauqua. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Ju n io r C hristian Endeavor, 5 p. m. Senior C hristian Endeavor, 6 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:15 p. m. M argaret Caldwell Speer will sing a t the Sunday m orning service. F ir st B ap tist Church W alter L. Evans, Pastor Sunday school, 9.45 a. m. O. F. Carson, superintendent. Let all be ready with the quotations for thè contest. Morning worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Subject, “The Christian Life as It Ought to be Lived." B. Y. P. U. a t 7 o’clock. All our young people are cordially invited. Evening preaching services at 8 p. m. Subject, “The Signs of the Times, or th e Unfailing Prophecy.” A cordial invitation to all. M ethodist E piscopal Church Cor N. Main and Laurel Sts. members flocked to the yard for i Î round of jolly games. ATTRACTIVE Called to the manse for refresh-1 ments. each found bis place at littb tables, m arked by the hats, the members donned once more and FALL STYLES enjoyed the cake and sherbet pro­ and vided. FALL PRICES By MRS. C. F. KOEHLER All felt this to have been one ol Have arrived a t the very jollies parties of the year C hristian Endeavorers met last ev­ ening on the lawn of the Presbyter­ Governor Henry J. Allen of Kansas! ian church for the monthly business Tailors for men and women will retire from politics as soon as! and social meeting. You are invited for a look his present term expires, he a n ­ G ertrude Brown was made treas-ij nounces. u rer; G ertrude W iksch, chairm an of Lookout committee; and Grace Leslie, chairm an of missionary work in places of Archer, John and Mrs. Hoyt, who have resigned. $10 was voted tor union work and o th er business was transacted. The sochl committee distributed sheets of tissue paper, and the mem­ bers adjourned to the church parlor where they m anufactured some per­ fectly wonderful sum m er hats. Each w earing his own creation, a parade started. Each member then j marched past the treasurer, left his contribution to the new church fund i and told how it was earned, which ! was very entertaining. Nellie Hake gave hers in a very good song, words and music com­ posed by herself. Rose Hake gave an original poem, .one had borrowed his cash, one had iced cars. The m ajority was apple thining and cher-l ry picking money. Next the hats Have just received a lew chests of Gunpowder. were tagged and left to the mercies Japan and English Breakfast Tea, a regular r e ­ of the social committee, while the Christian Endeavors Describe Earning Of Church Fund Money Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Dr. G. W. Gregg, superintendent. MornJng service, 11 a. m. Com­ munion. Epworth Leagues. 6:45 p. m. Mar­ shall Barber, leader. tak e detour at Rock Point Arch. No evening service. P rayer meet­ Gold Hill-Ashland, paved. ing W ednesday evening a t 7:30. Ashland-California line, paved ex­ A cordial welcome to all. — cept a 1 *4 mile stretch on the sum­ Charles A. Edwards, Minister. mit of the Siskiyous and a short stretch seven miles south of Ashland F irst Church o f C hrist, S cien tist As to the condition of the Pacific where a short detour is necessary. Pioneer Avenue, South highway between Roseburg and the ' Both -good macadam. Sunday services at 11 o’clock. California line as of July 10, beg C rater latke Highway Subject of lesson sermon, “ S acra-: to report as follows: The C rater Lake road is now open m ent.” Sunday school at 10 o’clock. Roseburg-Myrtle Creek, paving I to w ithin one mile of the lake, there W ednesday evening meeting at 8 south of Roseburg, open a t all hours, | being from one to two feet of snow. I The C rater Lake hotel opened July o’clock. detours are used when available. Reading room open from 2 to 1 j Myrtle Creek-Canyonville, grading, i 1st; visitors will have to walk the last mile to reach the lake. A sprink­ p. m. daily, except Sundays and hoi fair detours via Riddle. ling truck will be used south of P ros­ ¡days. Canyonville-Galesville, good mac­ pect so th a t the road between Med­ adam. ford and Prospect will be as good F ir st C ongregation al Church Galesville-Woll' Creek, paving in or b etter than last year. From Pros­ W. Judson Oldfield, M in'ster progress at both ends of job; where pect to the lake th e new grade com­ Phone 239-R detours are not available traffic will pleted last year Is to be used. Sunday school, classes for all ages, be allowed to pass at least every two Very truly. 9:45 a. in. hours. K. E. HODGMAN, Morning service, 11 a. m. Sub­ Wolf Creek-Grave Creek, paved. Division Engineer. ject, “The Difficulties and Perplex­ Grave C’reek-G rants Pass, being ities of Doubt.” m acadamized; take old road at sum ­ C hristian Endeavor, 7 p. m. ONE O FFICIAL CAME EARLY mit of Smith hill; good condition There will be no evening service, when dry. From the foot of Smith as we will all attend the C hautau­ -BERLIN, July ’. — Chancellor! h 11 to G rants P ass' it is no longer qua. There is a place, a seat and necessary to detour via Merlin. The W irth is an early riser ’ and hard) a welcome for you at the morning main highway can be used except worker. In fact, so hard a worker! service. If not w orshipping else­ when they are working, when a short :s he th a t he made the porter of the! where, come and worship with us. chancellory think a crazy man h a d ■ detour is used. Graflts I’ tss-Rock Point Arch, appeared on the job when he showed I up for work at 7 o’clock in thej paved. Spray your anim als with Shoo Rock Point Arch-Gold Hill, paving, morning. Fly and keep the flies away. “ I want to go to the office of th e ' chancellor,” said W irth to the p o r­ ter, who d |d n ’t recognize him. Use Iceless Cooler and make it pay ’ I The porter pointed a finger at his for itself in a year in ice bills. head, nodded dubiously, and re-; m arked, “ Iguess you’re not all there, i New W hite Sewing Machines, al­ I t’s too early,” he answered. j ways on hand. Used machines for rent. W irth smiled. “ You'll perm it me to come earlier from now on,” he re­ m arked, despite th e m an’s protest th a t 10 o’clock was bureaucratic time. “ I’m the new chancellor.” IVeekly Report On Condition Of Pacific Highway SHOO FLY ICELESS COOLERS YELLOWSTONE Pcil’s Corner NATIONAL PARK The World’s Greatest Playground and Museum of Natural Wonders Magnificent hotels and commodious camps; 300 miles of improv*- ed highways; all iu .the midst of matchless scenery. Its hotels aro marvelous establishm ents. n . ere ' p r-tty lit.le tent villages, mode’s ¿f clean inc; s. sanitation, order, comfort and sim ple, inform al living. An idf il place lor vacation pleasures. Send for our beautifully illustrated booklet telling all about its wonders in word and picture. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR OPERATED DAILY DURING THE SEASON BETWEEN Portland and W est Y ello w sto n e by the UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM LEAVING PORTLAND 5:0ft PM. Let cu r reoresentativea explain the various tours which enable visitors to see the Yellowstone so com forta­ bly and a t minim uni cost; also quote fares, prepare your itinerary and make your reservations. J. H. O’NEIL, Traveling Passenger Agent, with headquarters a t 701 W e lls. Fargo Building, Portland, will be glad to call personally on anyone wishing to visit Yellowstone, and urrange all details. Drop him a card, or address WM. MeMURRAY. General Passen­ ger Agent, Portland, Oregon. SW ISS COMING TO U. S. GENEVA, July Em igration, which had almost ceased in Switzer­ land during the war, has since been resumed on an increasing scale. Ac­ cording to a report published by the federal council. The high w ater m ark of em igration was reach id last year whe î 7988 Swiss and 1288 foreign­ ers, resident in Switzerland, left th? country. The favorite goat of Swiss em igrants is the United States; Ar­ gentine and B ra v i come *‘ xt. fol­ lo w e d by Africa and A sh. W e H ave J u st R eceiv ed A N ew I f, B row n Kid Oxford LINCOLN TA BLET UNVEILED BIRMINGHAM, July - .— Birm ing­ ham celebrated Independence Day by unveiling in the a rt gallery a me­ m orial tab let of Abraham Lincoln, presented to the city by the Sulgrave Institution of America, in memory of Lincoln’s friendship for John Bri ftACK TO REAL B E E R - V', ______ B ER LIN July 7.— Germany got back today to "peace tim e” beer— 13 per feent. d t lifod previously been on an eight per cipn, beer, but th a t didn’t quite h it th e rig h t spot. The beer garden» Are ^ o j u g a rushing business. . ' Chestnut B row n Color • 1 An Utz & Dunn Made on a Combination Last Fall W o o le n s WOOD In order to make room we are offering Slab Wood at $2.75 per tier Cash w ith Order A shland Lum ber Co., Phone 20 Plaza Market value, will he sold while’it lasts at 48c per lb. Jars with Lids Sizes One Gallon to Twenty Eggs Are Cheap Now. W aterglass Your W inter Supply. P r o v o st B ro s. A few tons of Half Ground Salt. Good for hay, cattle or ice cream $15 per ton 75c per 100 lbs. 40c per 50 lbs. Plaza Market - • 61 North Main St., H. A. Stearns Ashland, Ore. Big Jitney Dance file* anJ AT THE æ I BUNGALOW Next Wednesday Night $ Snyder’s Royal Jazz Orchestra (Ur5 □ni Cool B reezes and Good Floor The week of July 18 to 24 the Bungalow will be occupied by the Girls Summer Class and there will he no dance on Wednesday, July 20, but after that there will be dancing every Wednesday night during the season. Spring Painting We sold enough paint this spring to paint one out of every eight houses in Ash­ land. This enormous turn over of our stock insures the purchaser of the latest price and that the material has not stood on our shelving f<*r any length of time. We have been the exclusive paint dealers of tire town for twelve years and estab­ lished our reputation on service and our willingness to estimate and giye advice on any work. We are specialists in paint and its uses and our experience is at your command. Use it. Dickerson & Son THE Paint Store pit I I