Friday, July ». IB®* ASHLAND BAILS WDLVÖA PAGE FO t i l GRAND JURY WILL quested to be called to give tesli- CONTINUE INVESTIGATIONS mony in behalf of the sheriff. The following guests registered at SENTENCED TO SIX ______ . Before adjourning the grand jury DROWNING AT EUGENE the Columbia hotel yesterday: Mr.I MONTHS IN JAIL MEDFORD, Or., July 8.—The expects to make a further investiga- EUGENE, Or., July 8.— Two lads, and Mrs. F. A. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. grand jury is continuing its investi-1 tion of the Bank of Jacksonville Local and Personal COLUMBUS, Kan., July 8.—Judge neither of them over 14, rescued A. O. Thomas, Cottonwood, Calif.; Wm. F. Martin and family, Monta­ Boss sentenced Alexander Howat, Lucille Bennett, 11, from drowning gations, and made no report, nonej failure. '■ —. Side Lights ■ — ■ TOO ~ LATE TO CLASSIFY. gue, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. president of district number fourteen i today, The girl had been sw ept, being expected for a week. Ford. Klamath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. of the United Mine Workers, and ! under a raft, and was rescued with: Among the witnesses called before . CAR WASHING - the grand jury were Lynn W. Smith.. L eave for E astern Oregon— MASONIC MEETING George Neslon and daughter, Gettes- August Dorchy, vice president, to six difficulty and revived. CAR WASHING and polishing. cashier of the Bank of Gold Hill. “Bo” Carlton and Leslie Heer left ville, Calif.; Mrs. S. R. Stanley, Horn­ months in pall here today, plus a fine i ---------------------- Lithia Garage. 260-6 The institution was the object of an yesterday in company with ::Bo’s” brook, Calif.; E. A. Gilbert, Los of *8500 for violating the Kansas in­ A DANGER SIGNAL mother, Mrs. Carlton, tor the lat- Gatos, Calif.. dustrial court law by calling the The excess of hay in Jackson attempted burglary last April. An­ FOR SALE—Gas range, 4 burners Special communication, Friday tv- te|,.g ranct, ¡n Eastern Oregon where local strike over the wage contro-; county this year over livestock onj other witness was W g Jack, of Ea- ♦ and tfven, in good condition. Mrs. ening, July 8. Work in the second the boys will work during the sum-1 Pure pasteurized milk, 10c the versy. i the farms to consume it presents an sic Point. He was called in a forg- F. R. Norris, 150 First street. 2t* not at ery case- It is said around the court' degree Visiting brethren cordially mer months. The jury convifcted the two men unbalanced cojiditlon that is quart at Rose Bros. 243-tf invited. 9 * »last week. Following the Imposed all favorable for the prosperity of the house that Ernest (Dud) Wolgamott TO EXCHANGE FOR FARM— Eight acres, finest location in city, 9 W. E BUCHANAN, W. M would be called as a witness. Wol­ Have a fit at Orres. Tailors fori Everybody knows that Yeo is still! sentence, jlowat told the judge that community. room house, large barn, partly or­ W. H. DAY. Secretary Men and Women. 116tf insuring automobiles; he gives you! they were within their rights In call- The County Agent’s office is now gamott recently sued former Deputy chard, 4 blocks Main street and i ing a strike and declared that the carrying on an inquiry in other coun­ Sheriff Joe McMahon for damages business center, 7 blocks P. O. full coverage policy. as a result of his arrest at Jackson­ Prite $5000. P. O. Box 463. 261-6* i court martial was unfair. The men .1. W. McCoy anti Family Return— Med foni Visitor— ties in an effort to locate surplus ♦ « ville last spring. was j. W. McCoy, cashier of the First I were released on >4000 bonds pend­ Miss Evelyn Dwe, of Medford stock for sale, especially dairy ani­ H otel A u stin A rrivals— SALE—Standard Peloubet reed National Bank, and family returned’ The following stopped at the Hotel ing aa appeal to the supreme court. mals. Any one that contemplates; The grand jury is said to he in­ FOR an Ashland visitor yesterday. organ, black walnut, five octaves, yesterday evening by auto from Ala­ <£ « five stops. Price $10. 347 Al­ • buying stock to market th'b hay' vestigating the sheriff’s office, and A. Richards, Florence automatic oil cook stoves meda, Calif. The famdy had been! Austin yesterday; S. a large number of citizens have re­ mond street, Ashland. 261-2* L. E. Emery. MEDFORD, Or., July 7.- -Investi- through, should get in touch will»! and ovens. Ashland Furniture Co. visiting friends at Alameda and oth-! Willamette; Mrs. B. Watson, Gold i gation of the sheriff of Jackson this office. Klamath FallR; C. ♦ <*> er California cities. Mr. McCoy re­ Hill; R. W. Con well, Los Angeles; county upon charges of neglect of I On account of cheap hay in other Ket urns to S a c r a n e « * » — turns from a three weeks trip. Mrs.' A. J. Jaswick, Edwin G. Curtis, Port- duty, is said to be one of the objects! localities the demand for good dairy Percy O. Elder who h«» been ' ‘".McCoy and children. Margaret and, Danavllle, of the grand jury, which began Its ; cows will be in excess of the supply, Mrs. A. R. lung hi» mother. Mra. Ida Elder, id» prance», were visiting at Alameda, Y ; It I, M1„ MaJor sessions at Jacksonville this morn- J 9O we would like to secure a list as Harrison street, for the past week. ,(>r about six weeks, They report « w Bcach . „ r8 lng, after a recess from the last week soon as possible of all farmers who left yesterday for his home in Sacra- very pleasant trip. _ ... „ ~ E. R. Sullivan, Dunsmuir, Cailf.; Mr. of May. The nature of the alleged will want stock and we will make mento, Calif. • , i and Mrs. R. L. Thompson, Oakland, charges against Sheriff C. E. Terrill arrangements for the purchase and K. Calif; Oscar F. Isensee, Chicago; Mr. are not known, but according to selection of same. _ * * | We make Suits to order What is a vacation without mu” jqi,|8on ♦f and Mrs. H. C. Sober, Mr. and Mrs. courthouse rumor, they are an out-j C. C. CATES. sic* Buy,a small Victrola and take growth of the Bulgin, meetings in th is: _ Norman, Miss Mildred Eddie, Yreka, it along. Rose Bros. 247-tf’ Former Resident \ isits — Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McDon­ cljty, when the evangelist In a Sunday i SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER ______ Returns from Salem— L p Orr- of Oakland. Calif., and ald, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Mltchejl, meeting, accused the head law offi- ! cer with "being a no-account sh eriff’; Subject to Immediate Closing. With Mrs. Anna Kent, manager of 'he brother, (.ale Orr. of reka. Calif., Dorris, Calif.; E. H. Helms. Jack- o u t N otice, upon C om pletion o f and also attacked the Medford chief’ Columbia hotel, and daughter, Lois, Passed through the city this morn-j gon^;|je W ell, Now Near th e F irst Saads, ■ of police M being Incompetent, returned yesterday evening by auto on ,heir return irom a few rtaysj little po^i^ics atnl religion, mixed i or in the E vent o f O ver-Subscrip­ from Salem, where they had been v,sit at Roseburg. L. P. Orr was a Guns and F ish in g T ack le— with much jealousy, was said to bei tion. Elkhorn Gun Store, 81 Oak street. visiting Mrs. Kent’s daughter, Mrs.i I°rmer Ashland business man. the motifre behind the rumored probe j Do you realize that the Oregon- 261-1 mo J. L. Sneed. They stopped at Drain The best milk money will buy’ of the grand Jury. ! Montana well at Winnett, Montana, is! ♦ O on their way home, visiting with rela­ Why? ft is pasteurized. 10c per A number of citizens and lawyers: declared by reliable geogoligsts and j G lenn W illiam s Im proving— tives at that place. Mrs. Kent re-! quart. Rose Bros. 243-tf oil men to be one of the very best. have requested that they be called The many friends of Glenn Wil­ ports that the highway is in very <» liams will be glad to hear that he Is before the inquisitorial body to tes­ virgin oil opportunities in Montana , good condition. Visitors a» C. L. Palmer Home— tify im behalf of the sheriff. Sheriff Our drill is now in the Red beds at ‘ improving from his recent illness. '8» Mrs. Perry Reedy and son, Rod­ Terrill said he did not know what a depth of 1200 feet: we expect to ♦ * Cliff Pavne makes lawn chads. ney, of Wheatland, Calif., arrived in It is now time to Insure your hay the grand jury was going to do, but reach the oil sands within a few ' ♦ # H. R. Adams for plumbing, heating Ashland last evening to visiit Mrs. C. and grain. Let Yeo do it. Phone had heard he was to be called. For­ days. Mr. L. M. Addington of th e , and gss fitting. Repairing a speci­ L. Palmer, 462 Allison street, and 274-J. 260-tf mer Deputy Sheriff Joe McMahon, Oregon-Montana company has re-; alty. 248 Fifth St Phone 166-J. also visit old friends in Medford. ♦ ♦ now a, state speed cop, was at the cently returned from the field and i While here Mrs. Reedy will can some WE REPAIR anything Phone 114. FRIDAY— SATURDAY > * courthouse, and it was said he had reports conditions which are Indica­ 259-tf R eturn from Crater la tk e— of the cherries that Ashland is fam­ tive of a big producer within a sh o rt; been called at a witness. ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gill. 355 ous for producing. R oyal Anne« Shipped E a st— time. The sessions of the grand jury are Scenic* Drive, Mrs. L. Neher, Mrs. O > Nearly 300 tons of Royal Anne There are a few more units of this expected to last for six or seven days Clothes for warm weather a t , C. E. Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. company which can be purchased at I Paulseruds. 247-tf’ cherrles have been shipped to enet- and they will continue their inves­ Benjamin Balis, Morton street, re­ ern points by the Oregon Growers tigation of the books and circum­ $50 per unit, providing you act be­ turned yesterday from a three days —IN- Co-operative association. Due to th* stances surrounding the failure of fore the announcement of a producer! outing trip at Crater Lake. Mrs. Boys Drown at Klamath Falls— The eight-year-old son of Mr. an d 1 perishability of th ’s variety of cher- the Bank of Jacksonville. Some reaches this office. Within a few Neher, mother of Mrs. Gill, left for Mrs. C. F. De Lap, Klamath Falls.! ry 1» it not usually shipped to far minor criminal matters will also he days time one unit in this company her home in Oakland, Calif., this may be worth one hundred times its ot and Dean Griffith, aged three, who*easter.n points in large quantities. called before the body. morning. Mrs. Johnson, sister original cost. Rush your subscrip­ J. W. EldoB, of Central Point, is Mr. Gill. left this morn'ng for her were drowned recently in the Klam- t>ut all early reports indícate that tions, our drill Is in operation night borne in Yreka, Calif. Mrs. Gill and atli carnal near the George Grlzzbe the cherries went through in unus­ foreman of the grand jury. ually good shape. In addition to — ............ {and day, any momemt may bring usi ranch, are relatives of Mrs. Ezra Day, ch«ldren, Lawrence and Nancy Le«- these over 100 tons of black cher­ Ontario.— Canadians news of a big producer. TORONTO, will leave tomorrow for Oakland Ohio street, of this c*y. ries have been shipped. We have absolute confidence in have 22 universities and 43 colleges. where they visit Mrs. Gill’s mother. ♦ ♦ In addition they have nearly 30,000 the Oregon-Montana; we want thej Rack to Pre-W ar P rices— Revival meetings at the Nazarene elementary schools, with 22,000 confidence of every man -and wom-i On and after July 11, 1921, we Marnbees A ttention The annual p rniic will be held in will work to the pre-war price list. church every even-,nig at 8 o’clock. teachers, and have an enrollment of an in our company; to this end wej : offer a fair, honest and upright deal ‘ 261-6 Mr. H. G. Douglass ^nd wife, singing nearly 1,500,000 pupils. Lithia park Saturday, July 9. at For cash Ira Reeder. evangelists of Seattle, have charge to all. Mr. Robert P. Neil, repre­ * «> $ noon. Macabees and their families of the music. 261-1 Deputy Sheriff Resigns— senting the Oregon-Montana at Ash- invited. 260-2 Deputy Sheriff Jack Schrader, who $> SAN FRANCMOO IIAKHETS ♦ land, Ore., will be very glad to dis- has been connected with the sher­ C herries B eing Shipped— ♦ 4’ Cuss any details and take your sub-' A story that is different. It will bold your interest All of the black cherries of the d <$> ^i> THE ELHART WAY iff’s office in Jackson county since scriptipn. We urge you to act to­ SAN FRANCISCO, July 8.—Fol­ from start to tinish. growers in Western Oregon, w’ith the day—tomorrow may be too late, We a m to sell goods, hut not. to 1919, operating from the police of- exception of those processed by the lowing are market quotation«: i OREGON-MONTANA OIL & GAS) push goods on an unwilling public ' fice of this city, resigned from office Oregon Canning company at New­ COMEDY Eggs, 39%. CURRENT EVENTS Wednesday of this week. He gave COMPANY. Hens, 25. as a reason that he “didn’t like the berg, are being shipped green to all Eugene, Ore.; Winnett. Mont. Broilers, 31 @45. way some things were being run.’’ parts of the Northwest. There has ! He was called to Roseburg on husi- beeni a strong demand for these cher­ ries. whlfeh have been packed in spe­ j ness today. cial 20-pound boxes, * <» e ♦ For a good plunge or tub bath in Rev Ethel M. Arnold, evangelist Use at home foi the light lunch pure sulphur water, go to the Nat- of Portland, Or., is preaching the atorium. ’ 235-tf or cup of tea Gospel with the power and unction ♦ If you're in line for a suit see of the Holy Spirit. Come and hear On the Train 261-1 Paulseruds before buying. 247-tf God’s word. The only practical small stove ♦ ♦ Lebanon company Is formed to Returns from Willamette Valley— Camping or Motor ng manufacture non-slip differentials. Mrs. W. T. Cochran. 298 Avery You will f'nd this almost indis­ street, has returned from a two pensable when once used weeks visit with relatives in Willam­ KING BEATS BREACH Complete outfits . . . . 73c. $2.23 ette valley. Mrs. Cochran’s nelce. OF PROM ISE SUIT Canned Heat ¡small c an ). . . . 13c Miss Robert Fry. is visiting at the Canned Heat t large can ». . . ,80c Cochran home. Fred Louis Cochran,, BANGKOK, Siam. July 7.— Here’s of Oakland Calif., is visiting the how to jilt a girl without risk of a family. suit for breach of promise. You have to be an eastern potentate to Cooking Apples— get away with it, however. Can't beat ’em for pies or sauce. When King Rama VI of Siam met 20 lbs. for $1.00, 50 lbs $2.00 de- Princess Vallabha Devi on a shop­ i livered. Phone 9-F-1I. HE lowly and uncultured Tartars—when hooks fell ping expedition, he announced by <» <8> royal proclamation that he proposed into their possession—ate them to acquire the know! NOTICE The public library will be closed marrying her, and the local press edge contained therein. They doubtless suffered indi­ Sundays during July and August. It dally referred to the couple as the Sun and Moon, with true Eastern gestion. At least, they weren’t overlooking any hets. reverence. When, however, he change^ his There are mistakes both of commission and omission. mind, the king did it this way, also by royal proclamation of which the Better, bv far, to be satisfied that you have done your best following is a full translation; and endure indigestion, than overlook real opportunities and "BY COMMAND OF THE KING’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. feel the pangs of unavailing regret. "Whereas, In proclaiming His Ma­ jesty’s betrothal and for this purpose The advertisements you will find in The Tidings are fousi promoting Mom Chow (Her Serene ness mines of opportunity. They tell you ot values you migh* Highness Phincess Vallabha Devi to the title of Phra Varakanaylapadan never know, if they were not there to guide you. (the king’s betrothed- Phra Ong Crow (Her Royal Highness- Princess l)o you read—and digest—this advertising? Figurativeh Vallabha Devil, his majesty had no other desire than firmly and defin­ speaking, some folks “ eat it up.” They arc the wise shop­ itely to ensure the succession to the pers—the economical buyers—the ones who arc strictly up throne with a view to the good of the country as well as the happiness to date on the opportunities for saving money or spending it of his own person: most judiciously. “And whereas, to His Majesty’s * • deepest regret, it has now become apparent, beyond all doubt, that His Read the advertisements. Read them to know what’s what Majesty’s noble desire, as above in the shopping district. Read them to save steps—to s.ave stated, cannot satisfactorily be met owing to the incompatibility of tem­ money—to save disappointments. Read them because t»»ev perament between His Majesty an£ place before your eyes a moving panorama of business prog Her Royal Highness Princess Vallab­ ha Devi, which may be accounted for ress. Read them to keep yourself informed. by the chronic Indisposition of the Princess, whose nervous system leaves much to be desired, so much that His Majesty is under the appre­ hension lest In the event of the royal marriage being permitted to take place undesirable consequences may follow In regard to the succession to Made by Postum Cereal Go. inc. the throne. "Now, therefore. His Majesty has Battle Creek« Michigan. commanded that the procalamatlon relating to His Majesty’s betrothal is hereby annulled." Colum bia H otel A rrivals— Ashland News in Paragraphs j LABOR LEADERS A HE TWO FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOYS RESCUE GIRL FROM A SPECIAL SATURDAY CUDAHY’S White Ribbon Shortening 41b. Pails 65c. 81b. Pails $1.25 W hite H ouse Grocery MINING JEWEL - CARMEN * Silver Lining Sterno Canned Heat The T artar s Had Literary T a stes The Very First Taste w ill convince you chat P ost T oasties are Superior Corn Flakes D istin c tiv e because of flavor and goodness—they cost no more than others. A rare delight for break­ fast or lunch,with cream or m ilk. R e a d y to E a t- No W a ste Sold by grocers everyw h ere / Read them regularly—it pays