A shland daily nbßiOs. PAGK T U O * Ashland THE A SH LA N D Except P R IN T IN G CITY AND PAPER TELEPHONE 39 O F F IC IA L m o n th s O fclE S H U L T X C L A IM S W COUNTY • • • . . ••• • • • • • • • Six months .................................. One year .................................. Mall a n d R u r a l R o u t e s . One' month .................................. I Three months ................. Six months .................................. One year ....................................... 1 .9 5 TUAN L r- IT W O O LO W T S P E A K T O W DA \F U ' N ELLEU O F AS USUAL T U ' M IS T A K E S G O T T U ' COULD T A L K H U M S DRUG STO RE BU STED O FF SAT G O T IT S T A I L A COUPLE S q u ir e \ m \ ggims L A S T V lE E K I asgoomt of pharmacist sm ith stepping OKI IT, AMD MOW TU' FEE-HUE SETS DM n s t a il , imstcao of leaxhu ' n law AROUM D 1021 H E G O T SHAVED W HEW IM C H IC A G O B A SE C A W A R D C O W IN ' sans tu ' report that IM R A C E A L A O 'S L A S T BA R B ER SH O P S U M M IE R DES1G M EO TO J U S T IC E OF FO R \S R U IM A H \S TU ' PEAC E ‘ LO O SE! 3.76 7.50 i .65 1.95 3.60 6-50 * ADVERTISING RATES: D is p la y IT T B E S T LA U G H S AMP W L K U JO T ttO TU' M OST * VT H. J u ly Around Town Gossip * i U ' H O M E T X i e u T PLAT W T G 0 Ö D , BUT VUS MEV4 A iredale dawg is such A-tvoaouGHBREo CO. Subscription Price Delivered in City One month .................................. I .66 T h re e mzckæ , the printer ’ s devil Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Sunday F r id a y . * » » * j A d v e r tis in g Single insertion, each in c h ........... 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising One time a w eek.................... 27 H e ; two times a w eek.................... 25c fc’very other d a y ........................ 2 0 c ' silent salesmen. The same price and • was then ^hat Flanagan made his ap- On that day will occur the inaugura- quality talk th at you give the cus­ pea rance, ajid in th e 1897 com peti-| tlon of the new national tomb to Dan- tom er in your store, put down fran k ­ i tions Mitchell bowed to Flanagan. te, and the consignment and dedica­ ly in your advertisem ent, will bring In 1903 Mitchell did a real come back tion of the bronze and silver w reaths ; the custom er to buy your goods. and again won the national title. In offered by the Italian arm y; of the; By BILL UNMACK C la s s ifie d C o lu m n . When you buy advertising in The the 56-pound weight class Jkn was bells offered by the various Italian One cent the word each time. Pacific Coast Service Tidings, use thought in what, you put , supreme, holding the national title m unicipalities and finally of the To run every issue for one month or Provided W illis Davis of San Fran continually from 1891 to 1897. and bronze door of the tomb offered by in it. Tidings advertising sjwice can more, H e the word each time. We can furnish good slab be made m ore profitable to you than! cl8CO can* n,ake a showing up to h:s he is also recorded with wins in this the city of Rome. Legal Rate: wood at 86.75 per cord; order F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c a n y ’ c o m m o d i t y y o u b u y t o p u t o o n n ’ , *a 8 t years standards, the Pacific event In 1888, 1900, 1903 and 1905. On September 15 the celebration now while we can deliver from Each subsequent time, per 8 point |o * p jo fit R c&n • Coast will see this sterling tennis The recent victory of Yale a t'th e will be resumed at Florence. cars and can save you extra Card of Thanks, 81.00. ' be made to increase your volume, Player on the American Davis Cup trap s makes it the ten th year in sue-1 On September 19. the Rome city hauling expense. O bituaries, 2 Ya cents the lipe. i and th a t will enable you to give team. The N ational Lawn Tennis as­ cession th a t the Yale sharpshooters i council w 'il renam e one of its lead F raternal Orders and Societies. ; CU9tom ers better bargains, and at sociation has sent a special invitation won intercollegiate tr a p p in g streets ‘‘Via Dante O lighierri,” ------ haive naive w o n th m e e in te r c o m Also mill trim m ing at 87.00 Advertising for fratern al orders to Davis to come east and partici •icl" shooting championship. the same tim e make you more money and will make the formal presenta- per load aqd mill blocks at or societies charging a regular initi­ pate in the various tournam ents ’ Vandouver, W ash... tion of the bronze door to the tomb f r a n k Tfoeh of Vancoi ation fee and dues, no discount. Re- through quick turnover $7.50 per load. » ’ llgioua and benevolent orders will be The Tidings is in no sense a char-! being expressly stated in the in v ita-J ha3 won tUe W ashington state trap -j of Dante at Ravenna, which will be charged the regular rate for all ad * patien,t It has a very profitable to n th a t Davis is under considera­ shooting title five tlme9 in the last donated by the city of Rome. Re- vertiaing when an admission or other membrance will also be made of the charge is made. m erchandising commodity to sell— tion as one of the four men. who will s i x y e a r s . a commodity which, it judiciously, m ake up the Davis team with Bill fact th a t Rome participated with the PHONE 20. W h a t C o n s titu te s A d v e r tis in g ! thoughtfully and persistently used, Tilden of Philadelphia and Bill John­ A L L I T A L Y T O ’ P A Y other Italian communities in the In order to allay a m isunderstand­ HONOR TO NOTED POET casting of the chimes for the new ing among some as to w hat consti­ will prove more profitabie to the ston of San Francisco. Davis is one of the leading ra n k in g ■ m erchant than any goods he may buy Dante tomb. tutes news and what advertising, we print this very simple rule whicn to put on his shelf for sale at a : players of the country and last yearj By HENRY WOOD Is used by newspapers to differin- profit. We are out of sympathy tennis experts throughout the U n it- ' ( United Press Staff Correspondent^} utiate between them : “ ALL future ROME, July 8.— For th e next! events, where an admission charge with the m erchant who buys space ed States were genuinely surprised; la made or a collection is taken: in The Tidings and lets the same ad when Davit was left off the Ameri-i three m onths all Italy will participate IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to ritje from year to year. He « throw- can team. To date the San Frani-iin various celebrations in honor of organizations and societies of e\ery . nis ,noney away on space, which, cisco man has not shown as well a s ! the six hundredth anniversary of the kind as well as to individuals. • „ „ All reports of such activities a fte r' » ^ ‘ed with his “store pews from he did last year, but he fully ex -’ death of Dante, and which will cul- they have occurred is news. t me to time, carefully coupled witli pects to strik e the height of his j ruinate in especial celebrations during All coming social or organization; nis store selling and buying, will j ¡.laying form in the east on the grass. September. meetings of societies where no money, prove Of ten times the value it costs I courts. Rome, Florence and Ravenna, es­ contribution is «elicited, initiation AT THE pecially have ju st announced their charged, or collection taken is N E W S . h im . : Mr. M erchant, The T ilin g s w ants! The victory of H arrison Thompson program s for September th a t are to We make quotations on to help you. Advertising in this pa­ of the Los Angeles A. C. in the Na- m ark the highest trib u ta which JOR WORK per, because it goes every evening (¡onaj All-round championship, gives Italy can pay to h er greatest poet. from into nearly every Ashland home, will this event a regular “family a ffa ir,” Weeks and even m onths before j T H E F R A N K L IN P R IC E L IS T . bring b u sn ess and profit more than for the Thompsons. Chaplain Fred then various o th er celebrations will j Same prices— Reasonable Price— com m ensurate with its cost it you . Thompson, brother of H arrison, won have taken place. to all. give the text you put in the space the same event in« Los Angeles in Of the th re e cities th a t are to ren- ' you buy,.thought, and change it fre­ en tered a t th6 Ashland, Oregon. 1910 as a member of the L. A. A. der especial homage to Dante in Sep- • Postoffice as Second Class MsP quently. Advertising should he to C., followed this up the next year tem ber, Ravenna will get her pro­ M atter. li? reader Y O U R “sto ic news." If w earing the Princeton university gram started first on September 11 you make it so it will pay you big colors, and in 1913 came back and TO THE LOCAL MERCHANT profits and save the custom er money. won again as a N. Y. A. C. man, setting a record for points scored F O R S A L E F O R O N E M O N T H We have prepared 52 very in ter­ ’Tis im m ortality— ‘tis that alone. with 7411% . In 1919 H arrison H air Goods at W holesale Prices esting advertisem ents to ‘ advertise! Amid life’s pains, abasem ents, em­ Thompson won the event and upheld advertising,” which will appear from ptiness, the family prestige, and now this time to time in this paper as display The soul can. comfort, elevate, and Citz. Bank Bldg., Room 6 week the younger Thompson has re­ advertisem ents. * fill; peated and for good m easure broke We specialize in Scalp T reat­ It will prove worth while, noti m ents and M anicuring alone to the buyer, but to the mer- Thut on,-v - and that amp,y thls Pe r" his b ro th er’s m ark with 7534 points. The w eek of July 18 to 24 the Bungalow w ill be occupied by the G uarantee to Grow H air on any In his recent victory, H arrison took chant as well, to read carefully every torm a- Girls Summer Class and there w ill be no dance on W ednesday, Bald Head first place in seven out of the ten one of them. They are w ritten spe-! Young July 20, but after th at there w ill be dancing every W ednesday W o r k h y' A p p o i n t m e n t events, a truly rem arkable perform- cifically with the aim of showing, n igh t during the season. Call 474-R. Exam ination of the the subscribers the great benefit to A Chicago scientist has produced j ance in itself, scalp free of charge. 257-6 be derived from read ’ng YOUR a d -'re d . white and blue corn. It is best («iteli,— jii S ir a vertisem ents. And it is hoped, as seen in these colors, no doubt, after The death of popular Jim Mitchell well, th at they will be the medium partaking of a certain alcoholic pro­ in New York last week, takes one of showing the m erchants th at care- duct of corn. of th e most famous weight men th a t ful thought— coupling his merclian- ---------- this country has ever known. In his diping with his advertising— will No better choice than Mr. Taft day 'the nam e of Jim Mitchell was bring direct results, when the style could have been made for chief jus- as internationally famous as that of and text of the advertisem ent are tice. some years later, Ralph Rose, and prepared with as great thought and of the present day of 9uch men as «•are as you exercise in your buying One of Jie worsi features of a P at Ryan and P at McDonald. In and your salesmanship when t h e big prize t'igb* is the fact la«». the! the ham m er throw Jim Mitchell was prospective purchaser is before you sports experts #«aht it out io p r in t; unbeatable in his day and from 1889 in the store. weeks before : ic bout, and then ex to 1896, inclusive, won th e national After all, advertisem ents are omyi plain it all for weeks after. ham m er throw w ithout a break. It Local R e a d e rs . E;»«h line, each tim e .................... 10c To run every other day for one month, each line, each t i m e . . . . 7c To tun every issue lo r one month or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 6c WOOD SPECIAL Ashland Lumber Co. Big Jitney Dance BUNGALOW Next Wednesday Night S nyd er’s R oyal J a z z Orchestra HEYWOOD’S Cool Breezes and Good Floor LV^VLLJLLJ-W (R 1 ç S c ll© /' îY Any Spring Coat one-half Pric —Ladies Suits 25 per cent to 59 per cent discount. FRIENDS! NEIGHBORS! COUNTRYMEN! Lend me your eani I come to townof oun. p a n e dm I come to a*k your loyalty to it I want to interest you in its sofckrity, in die jokkuty of ail the people at this rnmnumity to the end that each one of us shall be more prosperous and happier. Up at the comer the other day 1 overheard one of O U R FOLKS relate with much td f-u tafa c- boo the fact that he had just received a piece of goods from a big dty mail order bouse, which, he Let us have loyalty! Loyalty to our town is j to every soul in the community. Evreydolarymi spend here makes the man you s e n d i t 1 mote able to spend money with yew I you hare to sell, whether you rel krestoefc, Ay> goods, potatoes, butter or the Ux» of y e a h « i k An editor’s sheldes sw hasd-ssiBed, but I have one to spare to bet «fast this ip ^ d in r n J y lost money if he figured on the costs. FOUR Sendmg money to the big city, co o p t where They are properly authorized to solicit subscriptions to THE PICTORIAL REVIEW There is nothing in it for us, except th a t you may use more PICTORIAL PATTERNS, but there is a lot of good reading and inform ation for you in the magazine, and some­ thing in it for the boys who are attending IT. of O. anO. A. C. Therefore we do not hesi­ tate to recommend th a t you give courteous consideration of their proposition if you want a good magazine. " y J. H. McGEE. The big le a fc it. This to rn ami Hare vre aas fangm g sty onr I dwfread tsasesn T a y lo r HERE— iag the whole people of the big city that anuh more and asaire «naskea more prospered Ed BOYS AR E W iw . prosperous; Let’s keep the naoa^ m oor own town M c K ib b in CO LLEG E it can’t be avoided, is hefeaaglheh«