PAGE F O t n ASHLAND DAlLŸ ttfcíÑÜ S. AÍÍCKIE, TH E P RIN TER’S DEVIL Thursday, Ju ly 7, 102Í He Meets Up W ith the "City News Exchange" o h , bom S *** * lFE atvouGs to Twe lAWts ENGLISHMEN n o w POPULAR IN GERMANY avo ,'S (Continutd From rage o n e , killed three of my brothers in the war. But, the situation here is sim­ ply driving me into their arms.” Still another told me, “The Ger­ mans will do whatever we want them to. They have shown good restraint and discipline on the whole and have surely striven to meet our wishes and orders.” And, when on« talks with Germans he learns that they have the greatest affect On for the English soldiermen. It's somewhat picturesque to see a “Jock”— oue of the Black Watch soldiers— fraternizing with a German ‘ Apo” or plebscite policeman— over a glass of beer. But it happens. And. it s another picture to see on the road from here to Stuhendorf a Leaves for Heppner, Or— Portland V isitor— NEEDS TOO MUCH FYURTil Ai l lTTLK BELGIUM ALSO stolid German and h s frau giving a Mrs. Roy Cochran, of Klamath Mrs. Mae Legerwood, of Portland/ C A C n i,u ’’ HAS RAILWAY TROUBLES A s h l a n d N e w s in P a r a g r a p h s few Jocks a “lift” on their ancient Falls, who has been visiting at the; a former Ashland woman, is visit-! writer Refuse« to Go Too Deeply hay wagon. And. yet again, jUg a home of W. T. Cochraja, on Avery! >»g at the home of Mrs. Cora Bald- Local an4 Personal Into What Might Be Called BRUSSELS, July 7.— Remarkable picture to see a Britisher trying to street, since the latter part of last i win. Mrs. Legerwood was the wife “I and Me" Problem. strides have been made by Belgium teach a German the intricacies of soc­ ■ — Side Lights. — ------- week, left yesterday morning fori of W. H. Legerwood, a one time in the restoraUbn of its railways. cer football. Or to see children and Heppner, Or. school teacher here who died sev­ and Amfed^nU ! W. he“ the Germans evacuated t the! h e i ’ women w e n showening thp highlanders When ♦ F eral years ago. Mrs. Legerwood was but better American, I believe would country’ 11 was found that they h a d !* ‘th flowers on their way through MASONIC MEETING , Hunting Without License-— L eaves for Santa R osa — pleasantly surprised at the improve­ be, “Look what 1 done for him and ‘ destroyed 1419 bridges and tunnels. Gppeln. j A. D. Ogden, whose home is said Miss Laura Gibson left yesterday ments in Ashland since her last vis't you and I.” This, however, write« j,damaged 194 stations, crippled 30. rt is- '»deed, a long cry from * to be at Ashland, upon his plea of morning for Santa Rosa, Cal. Miss here. Ring Lardner In the Bookman, brings’ electric generating stations and 226 “Gott strafe .England” to “Gott sei Soectol eommuDiralion Friday Cv- """'’' 10 i « I H o . will slop at Hornbrook, Cat' ♦ F up a subject to which one ought to be railway stores. “ dank” for English troops, com e t » Special communication. Fi da. . hunting without a license ?n the Ev-> fm. „ vJaU wItH To Take M otoring T r i p - able to devote a whole volume, but ening, July 8. Work in the second ans creek sect on on July 4th, was for a visit with her aunt Since the armistice the Belgians rescue Germans. ♦ F Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Johnson intend one «In’t goin’ to. One Is only goln’ have relaid 1400 miles of railroad degree. Visiting brethren cordially fined >25 and costs. The arrest was 'T " ._ -----'— ' "----- - • M accabees A tten tion— leaving Saturday on a motoring trip to state that mysterious rules govern track and rebuilt 67 stations. Lo TOO LATE ____________________ TO CLASSIFY. invited. made by George K. Bancroft, the The annual picnic will be held In J to Vancouver, B. C„ Canada, where the cases of personal pronouns In our W. E. BUCHANAN, W M deputy game warden in Josephine Llthla Park Saturday, July 9, at J they will vis* relajives and attend language and one hasn’t had time to comotives have been increased from FOR RENT— Four room furnished W. H. DAY, Secretary 279 to 5171, while the freight trains house, all conveniences. Call at county— -Medford mrutor« Mail-Tribune. « » „ • 1 r.-o„ne. , noon. Maccabees and their families! the Pacific Coast Dental convention solve the mysteries even since prohibi­ running today exceed by 30 per cent Fountain Inn or phone 4 11-R. 26o-1 tion. ♦ * j invited. Wedding Announcement»« T b (- ---------- - - 2«0-2 ! to be held in that city They w 11 be; We say, “He come up to me In the those of the pre-war figure. LOST— On Laurel street. S. 1*. pass The best milk money will buy! I ♦ ♦ : gone about two weeks. Their son, club,” but we also say. “He come up At the armistice there were about reading C. Banks, to Portland Wedding invitations have been r e - i^ by? It is pasteurized. 10c per! Brownsville Visitors— Finder return to 227 Oberlin or i Frederick, will leave Saturday for i to Charley and I in the club,” or even 305 freight trucks on the road daily ceived by friends here announcing quart Rose Bros. 243-tf M r and Mrs. Charles Sterling, of j the Hergey bee farm at Grenada- C a t.' “He come up t a i and Charley in the phone 416-R. Reward. 260-1’ At the beginning of this year the the marriage of Miss Anna Bernetta! F F . ! Brownsville, are v o tin g at the home' for one or tWQ week9> vacat,0Q club.” Charley’s presence in the club daily average had grown to 16,754 WANTED— To hear from owner of Harris, former Ashland school tea ch -o p eo in g s at Anitapol’*— ¡o f Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts.' seems, for “some reason or another,” ♦ F trucks. The Belgian state railways! good ranch for sale, State cash er; to Emil F. Schaarmann, at Rock' senator McNary has openings for <78 Boulevard. to alter my case. The other night I price, full particulars. D. F. Bush. Santo F e Solicitor Stops H ere— was reading a play script by one of are today running a daily traffic of Island, 111. Mrs. Harris is the daugh-. two appointments for midshipoHU :.t F F Minneapolis, Minn. 260-2T . James R. Cottingham, general sol­ this country's foremost dramatists.; 1800 passenger trains and about! ter of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Har-, the Annapolis naval academy, one! Spokane’ Wa**h” Visitor— FOR SALE— Apple boxes. 30 Sec­ rls of Champaign, 111., where she has; immediate, the other to take Annap- Mra’ H' A JurKewItz’ of Spokane, icitor for the Sante Fe railroad and and recurring in it was the stage dl- ; 1350 freight trains. ond street. 260 Fares have gone up threefold, and been residing since leaving this city oHs examinations early next year and! Wa9h” is vltsting at the hom® of an old friend of The Tiding^ editor, rection, “A look passes between he passed through Ashland on 15 today. and So-and-So.” But this playwright freight rates the same, while the FOR RENT— Nicely furnished house- about five years ago. As Miss Har-, W:U be glad t0 bear from young’men ‘ Mr8' 1 N Shook- He is touring the West on h!s an- wouldn't think of saying or writing, railway is losing thousands of pounds keeping rooms, also garage, near rls she was former music teacher t in Oregon With requisite qualifi­ ♦ ♦ “She passed he a look.” park. Inquire u p sta irs. C am ps l*orlland V isitors— ' nual vacation and will stop for a every week. for all Ashland schools during 1915-Ì cations Building. My theory on this particular point, 260-tl Aldred M. Beaver, formerly of this few days at Shasta Springs. 16. i is 'that when the common American F <£ ♦ F city, and family are spending a few cai vS> ■ citizen, whom we will call Joe, was in Clothes for warm weather at K lam ath County V isitors— days visit at the home of h's father, i his. last year in school (the sixth Florence automatic oil cook stoves Paulseruds. 247-tf A. M. Beaver, of this city. The Mrs. Orville Glick and daughters. ; grade), the teacher asked him how and ovens. Ashland Furniture Co. F « ’ many boys there were In his family. party stopped here for a few days Stanley and Ruth, of Malin, Klam­ TODAY ♦ f TODAY Jackson County’s Share o í F air Fund He replied: “Just Frank and me.” cn route to Crater Lake. ath county, are visiting at the home To Open G roce. teHu— . Secretary of s ta te Kozpr hag a„ . TMC TrtCxrCR BtAVTru ♦ ♦ of Mrs. Glick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. “Just Frank and I," corrected the A. G. Knapp, until recently a part- nounced that Jackson countv y s share; V isiting a t D odge H om e— A. M. Beaver.^ Mr. Glick is a rancher teacher. And the correction got Joe ner in the Basket Grocery at GrantR of the county fair fund among the Mrs. W 11 Abbott, of Los Angeles, near Malin. The family may locate hailed up. Pass, will open a grocerteria ?n Ash- counties of the state Is $1,572.66. Cal.. is spending the summer months here If Mr. Glick can arrange ousl- 1 nd about July 15th. The grocer- Thia fund raised by a levy >r on — NO CHANCE FOR COLLECTORS teria idea is something new here, twentieth of a mill on the taxable at the home of her brother-in-law, hess interests in th's city. Louis Dodge, 542 Allison street. F ♦ but Is very much in evidence and property in tho state thi3 year ag- Stein« Now Valuable Only as Memeo ♦ F Has Slight O p era tio n - popular in Southern California. Thej gregates H 8,730.87. It is appor-i W in Cam era Priz< «. ■ to*« Are Kept Securely Miss Gertrude Engle, daughter of stock is so arranged that each per-1 tIoned among the counties an, Louis Dodge and Chained to the Wall. Harry Hosier I son waits on himself. equivalent to that raised bv the levy' have won the camera offered by art-i Mrs. Angie Engle, underwent a slight F F , i , . l . „ ' operation yesterday for the removal Beer steins, wine glasses and bar Wbat to . vacation wi.hoot mu- “ te*ch '» ““«'• Plus an equal ,n ,r« ! « Hmthorn tor the correct eiplana-, 0( m1m Engle WM „ .................. ................. . ......... .. the dust- towels are rapidly joining sic? Buy a small Vielrola and lake i • “ 'T'l»» a b o ie lh c tlo .ctio hni-j tlon ot a freak photograph ‘“‘ «»I ported « • io ln g nicely thto morning.'«•«'«■“ I *“d mildewed relics of the 247-tf | *D ^uHnomah county, which *ii'«sii Jl,'y oi av|aior Clyde E. Pangborn days that preceded January 16, 1920, it along. Rose Bros. F F I year amounted to 83311.08. The The picture represents the flyer i & ♦ Im provem ent a t K :nsbury Spring«— when the prohibition law went into ! effect. fund is designated for use in main- within about 10 feet of the street A w ariFil M asonic D egree— A. D. Helms, ranch owner at Kings­ As the saloons become scarcer, bar­ Rev. Dr. J. R. N. Bell, of Corvallis/ tain ^€ county fairs, land products and headed directly for a head-on bury Springs, lias started work on a room paraphernalia, from a relic col­ grand chaplain of the Masonic grand : shows and livestock expositions, but collision with the earth. It was tak­ large dancing pavilion and general lector’s viewpoint, become more valu­ lodge of Oregon for nearly half a i *n counties maintaining none of these en accidentally by double exposure, merchandise 3tore on his property. able. One restaurant In the Bay century, recently had conferred upon1 features it may be diverted to use Mr. Hinthorne having forgotten to The buildings are being constructed Ridge section of Brooklyn is taking use a new film while taking a pic­ him the honorary dgeree of past i county roads. Comedy Weekly from material obtained from his no chances on losing Its mementoes ture of Pangborn after having snap- grand master of the order. Dr. Belli ♦ ♦ packing house, dismantled and torn of the past days. The stained glass windows of the old saloon remain, but is a charter member of Ashland lodge j For a good plunge or tub hath in ;Ppd a street scene. j down for the purpose. No. 23, having been the 14th mem-!pure sulphur water, go to the Nat ! ♦ ♦ the bar has been removed to make F F FRIDAY— SATURDAY way for the tables of the new restau­ her to sign the constitution and by-!at°Hum. 235-tf! Dies in M o n ta n a - M issionary Society to M eet— rant. In the redecorated establish­ John Burris, who lived in Ashlarxl ♦ laws of the local affiliation, with The Women's Home Miss’onary ment • shelf runs entirely around the Visitoi-? for about three months during the from Bend— drawing his membership in 1880. He room. All along the shelf are ex- Is also a charter member of the' Walter Lowe, wife and babies, and early part of this-year, died July 29 society of the Methodist church will met Friday afternoon at 2:30 w’4 h ' ^u,s,te 0,d German beer steins, relics Royal Arch chapter of Jacksonville.! John Simpson and wife, all of Bend, at Lewiston, Mont., as the result of Mrs. Van Fossen on North Main ‘ of former days and more valuable now j Or., spent the past eight days visit­ heart failure, according to word re­ as mementoes. Passing through the street. ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ceived here by the E. T. Staples real Cliff Payne makes lawn chairs. ... a „ I handle of each stein Is a chain. Miss Agnes Danford, a government' whlcb ls nalled to tbe wa„ UnBcrup. ! ♦ James Lowo of this city. They estate office. We make Suits to order; K. started on their return trip yester­ teacher from Alaska, will speak at ulous souvenir haunters, waiting until F F Nelson. M arysville, Gal., V i s i t o r - 't day. making the trip by auto. the meeting. M. good attendance is the waiter’s back is turned, flndvtheir ♦ desired. designs foiled. What the old bar has Proctor Nutt, a tailor of Marys- <» ♦ F F left of the old regime It purposes to R eturns from D es M oines— If you're in line for a suit see ille, Cal., is spending a few days keep. New York Sun. C. W. Nims, representative from Paulseruds before buying. 247-tf of his summer vacation 71 Ashland. R eturns to Saginaw , Mich.—r S U C C E S S O R T O C . H . V A U PEL Hiliah Temple, has returned from F F Raymond Jon«b, who recently dis- ❖ ♦ TkttngN Staffls Treated— posed of his interests in ilie Armv Sleepy Sickness. the Shrine convention at D ps Moines M ove into M illiner’s H om e— The Tidings staff has been the re­ Goods store on East Main street to S1<*p-V/ekness is quite a different ia„ having also extended his eastern i Mr. and Mrs. Robertson and daugh , * „ - . . , , disease from the somewhat similarly trip to Chicago. __ i ter have moved into the home for- cipient. of two boxes of cherries, . k .. « partner. Henry npulnke. ha. left MnMd, f„ . mw.e ♦ ♦ i merly occupied by Mr, and Mrs, A. Royal Anne aud B‘ng, as a treat from for his odl homfc at Sunnaw, Mich.,’ slckaass, which is a tropical disease, Have a fit at Orres. Tenor« fori C. Sheldon, on the Boulevard, and Mrs., H. H. Leavitt, 440 Chefitmut where he will visit his pa.-iu's. Mr.) Sleepy sickness was first noticed in Men and Women. llf itf owned by Mrs. Ada Stannard. Milli­ street. They were great luscious Jones intends to return to Ashland.) England in 1918. There Is little doubt ♦ <» ner. cherries, thoroughly enjoyed by the F F lhat the cause of this mysterious com- Given Service “Diploma”— staff. Laave« for Berireley, Col.— ! plaint is a microbe. The microbes con- •F F Fred Schuerman, serving in Bat­ Pure pasteurized milk, 10c the Mrs. Mary M. Potter, who has centr«te their attack on the brain, F ♦ tery D, 65th Coast Artillery, and who quart at' Rose Bros. been visiting at the home of C. A. caU8la« lethargy and facial paralysis, A special purchase of Bedspreads direct from the 243-tf Austin Hotel Arrival»— was slightly wounded, has received* The following new arrivals are Jensen, on (Bush street, le<*l thia ’ the patient lying for days In bad with ♦ F manufacturer, enables us to offer you these Spreads from the government his ‘diploma” Leave for M ontana__ registered at the Hotel Austin: S. C. week for her home in Berkeley, Cal. motionless head and expressionless below present market prices. of service. The official certificate Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sheldon and Miller, Dillard; H. P. Julius, St. Mrs. Potter is much pleased with face, like a mask, reminding one of the effigy on a tomb. Doctors are not yet ;« 16x22 inches, and announces three sons, who have been spending Louis; N .. Novick, New York City; Ashland and enjoyed the celebration. definitely agreed as to whether the hic­ “Columbia gjves to her son the .. lco - the winter months In Ashland, left R. H. Johnson, A. E. Peffly, Mrs. Mae cough epidemic and the sleepy sickness White Crochet Bedspreads White Satin Bedspreads ♦ F lade of the new chivalry of human­ by car last week for Montana. They Leagerwood, Portland; B. Meadowd, V isits a t ForOst Grove— are different diseases, or whether the “Gladstone” size 72x84, White “Riverside” size 78x88, Plain ity,” and further announces that »he are taking a motoring trip through Medford; C. W. West, Multnomah; 8.; T. Starr left yesterday for a one is merely a symptom of the other. Crochet Bedspread. Sold reg­ Hein White Satin Bedspreads. recipient of this award “served with j Washington, and may return to this J. H. Potlock, Colorado Springs; F. ■ix weeks’ visit with his son and Probably the latter view is the correct ularly at $2.75. Spec hi Friday Sold regularly at $4.75. Special one, seeing that violent and prolonged honor in the work war and was eHy in the near future. L. Heffron, Eugene; Mr. aud Mrs. daughter at Forest Grove. Friday and Saturday hiccoughs were noticed in connection and Saturday Founded in action.” The csitificate! ♦ F Matheing, C. B. Matheing and fam­ F F $3.08 with the outbreak of sleepy sickness 1« signed by Wood; nv piesi-j — Everybody »Mwwn knows that is Sllll still ily, Oakland, Cal.; Richard Joses L ake o f th e W oods V acationers— it vrww«.' « »v W lson, pll’JSI-t tUiU Yeo I M $2.25 that ravaged Vienna in the early part “I.ion Lilly” size 82x94. Scal­ dent. This certJicate is supjne-j lnsur,n4i automobiles; he gives you Russell, Berkeley, Cal.; R. W. Mr. and Mrs. George Gillett, son of last year. inented by a bronze ronze medal made from a coverage policy. Chaney, Iowa City, la.; Mrs. E. J. George Virgil, an<^ Mr. a»nd M rs. “Sliiller” size 7 2x84, White loped Cut Corner White Sat 11 captured German cannon, and an r ♦ F Hauzl k, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hochtroser, Waldo Klum compose a party who Crochet Bedspread. Sold reg­ Bedspread. Sold regularly at French Children Make Toys. American Legion service pin. Ruch V isitors— $5.4 8. Special Friday and are spending a two weeks’ outing San Francisco. One of the most interesting toy 1 ularly at $3.00. Special Friday S a tu rd a y at « < j Mr- and Mrs. II. II. Taylor, of at their summer cottages at Lake manufactories of France is not a fac­ F F and Saturday $4 .Mi* H. R. Adam« for ptumblng, heating! Huch, former Ashland residents, Hotel Columbia Arrivals— tory at all, but a communal school in o' the Woods. They made the trip $2.48 and gas fitting. Repairing a spec!- wrere rece»t visitors in the city. Paris, directed by an amateur design­ • The following out of town guests in from the Klamath Falls side. H eavy q u a lity W iiite S a t ti Bed- er, who during the war interested the alty. 248 Fifth St Phone 166-J. ♦ F are registered at the Hotel Columbia: F F Texas V isitor— children hi the making of toys after “Wearwell” size 7 8x88, White spreadn, size 8 4x9 4. Sold reg­ Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Puckett, Klamath S hu fords on V acation— his own designs, which were so orig­ Crochet Bedspread. Sold reg­ ularly at $6.50. Special Fri­ Mrs. Frank Moore, of San An­ Falls; A. F. Johnson, Hilt, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. Torb Sanford spent inal that there was an immediate de­ ularly at $3.5 0. Special Friday day ad Saturday tonio, Texas, is v siting her mother, John B. Williams, Grants Pass. the week-end at their summer cot- mand for them. $5.48 Furthermore, the Mrs. A. G. McCarthy, on North Main and Saturday ; tage at Lake o’ the Woods. They children who were making the toys F F Heavy quality White Satin Bed­ street, during the summer months. N ew R esident« from Colorado— $2.75 1 report the road over the Dead In- became so much Interested in the spread, size 82x94, scalloped ♦ F W. W. Robertson and family, from j dian from here as not in the best work that a large sum was realised, It is now time to insure your hay Brush, Colo., are recent Ashland ar-jof condition. Up to the time they part of which was turned Into the cut corners. Sold regularly at Friday, July 8th, 8 p. ni. Bath Towels and grain. Let Yeo do It. Phone $7.00. Special Friday and treasury of the institution, but a rivals and are making their home at made the trip there had been but Concert Prelude 274-J. 260-tf 567 Beech street. The family mot-i two ear3 over part was spent in giving the work­ Sold regularly at 69c, size 22 Saturday Direction H. R. Pasmore F F ers some diversion. The business is x44, extra heavy, double thread $5.!IM ored through from Colorado, accom­ R eturns to S t a y - Lecture F F to be continued on a larger scale Kerry. Extra special Friday C. C. Cates, county agent, is :n than ever before. Frank- Potter, a carpenter, who panied by friends, Mr. and Mrs, Mc- "Walt Whitman and the Spirit Linen Finish Sheets and Saturday, each Ashland today in an effort to organ­ Connel, of Brush, who left yester­ left here about two years ago for of Democracy." Regularly at $1.29. size 72x90 18c ! Stillwater, Okla., has returned to day morning for a complete tour of ize for a farmers’ picnic in the park Special for Friday and Satur­ Saturday, July 9th, 8 p. m. the state. Mr. and Mrs. McConnel on July 23d. Last year the picnic ; Ashland “to stay” as he puts It. day. Concert Prelude stated that they were considering was held at Medford and about a F F Linen Finish Pillow Cases " ATTRACTIVE W8c em-ii Direction II. B. Pasmore i Car W a s lu n g - this city as-a future home, and may thousand families attended. The pic­ Size 42x36 and 45x36. Sold 36 n. Bleached Muslin sold reg­ Lecture nic is under the auspices of. the Car washing and polishing. Lithia locate here. regularly at 35c. Special Fr - ularly at 25c yard, special Fri* 260_6 “William James aud the Prob­ Garage. Farm Bureau. It will be a good thing F F C. E. Society to Meet— FALL 8TYI.KS ♦ F day and Saturday, each lem of the Practical.” for Ashland. By making a special day and Saturday. To A secss Scenic D rive P r o p e r t y - and The Presbyterian Christian En­ effort that day, together with at­ 80c 10c yard Sunday, July 10th, 8 p. m. Viewers for the purpose of assess­ deavor society will hold an “experi­ tractive bargains, the merchants FALL PRICER Instrumental and Vocal Concert ing the benefits and damages to ence meeting” at 7:30 o'clock on the should do a IPg business. Have arrived at . Address * Abraham Lincoln aud property on Scenic Drive between church lawn for the purpose of tell­ the Problem of Labor.” by Nutley street and Strawberry lane, ing how each member earned the Norman F. Coleman. pursuant to street improvements, money contributed to the building Japanese steamer takes cargo of Tailors for men and women were appointed at the recept meet­ fund for the church addition to be wheat out of Portland at cut freight The store where your patronage is appreciated. SINGLE ADMISSION ADULTS 85c You are invited for a look ing of the city council. started within the nest two weeks. ratee. I» A BAD LUCK WITH Max Linder e You will forget all you ever had when you see this picture. S ilv e r Lining' H. R. IS A A C & co. T H E Q U A L IT Y S T O R E Friday and Saturday Specials Manufacturers Sale ot Bedspreads Chautauqua Calendar Fall W o o le n s Have your Hemstitching and Picoting done here— THE BALCONY SHOP