ASHLAND DALLI TIDINGS, PAGE TWO Ashland « O T idings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Sunday THE ASHLAND O FFICIAI, MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL Except PRINTING C IT Y AND PAPER Thursday, July 7, 1OSÜ CO. COUNTY TELEPHONE 39 Subscription P rice D elivered Ln City One m onth .................................. 8 .65 Three m onths .............................. 1.95 Six m onths .................................. 3.75 One y e a r ........................................... 7.60 M all and Hural R outes. One m onth .................................. 8 .65 Three months .............................. 1.95 Six m onths .................................. 3.60 One year ....................................... 6.50 A D V E R T IS IN G R A T E S : D is p la y A d v e rtis in g Single insertion, each in c h ............3 Of YEARLY CONTRACTS D isplay A d vertising One tim e a w eek......... .. . . . 2 7 H e Two tim es a w eek.................... 25c Every other d a y .........................20c way to keep on your game in golf, and th a t is to stay with it. W heuj • they organizeod th e ir quartet*w hich when C arpentier fought Dempsey. Of Willie was presented with a little has been heard on the Orpheum cir : course there was the outside chance! daughter by the stork, and the tot - cuit and which for two years, was : that he might pull the unexpected,; began to take notice, the former C lassified Colum n. in the service of the army camp en- but not one man in fifty but w hat] champion stayed at home to play One cent the word each time. tertalnm ent com m ittee both in thi° expected it was simply a case of with her. Recently he went back to To run every issue for one month o r 1 country and in Europe. how long he would last. the game in a competition and more, Vfec the word each time. L egal H ate: At the National Elks* convention —------- classed among the also rans. Now F irst Tim e, per 8 point line . . . . 10c i last year held in Chicago, they ap- And while phat Willie Meehan isj Willife says he is going to stick by Each subsequent time, per 8 point peared on several different occasions being well licked by all hands whom the game, otherw ise he m ight under- l i n e ................................. ............. oc i ------------------ and ns a result of th eir popularity, j be takes on, he still continues to be go the hum iliation of some day hav­ Card of Thanks, 81-00. O bituaries, 2% cents the line. j Star of •’Who Can Tell” Will Sing several /vaudeville offers were re- i th e one man in the world who has ing his daughter beat him. Fraternal Orders and S ocieties. j aIld i>all«e at Chautauqua ceived, and finally a short contract! two decisions against Jack Dempsey, Advertising for fratern al orders A uditorhnn was signed, following the convention.i It is one of the odd angles that oc-i NININGER THANKS WORKERS or societies charging a regular initi­ There will be 10 end men with casionally bob up in all lines of en- ON CELEBRATION COMMITTEE ation fee and dues, no discount. Re- ---------- ligious and benevolent orders will be Appeared Before Peace C onference the show, every one of which is an deavor. W e are of the opinion, how- charged the regular rate for all ad in Paris— Has K ntertaiued experienced showman. Alex R obb,¡ever, th at there will be no great I take th |s opportunity to extend vertislng when an admission or other Royalty F ran k Mclnerny, John Bergman, Abe clam or on the p art of the American my thunks to the chairm an and his charge is made. Steinfeldt, Jack Baldwin, Bill Brink- public th a t Willie give Dempsey a re­ co-workers on the various com m it­ W hat C on stitutes A d vertising! Another star of the first w ater has man, Ross Harvey and George S te v -'tu rn match. tees who worked so faithfully in In order to allay a m isunderstand­ m aking a big success of the Jackson ing among some as to w hat consti­ been added to the Minneapolis Elks* ens are a few of th e black face a rt The sports w riter who guessed' county parade and celebration, w hich, tutes news .and what advertising, All Star Minstrel show, which will ists who are guaranteed to make yon we print this very simple rule w h ic n 'be seen here ton, ght at the t ’hautau- laugh in spite of yourself.. Every th at C arpentier would be knocked could not have been accomplished I ls used by newspapers to differin-i one of th e above mentioned players out in the fourth round was so as­ w ithout the assistance of said com-) a tiate between them : "ALL future qua auditorium . •vents, where an admission c h arg e ’ This fact became known today i are experienced burnt cork perform- tonished th a t he forgot to make men­ mittees. la made or a collection is taken when it was definitely given out that! ers and every oue of them can slug, tion of the fact th a t his paper m ad e! I especially wish to thank Mr IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to dance and tell stories th a t are sure this announcem ent exclusively. There Jesse W inburn for the great inter-) organizations and societies of every to make you fall cut your seats with are a lot of fellows going around est and ability he has show’n in the! kind as well as to individuals. laughter. . who consider themselves good when parade, which made the biggest suc­ All reports of such activities after they have occurred is news. William Robertson, managing edi-i >t comes to picking the winner, cess ever enjoyed in Ashland. All coming social or organization tor of a large Minneapolis daily pa-1 ■ A. C. NININGER. meetings of societies where no money I cr, and a form er profoisi.m al actor, Chairman of the Celebration Com­ “ Babe Ruth Fails to Hit H om er” contribution is solicited, initiation mittee. w.ll act as interlocutor for the show is the headline on a sports page. charged, or collection taken is NEWS. and with “ Big Bill” in the ‘‘middle, Which merely goes to show that We make a - quotations ou front,” »ne show is sure to g> over what once was news only becomes I Roseburg Visitor— JOB WORK Mrs. Myrtle Bradford, or Rose­ with a snap and vim. news when the reverse English is put from The traveling Elks are playing on. There are few’ persons who can burg, is staying at the home of Emil THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. their way across the country andj get in the news w hether they do Peil, 52 G ranite street, while a t­ Same prices— Reasonable Price— tending the sum m er extension course over the Rockies and back to their anything or not to all. of the norm al school. home town and those who have seen them in their rehearsals thus far are en tered at the Ashland, Oregon, If King Albert of Belgium really Postoffice as Second Class Mai1 loud in th eir p r’ ire. wants to see a yacht race across the M atter. Ev. ry penny over their expenses Atlantic, now is the time for him will be given o t!»« Boy Scouts of to step forward again wÂth his of­ F R E E T. B. CLINICS ?iiiu eapolis, the F lk , of that city fer. Yachtsmen would have tim e in ARE HELD IN STATE having taken the task unto them ­ which to prepare for the event, | selves of this w .rth y or- something which they were unable Free clinics for chest examinations I g a n f »non for tfi ? canting th r - i years j to do on the eleventh hour notice j have been held in three Oregon coun­ " i given by His Majesty for his first ' ties since last March by the Oregon proposed race. Tuberculosis association, which is L ocal R eaders. E-ich line, each tim e .....................10c To run every other day for one m onth, each line, each t i m e . . . . 7c To ton every issue tor one month or more, each line, each t i m e .. . . 5c TO TONIGHT IN MINSTREL SHOW Sport Chatter pioneering |n this work through the Willie Ritchie, one time light­ Christm as seal sale funds and the weight champion boxer of the world, co-operation of -county medical as has discovered th a t there is only one sociatlons. By FRANKLIN B. MORSE The most recent clinic, held ai [ (Pacific Sports Service) Corvallis in June, was conducted b> j The next international sports com- j Dr. G. C. Bellinger, of the state tu ­ I petition on the program are t h e , berculosis hospital at Salem, which meets between the combined Oxford-) s open free to tubercnlosis patients Cambridge track team s and the com-; more than a year resident in the bined Y ale-Harvard team s, and later state. Twenty-nine people were ex­ the Englishm en take on the com -' am ined, and in 16 cases different bined Princeton-Cornell ag g reg a-; types of tuberculosis were found. tions. We are unable to say in which j Nine were in need of hospital care round the foreigners will be knocked and three have now gone to the state out, but, unlike C arpentier who got hospital. one lick tog, it looks to us as If the Sim ialr clinics a t A storia and St. JOHN BERGMAN Helens, conducted by Dr. Ralph Mat- End man with touring E lks’ Min­ Englishm en were in for two drub­ bings. son and Dr. E. A. Pierce, respective­ strels th a t show here tonight. ly, were so successful in dissem inat­ th e touring m instrels will have H ar­ There seems to be little question j ing inform ation about the disease, old Gillis, a world war veteran, and that a match between Gibbons and I that the Oregon Tuberculosis asso­ a star in the expeditionary forces ciation is planning eventually to Carpenitler would be a good one, not) musical revqe, ‘ Who Can Tell,” only from the standpoint of gate re­ reach every county in the state. Clinics for Eastern Oregon are with them ou the entire trip to the ceipts, but as a match. Gameness isj Pacific coast. A|r. Gillis will be planned for this fall. all very well, and a fine attrib u te I the prem ier dancer in the big min- in a man which we all adm ire, but! strle show whifch Minneapolis is sending here. ! Besides being an exceptional dan­ FOR SALE FOR ONE MONTH cer, Gillis has a song entitled "Loose H air Goods at W holesale Prices and Careless,” which is one of the} ■ many song hits of the first part ot the show’. Mr. Gillis appeared be­ ( ’ tz. Bank Bldg., Room 5 fore form er President and Mrs. W il­ ieath only a matter of short tim e son, diplomats, representing allied We specialize in Scalp T reat­ 3on"t wait until pains and achet m ents and M anicuring nations and European royalty when «come incurable diseases. Avoic G uarantee to Grow H air on any “Who Caji Tell” was presented in »Minlul consequences by talrini Bald Head Paris. W orii by AppoioXuieu^ Lovers of music will be well taken care of at this show, for besides fea­ Call 474-R. Examination of the 257-6 turing the Glee club, which is abso­ scalp free of charge. lutely one of the best singing or­ ganizations in the West, the Minne­ fhe world*« etendard remedy for Iddney apolis E lks’ quartet, composed of iver, bladder end uric add trouble«-— th< form er soldiers, will sing several of ladonal Remedy of Holland eince 1660 th eir popular songs during the per-l Guaranteed. Three size«, all druggiata «ok tor the aoa.« Gold Modal ea everr ba* formauee. These boys, all Elks by the way, TOO LATE HEYWOOD’S M inneapolis ALL STAR GOLD MEDAL B L E S S E D B E SIM P L IC IT Y from I'he really big things of lire are simple, just as the biggest men and «omen are simplest and most unaf­ fected. People in this section who Ih e s in ply, dropping the ¡inessentials, usually have a bank coauectio.i, and very often it is the First Na’iontii. /I v a lu e s 'UflrstNaíiottdiíSattk OREGON EA , lor 4 A growing bauk account is simple, but it means big things for you ASH LAND. 50c to 75c CARTER..POXS tV A U Ptt VICE PRE s P C O V C A fo iita 25c McNAUtBKOS n« ASHLAND JULY 7 A u s p ic e s B. P. O. E. N o. 944 o i A sh la n d ADMISSION Stu-i Adults $1, Children 50c PLUS WAR TAX Slab Wood at $2.75 per tier C ash w ith O rder A sh la n d L u m b er Co., Phone 20 WOOD SPECIAL We can furnish good wood at 86.75 per cord; now while we can deliver cars and can save you hauling expense. slab order from extra Also mill trim m ing at $7.00 per load and mill blocks at 87.50 per load. Ashland Lumber Co. PHONE 20. nuuLr ^ M o th e r sa y s — I dorit w ant him t o run b a r e fo o t over t h e s t o n e s ” Hides, Skins and Pelts Sell your bides and pelts at Ashland and save freight charges. We are now pre­ pared to receive small or large consignments, from one hide or pelt to carload lot* at highest market price, and will render check same dav hides are received Comer 1st and A Street. ASHLAND, ODE. on C h u atau q u a A u d itoriu m In order to make room we are offering' II SPECIAL!! Ge« O»b I B’S . !æ '''''C he £>an k. >^ith t h e C h im a C lo a k .' WOOD H e finds the H ood Bayside ’’sneaker” is so much lighter than others that he’ll wear them. T hey are thick enough to protect his feet— and the lighter weight, I find, gives better wear than others. A lso, the Baysides cost less. H ood Baysides are a long wearing summer shoe for the low price. T hey are a sensible shoe for chil­ dren in hot weather from every point o f view, but they are made in all sizes for every member o f the family. ¿4sk .any dealer or write us. Hood Rubber Products Co., Inc. Watertown, Massachusetts. -HOOD’ FENWAY CrtiJiSCrapSandtil Give the growing young feet a chance. Children are delighted with the new found freedom in cool, easy H o od Sandals. Brown duck uppers, with while binding and white lining. Long wearing soles. Saves the expensive shoes, too. LENOX J lo u jttS h ^ W h y not work under the most favorable conditions? T h e Lenox House Shoe is light, cool, flexi­ ble and easy. N eat and stylish in appearance; and you don’t wet the foot when you step onto damp ground, gives extra long wear. Is moderate in price. JMney Dance --- AT THE--- BUNGALOW Next Wednesday Night S n y d e r ’s R o y a l J a z z O r c h e str a Cool B r e e z e s a n d Good F loor The week of July 18 to 24 the Bungalow will he occupied by the Girls Summer Class and there will be no dance on Wednesday, July 20, hut after that there will be dancing every Wednesday night during the season. i .i . » i - 1 "i J K