rAGK F o tti ÁBfltAND DAILY TÍDÍÑGS, k VM M Wednesday, July 6, IM I. M H M M M oy vnanes □ugnroe MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL X A w , M ic k ie ! A ren’t You Ashamed? C T ! &CN,*(Ul% WRVTB-UP REWRITE IT IN PLAIN LANGUAGE SO NOU TURNED IN CONTAINS T H A T EVEN T H E WfcST IGNORANT BOOB » IL L K N O M 4 V lH A T T O O TOO MANN B\G WORDS N E W â ° v , NOW* c BOIL ER DQM4M' f WHAt W l THERE ABOUT IT TOO COULDUT UMDERBTAHO, BOSS’. £ ) Ashland News in Paragraphs Hides, Skins and Pelts Sell your bides and pelts at Ashland and save freight charges. We are now pre­ pared to receive small or large consignments, from one hide or pelt to carload lot- at highest market price, and will render check same dav hides are received Coiner 1st and A Street. ASHLAND, OLE choirs of Los Angeles, Cal. The program given last night was as follows: 1. Quartette from “Rigoletto" Margaret Caldwell Speer, Soprano Catherine L. Warner, Alto G. W. Rasmussen. Tenor H. B. Pasmore, Basso 2. Cello Solo— Gavotte Popper Grace Becker 3. “The Pretty Creature” Old English H. B. Pasmore 4- Roadways Densmore 5 Vienna Waltz Fairy Tales Schuett Mildred Wright , Suzanne Pasmore Grace Beckern 6 Boating Ware Spirit F;ower Campbell Tipion Margaiet Cahiwe’l Speer 7 Romance Svensen .M’.’dred V/’ugh: 8 Then, Then Shall the Righteous Sh He Forth— from “Elijah" Mendelssohn G. W. Rasmussen 9. Ecco quel fiero istante Costa Quartette accompanied by Pasmore Trio • ’ 1 E. R. IS A A C & CO. S U C C E S S O R TO O. H . VA U PEL T H E Q U A L IT Y S T O R E Opportunity Day THURSDAY Special S ale of Aprons Dresses Apron Dresses—$2.25 Sold regularly at $3.00, made of good quality gingham in plaids and checks. Two pock­ ets trimmed with ric rac braid and white pique. All sizes. Gingham Dresses—$2.79 Sold regularly at $4.00. Made of good Zephyr gingham. Small patterns trimmed with plait gingham. Pink and blue. Two pockets and belt. Aprons—79c Voile Dresses—$1.98 Sold regularly a» $3.00. Made of printed voile with white col­ lar and'euffs, and rash. Come in Rose, Lavender, Black and Navy Blue Bungalow Aprons—$1.25 Made of best quality percale In printed patterns and plain colors, in Pink and Blue. Trim­ med with ric rac braid. Apron Dresses—$2.48 Polly Print aprons, sold reg­ ularly at $1.00. Made of check gingham. Trimmed with ric rac braid. $4.00 values. Made oi Beach cloth in several colors such as Rose. Lavender, Pink, Blue and White. Trimnie-’ with em­ broidery on pockets Tissue Gingham Dresses $4.98 Gingham Dresses—$3.98 '.Lot«, of fine qu'hfty tissue gingh tin, in fine stripes and small plaids. Trimmed with lace and buttons, with sash. Sold regularly at $5.0*» Made of lino C’.a li’ock Zephyr ging­ ham in fine stripes. Made with short sleeves, collar and vest of organdie Have your H em stitching and P icoting done here— THE BALCONY SHOP The store where your patronage is appreciated. What is a vacation without mu-! LITHIA GARAGE— Reopened for all kinds of repair work and storage. sic? Buy a small Victrola and take It along. Rose Bros. 247-tf , Work guaranteed. Phone 114. P. A. Main and B. Dean, Props. ♦ ♦ Florence automatic oil cook stoves ' WANTED— To rent five or seven- and ovens. Ashland Furniture Co. room house, unfurnished or furn­ ished. Permanent renter. Inquire ♦ ♦ Tidings office. 259-2 For a good plunge or tub bath in pure sulphur water, go to the Nat- atorium. 236-tf FOR RENT— Furnished rooms, also i garage. Inquire T ilings office. ♦ ♦ 259-3 The best milk money will buy* Why? It is pasteurized. 10c perl FOR SALE— March Plymouth Rock quart. Rose Bros. 243-tf' cockerels, from Butler Poultry Farm; $1.50 and $2. Also some ♦ ♦ choice White Leghorns. $1.50 each.; I Let a “National Union" policy pro­ Phone 68. Mrs. W. R. Yockey/ je c t your fruit crop against damage- 259-tf, from hail. Phone 274-J or 42. Yeo i of course. FOR RENT— Pleasant bedroom with sleeping porch attached. Two beds. TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY. Also two-room apartment. Foun­ tain Inn», 153 Granite stret, phone WE REPAIR anything. Phone 114. 411-R. 259-tf «gaag a — j...— l l ...........'.i.1. . ai The Citizens Bank HEYWOOD’S Citz. Bank Bldg., Room 5 We specialize in Scalp Treat­ ments and Manicuring Guarantee to Grow Hair on any Bald Head W ork b y A ppoin tm ent Call 474-R. Examination of the scalp free of charge. 257-6 CULL IN LANDIS SJGSC5 Condensed Statement of Condition June 30, 1921 WOOD SPECIAL We cau furnish good wood at $6.75 per cord: now while we can deliver cars and can save you hauling expense. $641,722.72 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ................................. $ 50,000.00 S u r p lu s............ ............................. 10,000.00 Undivided Profits . . . . . ........... 5,926.62 Dividend U n p a id .......................... 2,000.00 Reserve for T a x e s ......................... 1,205.64 DEPOSITS .......................................... 351,500.40 Rediscounts ..................................... 21,000.00 Ashland Lumber Co. PHONE 20. Total $641,722.72 Sci lev Any Spring Goat one-half P ric:—Ladies Suits 25 per cent to 50 per cent discount. Every W aist or Blouse 10 per cent or more off. Silk Dresses reduced 10 to 50 per cent—Summer Underwear 10 per cent off. ’ uslin and Silk Underwear Reduced. Laces and Embroideries 10 per cent to 50 per cent discount- Wool Dress goods 20 to 50 per cent discount White Goods and Figured Voiles all reduced. Bleached Muslin 12 1-2—19c— 2 1 2 —25----- Curtain goods rn d Draperies 10 per cent disc. One iot Dress Qinghams, 19c ¿•»art Silk Skirts $9.75 — Jer ey Jackets, now 3>G.95 FOUR COLLEGE BOYS ARE HERE— Wiu. McKibbin Ed Taylor Fred Young Radford Hailey They are properly authorized to solicit subscriptions to THE PICTORIAL REVIEW There is nothing in it for us, except that you may use more PICTORIAL PATTERNS, but there is a lot Of good reading and information for you In the magazine, and some­ thing in it for the boys who are attending U. of O. anO. A. C. Therefore we do not hesi­ tate to recommend that you give courteous consideration of their proposition if you want a good magazine. j J. H. McGEE. Sizes One Gallon to Twenty Eggs Are Cheap Now. Waterglass Your ,Winter Provost Bros. slab order from extra Also mill trimming at $7.On per load and mill blocks at $7.50 per load. Jars with Lids Supply. PAULINE STARK Some of the most beautiful snow scents tver filmed are shown hi thi- powerful drama th at takes place in the grim, frozen hills of the North. * “Poison Gas” Pistol.’ Poison gas, as developed for mill- ! tary purposes, Is the ammunition used lu a ttny pistol now carried by many , persons In Paris as a protection against highwayman. The liquid source of the gas Is contained in the handle of the gun, and compressed air for Its ejection la supplied by a bicycle pump through a valve In the, bottom. FOR SALE FOR ONE MONTH Hair Goods at Wholesale Prices Starring Your last chhnce tonight to see this big show Ashland, Oregon Total Evelyn Paas. In the great government reserve on the eastern side of Yellowhead pass In the Rocky mountains, known as Jasper park, Alberta, is a pass lead­ ing from Athabaska falls, on the Atha- baska river, to MaJlgne lake. The geographic board of Canada has re­ cently named the pass Evelyn, after Evelyn, duchess of Devonshire, wife of his excellency the governor general, . and daughter of the marquis of Lans­ downe, who wag governor general of Canada from 4883 to 1888. The duch­ ess of Devonshire visited the pass, now named after her, during last sum, mer.—Montreal Family Herald. ‘Snow Blind’ Buster Keaton in ‘Hard Luck’ of Ashland Loans . . ...........................................$381,895.72 Bonds and W a rra n ts.................. 158,982.00 Banking House ............................. 16,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures............... 5,500.00 Cash and E x c h a n g e ..................... 7 6,129.53 Other Resources ............................ 3,216.47 Big Cattle Ranches No More. The day of the big cattle ranches has gone and the tendency is now In the direction of smaller herds. The average size of the present herd Is 700 head, whereas in former times It was many thousands. At the same time the quality of the cattle is im­ proving and the animals bring greater prices. The compulsory erection of fences has had something to' do with this new condition, for it 19 now a difficult matter to move a he?d around In search of good grazing grounds, as was the custom some years ago. Held Quer By Request -----and—— RSSOURCB8 HE WAS A MOHKEY “Man it descended from the mon- key.” “Well, your family has dona good up hill work; you are back where they started from. •un’t Olew Change« in Ship«. The Gegeunchefn, the niysterlottf midnight glow in the sky <»pposlte the eun, is not constant in form. Prof. E. E. Barnard finds that in early autumn It appears as a roundish diffused mass of noticeable light, sometime« 40 de­ grees or 50 degrees or even more in diameter. At no other point in its path is it eo large. But in October It becomes smaller and elongated, a change believed to be due to the mingling of Its light with that of an auroral band reaching It at this sea­ son of the year. Fire Water. “Fire water was the ruination ef the noble red man.” “Yes.” replied Uncle Bill Bottletop. “I never believed Injuns was as ro­ bust as they’ve been represented. If they had tried the kind of llcker now circulated surreptitiously the noble red' man would have disappeared in leas than six weeks.” A Peanut Flour Valuable. Various invesiigutors have demon­ strated that bread made from wheat flour of current composition is Inade­ Local and Personal quate as the only source of protein In the diet. Government workers have -----------------------Side L ights----------------------- found, however, that bread made with a mixture of 25 parts of peanut flour and 75 parts of wheat flour furnished Farm Bureau to P urchase Seeds— 1 Malta Couuuaudery, No. adequate proteins for normal growth The Jackson County Farm Bureau ' of experimental animals. The pro 4, Knights TemplAr has set aside $600 to be usetl as a ! telns of the peanut bread were util revolving fund to purchase pure' ized for gain almost twice as \^11 as Stated conclave this (Wednesday); seeds for farmers desiring tfccoi.| those contained in wheat bread. This evening, July 6. Important ‘business. j During April 7600 pounds of wheat,! does not mean that the familiar staff P. K. HAMMOND. E. C. 4875 pounds o f barley, and 150' of life should be adandoned or regu­ W. H. DAY, Recorder. pounds of corn were purchased. Th gj larly diluted with peanut flour; it seed has all been placed on clean i does, however, put a stamp of real Hold Monthly Educational Metts— ground and will be eutered for cer-1. nutritive merit on a food product that many a physician still thinks of solely The dairymen of Jackson county t'lication. in terms of a trouble maker for diges­ have voted to hold monthly educa­ tion. tional meetings on the farms of var-, H. R. Adams for plumbing, heating: tous dairymen. County Agent Cate,' and gas fitting. Repairing a speci­ “Player-Typewriter.” Assistant County Agent Holibaugh. alty. 248 Fifth St Phone 166-J. j Promising for office use Is the new “automatic typewriter,” which fur­ > « and Professor E. B. Fitts, dairy ex­ Clothes for warm weather at nishes its own dictation, being oper­ tension specialist, will bo the prin­ Paukeruds. 247-tf! ated on the same principle as a player cipal speakers. piano, an exchange states. ♦ ♦ $ <» Rolls of perforated paper, similar Have a fit at Orres. Tanors for! We make Suits to order. K .l to the music rolls used on player- 116tf Nelson. ?fl Men and Women. pianos govern the movements of the ♦ type keys. All that Is necessary is Cliff Payne makes lawn chaârs. Everybody knows that Yeo is still to adjust one of these rolls in the ma­ insuring automobiles; he gives you chine and the writing “does Itself.” a full coverage policy. By this means perfectly written CHAUTAUQUA MUSICAL “form letters” are produced, with SCORES WITH LOCAL Pure pasteurized milk, 10c the- space left for signature; or the same MUSIC LOVERS method may be employed for turning quart at Rose Bros. 243-tf out any other matter previously pre­ (ConMnutd From rage on e) pared In the shape of a perforated If you’re In line tor a suit seej roll. Paulseruds before buying. 247-tf formerly a members of the church Lgv goods ■*