paq « rotu ASHLAND DAILY W rofuO . rn aa y , duty i, > I/« I • mained in Portland on the way backj THE CHALLENGER but will retu rn shortly. (Continutd From rag e one) The F irst Company will take part announced th a t they would train Local aod Personal in the F o u rth of July parade on publicly only two days a week. Monday morning. They will as­ C arpeatier was handled very wise- i — - ■ ■ - . Side Lights— semble a t the Armory a t &:30 A. M. ly all during hi3 training. His work on the F o u rth ot July. was so regulated with alternating SHK1NKKS MEET i Clift Payne makes i o r f chairs. days of light and heavy work th at Hlllah. Temple holds a stated ses­ he did not have to go into a vacation, THE CHAMPION When you want good insurance sion this (F riday) evening. July 1. liks Jack Dempsey did. ML Routine business, also arran g e­ talk with Billings, 41 East Main St., C arpentier practically trained him ­ (Continutd From Page One) 232-ti m ents tor Patrol appearing in the phone 211. Yesterday afternoon, at 2:30 o’- ! dition th a t he waa ten day9 before self. Descamps, his m anager and ♦ <8> parade on the Fourth. Members Gus Wilson, his chief trainer, did Saturday— Sweet Pea Day at EL- clock, P. M. the Southern P a c ific 'h e fought W illard. z are urged to attend. little more than hold the watch on . » HART’S. special train roiled into the local Jack Kearns and Teddy Hayes, W. H. McNAIR, Potentate. him. C arpentier did what he wanted V ----------------- ;------------, yards bringing home the members his chief trainers, forced him to W. H. DAY, Recorder. to. When he didn’t feel like boxing, iTv6 ladies will serve a of the First Company, C. A., O. N. I slow up a little bit, allowing him on- V ìi» - ' chicken dinner on July 4tli, in base- he didn’t. When he avoided w'ork -w' 3r *- 'w* G., from the Annual Encampment, ly a w orkout on the road and a ' inent of church. Cafeteria style. on the road, he stayed on his front W hat is a vacation w ithout mu­ program ' in the afternoon. 256-2 which has be?n in progress at Fort ¡sh o T„ rt „ , __. porch. When he e u didn’t want to . . ■ • ,,4 .., . p w neu u iu n i w ant to sic? Buy a small Vlctrola and take Stevens for the past seventeen days. Instead of taking a little work on u r u , u . . . . work, a t all, he listened to music it along. Rose Bros. 247-tf NOTICE The l|oys a |e enthusiastic over the road however, he would go out À . _ This overland Shoe Shop will be th e ir work while at camp and the and do about ten or twelve miles u n -! and read. Only twice did the Frenchm an leave Florence automatic oil cook stoves I J ?!T 2 ‘ u J ’“ y 2O\ An3i; ’ ’ I one w anting their shoes must call F irst Company gained many boost­ til he was caught a t it. his camp. On Memorial Day he was and ovens. Ashland F u rn itu re C o., by Saturday evening. 256-2 ers from those who attended. The The first week of June an acci- t '•*' given a nice sum of money to go to 7 boys report th a t this m ajority of the ¡dent came as an ally to help the Brooklyn and watch T o m m ey 'G ib -, ORCHESTRA WANTED See the display of Sweet Paj3 at time spent at camp was utilized in ¡trainers. Larry W illiams, in a spur­ bons fight Jack Clifford. L ater hei Elhart’a Saturday ■ W anted an orchestra to play lor : dance a t the Bungalow on 4th of training on the big ten-inch g u n s 'rin g bout, butted Dempsey over the . * * ! July. See Bert R. Greer, at Tidings at Battery Russell at Fort Stevens. i eye and opened an old cut th a t ¿a- attended a benefit lawn party at I Purchases Span Of Horses— office. Last Tuesday, the Coast A rtillery : maica Kid gave him when they w e re ' Roslyn, Koslya’ near nea>* his h is c camp am p. i .uzi actual „«»...I service firing . i* training • . . for W illard. , As C arpentier did most of his work 1 I Mr T. L Powell of P ow .Il’s ¡TED THYE TAKES AEROPLANE of Oregon did in private, very little comment could Transfer, yesterday morning pur-' FOB MYRTLE POINT with most gratifying results. The) The eye was slow in healing and be made on his training methods. ■ chased a fine span of horses to be National Guardsm en received every upon the advise of physicians, he Some experts thought he was doing Ted Thye, champion w restler who consideration at the hands of the added to his transfer equipment. was ordered to lay aside the gloves .. . will lock with Ralph Hand here at regular arm y officers and men sta­ the not - ----------- surrounding ♦i,., wrong i thing i . i „ - in ------ j ._ _ Interlocutor W. C. Robertson and Mr. Robertson, who is a former Are you fully covered on your the C hautauqua building at 2 P. M. tioned at the post, which helped to gymnasium with such ‘ energy t h a t ! Bpn, , ,UK puru*cr!i- lour of thc Minneapolis Elks min- professional perform m . is seen here autom obile insurance? See Bill-i July 4 th, 1*^ today by aeroplane make the stay more enjoyable. he was finally ordered to stop all His physical condition also was the strel show end men— Frank Mein- surrounded by four comics, wach of tugs for Real Insurance 232-tf: f° r Myrtle Point, where he will put opinlons’ P h»a-(erney, Jack O’Toole, Bill Brink- whom has seen service on the pro Many of the boys who were up, work. The gymnasium was closed, i *a " 8®. ° ff an exhibition match to advertise the had a chanct? tq ¡take th eir ¡first the gloves were locked up and a l l ; ? J ? Jack . 0 Bnen said he was man a »d Aleck Rol»b. regional stage. Of the four three For a good plunge or tub bath ini big event here. He will return the paraphenalia put away badly overtraining and looked like When "Robby Robertson, inter- have appeared in m instrel shows oceffh trip and those th a t came pure sulpbur w ater, go to the Nat-j Sunday ready for the big match The champion spent four days on ™ th8ey run «•"anre.. here on July 7 a t the C hautauqua m er Docks! ,od deal of ^ t w a l i b e r practice, Ashland post of tho American Le-i The best milk money will buy’ store, in Medford at Brown & the Who,e il was thought th at gion, left this morning for Eugene,. Why? )t is pasteurized. m e per 243-tfl Brown’8 cigar atore- al Roas & Ross, i U‘ Camp Was ,very Priita b ,e and where he will attend tho state Le- quart. Rose Bros. | C entral Point, and at Bowers’ drug We 1 W<>rth the time spent in making igion convention. He will retu rn on * a success. Many of tht? boys re-; Sunday H. R. Adams for plumbing, beating store, Gold Hill. The price of - i and gas fitting. Repairing a spec! mission is 13.00, 12.00, $1.00, for •Ity. 248 Fifth St Phone ltftf-J. adults, pins war tax. and 50 cents for children, plus war tax. May Ijocate— Mrs. C. I). Shaw, of Grand. Junc­ tion, Colo., is visiting at the home GREAT VICTORY FOR SCIENCE of Mrs. Charles Bavar while await in s the arrival of her hv.cband next! Cui • Said to Ue Assured for the World's Greatest Scourge, the week from Grand Junction. Mr. and) Plague of Leproey. Mrs. Shaw are contem plating m aking ! Iheir home in Ashland. Mrs Shawl is accompanied by her children I The Qe" 6 fruU1 HawaU ,ndlcate8 V im o yi , ’ that science has at last found the sure \ erna May and ( arl. and ay8tematk, way t0 the cure of thl8 , ♦ , world’s most appalling disease. Of the The lady or girl, bringing to o ur store on above date the Guns, Cartridges, Fishing Tackle,) 142 former lepers who have been pa­ Largest and Finest Boquet of Sweet Peas grown from the SPENCER SW EET PEA seed g!iv'?n ,away by ELHART’S. s t Elkhorn Gnu Store. 81 Oak St. ’ ruled iron’ the Kalibl hospital In the will receive a Parisian Ivory Perfum e Bottle containing 1 oz. 265-1 • last two years none has been sent Nysis perfume. ♦ ♦ back. For the boquet containing the greatest variety of colors, Clothes for warm w eather al It la peculiar that the plague which grown from these seed, we will give 1 oz. (O riginal Bottle) Paulseruds. 247-tf i has troubled the world at least sixty of Nysis Perfum e. ♦ > centuries, and probably much longer, Don’t forget the date— July 2nd. * If you love flowers, see the Sweet* Should eventually be controlled by one Peas on display at ELH ART’S, Sat- of oldest remedies ever used for Prizes awarded at 4:0ft P. M urday. Il- To modern science Is due the dls- cover.v of the bacillus of leprosy, but Seattle Visitor— ! eure Is accomplished with refined T. N. Hooslch. Seattle .aleem an. ■>.»• >ke esaenee of en In- « a s In the city yesterday on b u s t- '!"*" '•> _ „ ,,, , 3 lepers in the East for centuries, ess e wi _ remain until Monday., Science has improved on native prac- j tlce not only in the oil but iu its appll- Reserve your Ice cream for that cation. 4th of July dinner at Rose Bros. i To a world which has 3,000,1)00 lep- 954-4) ers the success of the doctors v«t W < i Katlli is heartening. China, when bet- We make Suits to order. K. ter days come, can set about the cure Nelson. »fi of her 2,000,000 stricken. India has 200,OOO lepeis, Jupaii 20,000. And the j Let a "N ational Union" policy pro- United States has had a big leper pro»»- j tact your fruit crop against damage the developments In Hawaii ) from hail. Phone 274-J or 42 Yeo ®hou,d So” n sOlve- Whl,e the ca3es pf 1 E have established a service for women Follow Fuller’s "H om t Service* Specific»- . : leprosy in the continental United ‘ oT course and men who want to do small jobs of tions, and you’ll get the exact effects you’re look- States are few—perhaps not 300—we ( interior painting, varnishing or refinishing of fur- ing for. „ v t i have thousands of lepers in our island i ■ u r n 1«, Cream b beat by _ par„,.uiu,.|,. ,„ e ,.„ulp. niture, floors, bath rooms, walls and bric-a-brac. Don’t think you can’t because you haven’t try it _ “ i pines. Now that the way is d e ar our I t ’s a free service. You simply tell us what done this kind of work before. Let Fuller prod- you have to refinish, how finished now and what ucts and Fuller service show you that you can. Saturday. July 2nd, is Sweet Pea i “ ‘td k a l senR ‘ei c‘i“ ahead ther® as ’ > |h a s proceeded In Hawaii. effect you want to get. Remember—don’t allow surfaces to rot. It Day i t ELHART’S. Bring in your¡ W e tell you how to do it—in detail. W hat costs less to paint them. bouquets. a kind of material to use. W hat kind of brush. WANTED —■ Experienced cherry- Ijeavc For Los AitgeU*>— W hat method. W here to buy. Gloss Silkenwhite Enamel packers, for Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Max Gerbauer, 2 It» You can work transformation in home things Call prone 408-J, or call 527 T er­ Clots Silkenwhite Enamel is an Starring G ranite Street, left this m orning for race street. it* that will surprise you. Old bedsteads, chaiis, intense white enamel finish. Dries with a full gloss, stays white and Los Angelee. Calif., w here they will I --------------- floors, bath tubs, etc., are old really only on spend a m onth’s visit. ¡^ O O D WANTED— Want —wears. Fuller’s Silkenwhite pro­ ----- to con­ the surface. Paint, varnish or enamel them and duces a rich, tract for good body 4-foot fir and beautiful finish on they're new/ 4-foot hard wood at once, deliv­ furniture and interior woodwork. Taxi- DeWit. Phone 14ft ered to undersigned. H. H. Pal­ W e make a special line of paints, varnishes, mer, 462 Allison St.-----------256-1 208-1 mo Eggshell Silkenwhite etc., for just this kind of home work— Fuller’s Ashland News in Par« THESE FUNNY COMEDIANS SEE THE ROBERTSON JOKE DIFFERENT WAYS ♦ Of ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ > * ♦ ♦ Elhart’s.... Sweet Pea Day Saturday, July 2nd t E L H A R T ’S Home Transformations T h a t Y o u C a n M a k e Y o u r s e lf S ta rts T oday W it h P a in t, V a r n is h o r E n a m e l Big Special Production Uncharted Seas ♦ ♦ Taken Among the Icebergs of the Artie Sea ♦ ♦ ALICE LAKE -i» Have a fit at Orres. Men and Women. Tanor» tor WANTED— Boy to carry ll« f r° U~ - Cal' 4O3' J ’ or er E lh art paper Hoin- J56-2 10c the WOOD— I can now furnish the fol- 243-tf lowing kinds of wood delivered promptly at prices that will in­ terest you. Best grade maple or Bring in your Spencer Sweet Peas if grown from the seed given you b y ’ fir in any length desired; 16-inchi and pine; 12-;nch large apple ELHART’S. We want a store full; oak tree wood; also some two-foot of blossoms. Compete for the priz­ wood and alder and fir 20 inches es. long. M anzanita and laurel sup­ plied ion three days notice. A. G. Adams, Transfer. Storage and Birthday Party— Wood. 240 3rd St. Residence L ittle Miss Loraine Smith cele 585 East Main. Phone 460. 256-2 brated the seventh birthday yester-j day at a party given in her h o n o r: FOR SALE— Large, all heart, 7-ft cedar fence posts. 25 cents each by Mrs. Guy C. Jacobs on B. street.. ajtt yard- Delivery (charges, two The party started at two o’clock in to five cents each, according to the afternoon. The party was en­ distance and quantity ordered. tertained by games and served with Posts can be seen at 240 3rd St. Adams' Transfer, Phone 460. refreshn? nts. Many charm ing pre­ 256-2 sents were given Miss Smith by the youthful guests. Those present ¡ i c e CREAM— We can supply vour were; Edna Danford, Mary Poley,! wants in the ioe cream line for June Carev. Elizabeth W alcott. Dor- V“ L big ee,ebration. Snider Dairy & Pro. Co., Medford. Ore. 256-1 othy fluysiiiger, Cecilia Swenson, and Loraine Smith. FOR SALE— Ideal home of two and ♦ <» one q u arter acres located on Ash­ land street between Beach street If you're in line for a suit see and M ountain avenue. Six room Paulsernds before buying. 247-tf I modern cottage, newly painted, a »• good garage, barn and large poul­ Everybody knows tuat Yeo is stil try house. English walnuts, ap ­ insuring an’odobiles; he gives you ples, peaches and other fru it trees, berries and roses. Half acre in a full coverage policy. alfalfa, with plenty of garden • * ground. Price $3.500 cash or Oh! Boy, its a real liquid joy!. $3,700 on terms. See E. S. Mor­ W hat? W ard’s Lime Cruah at rison a t the Automotive Shop. Rose Bros. 254-4 242-13eod Will Women Play Fair? Come and See P ure pasteurized milk. quart at Rose Bros. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ T w o Reel C o m ed v w ith Fatty Arbuckle W * )W MMMMNIIIIIlg'4!HHajUMUtwiih!imiiit