PAO» TU O Ashland AtCDLÁÑD DAILY TtfUS'Gft, Tidings m ic k ie , t h e P r i n t e r ' s d e v il Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except ____ Sunday THE ASHLAND PTRLNTING CO. Friday, July 1, 1031« By Charles Sughroe • VaaMHl ^Hillin I M But They D on’t Help Business mm OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 Subscription Price Delivered in City One month .................................. $ .66 Three months .............................. 1.86 Six months .................................. 3.76 One y e a r ....................................... 7.60. Mail and Rural Routes. One month .................................. 9 .66 Three months .............................. 1.95 Six months .................................. 3.60 One year .................................... 6.60 ADVERTISING RATES: Display Advertising Single insertion, each inch........... 3 Or YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising One time a w eek.....................27 Two times a w eek.....................25c Every other day......................... 20c Local Readers. Each line, each tim e.................... 10c To run every other day for one mouth, each line, each t i m e . . . . 7c To inn every issue for one month or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 6cJ Classified Column. One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. Legal Rate: First Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c Ashland music lovers were given j (Transcription by Brassln) W’agner Each subsequent time, per 8 poiflt rare threat last evening at a Margaret Johnson l i n e ...............................................3c j a Card of Thanks, $1.00. ¡concert recital, given by pupils of Czariae, . Mazurka..............Ganne , Obituaries, 2% cents the line. Alta Jarvis __ Societies _____ Madame Tracey Young at the Chau- Fraternal Orders and Motion Perpetual................Weber Advertismg for fraternal orders tauqua auditorium. The building) „ ” ” « n m c d v . or societies charging a regular initl- • Hungarian Dance, No. 5 Brahms ation fee and dues, . no — discount. ----------- . Re- . . was filled by an audience of Ash- Laura Prescott ?hàïgert“ îhe ’ ll'‘. S ! ta“d a“d R w ” ’ pMple “»-¡Symphony No. I ll.............. Beoü,ovon Pupils of Madame Tracey-Young Give Rare Musical Treat Miller. Affidavit, findings and Wyatt et vir. land in sec. 25 io conclusions, motion, order of d e -* twp. 35, S. R. 3 W ................ fault, decree. Gold Ray Realty Co. to the Cal City of Medford vs. R. R. Valley ifornia Oregon Power Co., Canal Co. Summons. NH of NW, NW of NE sec. William A. Eaton vs. Roy Ulrich. 20, twp. 33 S. R. 2 E......... 10 Reply. William A. Higinbothani et ux to H. C. Head et el, land in Marriage Licenses secs. 7 and 17, twp, 33, S. R. 2 E............................?............. 11,000 Walter J. Hess and Vera Round- tree. . Jas. G. Hetzel et ux to Carrie Bruce O. Force and Vera Potne- Riggs, land in A sh la n d .... 10 roy. Carrie Riggs et vir to J. S. Jor­ . . Lester Weis and Vada L. Morri­ dan et al, land in Ashland i son. James W. Hays Jr., et ux to James A. Coe and Frances Milli-i Katherine J. Kellogg, lots 5 I gan. 6, bik. 6. Gold H ill................ 1 vertislng when an admission or other dition to the parents, friends and' (Third movement, Scherza. Four; Bardwell S. Smith and Myrtle R .1 A. S. Kleinhammer et ux to charge is made. hands) relatives of the youthful entertain­ ‘ Greb. i Josephine Gregory, lot 21, Flora Putnam, Jessie Gauthre i , . „ „ . „ What Constitutes Advertising! ers. Herbert E. Specht and Fern Kee blk. 1, Whitman Park Add. In order to allay a misunderstand­ SECOND I ton The stage was beautifully decor- ■ to Medford ............................. 300 ing among some uiue as to io what w n a i consti- c o u s ii- AllegTetto, in A minor. . Beethoven j A. Ross Harden and Mary Taylor.: Geo. W. Porter et ux to Med- tutes news and what advertising.: ated with flowers that enhanced the (From 7th Symphony) we print this very simple rule whlcn charm of the concert. Friends gave ford, lot 6, blk. 7, Medford, Prelude, C sharp minor........... ! . „ , . 1 _ . Is used by uewspapers to differln-i eacjj pupil a largis bouquet of flow- ' Real Estate Transfers Frank C. Bramwell to Medford atiate between them: “ALL future, ... , . , , ......... • • • • • • • • • • R “chm aQ lao«!Prank „ Bellinger M|nn|. „ •vents, where an admission charge ers at the ^uclus.on of their reel- lot 1, blk. 7 Medford Heights ■-»»'» naraon | is made or a collection is taken ta^s- Add to Medford .................... nieuae. Op. ¿ S 7 ..............R ,„ ( „ „ IS ADVERTISING. ’ This applies to One of the notable features of the L. Davis et ux to J. K. McClar- Jessie Gauthre organizations and societies of every: , . entertainment was the re­ the town now city of Medford $10[ en et ux, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Riv­ kind as well as to individuals. | evening s entertainment was the te Capriccioso, Op. 14 Mendelssohn Arthur S Wells and Martha All reports of such activities after citals of Miss Bertha Haight, a blind erdale Tract in secs. 21-22, Mazurka ......................... Borowski Wells to V/. J. Messenger they have occurred is news girl, who has attained considerable twp. 36, S. R. 4 W.................. French Valse .......................Wachs All coming social or organisation note as a musician and lies received W. D. to lots 7, of lot 8 Jesse A. Jackson et al to Fred­ Maye Kaegi meetings of societies where no money! » in blk. 4 of City of Medford, _ -w ii«., ■ «.i .■ ' favorable comment of music critics erick Long, NVfc of NE, SW contribution is solicited, initiationj . Trvika In TJraineaux, Op. 37, lots 24, 17 and N% of lot 18 charged, orcollerton taken Is NEW7S / in Portland newspapers. of NE, NE of NW sec. 3 4, No. 11.....................Tschaikowski Highland Add. to Medford 10 twp. 34, S. R. 2 E............... The entertainment was given un We make :»“• quotations on I der the « w i r e s oí the C h a n t s , 1 (irand C p n ce'^ . . . Mattel i w ' T to“ l ^ d ” h 5 T Ü Howard R. Fox et ux to Pine JOB WORK Belt Banking Co., lot 4, SE The following program was given: Mrs. V. A. Stewart from NE of sec. 32, twp. 32 3 E 150 of SW sec. 18. twp. 34, S. R. FIRST THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. « “ » saria» Rhapsody No. II Liszt i j , E. Wakeman' and Catherine 2 E............................................... 10 Same prices— Reasonable Price— Concerto (first movement) Grieg m ............Chopin “ Wakeman to C it, of Med- W. A. Mills et ux to W. S. Mc­ •Berna Haight to all. Mereia Mlksch lord, q c b t Q ¡ ot , b J k Kee, lot 13, pt. lot 14, Cot­ Orchestra accompaniment supplied Sonata. Op. 27. No. 2 Beethoveni 2 2 2 Wo,_ Lntered at the Ashland, Oregon. tage Home Add. to Medford 10 on second piano by Margaret March, Op. 39 ........... Hollaender Poetoffice as Second Class Mu!’ verton sub-division I to City Ray Mertin Martin et ux to Johnson. Flora Putnam Matter. of Medford .............................. 25 Mar. Forbis et ux, lot 8, blk. Sonata II .......................... Scarlatti \ also, E flat, major. . Rubinstein Sarah E. Morrison to Bertha 1, Benson’s Add. to Medofrd 600 Slicing Song ........... Mendelssohn “WENT IN” WITHOUT ARMOR The Lark ......... Clinka-Balakirew Mazurka ...............................Godard Berna Haight Doughboy Resented Imputation Which George Francis Barron Scherzo. B minor.....................Chopin * • * 1 * * * ♦ « • » » > • » • > » < > * • .................. «>«< > ♦ > » « « > > »»► ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ «»< Museum Exhibit Seemed to Con­ Mitya r— March ................... Schubert Caroline Tilton vey to the W orld. Mida McIntosh THE GREATEST GAME Hungarian Rhapsody, No. 12 Liszt Magic Fire, from “Die Walkure” Bernice Yeo A veteran of the A„ E. F., wander- in this country and perhaps Suite, Op. 91 ..............................Raff iug among the armor exhibits at the in any country is baseball. Metropolitan Museum of Art, found 1 (Last movement— March) It is clean, exciting in a HELPS SOUTH SEA NATIVES himself suddenly face to face with a Luclle Koontz wholesome way, fine exer­ “tin hat"—approved A. E. F. model— 1 Concert Valse .................. Gottschalk cise, and a game of skill. ceremoniously installed In a glass case School rounded by English Woman (Eight hands) Has Been of Benefit In Inculcat­ of its owu near the haystack-shaped We supply all the needed Maye Kaegi, Bernice Yeo ing Self Reliance. helmets of the early Tartar tribes and equipment to play it, from Lolita Pierson, Caroline Tilton the halberds and billhooks of the uniforms down to counters. North of Fiji, in one of the islands European Middle ages. It made him Also sporting goods of all feel historic and Important—for a of the Ellice group of the South seas, kinds. education of a practical nature has short moment—until his eye took In been going on, and a deserted coral the rest of the exhibit below the tin • island has been the scene of a school hat. There was a complete suit of armor for !fir,s where uot only the ordinary made out of the same metal as the tin ■ curriculum of Europeun schools has I bat, and it comprised a neckpiece, a been in force but house-building, Probate Oourt breastplate, a stomach shield and a 1 ^oatlng and other necessary arts of a — ■ ■ . Est. J. W. Merritt. Oath and or­ Wheu the pair of thigh guards, all overlapping, Robinson Crusoe life. and a string of overlapping steel plates School was started there was not an­ der. Guardianship /Frances W. XJuig- j down each arm—all strapped to a dum­ other living person on the island of an enchanting ley.Report. my doughboy dressed In O. D. and Pupaellse, which Is % wearing the tin hut. It was labeled Island, three-quarters of a mile long Est. I. L. Hamilton. Statement, and about a hundred yards In width. final order. Final vouchers. "American Armor.’’ “It’s all wrong,’’ said the veteran Its shores surrounded by coral reefs Est. Jessie W. M. Washington. to an attendant. “There wasn’t any­ and the bluest of blue seas. The school was started by an Eng­ Statement, order, vouchers. thing like that over there.’’ Guardianship Francis J. Water-; lishwoman, Miss Jollffe, In 1912, and “But,” said the attendant, “the sign W« can furnish good slab here says ut the bottom ‘Experimental she has been the head in this Island man. 'Order. wood at $6.75 per cord: order Armor,’ ” pointing to a small card of learning In the South seas till the Est- M. J. Clifford. Order. now while we cun deliver from Inside the case. “1 suppose tliMt means present time, when she felt It was time Est. Emma A. Hale, Order, proof cars and can save you extra to take a holiday. Devoted to her of publication. to say It wasn’t used In practice.” hauling expense. ’’Well, it doesn’t say It clearly girls as they are to her. she tells of their self-reliance and capability. They enough for me,” said the veteran. Also mill trimming at $7.00 He went off vowing indignantly that built their own bouses and dormitories Circuit Court per load and mill blocks at he would lodge a protest with the mu­ with the help of a few native men. George Finley vs. Big Bend Mil­ $7.60 per load. seum authorities or with the American whose services were shortly dispensed ling Co. Reply. Legion “or with somebody.”—New with, and only one old man retained Letita Jennings to Ralph G. Jen­ York Sun. i to help in the coco plantations. 'There | are about 2,000 coconut trees on the nings. Waiver, findings and con­ symparny, Island and the girls look after them. clusions. Default. Affidavit. De­ “See that man going into the office PHONE 20. cree. building?” the chauffeur inquired as he Declared Nature Exempt. J. E. Cameron vs. H. C. Hansen. casually prepared to move his car from There Is another story told by Pro­ Affdavit. the curb. ”1 feel sorry for him some­ times—he has to work so darned hard.” • fessor Roerich which results in the J. E. Cameron vs. H. C. Hanson. “You mean In order to make his liv­ hearer asking for assurance of Its Answer and order. ing?” the doorman, in response, asked truth, which Is given. It seems that A. a . Porter (adm.) vs. John j certain enthusiastic revolutionists In Idly. Owens. Affidavit, defauld. judg­ authority ln*Moseow decided that “No,” the chauffeur replied as he i . ----------- — » - gently let In the clutch, “to make ! decorative and significant effect ment. C O U lu h p n rtw lim x xsl L v .. could be. produced by painting n the Jackson County Bank vs. Anna 2UiUt grass and the trees about the govern­ B. Webster.ForecIosnre. ment buildings In Moscow a bright •lames L. /Hill vs. Lauretta M. red. Orders were given and the gov­ Hill. Divorce. ernment painters set themselves Indus­ Sarah J. Scott, et al vs. J. a Pat­ triously to work giving an appearance terson. Execution. to the officiai vegetation which we commonly attribute to growth on the Mary D. Bonney vs. Geo. M. Bon­ planet Mars Whereupon the startled ney. Finidngs and conclusions. De- workingmen and soldiers of the city l cree, marched through the streets and made Î Bullock Merc. Agency vs T n solemn protest against painting the ¡ McClelland trees and grass of the city red. Their i m „ Summona- DECORATIVE PAPER, wishes in the matter were respected Krnest 3. Wolgamott vs. J. J. Me and nature was relieved of the neces Mahon, et al. Stipulation. STREAMERS, ■lty of subscribing to the soviet code Horace Jay Terrill vs. J. Oscar FLAGS, —Christian Science Monitor. Talent et al. Default Decree. HORNS, George Finley vs. Big Bend Mil­ CONFETTI, Insistent Hostew. ling Co. Answer. A SOUND MERCHANDISING PLAN— Eight-year-old Ruth was having her SERPENTINE, Eva Haight vs. Delsworth Haight. first party. Before the guests came 1 Summons. PISTOLS good copy, attractive layout and Illustration, surely mother gave her a long talk on the — bat there yeu cannot rest content. Maybelle H. Miller vs. Delmonte CAPS, duties of a hostess, and told her to be sure that every one was served SPARKLERS, OUR GONOEFTION OF SERVICE— with all the refreshments. And Ruth ETC, ETC, promised. te you requires a fellow-through ea eveir piece of at But among the guests was one lit­ We sell work—-a watehfulaaM to eee that every detail of the tle miss who was very shy. She didn’t printiag craft is utilized In the m e e t effective play any of the games, she didn’t con­ verse, and when the Ice cream was brought forward refused to take any. THOROUGHNESS— Then Ruth came over to her. "You CHOCOLATE must eat some,” she insisted, offering VANILLA ie a fundamental with us- >ur creed for 8 0 0 D her another dish of cream. PRINTINO. STRAWBERRY The little visitor shook her head. MAPLE NUT “I don’t want any,” she persisted. A nnvm cvM la » v » r» COURT NEWS SIMPSON’S HARDWARE WOOD SP E C IA L Ashland Lumber Co. T h e G re a t W o rld U n rest I t ’s Cause and Cure You will surely Be Glad to Hear O. R. PO LLO C K Of Brookyln, New York Nationally Renowned and Interesting Lecturer Now Touring Pacific Coast Cities Under Auspices o f the In ­ ternational Bible Students’ Associaion. Sunday, 2:30 p. m. Lyric Theatre Seats I ree. \ on are welcome. Xo Collection made THE PLAZA MARKET Is the place you get every­ thing you want to eat in Groceries or M eat at the lowest prices Plaza Market - H. A. Stearns 61 North Main St., Ashland, Ore. Special T rain Will Operate Grants Pass to Ashland r and Return Going Read Down 7:06 A M. 7:22 7:40 Fing 7:55 8:07 8 20 A. M. 8:35 8:46 9:05 A. M. JULY 4th SCHEDULE Returning Read Up Lv. Grants Pass Ar Rogue River Gold Hill Ray Gold Tolo Central Point MEDFORD Pho enix Talent Ar. Ashland Lv. 12:20 12:00 11:44 Flag 11:31 11:22 11:14 11:01 10 56 10:40 A. M. M’n P. M. P. M. P. M. Go and enjoy Independence Day Celebrations Baseball game, Wrestling Match, Dancing. Big Parade and prices, Band music and Fire Works. For further particulars inquire of Ageuhi, S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC L I N E S J o lu i >1. S co tt, General Passenger Agent TH O RO U GH N ESS ! CELEBRATE Whoop ’em Up! Brick Ice Cream “But you must eat it,” Ruth Insist­ ed. “You must eat it even If you have te throw It up afterward.” Ashland Creamery A s h la n d T id in g s y Factory Biox WE HAVE THEM Lay in your supply in the summer time— Re member Ililt begins to supply her own peoph in September. ORDER NOW C arso n -Fo w ler Lbr. Co. “ In the Heart of Town”