Monday, May 16, 1921. ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGB BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL | SOUTHERN PACIFIC One cent the word each time. PHYSICIANS. CHIROPRACTORS. DR. FRANK M. MOXON— Physician DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor. SERVES NOTICE OF WAGE REDUCTION Business J!f doux demand for these WANTED—Good draw saw man to look to it for an adjustment of the there were not, the best designers and Inquire | cut wood. Long job. For a Good controversy over detention of the the greatest dressmakers would not Talent, Talent Mercantile Co., ¡Munson line ship Martha Washing- spend their valuable time in putting Oregon. forth an almost limitless number of Economical Meal I ton. models embodying ideas of this sort. WANTED—A number one cow. C. | Cigarettes manufactured as drugs Dine at In a recent trousseau Mme. Jenny M. Waite, 634 Iowa street. 216-2 | and used for medicinal purposes of Paris made lingerie sets in pale or- WANTED—Furnished light - house­ I will be placed strictly under t the ange, light mauve and pearl gray crepe keeping room close in. Address de chine. She used no embroidery or ban when the Southwick anti-cigar- "J. H.” care Tidings. 216-tf | jette law takes effect June 7 in Salt hemstitching, but narrow baby ribbons the same tone were threaded WANTED—Horses to pasture. Ad- 60c 1 Lake City, according to a ruling of of Merchants Lunch through all the edges. An amusing dress Bert E. Brown, Ashland,1 (the attorney general just made. Oregon. 213-6* j Unexcelled Dinner.... $1.00 note was the fluted frills which edged I Postmaster C. H. Fortman enter­ the bottoms of the culottes and also ed a formal plea of not guilty when extended up toe sides to the hip line. HATS CLEANED arrested May 10, in Helena, Mont., Every piece was embroidered with the zUADIES HATS—Cleaned and made C. B. LAMKIN on a charge of having embezzled fed- wearer's monogram in the same tone. over. Call 165 B. Street. There is a great vogue in Paris at the ¡eral funds. 202-lmo.* Announcement has been made at present time for monograms designed BARGAINS IN by well-known décorative artists. -FOR FRUIT SPRAYING—Call tele­ 1 ireat Falls. Mont., on behalf of 204-lmo. phone 430-R Lanvin shows a nightgown of pink Real Estate ithe wholesale oil distributors of the crepe da chine embroidered in silver, state through Attorney I. W. Church having a deep plaited yoke and plait­ FOR RENT I that they would refuse to pay from ed sleeves. On the left shoulder is an FOR RENT-—Nicely furnished bed- CUy and Ranch Properties (January 1, to March 1, 1921, the embroidered motif of flowers in the room. Gentleman only. 283 High Houses to Rent. gasoline tax of one cent per gallon French national colors. Another fan­ street. Telephone 493-J. ciful Lanvin model is a nightgown of 213-eod-tf. assessed by the last legislature. A writ of execution to compel dark orange crepe de chine with high CITIZENS’ RANK BUILDING t FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, collar and long sleeves drawn into a I Judge Benjamin B. Lindsey to pay gentleman only. Phone 367-Y or tight baud at the wrist. This gown 2 lOtf a $500 fine assessed against him in buttons down the left side from the call 155 Factory st. NEW GARDEN TOOLS. i the west side criminal court at Den- top of the collar to the waistline. FOR RENT—Rooms at Manx,, 349 ver recently has been issued to the Spray Pumps. New Very fantastic in design and colors 207-1 mo East Main. New Spray Hose. I county sheriff by District Attorney are the new lingerie sets of triple New Garden Hose. SITUATIONS WANTED voile or colored linen or those of white I Philip S. Van Cise’s office. ----------------------------------------- ---------------- Used Sewing Machines. | Governor Hart of Washington is linen trimmed with color. Or they WANTED — By middle aged lady,; New Iron Age Hand Cultivators. in Denver to preside at the meeting may be of linen In a solid color with light housework. Call 262-R. New Sewing Machines. the garniture lu a contrasting shade. 214-6 of the executive committee of the Sold or rented by the month. Reclamation asso- All Kinds of Fence Posts and Fencing Western States DRESSMAKING. elation which comprises 13 states. PE IL’S CORNER Edwin E. Graves of Boston, inter- MRS. ETHEL SHIRLEY, Dressmak- WRONGGUESS BY THE PARK ing. Vista apartments, 359 Vista ; national vice president, and Roy Didn’t you street. 213-6* I Hull of Chicago, business agent of say before we | the Upholsters’ Union have been were married, : HEMSTITCHING and picoting at- that we’d get tachment. Works on all sewing found guilty in Chicago on charges along like a pair $2. Personal machines. Price of inciting slugging«, bombin and of turtle doves? 4 Light’s Mail, checks 10c extra. (other acts of violence during the I should have " Order House, Box 127, Birming- 1919-20 strike, and sentenced said “snappin’ 212-7* to ham, Ala. turtles.” from one to five years at the pen- and Surgeon. Hours 1 to 5. Of­ fice 425 E. Main St., Opp. Public Library. PAGE THREB UNDIES IN TINTS By JESSIE ROBERTS LOST LOST — Purple umbrella, leather strap. Return to Tidings office 215-tf and receive reward. LOST—Pocketbook containing check and papers. Reward for its re­ turn. George Tannehill, Box 101 Talent. 215-2* FOR SALE Buttermilk 100 Gallons per Day Ashland Creamery Buy a Home Now Here are a few places that are worth looking at when you are buying a home: Nice home on boulevard, ga- rage, good frontage, paving all paid; 34,000. THE Billings Agency A BANK At 4 01 NT? THE MAX’ WITHOUT THE man who doesn’t have a bank account and connection is looked askance at nowadays. Others feel that he lacks the first essential of business success the cash and credit resource. On the other hand. who has a growing account here at the First National and handles his affairs legitimately—needs no further rec- om mendation. There’s room for YOU here. WHY ago that the held more or was supposed to be a freak, to put it clearly, and it was only freak ■ who would go to Wit her for treatment. It is still a surprise when you hear a college girl say i hat she is studying medici ne. It will become less and less so as prejudice fades and as more and more women enter the field. There are nowhere near enough good doctors and in the constantly extend- ing work of preventive medicine wom­ en will find the fullest opportunity. It is there, more even than with chil­ dren and with women, that woman will do her greatest medical labor. Pre­ ventive medicine is only in its infancy. Those who know say that it will soon see an immense extension. The les­ sons of the war have been of tremen- | «■««■iir-iiiiiwira dous value in leaching what may be expected, and even these are but fore- shadowings. The woman who has a taste for medicine and who can give the neces- sa ry time to its study is preparing a line over when the intellectual woman went into teaching as the e most interesting profession open o her. The woman doctor is already on her way. In a few years she will be known as commonly as her brother, and as favorably, No woman who feels drawn io the work should hesi- rate to follow it. if she can by any means accomplish the training re- ^TUFïrstNationdlBank SAYAVE veres IN STOCK J a ■ Duplicating Sales Books N I quired. (Copyright. ) a “THE ELHART WAY” I5 QUALITY — The true estimate of worth, Expect to find it here. For the Each $ .25 Per Dozen Two Dozen One Hundred 1.75 2.75 11.00 ; 1 I i f I I IS ASHLAND TIDINGS draduafe School Memory Books, Auto­ graph Albums, Lovely Station­ ery in tints and white, put up in gift boxes; Crane’s Linen and Highland Linen; Gold and Silver Pencils. THOROUGHNESS The best of Fountain Pens, T HE CONKII X. Parisian Ivory and Leather Goods. Corona and Woodstock Typewriters. Ye ♦ Print Shop A SOUND MERCHANDISING PLAN— ORUGS,B0 good copy, attractive layout and illustration, surely —but there you cannot rest content OUR CONCEPTION OF SERVICE— to you requires a follow-through on every piece of work—a watchfulness to see that every detail of the printing craft is utilized in the most effective manner. Tablets Pencils Kodaks THOROUGHNESS— is a fundamental with us—our PRINTING. creed tor GOOD Ashland Tidings Blank Books School Books Comply With the Law AND USE East Side Pharmacy J. J. McNair, Prop. CITIZENS BANK OFASHLAND PROGRESSIV 1- POLK V The Citizens Bank of Ashland is a firm be- liever in a progressive policy, and is ever extend the ready to most helpful kind of ser- • vice to its patrons. A SLAM My dog knows as much as I do. How odd you arel Most men brag about their doga. Not Fond of History. Looking up from Ids history lesson, Bobby said: -Mother, I do wish I'd been born in the time of Julius Caesar.” " “Why?” asked his mother. ‘‘Cos then I shouldn’t have to learn everything that’s happened si nee.” 4 SYSTEM DOCTOR welan iteneiary and fined $2000 each. Attorney General Daugherty has announced that he was considerili asking congress to permit use of j former army cantonment as a voc: tional training institution for young men serving terms in federal prisons Six-room dwelling with fire­ place and attractive features, in for first offenses. fine condition; close in; $3,600. Profiteering in I. W. W. member­ Seven-room bungalow and one ships has been charged against the acre of fine land, with good vari­ I Philadelphia branch of the I. W. W. ety of fruit and berries, garage; organization at a session of the na­ well located; will sell furnished tional convention being held in Chi- or unfurnished. I cago. We also have some good bar­ A number of Filipino Business gains ranging from $1,000 to 32.500. Let us show them to you. j men in Manila are preparing a me­ morial to the Wood-Forbes presiden­ tial investigating mission there, ¡urging that granting independence Real Estate and Real Insurance ‘to the Philippines be deferred for Estab. 1883 Phone 211 41 East Main I some time on account of disturbed conditions of the world. MEMBER RAI RESERVE niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiHiiin CHICHESTER S PILLS Hotel Austin “Che Bank with the Chim^. Clock. A Checking Account with us is a live busi- ness asset. Printed Butter Wrappers CCORDING to the ruling of the Oregon Dairy and Food Commission all dairy butter sold or exposed for sale in this state must be wrapped in butter paper upon which 16 (or 32) ounces full weight,” with the name and address of the maker. To enable patrons of the Tidings to easily comply with this ruling this office has put in a supply of the standard sizes of butter paper and will print it in lots of 100 sheets and up­ ward and deliver it by parcels post at the fol lowing prices: 100 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces $1.75 250 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces ... ...... $2.75 500 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces .. ...... $4.00 Send your orders to us by mail accompan­ ied by the price of the paper and it will be promptly forwarded to you by parcel post, prepaid. We use the best butter paper obtainable, and our workmanship is of the best. Let us have your order and you will not regret it. Ashland Tidings AVON SAVINGS' SloN DEPOSITS \ Ashland, Oregon ♦