PAGl FOUR i riday. May ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS wee MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL © Western Newspaper Union SO I NOU TAYE AH INTEREST IT PAPER AW WANT to DO US A FAVOR WHEN NA KI, JEST SAN ACOOD MOR FER US WHERE w WIL DO w MOST GOOO—WIITH A NON-SUBSCRBER wjLeu A FIUD OHE -(AE AINT NOBODY BUT WHAT RECEWES MORE BEHEFIT FROM n HOME NEWSPAPER. THAN HEY KIN REPAN BN PAMIN HEIR LL OLE cuaseR-ON KOLEV OnQE ANEAR And Ye Editor JVill Smile From Ear to Ear! By Charles Sughroe AND CALL US UP ON T‘ PHONE WHEN NA HANE GUESTS AND ELL US , OR WHEN N00 KNOW SOMETHING IERESTIN& - IIS ) / - WIL. BE DOuG US A PEAL FAJOR AND GIVE US NOUR J08S OF PRINTING INSELO OF SEWPIIG EI t SOME LL SHOP WHICH i JEST OUT t MAYE 18, 1921 The Cleveland Building Trades Employers’ association has taken out an insurance policy for $1.000,000 against loss caused by strikes or other damage to buildings erected by its members. MONEY FER KSELF-SUPPORT NER GOOD OLE HOME OWs NEWSPAPER: I DESERVES wet EXTRA SPECIAL! PA UP NOW SATURDAY MAY 14 AT Ashland News in Paragraphs LOCKS AT SAULT STE. MARIE CANAL ADDED LAKE SUPERIOR TO GREAT LAKES’ VOYAGES Local and Personal Side Lights California Editor Visits — 1 Visits Girlhood Friend— Harvey R. Ling came in yester- Mrs. Everlin Dowe. a girlhood day for a visit with his father-in-law, friend of Miss Palmer is in the city Bert R. Greer. His lather J. W. for a six months visit at the Cham- Ling has undergone a serious opera- berlain - Palmer ranch. She ex- tion at the Weed hospital and Har- presses herself as charmed with vey came up from Burbank, Cal., Ashland and its environment. • • where he is editor of the Review, to Ashland Natatorium open for the! see his father. He will return to Weed Saturday, in the meantime season Saturday. May 14th. 215-2 • • dividing his time between here and It pays to C Yec when you want Medford, his old home. 187-tf any old kind of insurance. • o Rose Bros, special sale, fresh Car­ dinal Chocolates at 60c per pour. I Evangelist To Speak Here Dr. E. J. Bulgin, an evangelist of box, while they last. See window. National reputation now speaking • • in Medford, will open revival meet­ Baseball Game Tomorrow— The Ashland and Yreka baseball ings at the Chautauqua building be­ teams will play at the local high ginning June 5, it was announced school grounds at 2:30 o'clock to- today by Rev. Charles—A. Edwards, pastor of the Methodist church. morrow afternoon. • Comfort clothes for hot weather —prlcea just as light as the goods, 211-tf at Paulserud’s. ladders. • • Two pound box of mixed choco- lates, $1.50. Special price Friday • • Floyd Fraley Back From France— and Saturday $1.00. Ender’s Con- 213-3 Lloyd Fraley, who has been in Y. fectionery. M. C. A. work in France, arrived home on 53 yesterday. His wife Social Circle Meets— and mother accompanied him. This The Ladies Social Circle of the trip home Christian church held a business is Mr. Fraley’s second meeting on Wednesday afternoon. since he enlisted in the work. • • © • Paulserud's suits are tailor-made Try Rose Bros. Quality ice 211-tf 208-tî and show it. cream. • • • • Don’t forget the Armory dance ! Visit Parents— Mr. and Mrs. Fraley are visit- Saturday night. ing at the home of Mr. Fraley’s par- • • Visits at Klamath Falls— | ents, Mr. and Mrs. C.. W. Fraley, on Raymond Long, First street, has Mountain avenue, • • been spending the last few days at business Auto camp stoves, ‘ tents and Klamath Falls on camp equipment. Ashland Furniture • ♦ 209-tr Tanors for, Company. Have a tit at Orres. 116tf Men and Women. From Myrtle Creek — G. Yeo still Insures Fords, auto- Mrs. W. A. Cooper of Roseburg 1 S7-tf arrived yesterday from Mrytle Creek mobiles and tracks. Mrs. Cooper is visiting at the home of Mrs. E. W. Redifer. • • WANTED—L i g h t house-keeping room, close in. Address "J. IL”, | care Tidings. LOST—Pocketbook containing check and papers. Reward for its re­ turn. George Tannehill, Box lui Talent. 215-2* "g FOR SALE—Cheap, good milk goat, *261 Oberlin street. 214-3* Molno a Jreemer on SbQ Milk Depot at Enders Confectionery Store Bring your bottle and get your milk for ......................... . 10c Qt. Milk from Tuberculosis Tested Cows. “ "PPP ‘3$ x: s s Spring and summer bring • - | urge of vacation travel and change of scene. Each season sees new the wey resorts come into popularity white a drair others wane. Resorts may flourish **r - "* • and fade, but one summer outing - w - * - never loses its charm for old friends and is constantly acquiring ... new admirers, and that is a vaca­ gs tion spent on a Great Lakes’ steamer. Thousands of vacationists fromcomforis and luxuries of ocean men is. There are two canals an -id- ----- 1._ the *he the • middle states — make trip - iiners. also some unique to them- American and a Car Canadian, but they erate as one. — Shi ____ _______ from Chicago or Milwaukee to selves such as out-door dancing ov ips pass through space !h. ofter-deck and dining either as „ accommodation beautiful Georgian Bay with on its ____ __ ____________ ______ becomes Thousand islands clustered about salons fitted with large plate glass possible. What this canal has done Ontario’s resort dotted shore. Other windnue which wide we nannte + inn through thaanel windows thrauch through which wide vriewel views *. to nwamnta promote + transportation thousands, sailing from Buffalo, may be enjoyed. Lake Superior, may be surmised by Toronto or . Port ----- McNicoll, head ----- ! Perhaps the chief point of inter- the fact that during 1919, vessels westward and northward through est on this trip is the passage to the number of 17,587 and 56,992 Erie and Huron into that inland sea through the famous "Soo 500 ” Lanai Canal passengers passed through _ its of dark blue water, Lake Superior. where ships ................ of all ....... sorts ....... and sizes locks. Vast quantities of freight The round trip from Port Me-are lifted from Huron i into Su Superior also find their way to market via icoll on Georgian Bay, to Fort by the canal tocks Many millions this man-made waterway which ‘Vibam at the head of Lake Su- of dollars of Canadian and Amer-! supplanted the dangerous rapids reror makes an ideal week’s out-j kan money has gone into the con-'that connected the two lakes a..d at " c The iake steamers are com struction of this canal and it is j one time isolated the greatest of the th ions and equinped with all the operated joirt’i by the two govern. Great Lakes MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE College Women Meet— Misunderstood By Merchants %. The Love Special See the Table of 98c. Shoes up Io $17.00 values. Special Friday and Saturday AU $1.50 Boxes Chocolates $1.00 ; 227 - ' I The College Women’s Club will ■ SueE- wv meet Saturday afternoon at the home On account of our Associational of Mrs. Milton Janes at the Capital Meeting in Medford last Sunday, and Hill ranch near Medford. A literary the visit of Dr. S. J. Ried of Portland H. R. Adams for prumbing, heating program is planned. The next clu) to our church here, we did not have here in June meeting will be held Day Service last Sun- and gas fitting, Repairing a speci- KANSAS CITY. May 13. — The our Mothers, of the and will be the last meeting have it this Sunday, alty. 248 Fifth St. Phone 166-J. > federal reserve bank system is most day, but will year. think so much of the1 6 I generally misunderstood, not only May 15th. 1 DO YOU WANT TO TRADE and the privi- Attend Evangelist Meeting— Service even 1 Mother’s Day Just received notice from Bruner by merchants and farmers, but for an alfalfa tract or orchard? Mothers that I Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Koehler lege of honoring our Woolen Company of a reduction in by bankers of the country, said C. A. simply cannot let the occasion go by Some swell acreage to exchange together with John H. Fuller and prices on part of their new spring Worthington, deputy governor ot the without holding our Mother’s Day father, J. M. Fuller motored to Med- for city resideuce property. ford yesterday evening to attend the and summer woolens, amounting in Federal Reserve Bank here, in an | Service. So the 11 o’clock service | A Beautiful Little Bungalow, Evangelist meeting held in that city some cases to $8.00 on a suit. Call address to credit men. The idea that Sunday will be given to our Mothers, with 3-4 acre of fruit, berries and by Dr. E. J. Bulgen. in and see them. K. Nelson, at the Federal Reserve Bank has not young and old, living and dead. Let! 912-tf made loans for the purchase of ag- „ ------ garden, $1600. the Hotel Austin Bldg. • • , w • ..all who can, wear the carnation, or , ricultura I equipment and backed the • • If you don’t dance, come and Another nice little bungalow ‘ farmer to the limit is erroneous, __ .... 1 he some suitable flower. My Illinois Visitor— 7 subject J ten. Armory, Saturday night. and good large lot for about .. , i will be Mothers Jov, ‘ Crown, and that the local Miss May Burtch of Peoria, Ill . said, setting out • • $1200. Come in and ask about furnished Glory. who has been visiting at the home'branch last year alone ------ ------------- Visits Parents— them. Mrs. Frank Schwahan, daughter of Mrs. C. W. Chattin, 316 Hagardine more than 20 times the amount of we extend a hearty invitation and E. E. PHIPPS, of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Porter, of the street, left this morning for Port-'funds to this district than ever was welcome to al who will worshiP with Real Estate Broker, Fountain Confectionery, came inland where she will visit friends and placed in banks for crop moving or US. Especial y do we invite visitors other purposes prior to the estab-and strangers in Ashland to attend Next door to Tidings yesterday with her three children relatives. • - lishment of the federal reserve sys- this service. i for an indefinite stay with her par­ WALTER L. EVANS, Pastor, Phone 140 tem DeWit. Taxi : ents. Recently her husband died as t 208-1 mo* ‘‘It required more money to han- | an after effect of the flue. © • • _ _ 9. . die agricultural loans last year, than Calif. Visit--- , , ,, . ... Best line of chocolates money wiil Returns _ From . , ... ever before, said Mr. Worthington. AMERICAN GIRL MARRIES J. R. Tozier returned to Ashland .... , . . DUKE GETS DIVORCE 208-‘i buy. Rose Bros. , "At one time our loans aggregated Wednesdaey after a three months more than 165 millions.” visit with bis son, Bert Tozier, in The Federal Reserve Bank of Kan­ LONDON. May 13. — The Duch- Petaluma, Cal. sas City was required to borrow 50 ess of Marlborough, who was for- • 6 millions from other districts, Mr. merly Consuelo Vanderbilt of New Visits Gustafson Family — ! Miss Lillie Peterson, a nurse or Worthington said. All other re- York, obtained a final decree of di- the Albertina Kerr home of Portland. ! serve banks in agricultural sections vorce today. She charged the duke with desertion and infidelity who has been visiting at the home were borrowers also. 3 "The fundamental objects in es- of her aunt, Mrs. O. Gustafson of this IO city, returned to her home yesterdav tablishing the Federal Reserve Bank was to furnish elastic currency, to “THE ELHART WAY” evening. FRIDAY—SATURDAY afford means of rediscounting com­ QUALITY — The true estimate • • mercial paper and to establish more of worth, Expect to find it here. Eight Pound Baby Roy— Stop-» Look--Listen An eight pound baby hoy was born efectivo supervision of banking in I to Mr. and Mrs. Reed Harrell of Mon-the United States,” continued Mr. i tague. Calif., yesterday. Mr. and Worthington. "The idea, however, i Mrs. Harrell are former Ashland that the federal reserve banks han­ dle al kinds of commercial paper is young people. not correct. Any banking system © © New Medford Paper— would collapse under such a strain School Memory Books. Auto­ A special dispatch from Seaside, graph Albums, Lovely Station­ OLD CLOTHES FOR THE ery in tints and white, put up Ore., dated May 10th. in the Port­ in gift boxes; Crane’s Linen ARMENIANS. land Journal, says: "W. E. Phipps, and Highland Linen; Gold and (Contributed.) attorney of Medford, has purchased Silver Pencils. The citizens of Ashland are asked the large Astoria printing plant, of Wallace Reid î The best of Fountain P The plant to co-operate with the committee in E. N. Hurd of this city. * With “DhetLove Special' T HE CONKLI N. will be moved to Medford imme- Near East Relief in gathering old Strong Supporting Cast A P