ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE TWO -------- A mensa" Monday, April 18, 1921 deficiency in the offender. ina received here by the relief mis- | Crawford Ivers adapted for Para­ recent state-wide survey in bion station here. Rev. B. M. Me- mount from the play by Henry Ar- Established 1876 Oregon shows that more than 75.000 Owen, Anglican missionary, says that | thur Jones. Published Every «Evening Except men, women and children out of a when grain distribution began many _ . , Elliott Dexter, after a. vacation in THE ASHLAND“PAINTING CO. total population of 783,000 are de- of the men in the country hereabout Fearing an attack of appendicitis New York, is back in Hollywood, pre- to come ïf ------- -== | pendents, delinquents or — feeble- were -------- too *— weak ----- *- -- ---- and - ’ fetch --* fisht interfere with her work in paring to start work shortly in a pic- ′ and that more than 500 their family ration. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY {minded, The Great Impersonation,” George ture at Lasky studio. PAPER school children out of a total enrolled^ Despite a blizzard that lasted 48 Melford ’s next production for Para- TELEPHONE 39 Betty Compson, the newest Para­ mount, Ann Forrest, who is to play I school population of 32,500 are more hours without a break, McOwau con- mount star, will start soon under the Subscription Price Delivered in City the leading feminine role 21 in the raw E% or less mentally deficient. The latter tinued to issue relief stores to the the new direction of Penrhyn Staulaws on her One month .................................. 1.95 fact is significant when It is remem- starving, though many who started picture, has gone to the Good Samar- first Paramount picture, “At the End Three months ............................. Six months .................................. 3.75 bered that the condition of the chil- from points remote from the relief itan Hospital . in Los Angeles for an of the World,” from the European operation, from which she hopes to success by Ernest Klein. One year...................................... 7.50 dren of today is the best possible in­ station lost their way in the storm. Mail and Rural Routes. ho recovered in about three weeks. Gloria Swanson is nearing the Kin- We are now enabled to feed about dex to the condition of the commu- $ .65 One month . . Miss Forrest recently completed her .. ..r . , . . ,. , ... 40,000 persons through to the spring nity of tomorrow. 1.95 Three months _ ish of The Great Moment, her first work in A Wise Fool, ” which was. » . ,. ., , . . 3.50 McOwen says. “ Probably ‘ The ---- Oregon figures are consid-1 « harvest,” Six months . . - - « picture as an individual star for . . 6.50 erably lower than the average shown ten times that that number will need aso produced by George Melford Paramount written by Elinor Glyn One year .... - " *** --------- --------------------- by the draft examination, indicating to be fed. if they are not to starve to' from Sir Gilbert Parker’s "The and directea by Sam Wood. ADVERTISING RATES: Money Master." and was last seen Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle is in Display Advertising (hat they are certainly not higher death, ” ' . Single insertion, each inch. . . . 30c I I than H re in " e, aith Healer. overalls a good deal of the time these those that would be obtained in | YEARLY CONTRACTS Dore Davidson, hnokn to motion- .. .3. , in . his .. new other states. ” . . days, ... playing the title role Display Advertising picture patrons for his work as the p. ... „ ,, One time a week................ ..2712C ... „ Paramount picture. Gasoline Gus. i tather in Humoresque,” plays the — nr ». .. , , „ — Two times a week................ . ,25c , ... , ,, " * by Waiter Woods from George Pat­ Every other day......... .... . .200 part of Grouch in George Fitzmau- ... * . , , . ‘ tullo stories. Local Readers. rices production of ‘Experience,” — . 10c ...... ... , „ Reginald Denny has been selected Each line, each time........... which is being filmed at Paramount s t % _ - To run every other day for one Long Island studio. Mr. Davidson month, each line, each time.... 7c To tun every issue for one month also is appearing on Broadway in or more, each line, each time. . . . 5c Ashland - Tidings I Screen Gossip s Classified MERMAID FROCKS STARTLE ENGLISH Column. Compulsory Law Hard on This Father To impress catipon Ino mina o One cent the word each time. | YORK, Pa. The compulsory at- Wallace Reid, Paramount star, that To run every issue for one month or more, lie the word each time. LONDON.—The freak fashions tendance law bears hard on a farmer they wanted to see him during his Card of Thanks. $1.00. with 13 children. Earl Mundis of recent trip to the Pacific Northwest. which inevitably accompany spring- Obituaries. 21 cents the line. Fraternal -------- ---"i Orders 4UIU and "eyr"," Societies. time madness promise this season to Lower Windsor township, told Jacob the Eugene (Ore.) Chamber of Com Advertising for fraternal orders surpass anything that has gone be. Stager, alderman, before whom he mèrce sent him a “Stop1 in Eugene’ and nov " was taken after being arrested, telegram, consisting of 48 “stops’ or societies charging a regular miti- r 1 • .... ation fee and dues, no discount. Re-fore in the way ot daring charged with falling to send his chil-* and the two final words, “In Eu " . ...______ -a . .:11 1 ligious and benevolent orders will be elty. dren to school. Mr. Mundis' defense gene.” charged the regular rate for all ad­ Dame Fashion has been having a at the hearing will be that he is un- William D. Taylor has begun work vertising when an admission or other confab with Father Neptune, and the able to bear the financial burden im- on “The Lifted Veil,” a starring ve- charge is made. net result is decidely fishy.” posed by the law. hicle for Ethel Clayton. which Julia The Tidings has a greater circula­ One of them is the mermaid frock, tion in Ashland and its trade territory than all other newspapers combined. which is a close-fitting affair entirely Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, composed of pailettes, which overlap Postoffice as Second Class Mail one another in the approved fish-1 Matter. scale style. These pailettes are of ----- " ! ’ iridescent shades of silver, green and blue. No trimming or ornament of any kind is worn with the frock and corsets are doffed, so that the sinu­ ous mermaid effect is complete. Another fishy fad is the girdle, composed of painted sea shells. With this is worn a head-dress of similari design, or, maybe, of tinted pearls. For those whose systems cannot as- similate too much sea breeze, a few Hawaiian modes have been thrown in. The one which is likely to excite UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EU­ most comment is the Hawaiian skirt. GENE, April 18.—Oriental history, a This extends from the waist to just new subject for a high school study, below the knee and is composed of has been introduced at the University course, matted, hay-colored fringe high school this semester. This is a and has the ragged primitive effect course dealing with the Philippine of the garments of South Sea sland- Islands, India, China and Japan, and ers. is a subject seldom studied in high school, but very important, especial­ 80 ly to the Pacific coast, because of the nearness of.the Oriental coun­ tries. This study is by way of an experi­ ment. The chief difficulties in teach- ing the course arise from the fact i • that there are no text books on the subject in existence. HOCHIENFU, China (By Mail to United Press).—Daily reports of fam­ ine victims freezing to death are be- ice-Cream Bricks Ice-Cream • to play one of the leading male roles Feretison in her opposite Miss Elsie Ferguson latest Paramount picture, "Foot- lights,” which is in the process of production under the direction of John S. Robertson at Paramount's eastern studio. Before the holidays Mr. Denny worked with Ethel Clay­ ton in “The Prince of Possession” and preceding that in George Fitz­ maurice’s “Paying the Piper.” PEIL’S CORNER BY THE PARK OIL GUSHERS We will bring one in as soon as sufficient units are sold. We expect this will be within 60 days. Other People Are Doing It Why not we. None of the producers were financedby one man’s money. It requires a crowd. OUR HOLDINGS Are less than two miles from the big producers, and on the anti-cline, favorably passed upon by the Geologist. 600 Units $100 Each Vanilla Strawberry Chocalate Maple Nut The Trustees are men you can rely on for a square deal, and they refer you to any of the banks of Ashland. Make your check payable to the Ore-Cat Creek Syndicate, and send to Ashland Creamery E. T. STAPLES, Fiscal Agent Hotel Austin Bldg. NO TEXT BOOKS EXIST ON SUBJECT OF NEW COORSE 7 NEW GARDEN TOOLS New Spray Pumps. New Spray Hose. New Garden Hose. Used I Sewing Machines. Iron Age Hand Cultivators. Sewing Machines. Sold or rented by the month. All Kinds of Fence Posts and Fencing Ashland, Oregon THIS WEEK ′ With Every 3-lb. Purchase of GOLDEN WEST COFFEE A 12 Pound (40c) Package of NU-RAY-A TEA FREEZE TO DEATH CHECK MADE ON MENTAL DEFECTIVES. Pumps ‘The prevention and correction ol mental defectiveness.” says the U. S public health service, "is one of the great public health problems of to-1 day. Its influence is continually crop­ ping out. For instance, recent studies have shown that feeble-mindedness is an important factor in prostitution, and that a marked proportion of ju­ venile delinquency is traceable to FOREVER FREE from ASTHMA Hundreds of people are aston­ ished and delighted with the quick and PERMANENT relief they have received from the use of our wonderful new dis- covery, Asthma-Sera. Asthma and Hay-Fever, with all their tortures, may now be BANISHED FOREVER. Tear out this announcement and send at once to R. M. B. LABORATORIES . 802 Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Wn. In Junior Louis Heels GOLDEN Just Received bodied, The superior excellence of Golden West Coffee is known to practically every housewife in the Northwest. NU-RAY-A TEA 4 ar erliss —is a product of equal quality —the perfect result of a care­ ful blending of selected Cey- ... Ion, India and Java Teas—the finest grown. Please Remember that all new goods are hard to get and soon go tal nsi This Unusual Offer Regardless of "special" prices on Golden West Coffee the FREE ( package of NU-RAY-A TEA will be given with every 8-pound purchase. r A 'i FHE above picture shows — that one gallon of SWP house paint 360 square feet of two coats. «a Us f’g —is made solely to acquaint you with NU-RAY-A TEA. We want the names "Golden West” and "NU- : RAY- A” to be linked hand in hand in the mind of every housewife as products that excel A CAA-t Will Be Given FREE Mis “Ssedaiat > nd %. “th Wmgjym, " IMPORTED &.BLENDED or . ': CLOSSETSDEVERS. s PORTLAND, a - SEATTLE badnayana Fill your requirements this week with Golden West Coffee (Vacuum Packed), and save substantially on your household expenses widh the free package of NU-RAY-A TEA flows quired to apply it. That to the cecond saving. SWP outlasts two plete your S herwin -W illiams PRODUCTS Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. “In the Heart of Town.” AT ALL DEALERS CLOSSET & DEVERS, A Pioneer Oregon Company