Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, April 01, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, April 1, 1921
Ashland ♦ Tidings PeOona“v. anaae“
Established 1876
Published Every Evening
are proud °' the
Now, what of the future? The war
Except is over and there is no longer de­
THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. mand or need to support many of
' OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY the activities we were called upon to
help during the war period, but from
time to time we will be called upon I
to contribute to the support of
Subscription Price Delivered in City worthy charities. There is no ques-j
One month ...................................... $ .651
Three months .............................. .. 1.95 tion in my mind but that the people
Six months .................. -.................. 3.75 of Ashland and vicinity will respond
One year....................................... • 7.50 to these calls in the future as they
Mail and Rural Routes.
the past but what method
One month ................................... $ .65 have in
adopted for the raising of
Three months .............................. ..
Six months ..................................... • 3.50 funds?
One year ........................................ . 6.50
It is to be regretted that a larger
percentage of the people did uot ex­
Display Advertising
press themselves through the refer­
Single insertion, each inch.............30c
vote for a really decisive vote,
either for or against the adoption of
Display Advertising
. .2712© the ‘ Community Chest” plan, which
One time a week.............
. .25c
Two times a week.............
would have been interpreted by the
. . 20c
Every other day..................
Chamber’s directors as instructions
Local Beaders.
10c to be followed. Speaking individu-
Each line, each time....
To run every other day for one
ally. I have felt that Ashland should
month, each line, each time.... 7c again raise and disburse its funds
To run every issue for one month
or more, each line, each time. . . . 5 c under the “Community Chest” plan
and I fell reasonably sure that a
Classified Column.
Oue cent the word each time.
large .percentage of those who have
To run every issue for one month or i
| given the matter serious considera-
more, 12c the word each time.
tion favor it, but I can only express
Card of Thanks, $1.00.
Obituaries, 21 cents the line.
| this as my opinion and I do not
Fraternal Orders and Societies.
know how we can go about it to ar­
Advertising for fraternal orders
or societies charging a regular initi- rive at a definite knowledge of how
ation fee and dues, no discount. Re-a majority of our people feel about it.
ligious and benevolent orders will be
Of course we do not need to raise
charged the regular rate for all ad- | any such amount of money
vertising when an admission or other I
did two years ago, but all will agree
charge is made.
----------------------------------------------- ------ — that some provision must be made to
The Tidings has « greater circula-
. ... .
lion in Ashland and its trade territory me 1 the demands that will be made
than all other newspapers combined, upon us in worthy causes.
----------------------- —----- —— - —
— i
A national campaign is now on
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon,.
Postoffice as Second Class Mail for the raising oi a tund for the
| “Near East Relief” and for the starv-
ing Chinese and surely this is an ap-
• o • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • | peal that we cannot ignore. Mr. Ed-
gar B. Piper, editor of the Oregonian,
i and M. A. L. Mills, president of First
National Bank of Portland, have been
named by President Harding to lead
Editor Tidings—Our Chamber of in the raising of Oregon’s quota of
Commerce recently asked the resi- this fund. Writing to us under re-
dents of Ashland to vote as to whether cent date, Mr. Piper says:
<>r no the Community Chest plan be
"I trust that in considering the
adopted to meet demands on us in matter of contributing to this fund
there may come to the people of Ash-
support of various charities.
ine land and vicinity the same sensation
vote returned endorsed the plan, but that came to me when I was asked by
by such a small majority that the the president to co-operate with Mr.
Chamber's board of directors are in Mills in making this appeal to the
, .
. .
------- state. It is, to say the least, an un­
doubt as to what course should be usual feeling to realize that the lives
of thousands of men and women
Our citizens will recall that two have been placed in your hands. It
years ago we organized what we|is a responsibility. we did not seek.
,, « .... ...
nut it is one we could not refuse.
called “The Ashland Patriotic Fund '
*1 am sure that the people of the
and there was actually paid into this Ashland District will realize that
Iund over $18,000, and the entire favorable action in contributing to
expense incurred in soliciting, col- this fund means that many children
fund will live while a failure to act would
lecting and
disbursing this
mean the death of many of those who
amounted to less than $50.
can look only to us for life. Just
Operating under the above plan, as the people of the state, by their
hundreds of dollars were saved that, laws, can place in the hands of the
“superate drive.” we governor the lives of men condemn-
under the
, ,
'ed to die, so the president has placed
would have had to meet in connec-in our hands, and we in turn, yours,
Hon with expenses of speakers, ad- the lives of these condemned, through
vertising, etd.
Our citizens were no fault of their own, to the most
spared the annoyance of repeated hideous of deaths,
We must meet this appeal for
demands on them for subscriptions
funds, shall we do it by a drive in
and, too, our public spirited workers
behalf of this cause alone, or shall
were spared the work of making re­
we attempt a reorganization of the
peated solociting trips. Reviewing the
“Community Chest" plan? We must
distribution of this large amount of
take some action, and we should
money; there was at times some dif­
take it at once.
ference of opinion among the mem­
bers of the board of directors, but
these differences were honest ones
and there was a conscientious desire DIES WHILE DIGGING
on the part of every member of the
board to do what was right and to
use the money as its donors would
HAZLETON, Pa., April 1—Death
approve. Undoubtedly some mistakes from a stroke of paralysis prevented
of judgment occurred but I think the Frank Marterilli from
subscribers to the fund very gen- the diggin gof his own grave. Friends
erally approved its distribution.
said he often expressed fear he would
Operating under that “Community not Jive much longer and two days
planatile southern portion of before he died he began digging his
Jackson county—the Ashland-Talent- grave in the Precious Blood ceme-
Phoenix district—met all demands tery. He was 74 years old.
contain nothing but strict­
ly high grade material
for all building purposes.
The Easter season means
the beginning of new
building operations and
the selection of lumber
is the most important of
what you want and at the
minimum price.
(Oak St. by the Railroad)
Glenn E. Simpson, Post Co
H. G. Wolcott, Vice-Com
Ralph Hadfield, Hist
Wm. Holmes, Treast
• Donald Spencer, Adjutant and
- --------------------------------------------- -—------- •----------------------------------------------------------
The Memorial is the most promi-|of purchasing a city home, suburban' cup and the lip, and it slipped this
nent question before the Aemrican home, or a farm home. The loan fea-time, but just temporarily. The ad
Legion just now. It is interesting to ture grants a loan up to 75 per cent jutant neglected to collect the re-
note the splendid work of the vari-o the appraised valuation, not to quired four bits from each member
This would be a signing the application for the Aux-
ous committee from all organiza- exceed $3000.
tions represented. The interest dis- very substantial assistance to a great iliary, so it came back for the coin,
played by the committees from the many ex-service men and women. Fortunately it was not greatly de-
G. A. R., the W. R. C. and the D. A. and tends to make for the very best laved, for one of the ladies most
kindly put up the necessary where-
R. and Chamber of Commerce with kind of citizens—Home owners.
A home owner will naturaly take with and it has gone in again, so you
their timely suggestions and helpful
and mature advice has been a source more interest in the affairs of state can count up your eligible neighbors
of inspiration and encouragement to than a non-owner. The state execu­ again and get ready to brang 'em all
our committee from the American tive committee of the American Le­ down to the Armory when the call
Legion. The job is going over with gion asks all ex-service persons in comes for the election of your of­
a boom and it will be a permanent | the community to donate 50 cents ficers and the completion of your or­
memorial to the kindly thoughts of each toward a fund for pressing the ganization.
all who subscribe to the fund needed issue before this election. These do­
for its erection. Saturday, April 2 nations are to be paid to the local
and Monday, April 4 have been des­ adjutants who will forward them to
,5′5 Ladies! Ask your Druggist for /,
ignated as donation days for this the state department at Portland.
3.91 ISa Chi-ches-ters Diamone Brandi .
1*111» in Ked and Cold metallic $” J
boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. V/
fund. Even if you cannot give to- If you are interested read this sec­
Take no other. Buy of your V
Druggist. Ask forCllI-CAIES.FEN: g
ward it, your voice in its support tion again, and then use your own
knownas Best, Safest, Always Hellat le
will be appreciated.
Talk it and judgment.
think it for a week anyway.
Right along this line'it will be
Do you know the present where- |
interesting to note the work of the abouts of Lee Moore, formerly of the
American Legion nationally. The Na­ 75th Company, 6th Marines? Moore
tional organization has started a was last seen in Dallas. Oregon. In-1
campaign to raise
necessary formation is desired by the state
funds with which to insure the proper headquarters and the American Red
decoration and commemorations of Cross Chapter in Portland. The Red
our graves “over there.” Each or­ Cross Chapter also wants to know
thousands upon
ganization has been asked to con- where the following men are: They
thousands that
tribute at the rate of ten cents for hold their discharges and cannot de-
each member in good standing- on liver them: Emmet Weston. Guy M
March 1. 1921, but not less than $5 Russie, James A.
from each post. This fund will be Kingston and Ralph Jackson Morris. |
handled by our national treasurer Ashland Post wants to know where
and will be proportionately distrib­ Charles Burdette is.
He was last
as the meal-time
uted between the graves of France, heard of at Hilt, Calif. Any informi
better for
Great Britain and Belgium, Italy and
mation that can be obtained regard­
health than coffee.
The American
ing the above named ex-service men
posts in these countries will have spe­ will be greatly appreciated by the
"There s a Reason
cially designated committees to at­ American Legion.
tend to this work in their respective
countries. It is a noble work and
There is many a slip between the
a noble cause, and we heartily appre­
ciate this opportunity to do our bit.
This work is all done by the Ameri­
cans, but that does not take into
account such beautiful tributes as are
by our friends in
France. A beautiful letter was re­
ceived from France a short time ago,
into a luxurious lavatory is not
as expensive as you may be-
by one of our members who has a
lieve if you have us do the
brother “over there,” telling how
work. And the benefits and in­
they deposit flowers and tears of love
creased enjoyment and comfort
and honor on the graves of our boys
are of untold value. Let us give
you the figures for converting
who are so far from home. Those
your old style bathroom into
people over there do not forget. It
one of beauty and health.
is to them a sacred duty and an
honor for them to pay tribute to our
dead for us.
Our monument for permanent Me­
morial of the Honored Dead, does
not mean for the World War dead
alone, but is builded to commenor-
ate the dead of ALL our WARS,
from the first up to and including thé
World War.
While the American
Legion is taking the active part of
the preparations, it is (only upon
the advice and co-operation of all
the other organizations that this ar-
tion is taken.
The privilege and
honor of taking part in this great
undertaking belongs to all alike, no
soliciting is contemplated; it will be
left to your own desires.
I nstant
P ostum
If Will Satisfy You
WE have been more than pleased
with our selection of this kind of coal
King Coal -
Beaver Hill
18.00 ton
15.00 ton
Carson-Fowler Lumber Co
In the Heart of Town
the Best
Tree Tanglefoot
To save your trees from
Ants, Moths, Caterpillars and Worms
Ashland Post No. 14 has received
a communication from Weed Post
No. 71, of Weed, Calif., inviting our
attention to the fact that they are
going to stage a real celebration for
July Fourth this year. They state
that their celebration will be differ-
ent from the old drift of such cele-
brations. It is to be sane, attrac­
tive and instructive, in every detail
with special attractions of interest
to members of the American Legion,
More detailed information will be
given out at a later date. They are
very much in earnest in their en-
deavor for an extra good one this
year and have an extra good cause
for which the hope to raise some
funds with which to develop it. All
will be
gained from the celebration
spent in the erection of a
children’s recreation park
in at­
tendance at this celebration, which
is most worthy indeed. A healthy
change from our time ridden cele-
brations would be greatly appreciat­
ed by all. Weed Post has our very
best wishes.
If Is Cool These loomings
The ex-service men and the Civil'
Service positions are pretty thorough­
ly dove-tailed together. There is 2
law in effect at this time that pro­
tects the ex-service man where his
work is good. We quote as follows:
“That in the event of reductions
being made in the force in any of
the executive departments, no hon­
orably discharged soldier or sailor
whose record in said department
is rated good, shall be discharged
or dropped, or reduced in rank of
There is a pretty stiff little pen-
alty attached to the law for violators
of its provisions. which make it
scarcely worth while to attempt it.
• There is to be a special election
held on the seventh of next June,
(Juno 7, 1921), at which time it
will be decided by the people* of Ore­
gon whether the wish to have the ex-
service persons of this state paid a
bonus of $15 for each month of ser­
vice between the 6th of April. 1917,
and November 11th, 1919, and a
loan from the state for the purpose
Help Control the Aphis. Try It
Ashland Fruit & Produce Association
Poison Grain Gets the Diggers.
EX1 0 e
We have the right size Exide to give long, lasting power and care­
free service in your car. All makes of batteries repaired and re-
Murphy Electric Shop
Flat Iron Building
Plaza and N. Main.
Let the Youngsters Take
jam or
they want if it is of our
Give them
ur cereals, too. They'll
CLIsc _
like them and they are
This grocery is a con­
We handle no
do not conform to the
strictest standards.
Square Deal Grocery
Piume 87
388 East Main
Successful Business
Men always endeav
or to surround them
selves with the best
Salesmen available
In its trade territory
the BEST salesman
available to any mer
chant is the
Daily or I
W cekly
Whether YOUR busi
ness is large or small
consistent, truthful
advertising of what
have for sale will
prove productive in