ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Friday, March 25, 1921 PAGE THREE whd BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PASTOR REFUSES NEW CONCRETE BLOCK IS INVENTED SALARY INCREASE BY JUGOSLAV MOUNT VERNON. V. One cent the word each time. ton, and several other American cit- les. has just completed a foreign factory building in Nove Mesto, Sio- Mar. 25vakia, at a total cost of 15,000,000 LOS ANGELES, Mar, 25—A new—The Rev. Otho F. Bartholow, pas- Czechoslovak crowns. All the ma- ATTORNEYS PHYSICIANS. type of concrete block, by which a tor of the First Methodist church | chinery was sent from America. Of it. o O g A AAA 2.1 *41 . DR. FRANK M. MOXON—Physician BRIGGS & BRIGGS- Attorneys-at- house many be built at les scost and here, has refused a salary increase the $250,000 capital of the corpo Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. , and Surgeon. Hours 9 to 12 and one third the time required for the of $1000 a year, offered him by the ration, $175,000 is owned by Ameri 1 to 5. Office, 425 E. Main St., cans of Slovak and Czech stock. L. A. ROBERTS—Attorney-at-Law. ordinary frame construction, has been church board. Opp. Public Library. He said his $6000 a year salary is Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens’ Bank placed on the market by a Los An­ DR. ERNEST A. WOOD^—Practice Bldg._________________________ geles firm, the Granolithic Construc­ sufficient and he will return the in­ limited to eye, ear, nose and tion and Manufacturing Company, en­ crease if it is sent to him. CHIROPRACTORS throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and tirely controlled by American citi­ He has been pastor of the same 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ DR. H. B. MOORE—Chiropractic land, Ore. 73-tf zens of Jugoslav origin: The meth­ church sixteen years, and is- leader Physician. First National Bank Try our 60 cent Merchants’ Bldg. Phones: Office, 112; Res. od of manufacturing the blocks is an of a Bible class of 1800 members. DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and . Lunch, at invention of the president of the com­ and Surgeon. Practice limited to 207-J. eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses pany, Anton De Ciciliani, an architect RED MEN” ARE supplied. Oculist and aurist for DR. GEO. J. KINZ—Chiropractor. and builder, born in Dalmatia. Jugo­ NOT REALLY RED Suite 8, over Mitchell’s Clothing S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. slavia. Store. Office Phone 103. Resi­ Bldg., opposite postoffice, Medford, NEW YORK, Mar. 25—The Ameri- Best meal in the city for the dence Phone 401. Oregon. Phone 567. 21-tf can Indian is not a red man. His ac-l money. Served every day from T. L. POWELL—GENERAL TRANS­ REVENUE CUTTER DRS. SAWYER & CRANDALL tual color is yellow and he is akin FER — Good team and motor BEAR IS RETIRED OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS 12 M. to 1:30, P. M. to the Japanese. Chinese and Kore­ trucks. Good service at a reason­ Pioneer Building. able price. Phone 486-J. SAN FRANCISCO. Mar. 25—Fam- ans. Phone 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J ed veteran of far northern patrol So says Dr. Clark Wissler of the JERRY’S PLUMBING SHOP. CITY TO MOVE routes, the old revenue cutter Bear, | American Museum of Natural His- FROM FLOOD ZONE which for 35 summers has broken tory in the March number of the Beaver Block, No. 15 First St. If is cheaper to pay Phone 68. ice paths, fought pirates and smug- Mentor Magazine. Plumbing of every description done OSBORN, O.—On July 1. if present glers, rescued explorers and done l the Laundry than the Scientists now believe that the In- Right, Quick and Economically. plans are followed, this town of 250 many other things in Bering sea, has dian migrated to America from Asia doctor. | buildings and dwellings will gather been taken off her old run. TAXI I via the Bering Straits and Alaska, — up its belongings, pack up its build- The Bear’s work in the icy north Dr. Wissler says. TAXI—Acklin’s—Rose Bros. Phone 136tf ings and start moving a mile and a is over and the old boat will spend ------------------------------------ 213. Let us do your washing --------- half distant. her remaining days basking in the AMERICAN SLOVAKS ASHLAND TAXI SERVICE— Night Motion picture cameras will grind sun at San Diego, Cal., where she BUILD A FACTORY Calls and Country Trips a Special- Phone 57. E. N. Norton Motor away, preserving the unique record will be used as a naval training ship. SEND IT TO THE ty. Co. phone 84. Nelda Cafe, Ash- of a whole town sliding away on rail- The American Slovaks Woodwork- Every spring for years the Bear 159tf 1 road tracks. land, Oregon. has been the first vessel to enter the | ing Corporation, a Chicago concern, | Osborn has to move, because of the Bering sea after the departure of with branches in Pittsburgh, Scran- TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. danger from flood in the Miami val- the winter ice. She always left Se­ ADAMS & NELSON TRANSFER— ley. attle in late April or May and early Baggage and express, packing, | It had its troubles finding a new in June was at the southern edge of crating and storage. Furniture re- i We home, as most househunters do these the receding floes, ready to follow paired. Wood of all kinds. “Che Bank solicit your patronage* and guar- days. The fown of Fairfield wanted them north. Following her lead camp Chim^ C/ooti. antee satisfaction. Phone 460 the plat Osborn had picked out and the passenger and freight vessels with 1 — 0 -401- - - I : == 1 ■ -......... —== sought an injunction preventing the fresh supplies for the winter-bound I MEMBER FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. | latter town from moving in. camps.. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTE FOR SALE—10 acres, 7 acres in A-l Judge Hartley at Xenia, however Throughout the summer the Bear apples, pears and peaches, full the other day dissolved the injunc- would patrol the Bering and very of- bearing. 5-room bungalow, good tion and as far as anyone knows now ten venture up through Bering straits ! barn, one acre timber. See Wm. „___ ,____ 11:________ ___________ - I.......................... _ I STOP IN ASHLAND” there is nothing more to prevent Os- | into the Arctic ocean. She carried H. Penter, 34 8, North Main St. EVERY AUTOIT whose heart is 172-lmo born from changing its location. supplies to isolated Eskimo school gladdened by the reception he re­ * The new Osborn will nearly adjoin stations and mission posts, went to FOR SALE. ceives and conveniences he finds in i Fairfield. Probably Fairfield's jeal- the assistance of vessels in distress Ashland—goes out of his way to pass FOR SALE—5 passenger Nash car ousy will extend so far that it will and called in at points on the Siber- the good word along to his fellow equipped with 5 Cord tires, just crowd to its windows when Neighbor ian coast. tourists. Every Alaskan seacoast Inquire F. L. overhauled. $1250. “Stop in Ashland” is a recommenda­ 172-6* Osborn’s goods start to move in and i point from Point Barrow, at the “cor- Colvig, 137 Oak St. criticise them. Maybe it will sniff ner of the continent,” down to Dutch tion you’ll hear given travelers from Canada to the Mexican border. FOR SALE—White Leghorn pullets, disdainfully at the color of some of Harbor, on the Aleutian Islands, and F[V. 1 nsingl strain; creeysz e poultry I r W li Oi netting; i 171 1) Tancred Are We Going to Keep ft also Buckeye Osborn’s buildings and point out with even points in southwestern Alaska chicken houses; That Way? You Bet : Inquire 123 Factory superiority that if it had to do the knew the Bear. brooder, 17 2-tf moving it certanly wouldn’t move street. A score of explorers have been aid­ such looking things. ed by the Bear. In 1884 she found J. V. FOR SALE—Young calf. Osborn ’ s people are enthusiastic 171-3* and resuced seven survivors of a Wright, 263 Mt. Ave. ---------------------- ———-—----------------- about their town and feel a new lease party of 3 5 Lieutenant Adolphus W. FOR SALE—Hatching eggs, large ... strain. White Leghorn, $1.25 for on lite for it, when it gets moved. Greely led into the Arctic. Later, in 15 eggs, delivered. Phone 416-R Business men and officials are busi- 1914, she picked up and brought 169-eod-3 ly planning ways and mean to bring south members of the crew of the FOR SALE—16-in. body alder, split new industries an dstart the build-schooner Karluck, the wrecked flag- from large trees and well season- ing of a larger and more moderni ship of an expedition piloted by Vilh- 169-m-w-si town. ed. Phone 460. jalmur Stefanson, Canadian explorer an : Three concerns are seeking the job -=- FOR SALE AT FT. KLAMATH—37 of removing Osborn, A contract is head of dairy cows, 20 head of C. B. LAMKIN to be awarded soon. young stock. Also stock ranch of 340 acres for rent or sale. All Plans now provide for the laying under irrigation. T. A. CTToeg. of railroad tracks between Osborn’s I BARGAINS IN son, Ashland, Ore. ------------ (Old and new home and transporting Real Estate FOR SALE—1919 Dodge in good the buildings and dwellings on spe- condition, equipped with cord tires, J cially built railroad cars 2 good spares, spot light, bumper — and motometer. A bargain at i City and Ranch Properties $1000.00. Automotive Shop. ALIENS TO BE SENT I Houses to Rent. 170-6 Business Men! Hotel Austin a LHrstNationrtímttk „ASHLAND. OREGON s" 8 SASEEP V&Poe IN STOCK Duplicating Sales -Books • TO SMALL FARMS I FOR SALE—70 thoroughbred White Leghorn hens for $105.00. Now earning over $2.00 daily, Eggs are contracted for at 60c Ten per dozen for hatching. wheat, cream separator, sack horse, spring wagons, harnesses. Range, heater and other things. Call soon, 399 Beach St., City. 169tf R. D. Sanford. WASHINGTON, Mar. 25—Arrange- ments to divert immigrants from the cities and industrial centers and to co-ordinate agenices of the depart- ments of interior, agriculture and labor to place thenewcomers on small farms, have been announced by W. W. Husband, commissioner general FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Barred of immigration. Rock hatching eggs, $1.00 for 15. The new commissioner general Mrs. Wm. Flackus, 872 B. St. 145-2m* made public a method approved by: Secretary of Labor Davs, which he FOR SALE— $1.00 for 15 eggs— says will help solve the immigration Barred Rocks and White Leghorns. Mrs. W. R. Yockey, phone 68. problem and at the some time correct 130-lm | the economic situation a the flow of population to the large WANTED. cities. WANTED—To do spraying. Phone “There is land enough in this 414-R. 172-13* country for millions of small farms,” WANTED—Gentle horse, work sin­ Commissioner Husband said, “land gle or ride, weight 1200 or 1400 lbs. Call at Tidings office, fore­ that the department of the interior- noon. 172-2* is opening in the west for entry, lands in the south and elsewhere that WANTED—School girl to board and room, reasonable. Call 155 Ohio are now swamps, but can be drained St. 172-2* and put to use. and still other lands in thé east that have been abandoned I WANTED TIMBER. as farms by the drift of our popula- WANTED—A stumpage contract pro­ tion to the cities. viding enough big .. timber . to make “Our scheme is not to replace operation ot power profitable drag saw. Will also consider saw- American farmers with foreigners, | ing contract. Address P. O. Box but to- create new farms and make 456, Ashland, Ore. 172-3* | new farmers, thereby increasing the resources of the nation. Our immi­ FOR RENT. gration problem is largely a problem FOR RENT Furnished house, $25 of distribution of the immigrants.” a month. 108 Bush. 171-3* AGENT. AGENT MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. Phone 403-J or 321-Y. 163tf DEFERENCE PAID TO "BABE I CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING CITIZENS BANK OFASHLAND Big Values In made to measure suits and overcoats. at OEEES UilUUIIiruillllillllUIMffliUUIM^^ HAVE YOl MARK1) the number of people who Comply With the Law are camping on the trail AND USE RIinilllilH Hiiliuunit of your small coin? Why not hang onto it yourseli ? in lliis Strong Bank TODAY. ACON SAVINGS “T/o I DE POSITS SHREVEPORT. La.. Mar. 25—An Washington, March 8,.1921 dispensation he will be able to drive WHEREAS, by satisfactory evi- . dence presented to the undersigned, without taking out the usual license. According to announcement by the it has been made to appear that “The | FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASH- | commissioners of public safety, Babe LAND" in the city of Ashland in the has only to display a plate bearing County of Jackson and State of Ore- !.. gon, has complied with all the pro his name. The announcement reads: visions of the Act of Congress “to “Permission is granted to Babe enable National Banking Assoications i Ruth, the king of swat, to operate to extend their corporate existence, an automobile without displaying a and for other purposes,” approved , . —pi" July 12, 1882: state license in the city of Shreve- NOW, THEREFORE, I Thomas P. I port.” Kane, ACTING COMPTROLLER of!--------- the CURRENCY do hereby certify that “THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASHLAND.” in the City of Ash­ land, in the County of Jackson and State of Oregon, is authorized to have succession for the period specified in its amended articles of association: namely, until the close of business on March 8, 1941. TN TESTIMONY WHEREOF wit­ ness my hand and Seal of Office this Eighth day of March, 1921. (S) T. P. KANE, Acting Comptroller of the Currency. (Seal of Office) Extension Tailors for men and women Charter No. 5747 No. 3906 164-1m $ .25 1.75 2.75 11.00 ASHLAND TIDINGS lililiBiUiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiI RUTH TREASURY DEPARTMENT. automobile has been placed at the OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER OF | disposal of Babe Ruth during his THE CURRENCY. stay in Shreveport, and by a special Each Per Dozen Two Dozen . One Hundred what Lies Beyond the Turn? Printed Butter Wrappers CCORDING to the ruling of the Oregon and Food Commission all dairy A butter Dairy sold or exposed for sale in this state must be wrapped in butter paper upon which is printed the words “Oregon Dairy Butter, 16 (or 32) ounces full weight,” with the name and address of the maker. To enable patrons of the Tidings to easily comply with this ruling this office has put in a supply of the standard sizes of butter paper and will print it in lots of 100 sheets and up­ ward and deliver it by parcels post at the fol­ lowing prices: A child who flits like a shadow in front of your car before you know it—? 100 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces $1.75 A skid of those swift revolving wheels and a smashing ruin—? 250 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces . $2.75 Another drives who, less care­ ful than you, makes you suffer the penalty of his rashness—? 500 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces $4.00 Is there no message for you in the wrecks you read of in every daily paper? You cannot tell what lies beyond the turn of the road, but you can protect yourself against it— against damage to your cat against theft and against damage suits for personal injuries or property losses. DO IT NOW BE- FOR IT IS TOO LATE. Billings Agency Real Estate and Real Insurance Estab. 1883 Phone ail 41 East Main Send your orders to us by mail accompan­ ied by the price of the paper and it will be promptly forwarded to you by parcel post, prepaid. We use the best butter paper obtainable, and our workmanship is of the best. Let us have your order and you will not regret it. Ashland Tidings Ashland, Oregon i Successful Merchants Employ the Best Available Salesman % — ' ------ Successful Business Men always endeav­ or to surround them­ selves with the best Salesmen available In its trade territory the BEST salesman available to any mer­ chant is the Ashland Daily or Weekly Tidings Whether YOUR busi­ ness is large or small, consistent, truthful advertising of what you have for sale will prove productive in THE TIDINGS I