ASHLAND DAILY TDiNGS. P’AGi NUUKS TRY H. R. Adams for plumbing, heating and gas fitting. Repairing a speci- alty. 24 8 Fifth St. Phone 80. 76tf e The Beaver Realty company re- ports, the sale or the Walter L. Smith residence property to W. A. Mills of Red Bluff, who expects to take possession immediately and occupy it for a home Listen!! The DeMille Male Quar bonds, in order to avail themselves tette with Miss Hilda Buckingham, of the right to purchase stock of the pianist, at the National Guard Arm- new company must exchange tbeir 104-8 bonds for Southern Pacific company ory, January 10th. . . stock on or before January 14, 1921. Malta Commandery, No. J L. Corbett and wile and Ross . “Warrants will be issued to each 4, Knights Templar Harden of Hilts were over yesterday, stockholder soon as possible after closing the books on January 14 visiting in Ashland. 'closing Stated Conclave of Malta Com- • • | 1921, specifying the amount of stock mandery, Wednesday evening, Janu­ H. C. Williamson was up from Med-of the new company which the stock­ ford yesterday on a business visit. ary. 5. mstalation of officers. ¡All holder is entitled to purchase. On Sir Knights are courteously invited. the backs of these warrant's will be Cliff Payne makes cozy corners. • two forms. In case it is desired to By order or minent Commander. Miss _ Margaret Van Dyke of the W H. DAY, Recorder. clerical force of the First National Guests from afar stopping at the purchase stock the first form is to Ban has renighed her position. She Hotel Columbia were John Hall, wire be filled out and signed by the stock E. Jarvis returned this week expects. expects, to leave this city in the near and daughter, E. C. Watherall and | holder, or by his assigns, am re to McCloud where he is employed, > John Spurgen of Portland, W. H. turned on or before March ‘ 192110 after spending the holidays with his I • • Bankson and wife of Spokane, and the treasurer of the Southern I acitie family in Ashland. . , , ioming. prossins and re-R. Gardiner of Klamath Falls. company, A. K. Vandeventer, 165. We pairing anraine suits to order. At • • (Broadway, New York City: accori- The Third Number in the Whiter Nelson's, Hotel Austin bldg. 9ltf Geo. Farverly was up from Phoenix panied by a cashier’s draft or certi Lyeum Course given under the direc- • • ‘ yesterday looking after business af-‘Tied check, payable to the order of the Southern Pacific company in New : Mrs. Elton Picard of Eugene is a fairs in this vicinity. will be given next Monday, January guest at the home of her parents. York funds for the full amount, pay- • € 104-8 10th. able, in case it is desired to dispose 5. Every sufferer from stom­ Mr. and Mi: Loughlin on Laurel street. After February Mrs. Picard ach trouble, gas, belching, sour of the privilege of purchasing stock, J. 8 Wilsonof Melford wns • will make her home in Los Angeles, stomach, nervousness, dizziness the second form on the back of the business visitor in Ashland yester She expects to make on extended and biliousness, should get a box warrant, which is an assignment, is day afternoon. ot Mi-O-Nu stomach tablets today | to be filled out and signed by the ' visit in Ashland. © • and start a treatment. Guaren- stockholder. Where a warrant au- • • Best Life Insurance, thorizes the purchase of two or more Ask Yeo. Miss Gertrude Cox, a former well teed by McNair Bros. Phone 42. 87-6 i known resident of Ashland, is over ! shares of stock of the new company.' Herbert A. Maxey of San Franciscoa stockholder who may wish to pur from Klamath Falls where she now Walter Miksche. who came home resides and is spending a few days is in Ashland, and will spend a week chase a portion of the stock covered last week from Los Angeles, has en- with her friends hero and looking or so with his father, W. L. Maxey, by the warrant to one person and tered the employ of the First National | after business interests while in the who is quite ill. The latter is re-the remainder to another must on or 4 Bank, beginning January 3. ME- She, expects to return to ported to be slightly improved, but before February 24, 1921, return Miksche is a well known aud popular5 the warrant to the treasurer to be Fall, tomorrow. is still a very sick man. . , • . Klamath young man of this city and has many 1 exchanged for other warrants speci- friends here who are glad to see Yours for the Letter Concerts, We will buy all your undesired tying in writing the number of war- his return. January loth at the Armory. 104-8 phonograph records. Bring them in. rants desired in exchange, the amount1 • • . • • Also Zane Grey’s books. The Bazaar, of stock to be recovered by each, Good dry wood at Ashland Lumber Miss Frances Briggs has returned on the Plaza. 104-3 and the name or names in which Company. Phone 20 to her work in San Francisco after • • | the new stock is to be issued. On ‘ . spending a" fortnight's vácation with Oregonians stopping at the Hotel surrender of the warrants and Pay- F B. Waite of Portland is abusi. 2 , : her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin are G E. Matlick, B. E. Abeg­ ment of the full purchase price on week — a. ness visitor in Ashland this . , . i Brtggs, in this city, glen, F. Godfrey, Albert Sylvester or before March 1, 1921, the treas- . ' Mr. Waite is the owner of the vast I and wife of Portland, John Q. Al- urer will deliver or forward to the acreage of land across Rear creek I The local police found the cup ma- mack of Eugene. Clinton L. Long holders the amount ci stock of the from Ashland. 1 chino which was pulled off from its of Corvallis and Frank J. Neunter of new company purchased. All war­ 99 ' post at the lithia fountain near the Salem. rants not returned to. the treasurer Try ■* some real coal. Rock Springs S. ■ P. station and robbed a short time •• of the company on or before March Rainbow Ashland Lumber Com- ago. The machine was picked up In Glenn McWilliams, who had been 1, 1921; 'accompanied by a cashier’s p. ny. Phone 20. 84tî a ditch near the tracks, and had evi- living in this city on Wimer Strees+dratt or certified check as herein .Marion Kincaid, a former Ashlaud dently been thrown there since it previous to his late residence in San provided,' will be void and of no boy and graduate of the high school •was known a reward had been offer- Diego, California, arrived in Ash- value and the privilege of purchasing bapprehension of the thief, land recently to make his future stock of the new company evidenced | of this city, stopped off while on his ed ft olice had been over the home. He will engage himself in 1 thereby çease. as the way back to Corvallis where he is ground shortly after the machine was the taxi business. Mr. McWilliams “No exercise of such privilege of a student of the O. A. C. and was a guest of Dwight Gregg, over Sunday. taken and it was not there at that drove through from California in purchase of assignment thereof will an F. n. Model Chevrolet and says be recognized unless made on the Mr. Kincaid had been spending the time. he found the roads in very bad con­ forms of the company. No holder of holidays at his home in Riverside, When you want tire service, see dition in spots between Redding, stock of the Southern Pacific com- He reports his sister, Kruggel Bros , 91 Oak St California? Tele­ Calif., and this city, due to the un- pany will be entitled to any of the whose health had taken the family to phone 1 25. 89tf usual fall of rain. stock of the new company unless the liiat place to live, is much improved. • • terms of purchase herein specified J. W. McCoy, cashier of the First Watch these columns for what is Hear a muscial organization De are. fully complied with. All letters National Bank, has been appointed Luxe—The DeMille Male Quartette, on the educational committee of the going to happen at Natatorium, Sat- and inquiries in regard to any of the urday night, A surprise for every- above mentioned matters or details January 10th at the National Guard Oregon Bankers’ Association. body. 1 4" connected therewith should be ad- 104-8 Armory. • • . Y ' dressed to A. K. VanDeventer, treas- Miss Mabel Smith left yesterday and Mrs. P. S. Provost return- E. E. Cook of Klamath Falls was morning for Eugene after spending , Mr. . ... . c 165 this morning from San Fran- i urer Southern Pacific company, * a business visitor in Ashland for the Christmas at her home in Ashland. ed home ... . , . „ .... , Broadway, New York, N. Y. cisco and other points in California, . past day or so. She is a student of the University in where they had been spending the TOO LATE TO CLAÉSINY. € holidays. G. F. Billings, the well known that city. • • FOR SALE—One of my registered real estate man of Ashland, had A carload of automobiles which Jersey cows, five years old, high AH cars on the Interurban jitney business that called him to Jackson­ arrived £ in Ashland last night had producer; fresh with heifer calf. line to Medford will slow up or come ville yesterday. W. M. Barber. 153 Granite street. been occupied by hoboes, it was dis- to a full stop at the main entrance 104-lt Phone 411-R. • • Hemstitching and picoting. Balcony covered on opening the car. It was to the new Ford garage. The wait­ found that a motometer and a set ing public, ladies included, is cordi­ FOR SALE—Mortgage of $600 on 3hop, Vaupel’s Store. improved Idaho farm in good lo­ of tools had been taken. ally invited to make use of the rest cation; 3 yrs. at 7 per cent. Ap­ ©• • Orrin Wright of Harrisburg is in room and sales room while waiting ply immediately at 64 California Store up pleasure for the years to St. Also glass fruit jars and bread Ashland this week, the guest of Mr. for the jitney or for other purposes. come while you may. A Studio Ash- 104-1* mixer. and Mrs. G. E. Yates. Alpha Chapter No. 1, O. E. S.. will , 4 laud picture of the whole family, hold installation of officers at their Meredith Beaver left yesterday to while the children are home, will 97-tf meeting tonight. A full attendance resume his studies at the University do it. of the membership is expected to he —0 • $ of Oregon after spending the holiday Ralph R. Hadfield has purchased present at the ceremonies. vacation at his home in this city. • • X the two-acre lot on Oberlin street € • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Angwin came The G. F. S. will meet in the belonging to James Hersey, and ex­ home last night from San Francisco parish house tomorrow. Wednesdays pects to establish a small fruit farm where they had been visiting dur­ evening, at which time the election on a portion of it. The plot has no ing the past week. buildings, with the exception of a of officers will take place. • • barn, and has been used for the rais- • • The Week of Prayer is being ob­ Yeo has sometning new in Accident ing of alfalfa principally. Mrs. S. served in the Methodist church. A Insurance. 50 E. Main. 87-6 L; Allen made the sale. large attendance was present last Local and Personal Tuesday, January 4, 1921 • • ft , , “ses TONIGHT TONIGHT OPENING 7:30 7:30 $15,000 Robert Morton Pipe NG) r. «3 • • • • . Photoplay Attraction To Please One Woman ADDED NUMBERS LARRY SEMON COMEDY. CURRENT EVENTS NO ADVANCE IN PRICE. ADULTS asc CHILDREN 100 ? • • CJo Please One Woman" • • 29 Q^ara mount Ç^ichuv • • night and services will be held in that church every evening this week. A SLASH IN PRICE! A Knockout Trouble Exioe Starting Slighting Battery Service • g 20- . wi The EUIDE Starting and Lighting Battery Service has now become one of the prime essentials in the bat­ tery world, due to increased production and its popular demand. In keeping with the times and the trend of business ack to Normalcy, the Exide Battery Company have an-3 a slash of twenty-eight per cent reduction in price of their batteries for all makes of cars. , late reduction of twenty-eight per cent on all Exide Batteries takes effect January 1st.. The same ser vice on the inspection and care of batteries is still main­ tained. . ... . , i Xsiti - ' s.. arts 3 } — "r" . - Murphy Electric Shop PHONE 82 On TfEM- the Plaza— N. Main St. —*‘7 TY Ei* * TfATte Atr * ? * ■ Silverton cannery putting up 100 ions apples per month. TTY’ ‘ — PRESIDENT SPROULE RETURNS FROM EASTERN STATES . (Continued from Page One), Thursday THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL Will Oregon Pay F or “ Its Telephone Service? • • Mrs. O. H. Barnhill and Miss Kath­ leen Silver returned to their schools last night, the former to Corvallis and the latter Roseburg. Mr. Barn­ hill will remain in the valley a week or so longer, collecting material for agricultural articles and character sketches. Orchard and Farm has recently published page writeups of the work of Albert Johnson, orchard-, ist, A. C. Joy, parcels post peach grower, and James Hersey, the bee man, contributed by this writer. • • There seems to be a diversity as to whether or not enough rain has fallen this winter to make the ground sufficiently wet. One man, it is stat­ ed, claims he found dry ground at a depth of 12 inches. Another claims be penetrated 20 inches before he found dry ground, while a third says he dug four feet and found the rain had soaked in as far as he dug, and be could see no dry ground at any depth. The fact that the streams are rising greatly after each rain indicates that the ground has all the moisture it can bold, and that the surplus is running off into the rivers aud creeks. gel The Telephone Company is asking the State of Oregon for an increase hi telephone rates. Also I following figures taken from an exhibit just filed with the Public Service Commission, it is now and for past has been operating at a loss. GROSS REVENUE, EXPENSE AND NET REVENUE YEARS 1916-1919, INCLUSIVE, ACTUAL; YEAR 1920 9 MONTHS ACTUAL, 3 MONTHS ESTIMATED Year 1916 $2,269,082.69 ( ì roSSA Expenses...................................................... Difference ................................................... t Year Year 1917 1919 $2,809,304.05 $3,445,848.83 2,568,314.02 3,482,614.97 2,004,01 1.32 2, 34240 1.9 9 265,071.37 209,949.16 240,990.03 (loss) 36,766.14 514,778.65 549,064.85 594,675.33 249,707.28 339,115.69 $ Interest and dividends to be paid out of above difference Deficit 353,685.30 653,412.82 690,178.96 721,54 0.00 691,400.00 te ns / " With such results it is not'possible to develop or satisfactorily maimain 2 a telephone ■ in Astor will not enable us to obtain the outside funds necessary for extensions and permanent improvements. Oregon must and will grow. To play its part in this growth the Telephone Company must have added revenue -ii. % • —lee -8 t‘e • * * " We are asking tor rates which will, enable us to pay a reasonable return 011 our, investment. Adequate rates are is nated. he 2 In a separated statement to stock- holders and holders of the five per cent convertible bonds of the South- ern Pacific company comptroller A. D. McDonald said: The capital stock of the new company is fixed at, 3,500,000 shares to correspond as nearly as may be to the total num- ber of shares of Southern Pacifie company stock outstanding, together with shares reserved for conversion of the company’s 5 per cent convert- ible bonds, and the holders of these The Pacific Telegra one and