ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Tuesday, June 20, 1920 W. M. Barber. year to the president to serve as its head. Just what the president will do 25 East Main. Phone 181 after his retirement no one can CITY AND say at this time, Dr. Grayson de Modern six-room bungalow; "The- chief concern of fine big garden and plenty of fruit, dared. everyone about him is to make $2500. Modern 1 -room house on him well as quickly as possible.” ASHLAND REALTY CO. Business and Professional FARM PROPERTY One cent the word each time paved street. fine location and very attractive in every way THE ASHLAND COMMERCIAL CLUB $3000. JAP BIRTHS SYNOD OF OREGON . INCREASING Modern five-room house on B Is keeping up the civic health of Ashland just as we are help­ ing to keep up the physical health of the community. street, with large lot, garage, fine garden, etc., $2500. THE SANITARIUM DR. GEO. O. JARVIS PHYSICIANS DR. FRANK M MOXON— Physi CONTRACTING AND BUILDING A. Hours 9 to ciao and Surgeon 12 and 1 to 5. Office, 425 E Main St., Opp. Public Library L LAMB—Contractor and Builder. Cement, Brick and Woodwork. Tel. 394-R. 109 Pine St. Chiropractic FRANK JORDAN General Con tracting and Repair Work. Ce­ Physician. First National Bank ment work specialty. Tel 430-J. Bldg. Phones: Office, 112; 227 Granite St. 21tf DR. H. B. MOORE DR ERNEST A. WOODS—Prac­ PLUMBING tice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg JERRY O’NEIL —E X c 1 u s i V e Plumbing. First class material Bldg , Ashland, Ore. 73-tf and workmanship. Let me fig­ ure your next job of plumbing. On First street in Beaver Bldg. Telephone 68. EMMENS— Physician DR. J and Surgeon Practice limited to eye. ear, nose and throat. Oculist and Glasses supplied. Offices, PAINTING AND ROOF WORK aurist for S. P. R M. F. and H. Bldg oppisite W. TORRANCE, House Paint- postoffice, Medford, Oregon. 21-tf Ing, inside and out. All kinds Phone 567_________ of roof work. 171 Granite St. Res. phone 340-J. Office 192. CHIROPRACTORS DR. GEO. J. KINZ, Chiropractor Suite 8, over Mitchell’s Cloth­ ing Store. Office Phone 103 Residence Phone 401. ATTORNEYS BRIGGS & BRIGGS— Attorneys at Law, Pioner Block, Ashland a . Mineral Baths Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens Bank Bldg. Law O. H. SPALDING— Attorney at Lavr. Beaver Block. Phone 146 First National Bank Building. Entrance, room 5. Phone 48 PIANO TUNING Classified nouneed. A portion of the model commu­ nity at Grove City, Pa., built un­ der supervision of the department, will be reproduced as an example of What may be accomplished. Special methods of manufactur­ ing various kinds of cheese here- tofore obtained from Europe, re- garded as superior tc the foreign brands will be given, A minature factory will operate at the fair and serve sandwiches spread with Swiss and Roquefort cheese “made in America.” R. F. McClel LAS ANGELES lan, Los Angeles county supervis- or, mode public figures he recent- | ly gave to Governor William D. The Synod of Oregon, govern- Stephens, showing the Japanese ing body of the Presbyterian birth rate in unincorporated ter-j church in this state, will meet on ritory in Los Angeles county. the University campus July 13 to McClellan said that in the last | 21. Some of the delegates will five years the Japanese birth ratei speak to students of the summer in this county, outside of cities. I school during the week that the had increased from 19 to 28 per body will be in session. Among cent of the total. In that period Carter Milli these men are in the region considered, he said, kin, secretary of the department of Missionary Education of the the Japanese births number 2264. In certain territory near Re­ Presbyterian church, William Hi- dondo Beach, the suprevisor stat- ram Foulkes, former Portland ed, 726 Japanese babies were pastor and general secretary of the New Era movement, John F. born in the last five years, out­ McDowell, national social service numbering the white babies born secretary of Home Missions, and there in the same period. He de­ clared similar conditions existed Dr. Silas Evans, president of Oc­ near Gardena, Moneta and Monte­ cidental College, Los Angeles. Meetings of the synod will be bello. held in the Y. M. C. A. hut on the campus, or in Guild hall. The session in Eugene is part of the plan of the ’University which is anxious to welcome any organiza­ tion to Eugene and to furnish Uni­ versity facilities for meetings or conventions. DR. HAWLEY Chiropractic Physician ROBERTS —Attorney-at MEETS IN EUGENE PLACER CLUB HOUSE BURNS Something Special ... LOOMIS & NELSON President Is Offered Jobs TIMELY WARNING Order your next winter’s coal earliest possible date. In all lines of Real Estate. WANTED—At Bon Ton Bakery, a clerk for the bakery, and dish­ TLMBER, RANCHES, MINES, washer for cafe, boy or girl. CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY , 250-tf will WANTED—A man to cut wood 211 East on a ranch. Wil go 50-50. Ad- care Tidings. dress J 253-6t ASHLAND WANTED—A man to cultivate a " ranch of 160 acres. A snap for the right man. Address J. Eg care Tidings. 253-6t* Main Street. Rock Springs lump coal $15.00 a : delivered in bulk. BARGAINS section; only $1500 BILUNGS AGENCY sacking extra charge Real Estate and Real Insurance JAS. BARRETT, Prop. PHONE 188 68 N. Main St. Res. phone 189-J. Office phone A VICTORIA TOP of practical everyday ser­ vice and pleasing lines, easy to handle and offering full protection these are some of the features of our man ufacture. Made over í strong, durable frame, o best quality Motor cloth. ASHLAND AUTO TRIMMING SHOP There’s Good Reason for Joy says the Good Judge In the Real To- A bacco Chew. You s get satisfaction. e A little of this class of tobacco lasts so much longer than the old kind. And you don’t need a fresh chew nearly as often—so it costs you less. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. c Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco CORNER BY THE PARK lot of new Iceless Coolers An airplane load of just in. American fencing of most every description dropped down the other day. Also some good cedar posts came walking in. New and used Sewing Machines always for sale or rent, at Woolens “Che i the ßank with Chirac C/ og / ì .' WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN DOUBLING YOUR MONEY? ' OF course, but can it be done safely? Only in one way. De- posit your money in the bank and then sit back and wait until nor­ mal conditions return and a dol­ lar again buys 100 cents worth of anything. But, suppose it only goes half way back to normal? Would the 50 per cent profit to you make you regret your action? We’ll say not! 2 HrstNa Uotia I Bank OECON," &YSASDEP V&Pa= J WMC COY. CASHIER Now Is the Time Fresh Picnic Hams, 27c per lb. Self Service Coffee, guaranteed none better 1-lb. pkg. 55c; 21-lb. $1 25; 5-lb. $2.40. Bulk Goffee 3 lbs. for $1.00. All can Coffee at reasonable prices. Phez, 45c and 85c. Fresh lot of fine Oranges, Lemons and Grapefruit. Cantaloupes and Watermelons. Stearns Sell Service Store 7 Main Street Overstaffed Davenports, Chairs and Rockets In the latest designs and Coverings. Regular and Duofold Bed Davenports Leather and Craftsman Qualities. Weyman-Bruton Company, 1107 Broadway, New York City THE BUNGALOW Will Be the Popular Center for Celebration Dancers On Saturday it will be operated in connection with the Celebration Committee’s Old Timer Day and the nugget money issued by the banK will be accepted for dances. PEIL’S Big Drop We Regulate Prices To Buy For That Big Picnic The dancing floor will be increased to double its present capacity and will be ready for action next Satur­ day morning. MEN’S OXFORDS ENGLISH AND BROGUE STYLES Are popular now, and comfort- able for warm weather. We invite your inspection. Reed Upholstered Chairs and Rockers i many Patterns TENTS, FOLDING COTS, CAMP CHAIRS, FOLDING TABLES. We sell for less because our expense account is less. No rent to pay—No clerk hire. J. P. DODGE & SONS HOUSEFURNISHERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant FOR SALE Our Entire Stock of QUALITY MERCHANDISE I to the Public at the Lowest Possible Prices served. Our Grocery Stock Is Complete and Up-to-oute. Our Prie Are the Lowest Possible to Make, Considering Quality Prompt Service, Courteous Treatment and Square Deal Al ways. Give Us a Trial, We Will Appreciate It. PHONE ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. ShastaGrocery FOURTH AND B STS. acreage improved. MRS. S. L ALLEN Phone 23 215 Fourth St East Side Meat Market PIEL'S CORNER. And Save Money. Staple and Fancy Groceries Hardware and Sporting Goods Packing in or OREGON Homes First ESTABLISHED 1883 Peacock Try our ríen, Juicy, tender Our customers say they steaks are the best to be had. 6-room house, range, linoleum on kitchen floor, new shades. The owner of this house has low­ PRACTICALLY NEW CHEVRO­ ered the price to $1600. Terms LET, five tires, spot light, tire given. City improvements all cover and tools, dirt cheap for quick turn. N. Dix & Son, East 5-room cottage with large lot and Main.____________ 255-tf good variety of fruit, away be­ low actual cost. FOR RENT The best buy in the city, 6-room house with over $300.00 worth pOR RENT—2 furnished house­ of fine furniture. Lot 100x200, keeping rooms, adults only. 842 bearing fruit trees and berries. Boulevard. 256-3 House now rented for $25 per month. Interest nearly 15 per cent now realized on the price asked. Call and see the list of furniture. Owner non-resident. 6-room bungalow, good plumb­ Will take $700 cash, balance to ing and bath, fine condition; suit. i large lot, fruit and garden; good 5-room house in R. R. section of location, $2750 city. Lot 50x142; only $1350. Good ! 5-room dwelling near Terms to suit. conveniently located Boulevard I have several good buys in and business for schools, depot . worse. WHITTLE TRANSFER CO BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS SUPPORT US w There is al BEAVER REALTY CO BARGAINS The State Exchange ASHLAND. FOR ready a car shortage and late it Billings Agency The Popular Real Estate Firm At Lowest Prices now and have it delvered at the WANTED—To rent 2 or 3 room furnished apartment. Phone Real Estate and Real Insurance WANTED—A cook at the Highway camp, near Soda Springs. Ad­ dress A. Giebisch, Ashland. . 252-6t Highest Quality Goods Keep Cool (By United Press) WASHINGTON, June The success of co-operation in the dairying industry will be shown the National an exhibit Dairy Show in Chicago, October 7-16, by the-department of agri- culture. The value to the community of co-operation of the various local agencies will be pointed out in a comparison with individual dairy- ing without coordination of banks. transportation lines and manu facturéis. Model creameries turning out of butter, pound millions cheese and condensed milk from skimmed by-products such milk at reasonable prices will form Nearly Everything BIG CALL FOR RED CEDAR PORTLAND.—Western red c dar shingles from Oregon are shipped to every state in the un- ion, a report prepared by the trict forester shows. California is the heaviest buyer. About 8 per cent of the total amount goes to the southern states. DON'T WASTE TIME a waste of time to experi- ment with liniments and plasters when you have a dull, throbbing backache or sharp, stabbing twinges. Get after the cause! Help the kidneys with Doan’s Kid­ ney Pills. Read this. Mrs. Sarah Boots, 338 B St Doan’s Kidney Ashland says Pills have done me more good | than any remedy I have ever used and I don’t know how I would | have made out without them. Last fall I was in a bad condition with kidney and bladder trouble. 1 KEEP THE HOUSE COOI became weak and so run down | ( By S. S. Public Health Service.) that I could hardly walk a block. I Fill the house with cool air by My back ached constantly and my I windows keeping all the kidneys acted very often. My . night. limbs and feet were swollen and open during the I had frequent dizzy headaches the After breakfast : close all and nervous spells. I used dif­ blinds, or draw down the shades ferent remedies but didn’t get Do the day's cooking early in | any better until I tried Doan’s They helped me the morning; it you have a fire Kidney Pills. wonderfully and I felt like a dif­ less cooker, use that. ferent person and better than 1 Keep the door leading from the had for years. The aches and kitchen closed. pains left and my kidneys acted Do not open the blinds or raise regularly.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don t the shades until after sundown. kidney remedy simply ask for —get Doan’s Kidney Pills the Oregon cheese sells at a premi same that Mrs. Boots had. Foster um in the eastern markets. Milburn Co., Mfrs Buffalo, N Government Dairy Show In Chicago GEORGE W. CROSS, a piano tun­ The loss of the SISSON, Calif er, with 17 years practical ex­ McCloud Country,Club in the fire perience, including nine years 19949909999999 factory training. Leave orders which destroyed its buildings on at Rose Bros or Enders. 45tf the McCloud river is estimated at * One cent the word each • $500,000. Hard work on the part time. If run every day for of the few men fighting the flames one month or more one-half • saved the shrubbery and trees and • cent the word each time. kept the fire from the timber. •69999999 66094 The McCloud Country Club is an organization of forty wealthy FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL TWELVE ACRE business men of San Francisco tract, inside city limits. Splen­ FOR SALE—Two good saddle, Notwithstand- did irrigation system, about ano Los Angeles ack and driving horses. 351 the fine club- ing the value c four acres in commercial cher­ N. Main. Phone 436-R. 256-6 ries and apples, with some mis­ house no protection against fire cellaneous fruits: fine garden; had been provided. TOR SALE •Cheap, horse light Phone orchard all set to red clover, wagon and harness. balance of cleared land in grain 427-L, or call 900 Oak St. 256-3 and props; some woodland and FOR SALE—Ford bug, cheap if pasture. taken at once. Just overhauled Fine six-room house with large and newly equipped. White sleeping porch and basement, Star Garage. . 256-tf the latter used For packing house; bath, toilet and all mod­ ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES—great ern conveniences; all rooms are big beauties—15c lb. deliver­ Pres large and airy; good barn and WASHINGTON, June ed. Phone 23 8. 255-tf garage; the most sightly loca­ ident Wilson, on leaving the White tion in Ashland. FOR SALE—White rabbits and House, will have the opportunity This place cost the owner $16,- New Zealand Reds. I buy rab­ of taking any kind of position he 000, but the husband having bit skins. Write or call Bliss died, the widow has leased it wants. Every day there come to Heine, 916 W. 10th St., Med­ for several years and because the executive mansion numbers of ford. 252-6t* of the burden of caring for it, she now offers it for the next offers that include just about LAST CALL—For a few days only every kind of job there is in ex­ thirty days only for $8,500. —four-room house, half acre No orchard in Ashland pays a istence. He is known to have berries, fruit and garden, at larger dividends annually than been offered the leadership of a $950. $325 cash, bal. $25 mo. this. Better hurry, as it will at 6 per cent. This includes a score of big universities and many not remain long unsold. farm complete assortment newspapers are more than willing You can make money tools, to have him at almost any salary 252-tf on this. Box 455 E. T. STAPLES AGENCY he might name. Last, but not FOR SALE—4 burner Jewel gas least, more than one film corpora­ stove, 18 inch oven. Call 139. tion has made tentative offers for 247-tf his services in moving pictures. SEE McCurdy-Bowne Motor Coi Admiral Grayson, his physician, corner Main street and Pacific That a man can lose in this world said today» that he knew nothing price Highway, in Medford, for over- has increased vastly hauled, used cars. 214-tf while insurance itself, protecting of a reported offer from the Uni- him against these losses, has versify of the Philippines of a hardly increased at all. If your WANTED worth having property DO IT NOW worth insuring, WANTED—A good woman as cook and matron of the Girls Phone Conference, July 12-19. Call Mrs. C. F. Koehler. 256-3 WANTED—Milch goats and kids. Phone 359-R. 243-Sat.& was an part of the exhibit H. O. Anderson. salary of $50,000 to $10 0,0 0 0 a PHONE 3 BAYOU AND RED MEXICAN BEANS, 14 LB. FOR $1.00 THIS WEEK. Orres TailorShop ASHLAND ^OHtCON