ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE TWO and with songs and instrumental selections characteristic and illus- trative of the various perjods and styles of music. It will also in- elude a study of the orchestral instruments to the end that the student may be able-to distinguish the instruments when heard sep- arately or in combination. An attractive feature of the Summer School activities will be the children’s chorus open to children of all ages and the adult chorus in which are to be en- rolled can sing. In rllad anyone enyene who "1 this project the people of Ash- land and Medford are to be unit­ ed and the combined forces will at the close of the Summer School pi esent an evening’s program with four soloists in addition. YEARLY CONTRACTS In the choruses and In the en- 27 12 c. work of the Ashland Sum- . .25c. met School the necessarily vital . .20c. Every other day.................... 20c.. . and enthusiastic cooperation of the people of Ashland is most . earnestly solicited. If the citizens month, each line, each time, 7c Under the direction of Profes- of this town show this year that The funeral services of Mrs. To run every issue tor one sor Leland A. Coon of the Uni- they are thoroughly interested in month or more, each line each Nannie L. Cordell were held in undertaking 5c the home of her daughter, Mrs. versity of Oregon plans are rap- the future of Ahis time Classified Column— Victor Mills Saturday June 26 idly reaching a state of compe- and that they are heartily in sym- One cent the word each time anela Rpv c p Koehler tion for the Ashland Summer pathy with its purposes the school To run every issue for one • U School which is to be in session will another year be on a more month or more, Y€ the word pastor of the local Presbyterian 2°h°0 “nc" is to ne in sessioni substantial basis and will most each time. • church. The remains were buried for six weeks commencing July I Classes will be held in Chautauqua. Card of Thanks, $1.00. | in the Ashland cemetery. Obituaries, 21 cents the line Mrs. Cordell was born Novem-Memorial hall and the Chautau- ber 18, 1863, on a farm near Har- qi a auditorium, while the physical] Advertising for tor fra ern rodsbure Kv This farm proved education work will as far as pos- ders or societies charging a reg- »ousourg, —7* inis iarm 1 ular initiation fee and dues, no I a quiet retreat during the war and sible be given out of doors. discount. Religious and benev-here her childhood and youth Private instruction is to be of- oient outers will be, charegd the were spent in quiet contentment! fered in piano, violin, and voice regular rate for all advertising . ................................. ... Her I under the best instructors obtain- happiness. when an admission or other charge and unalloyed In the class work will be is made. earlier married life also was most abe. Later the malady took presented harmony, theory, sol- a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Coch- make happy all with whom she ran, of Ashland, and while the came into contact. She stored her Established 1876 young man has not lived in Ash mind with the choicest gems of Published Every Evening Except land the musical ability of his literature and consequently her ' THE asu undy PRINTING CO. father, who is a member of one conversation -------- — was rich with whole- 2_____ ' _______ of the leading male quartets of some ideas. Though not long a resident of OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY this city, is sufficient recommen- PAPER. dation to give Mr. Cochran Jr. a Ashland, she yet mede many TELEPHONE 39 friends here many of whom were fine welcome. strong fea- -present at the funeral services to Subscription—Delivered in City. Beside these two One Month, Delivered.... $ .50 tures a male quartet will also fur- show their appreciation of her .15 One Week nish music at the meeting. This worth. By 3iaii Mail —ouisiue Outside ot of City isy "it, , 3 g — FIs— e... A very interesting feature of on v... bv mail $5 00 is composed of P. Schmidt, first Six Months by mail :.......... 2.75 tenor; J. Willems, second tenor; the occasion was the reading of a Three Months by mail.... 1.50 A. Willems, baritone; P. Eitzen, poem composed by Mrs. • Cordell eel No out of town subscriptions bass. This company comes high- entitled “Mothers’ Day,” which taken for less than three months, ly recommended, and should be was written to a friend who had ADVERTISING RATES drawing card sufficient to fill the lost a mother and in cominera- oration of the first Mothers’ Day. | Display Advertising— ' auditorium. ---- ------------- Single insertion, each inch. 30c Ashland d Tidings "gMRS. CORDELL LAID PLANS READY FOR pre # TO RESI SATURDAY SOMMER SCHOOL Fraternal Orders and Societies, The Tidings has a greater cir-1 culation in Ashland and its trade territory, than all other news- papers combined. Entered at the 41 Postoffice as Seco Matter WHERE TO happy. possession of her which proved teggio (sight singing), musical incurable and resulted in untold i analysis, music history and ap- suffering up to the time of her preciation, this latter course being death. illustrated with Victrola records Oregon Though handicapped seriously! = 3S Mail in this manner she yet served her generation well.. She had the hap­ py faculty of remembering in her 1 ministrations such as are general­ ly overlooked, and she sought to I LITHIA DRINKERS LONG “LIVERS" ‘ Here’s the water to make peo- long," one Shriner was pie li remark to another last | hear lay night when the special Sa tra 5 were passing through Ash-1 land, and members of the visitors! to Portland stopped at the lithia fountain at the station to drink of the life-giving waters there. "Honestly," the stranger sol- [ emnly went on. “I’ve heard it said people tn Ashland who drink this water live to be 106 years of age, and then they have to take out their livers and kill them.” It was an awe-struck bunch of Shriners who continued on their journey away from Ashland. On Savings Accounts 4% Tea and Coffee are Harmful to children, and frequently disi urb- ing to grown-ups. Tuesday, June 29, probably receive recognition from the educational institutions of the state. At a meeting of the | auxiliary held last evening a com- mittee consisting of Miss Hicks, Mrs. Henry Provost, Mrs. Charles H Pierce, Mrs. Fred Wagner, and Mrs. Nate Bates was appointed to assist in presenting the Summer School to the public. Come, res-1 idents of Ashland, show your col­ ors! A-llilill/'i" 17. The Tavern Cafe ' 207 East Main The Best Meals and Short Orders to Be Found in Ashland. Open from 5 a. m. to 11 p. ru. . - ISAAC CRISP, PROP. GET WISE TO The Simplicity of a 11 hy suffer the discomforts and embarrassments of a Goitre? O. G. C. preparation for goitre has bene­ fited many. Why pay several hundred dollars for an operation to remove a goitre when O.G.C. can be obtained for such a comparatively small expenditure 7 1 O.G.C. when properly applied gives satis- I factory results, or your money will be refunded. O.G.C. is sold direct, by mail only. Write for booklet. Address Dept. 6 IS O.Q.C. CHEMICAL COMPANY A Maxwell is a simple car. Its engine, axles, clutch, transmission and gears are the utmost in simplicity, which is the goal of scien­ tific engineering. Special steels have made this possible. They are steels made to Maxwell’s own for­ mulae, the result of thou­ sands of tests and years of analysis. These steels give a Maxwell the remarkable combination of extra strength and light­ ness in weight. In this way complicated construction has been avoided. Simple design has naturally followed and to this simplicity rare strength Seattle, Washington NELDA CAFE CITIZENS BANK OFASHLAND Under New Management. Interest Elks Block Phone 84 A Dollar Starts an Account Chicken Dinner Every Sunday. STATE BANK OF ASHLAND ARE YOU SAVING FOR A HOME? 1 RMMniyiiiMiniiiiu^ INSTANT POSTUM Ready to Brighten You Up is healthful for young and old Postum contains no caffeina Conqueror There are many advan­ tages of having a home of your own. The soon­ er you begin to save for this purpose, the nearer you will be to greater . happiness and success. Start a fund for a home HATS II ■ A party of young evangelists | from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will be in. Ashland next Sunday, July 4, and will have charge of the evening’s program in the Chautauqua building. This part of the Sunday program of the celebration promises to be a big feature,' and one that is at­ tracting much interest throughout the valley. M. H. Reynolds, the evangelist, is a speaker of note and will deliver the address of the evening. Accompanying him is Earl Cochran, a prominent singer of the institute. Mr. Cochran is impart feeling. GHEDEN • TOOLS AU (N SAVINGS New Neckwear. 1 New Suits. Spring Underwear. NEW SHIPMENT of Garden Tools has arrived. Good tools are esential to good results—in garden or field. MITCHELL'S FOR MEN’S WEAR Provost Brothers BY THE POSTOFFICE I I HARDWARE LOOK As sure as you are a foot high The poet said: "What is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days.’ The perfect days of June are favorable days for painting. No scorching sun to blister the paint, small chance of rain to hinder the work. Yes, June is the best month of the year. So why not call us up and make a date for June? We shall be glad to ad- vise you in regard to selection of colors. PAINT UP. TOO Death only a matter of short time. Don't wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking GOLD MEDAL CAPSULES The world’s standard remedy for kidney, iver, bladder and uric acid troubles—the National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Guaranteed. Three sizes, all druggists. weight in metals used, and a design that obviously is anything but simple. In a Maxwell this simplic­ ity has made the car easier to build, and it therefore is better built, easier to drive, and easier to care for. That this should win friends for Maxwell is al­ most too obvious to call at­ tention to. Nearly 400,000 persons now drive a Maxwell,which is a very definite endorsement i -F/o I DEPOSITS New Shirts. IN Vaupel’s Shoe Window TAKE A TIP ABOUT HOUSE PAINTING FROM A POET THE PAINT MAN Strains, twists, thrusts, shocks and blows are pro­ tected against in many other that well-dressed New Spring styles. you will like this Camel Turkish and Domestic blend! Dickerson has been added by the use LITHIA AUTOMOBILE CO.. AUTOMOTIVE SHOP, ASHLAND A W. WALKER AUTO CO., MEDFORD and CAPS EVANGELISTS TO BE ATTRACTION Due to Special Steels FOR SPECIAL VALUES ON Wednesday, Thursday and Friday CIGARETTES OU never got such cigarette­ contentment as Camels hand you. Camels quality and expert blend of choice Turkish and choice ‘Domestic Tobaccos make this goodness possible—and make you prefer this Camel blendtoeither kind of tobacco smokedstrai^ht! Camels are sold everywhere tn scientifically sealed packages of 20 ci¿arettas for 20 cents; orten packa£es(2O0 cigarettes) in a glassine-paper covered car­ ton. We strongly teco nmend this carton for the home or of­ fice supply or when you travel. Y * " 0j07o R. J. REYNOLDS. TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem. N c Every Pair a Bargain cAME £ Camels mellow-mildness is a revelation! Smoke them with freedom without tiring your taste ! They leave no unpleasant ciga- retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor ! Give Camels every test—then compare them puff-for-puff with any cigarette in the world ! TURKISH G DOMESTIC BLEND iiiiim