Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, June 24, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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Local and Personal
S. H. Moore and wife drove
down from Eugene Monday and
are making a visit at the home
of Mrs. A. G. McCarthy on North
Main Street.
• •
Give us a chance to clean and
repair your old suit. We can
make it look like new. Paulse-
rud & Barrett.
Frank H. Reed of Tulsa, Okla.,
who with his family are visiting
in Medford, came over to Ashland
yesterday and called at The Tid-
ings office. Mr. Reed is a „friend
oí F. H. Greer of Tulsa, a brother
of B. R. Greer.
Millinery sale, one-fourth off
in our line. Mrs. H. Simons.
• •
Judge C .W. Watson is in Ash­
land today from Gold Hill calling
on his many friends here.
Try our Kodak finishing. You’ll
come again. The Camera Ex­
• •
Miss Eva* Shell of Salt Lake
City, Utah, arrived in Ashland
this vaeek and will make her home
with her father, W. A. Shell of
Granite street.
Novel, brilliant and stupendous
will be the Society Cabaret to be
helil at the Armory, July 2nd.
• •
H. G. McCarthy, son of Mrs. A.
G McCarthy of this city, has been
transferred from Dunsmuir where
he has been stationed as assistant
trainmaster for the Southern Pa­
cific company, and will hereafter
have his headquarters in Ashland.
• •
Hemstitching and plcoting. Bal­
cony Shop, Vaupel’s Store.
• •
C. M. McReynolds of MedforT
will be associated with the State
Exchange store, and has assumed
his new position here. He expe as
to move his family here from
Medford shortly.
• •
Kodak finishing promptly and
carefully done at the Camera Ex-
chi nge.
€ ©
W. A. Shell is able to keep most
magnificent bouquets of roses in
his barber shop or. East Main
street which he gleans from his
own garden. He states he has
51 varieties in blossom there this
season, and can show one of the
handsomest displays of roses to
be seen in the city.
• •
Frirday, July 2nd, is the big
date for the Society Cabaret.
• •
F. R. Byers came up from
Dunsmuir today and is locking
around Ashland with a view to se-
curing a home for his familv who
expects to follow speedily Mr.
Byers was formerly from Spok­
ane. but is now in the employ of
the Southern Pacific company,
and will make his home in Ash­
• •
Moonlight dance, Medford
Nat. tonight. Imperial orches-
tra. Let’s go!
• •
A. M. Beaver had business over
at Watkins, in the Applegate
country, yetserday. He was ac­
companied home by Mrs. Bert
Harr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Beaver, who will visit with
her parents here for some time.
Francis Winter is rusticating
Mrs. May Herndon and son
to Marshfield
to cut in the Dead Indian country
Billy have gone
Cm: tz
visit with Mrs. Chester Wolcott this week during the absence of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Win-
during the coming week.
ter, who are in Portland.
If you wish to hire a team, see
• •
Orres cleans clothes.
us. Carson-Fowler Lumber Co.
• •
P. L. Nelson, manager of the lo­
• •
Dom Provost left this morning cal Western Union telegraph of­
for Sparks, Nevada, where he ex­ fice, has gone to Seattle to assume
pects to be employed during the the management of the office
there. He is succeeded in Ash-
lami by George Carter of Seattle.
Tufts Timber company, operat­
Society Cabaret Saturday, July
ing a mill on the Dead Indian
Get your suit cleaned up for
road at the site of the old Reeser
mill, started to haul lumber tc the occasion. Bring it in early
Medford yesterday. The lumber to Orres.
will be taken from the mill by
trucks through Ashland over the
Pacific highway. The company
Is actively engaged in sawing at
the plant, where upwards of 60
men are employed. It is state!
the roads over the mountains are (By U. S. Public Health Service.)
in excellent condition.
Don’t Worry!
Don’t Hurry!
Grand opening, Sunkist Hotel.
Keep the mind cool and it will
Dinner and dance Saturday, June be easier to keep the body cool.
Music by Weed orchestra.
Stay on the shady side of the
Hilt, Calif.
Wear light, loose, porous cloth­
H. R. Jacoby of Saskatoon,
Sack., and Arthur Troutfeather of
Eat sparingly, especially of fats
Medford, yesterday concluded ne- and sweets. Fruits and green
gotioations for the purchase of vegetables are preferable.
the confectionery store next to
Bathe in tepid, rather than in
the postoffice owned by Claud
cold water.
Millet. The new proprietors will
Drink only cool water fOr
name the place the Plaza Con­ thirst.
fectionery to give it distinctive-
If you feel "all in,” find a cool
ness. Miss Myra West will be
place and lie down.
continued in the employ of the
firm. Mr. Jacoby is a recent ar-
rival in Ashland and is well
pleased with the city. He recent­
ly bought the Orres residence and
will make this his future home.
While in Saskatoon Mr. Jacoby
was engaged in the general mer-
chandise business, and is still in­
terested in farming in that sec-
BOISE, Idaho. — Plans have
tion in connection with his
been perfected at a conference
held in Boise by representatives
A business education is merely from Idaho, Washington, Oregon
learning plus learning how. Our and Montana for the formation of
intensive morning and evening what will be known as the North­
sessions, and special low rates for western Reclamation association.
the summer make it easy to learn The plans were outlined by a dele­
how. Yours busily, Medford gation of Spokane business men,
252-2t* who appeared before the confer­
Business College.
ence. The purpose is to meet the
Mrs. F. Harley of Orleans, Hum- competition that is expected from
bolt county, Calif., is in Ashland an organization perfected in south­
on a short visit at the home of her ern states.
The governors of the four states
cousin, Henry H. Voss.
will issue a proclamation calling
Mrs. Ellen Miller of Albany is tor a more general conference, to
a guest at the home of her sister, be held in Seattle September 16
Mrs. H. R. Canine, on B street.
and 17. The representatives and
senators of the four states will
Mrs. Ed Haight of Yreka is vis­ also Indorse the call.
iting her brother, H. H. Voss, and
family of B street, and also her
friend, Mrs. C. P. Newton, of
Weigbtman street and the Boule­
• •
• •
Keep Ceol
• •
Dean Young
Gets Degree
Miss Lorene Oliver, who has
been visiting for a week with rel-
atives in Grants Pass, has re- gene—In recognition of 25 years
of service on the faculty of the
turned to Ashland.
University, an honorary degree
C. W. Nims is among the mem­ of L. L. D. was conferred upon
bers of Hillah Shrine who is at­ Dean F. O. Young of, the gradu-
tending the convention in Port­ ate school at a special faculty
land this week.
meeting during the commence-
ment season.
Miss Edith Merriman of Oak­
Dean Young is professor of so-
land, Calif., daughter of William ciology in connection with his
Merriman of the Southern Pacific work as head of the graduate
company, passed through Ashland school. His honorary degree Is
yesterday morning on her way to one ol six similar ones which
Portland. On her return the lat­ have been conferred during the
ter part of July Miss Merriman history of the institution, but is
will stop in this city and be a the first that has been voted for
guest of Mrs. C. M. Pierce.
many years.
Wednesday, June 23, 1920
tornite is valued as a paint and form size. Blanch for one min­
rubber filler and as an insulating ute, dip into cold water and re­
move skins quickly and pack
closely into jars. Add salt, and
fill jars with hot strained toma-
tees. Adjust rubbers and covers,
place in boiler, cover with warm
water to within one inch of the
top of jars. Cover boiler and
when boiling point is reached
cook about fifteen minutes. Re-
move from boiler and adjust cov-
VISALIA. — The temperature
here has reached 110 degrees on
each of the past three days and
growers fear that severe damage
tc Muscat and Emperor grapes
has resulted. Less anxiety is felt
for Thompsons
and Sultana
grapes, these crops being further
advanced. Vineyardists are ap­
prehensive that the entire grape
crop will be injured if the heat
continues. The heat has benefit-
ed the citrus industry, having de-
stroyed a scale that had appeared
in some places.
The proposition was to have gone
on the ballot at the November
Petitions calling for certain
amendments to the measure,
which have been prepared for cir­
culation by the American Legion,
were recalled. No further action
VALLEJO.—Assuring a great­
er volume of repair work for the
month of July than that of June,
the navy department today noti­
fied Mare Island Navy Yard offi-
repair work for the month of July
have been increased 75 per cent
over those of the past month. |
Navy yard officials stated that this
action means twice as much work
for the navy yard and the calling
of additional mechanics. This,
with the designation of Mare Isl-
CANNING VEGETABLES and as the home station for seven
transports, assures continued pros­
String Beans
perity for this locality.
Remove the stems and strings
Get your order in now for your
from tender fresh beans; cut in
two if desired. Blanch from five celebration suit at Orres.
to eight minutes, or until the pod
will bend without breaking; then CLAIM SOLDIERS’ LAND
plunge in cold water for an in-
stant. Drain, pack quickly into a
SAN FRANCISCO. — The state
jar, add salt and cover to over- state supreme court has declared
Dewing with boiling water; ad- uuconstitutional
just rubbers and covers. Place Land Act of 1918 which pro-
jars on racks in boiler, cover to vided for a $10,000,000 bond
within one inch of top with warm issue
purchase land for
water; cover boiler, and when wa­ entry by men who served in the |
ter reaches the boiling point ster­ military forces during the war
ilize about one and a half hours,
keeping water continuously boil­
ing. This recipe also applies to STOLEN—One Runabout Ford
car without top; with truck
wax beans and lima beans. When
bed and Powell Trànsfer sign
cooked remove and adjust cov-
painted on each side of car and
back of seat. License No.
Lima Beans should be canned as
22236; motor No. 1,450,526.
soon as shelled. Blanch from one I Stolen from’T. L. Powell, 337
Oak St., Ashland, Ore. Phone
to four minutes, depending on the
age of the beans. Dip In cold wa­
ter for an instant, adding a tea- WANTED—A good all round man
at the Ashland Greenhouse.
spoon of salt to each quart of cold
Phone 120.
water. Drain and pack beans to
within one-half inch of top of jar; FOR SALE—White rabbits and
New Zealand Reds. I buy rab­
add salt, cover to overflowing with
bit skins. Write or call Bliss
boiling water. Adjust rubbers and
Heine, 916 W. 10th St., Med-
covers; place in boiler; cover to
within one inch of top of jars with
TO EXCHANGE—Portland lota
warm water; cover boiler, and
or farm for Ashland property.
when boiling point is reached cook
Address "77,’ this office.
about one hour, or until tender.
Cue jar may be tested, then put WANTED—To buy or rent, a
BU----89— before
PIU.D sealing.
back uuu
and sterilized
wheeled chair. Apply C. W.
When cooked remove and adjust
Root, 325 North Main St. 252-lt
FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms
close in. Gentlemen preferred.
See Orres at tailor shop.
Asparagus for canning must be
Wash, cut the proper
length for jars, scrape off tough WANTED—A cook at the Highway
outer skin and tie in bundles.
camp, near Soda Springs. Ad­
dress A. Giebisch, Ashland.
Blanch by immersing the lower
ends in boiling water for three
minutes; then lower all and blanch
one to two minutes longer. Plunge
into cold water, then pack in Jars.
Add salt, fill to overflowing with
boiling water; place on rack in
boiler and cover to one inch of
top with warm water, Cover boil­
er, and when water boils cook
about one and a half hours, keep-
ing water constantly boiling. Re­
move from boiler and adjust cov­
at ■
Handsome Does”
An old adage aa true today as in all the yesterdays.
No car offers cleaner lines, more truly dignified gracefulness or
deeper lustre of finish than does the Cleveland Six. But these quali­
ties would be but a surface, were it not for what is beneath them.
The exclusive Cleveland motor, the
most highly developed of the powerful
over-head type, gives a character of
performance in flexibility of power
and speed, and in dependability and
endurance, that surpasses other light
The sturdiness of its chassis con-
Touring Car (Five Passengers) $1485
Sedan (Five Passengers)
"From Hand to Mouth”
Roadster (Three Passengeal) $1485
Coupe (Four Passengers)
You Can Get Goodyear Tires
for That Sturdy Smaller Car
Of all Goodyear’s notable accomplishments
in tire-making none exceeds in high relative
value of product the Goodyear Tires made
in the 30x3-, 30x312-, and 31x4-inch sizes.
These tires afford to owners of Ford,
Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, and other cars
taking these sizes, the important benefits of
Goodyear materials and methods employed
in the world’s largest tire production.
Your nearest Goodyear Service Station
Dealer offers you in these tires a degree of
performance and satisfaction only possible
as a result of such extraordinary manufac­
turing advantages.
Harold Lloyd
(Prices F. O. B. Cleveland)
James Oliver Curwood
struction, the ease of its control, the
soft cushioning of its low underslung
spring construction, the certainty of
its brakes,—all these qualities add to
the comfort and safety of its per­
formance on any kind of roadway, on
the steepest hills and in crowded
Take a Real Ride in the Cleveland, and
You will know What a Good Car it is
Peas should be canned as soon
as shelled. Blanch from one to
four minutes in boiling water.
Dip in cold water for an instant,
adding one teaspoon of salt to
each quart of water. Drain and
pack to one-half Inch of top of jar,
add salt and one teaspoon of su­
gar for each pint jar, cover with
boiling water, and adjust rubbers
and covers. Place on rack in
boiler, cover with warm water to
within one inch of top. Cover
boiler, bring to boiling point and
cook about one and a half hours
or until tender. Remove from
boiler and adjust covers.
The Wood orchestra will assist
in the program to be given at
TERREBONNE, Ore.—What old
the box social which the Belleview
district will give next Friday settlers though was chalk and
Our suits stand the wear and evening, as a means of raising what sugar refiners knew to be
tear. Try one out. Paulserud & their quota towards defraying the diatomaceous earth is being taken
238-tf expenses of the home demonstra­ trom the Western Diatomite com­
• •
pany’s mine at Lower Bridge in
tion agent of Jackson county.
Nrs. Nickelson and little grand­
such quantities that warehouses
daughter, Joy Dunn, who have
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Bachtell of here are unable to accommodate
been spending several weeks in Driggs, Idaho, are in Ashland, it and erection of a new one is to
Ashland, left last night for their guests at the home of the for­ be begun within a few days. Dia-
tomatoes of uni-
home in Portland.
mer’s father, H. H. Bachtell, on
Bush street. The visiors were
Cliff Payne
makes porch former residents of Ashland, but
250-3 have been living in Idaho for sev-
C. H. Veghte has sold his house eral years.
on Morton street. The purchaser
The roof of the Depot hotel
is J. L. Oskar of the Dennis feed
caught fire Monday evening at
about 6 o’clock, presumably from
• •
Start getting ready now to at- the flue. The fire department re­
tend the Society Cabaret, Friday, sponded promptly to the alarm and
July 2nd.
239-tf put out the flames before they
had succeeded in doing damage
any extent .
A workman while decorating
the walls of the room in the Far­
Miss Jessie Thatcher is at pres­
low block broke through the ceil­
ing of one of the display front ent employed as stenographer in
windows this morning. The large the Chamber of Commerce rooms,
plate glass of the window WAS helping out Secretary Fuller with
the rush of business that is ac­
broken by the accident.
cumulating there.
• •
Sheriff George Lewis and Dep­
One two-ton truck. Carson-
Fowler Lumber Co.
251-6t uty Sheriff E. H. Lister of Jose­
phine county come to Ashland yes­
Mrs. May Glick is a guest at the terday after the men held here
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. cn the charge of robbing Mr. and
Mrs. Taylor of Drain last Friday,
.1 M. Beaver.
while the latter had given them
A Story of the Wildest Adventure in the
Now is the time to order your a ride in their automobile. The
suit for the big celebration. Paul- men after being caught here by
Snow Wastes of the Frozen Northland
238-tf the local police, confessed to hav­
set ud & Barrett.
• •
ing committed the theft, and will
C. A. Dunn, superintendent of be taken back to Grants Pass.
the Oskar Huber Construction
company works in Southern Ore-
Mrs. J. H. Thatcher, who has
gou, has gone over to Klamath been so very ill at her home on
Falls this week to look over the Mechanic street, is reported to be
work by that company that is be- improving slowly.
ins done there.
Miss Doris Sandry of Rogue
Photo supplies. The Camera River is up spending the week at
the home of J. L. Herr.
on the matter will be taken by dents, which sought to keep chil­
the legion, State Adjutant Freder- dren from playing in a park. It
ick Bebergall stated.
was the aldermen’s contention
that “flourishing grass is second-
to happy children.”
EVANSTON, Ill.—Aldermen of
this city have refused to grant a
Riddle to have new 25,000
petition, submitted by 100 resi- sawmill on Wilson creek.
Go to this Service Station Dealer for these
tires, and for Goodyear Heavy Tour ist Tubes.
He has them.
30x312 Goodyear Double-Cur«
Fabric, All-Weather Tread........
Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are built to protect casings.
Why endanger a good casing with a cheap tube? Goodyear
Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more than tubes of $50
less merit. 30x312 size in waterproof bag ________