ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE TWO Ashland “ Tidings ME- Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except ■ Sunday by Clancy Kids THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Editor Bert R. Greer You PONT LI KE ME - 00 YA? y OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. MTIMMIE. I TOLD YOU ONCE BEFORE THAT i ) WOULONEVER SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN ANO %. WHATS MORE you're A LITTLE RUFFIAN AND IF I HAD S UCh A FUNNY FACE THAT WAS COVERED WITH FRECKLESAND Sock A - Now I TOCO YOU I WOULO ( NEVER SPEAK TO YOU s AGAIN-Goc [ AFTERNOON .( PUC NO SÉ I- —------------------ ------ — ^OULON’xJ / — 2 TRY TO (.4 ( /A . P - SHOW OFF \ Ch ) . eo) . — rue way ( 205 3 7 h That Was Enough to Squelch Him TELEPHONE 30 Tuesday, April 6, 1920 You PO ) 7 NM..0 . P—- Subscription—Delivered in City $ .50 .15 One Month, Delivered One Week .................... By Mail—Outside of City $5.00 One Year by mail .. .. Six Months by mail .. . 1.50 Three Months by mail. No out of town subscriptions taken for less than three months. 2 ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising— Single insertion, each inch, 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising— 271c. One time a week... Two times a week. . Every other day. .. . Every issue .......... Local Readers— 10c. Each line, each time. To run every other day for one month, each line, each time, 7c To run every issue for one month or more, each line each time Classified Column— If you are handy with tools. Be a kicker. The Ashland Commercial Club needs lots of good live kickers, It takes constructive kickers to do things. If nobody kicked against pres­ ent conditions we would all set­ tle down and progress would stop. Hearkeu to the tale of the two frogs: "Two frogs fell in a can of cream. "One said; ‘what’s the use of struggling, we can never get out.” "He quit kicking and feil to the bottom and drowned. "The other kicked and kicked. "And kicked some more. ‘ Until he had churned the cream into butter. “And got a footing. “And hopped out.” se / One cent the word each time To run every issue for one month or more, Yc the word each time. Card of Thanks, $1.00. Obituaries, 2 12 cents the line. Fraternal Orders and Societies. fraternal or- Advertising for ders or societies charging a reg­ ular initiation fee and dues, no discount. Religious and benev­ olent orders will be charegd the regular rate for all advertising when an admission or othei charge is made. The Tidings has a greater cir­ culation in Ashland and its trade territory. than all other news­ papers combined. ALBERS MUST GO 10 PEN Entered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mail | Matter 099909999999999 CHEERFULNESS • • DEAD WHALE CASTASHORE +C 10 SEEM A HERO EASTER SERVICES TO ton, of the Methodist Episcopal ELECTIONS HELD FOR was the smallest ever held. BE HELD ON MOUNTAIN çhurch. CHICAGO ALDERMEN The election is called under the RIVERSIDE, Calif., April 2.— KLAHATH FALLS. — Roads Thousands of residents and tour­ blocked by hundreds of fallen ists are planning to attend the trees, several buildings wrecked sunrise services to be held Eas- ter morning, April 4, about the and other property damaged is Father Serra cross on Mt. Rubi- the result of a freak storm near SAN JOSE.—An investigation Odessa, 30 miles north of here, doux, near Riverside. BANDON.—A mammoth sperm into the circumstances surround­ on upper Klamath lake, Friday. For years an increasing num- | whale, measuring 75 feet in ing the shooting of Harold Chope, The storm lasted from 10 to 4 length, has floated ashore about a 16-year-old high school student, ber of persons have climbed the1 o’clock, and in spots approached three miles north of here at the resulted in a statement by Chief mountain and lifted their faces reverently to the east, to meet the the violence of a tordano. As far mouth of Cut creek. The animal of Police J. N. Black that the sun, while in anthem and prayer as known, damage was confined had apparently been captured by youth had deliberately shot him- the rising of Christ from the tomb ' to a comparatively small area, a whaling ship, robbed of its self in the left arm in order to was memorialized. having Odessa as a center, with sperm oil and the carcass turned "make himself a hero in the eyes The program for this year’s a radius of 15 or 20 miles. of his girl friends.” Chope had loose. The whale was discovered about | reported that a burglar entered service includes numbers by Mar- prima donna; the 400 yards south of the J. R. Smith the family home and after a tus- cella Craft, reading of Henry Van Dyke’s mining plant and home on the sie shot him. poem, “God of the Open Air,” by beach. Mr. Smith is praying for ------- —------------------- Albany cannery installing bi DeWitt V. Hutchings; and the the wind to shift northward and supply modern machinery. benediction by Bishop Earl Crans- remain there. While there are thousands of sea gulls at work clearing up the remains, it is es­ timated that the present force will have an all-summer job.. In I the meantime the odor is becom- | ing more violent and the Smith family is on the eve of an extend- | ed vacation. Trouble A Knockout (By United Press) CHICAGO, April 6.—Supple­ mentary aldermanic elections to fill ten vacancies in the city coun­ cil were held here today. The ejection established a new record in Chicago politics. It Better for you than tea or coffee — Instant Postum Delicious coffee-like flavor Made instantly in Postum Cereal Company Cheerfulness will help you do more and better work, • SAN FRANCISCO, April 6— as well as having more tun • The motion of Henry Albers, and better friends; and be •wealthy Portland miller, sentenc- better all around. ' $ ed to ten years imprisonment $09994999999999 for seditious utterances for a re- hearing of his case, was denied by the United Stales circuit court A GLORIOUS END. | of appeals yesterday. The circumstances of Bishop Matt Hughes’ death amount to a transfiguration. WHITTLE It was a glori­ ous end to a cultured material life full of good works and mark- ed by high spiritual ideals and | For — - Quick Service, Coal On of a risen Savior, standing before ) a great audience, picturing the occasion of . triumph over death, presenting convincing arguments Prices as reasonable as the of the resurrection and transfig- present day conditions permit. We uration of Christ—no doubt | have plenty Wyoming and Utah quoting Paul, “there is a material body—there is a spiritual body," he was transformed in an instant Lump coal, ton, delivered $14.50 from the material to the spiritual Egg coal, ton, delivered., 14.25 and to the blind eyes of the ma-Nut coal, ton, delivered.... 14.00 terial world appeared to be no Half tons, delivered .......... 7.75 more, but the eyes of faith eas- Quarter tons, delivered... . 4.25 ily can see the great man vanish into the clouds, as his Lora d in his transfigu- | had disapp and Storage ' Coal WHITTLE TRANSFER CO. yen ration. Matt Hus is mow • ali with a vision. ies is not dead. He g today than ever. | ascendently broader ing shaken off the limitati is If a material exist- once he has entered that broader life, cap ble of greater work and greater spiritual development. To i Bishop Matt Hughes, Easter of ' 1920 was the greatest day in his useful life. The veil was raised I and he was given full knowledge | of that life of which he had long taught. It is altogether fitting and in perfect consonance with the Lov- ing Father that such a man as Matt Hughes should pass from the material to the spiritual life without the anguish of long suf- fering. In the full glory of an Easter morn, without hesitation or re­ gret, the old garments were cast off and the spiritual body of the great soul put on tne white hab- I ilaments of bis risen Lord. Have your suit or coat tailored this Spring. See the wonderful line of Woolens at ases own. ON T put up with any little “Devil of Doubt” in your starting battery—you don’t have to. An ‘‘Exide’’ Battery is “the giant that lives in a box.” It will make a reality of that reliable service about which you’ve dreamed. It will give you maximum power and will exert that power on instant demand. It is easy to care for—easy to repair. Let us demonstrate just how you can make your starting battery “doubt proof.” We offer free inspection of all batteries. D Orres Tailor Shop WHERE T SEAT C.B. Lamkin REAL ESTATE City and Ranch Properties Houses to Rent. A VICTORIA TOP CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING of practical everyday ser­ vice and pleasing lines, easy to handle and offering full protection—these are some of the features of our man­ ufacture. Made over a strong, durable frame, of best quality Motor cloth. On Savings Accounts Interest ASHLAND AUTO TRIMMING SHOP A Dollar Starts an Account STATE BANK OF ASHLAND GOLD MEDAL (1723 o The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder ‘and uric acid troubles. Jamous since 1696. . keep in good health, druggists. Take regularly and lo three sizes, al ; Guaranteed as represented 1 New Spray and Garden Hose ' just in fresh from the factory. A carload of machinery and mower repairs has arrived. Look to your "cutting machinery early for your . repairs. New and used sewing machines always for sale or rent Che Ë>ank. the EMIL PEIL. HAS THE PEAK REACHED Real Values SOME say conditions will soon change, that the period of infla­ tion, extravagance and high prices is gradually passing. If such is the case, CAREFUL­ NESS should be the watchword. Reckless spending and specula- tive investment should not. be in­ dulged in. Two good dwelling bargains in Railroad addition for $2000.00 and $2100.00 respectively; paved street, all clear. A bank account and connection here at the First National are natural safeguards. five-room hard finished dwelling; large lot, paving, side­ walk and sewer all paid, well lo- cated, $1650.00. Easy terms. ASHLAND. .. A good 6-room dwelling, good plumbing, within three blocks of library for $2650.00. Good house, party furnished | one acre of good land for $3000 Five room, parly furnished house, big lot, for only $950.00 EAGLE MEAT MARKET LOUIS SCHWEIN, Prop. Quality Meat. I [Billings Agency OREGON * EV CARTER, pres . _ C H VAU PELVICI PRE JWMC COY. CASHIER Cleazliness. cep Service, NORTH MAIN, ASHLAND Real Estate and Real Insurance. It’s dollars dt I ir. MOTOR NELDA to doughnuts das . rere ait aes 2 IN CREASED no man ever smoked a better cigarette at any price! t wet (417 •! — sad , f "Ar NEVER RAN So WELL CAFE 529) AMELS quality, and their expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat­ isfy every smoke desire you ever expressed. You will prefer this Camel blend to either kind smoked straight! C BEFORE. Elks Block 22. Phone 84 Chicken Dinner Every Sunday. 11 Camels mellow-mildness will certainly appeal to you. The “body ” is all there, and that smoothness/ It’s a delight! Decrease in the mechanical ills of the car means increased pleasure for the party Willard IT is scarcely possible to enjoy a motor trip that Is interrupted by all sorts of breakdowns SERVICE STATION "AADS MARK REGISTERIO Inside Facts 1 When the bod begins to stiffer and movement is usually an i id kidneys are out of order. Kee these organs healthy by taking Corner By the Park MURPHY’S ELECTRIC SHOP Cor. E. Main and Oak Sts. Costs less than tea or coffee. grocers PEIL'S $1.50 to $3.00 for your Dollar BARGAINS IN KNOCKERS AND KICKERS A knocker is a man who only | knows how to use a hammer to : knock thin s' A kicker not only a ham- | mer, but a BIN, a square and a level. A kicker may knock down, but ; he builds a b tter edifice than that which stoc d before. Starting & Lighting Battery Service TRANSFER LINE . teaching. the memorial anniversary Exioe Ladies non-partisan election law a sup- plementary election. These con- tests are supplementary in that those wards which did not give some candidate a majority vote at the February elections will choose their council representa­ tives. It’s what’s inside your battery that makes it live long or wear out quickly. Inferior insulation wears out before the plates do, and re-insulation is necessary. Threaded Rubber Insula­ tion greatly postpones and almost always entirely elimi­ nates the need of re-insula­ tion, makes a battery last much longer under equal conditions, and reduces the liability to any other kind of repairs. It's the one biggest battery improvement in ten years—demon- suited now by four years of use. You can’t afford not to know about it. for some day you’ll need a new buttery. Call and about it. let us tell you all Jordan Electric Co ASHLAND, OREGON TN order to have the car right and the trip a success let us put it in shape before you start . a • Serra AA4 EXPERT REPAIRING, ACCESSORIE^ OILS, GREASES^\ PHONE 195 MAIN S Brd STS. ASHLAND, O regon . TURKISH &>DOM£STIC BLEND ______€ IGARETTES Go the limit with Camels! They will not tire your taste. And, they leave no unpleas­ ant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga- retty odor! j Just compare Camels v/ith any ci^a- in at any price Camels are »old everywhere in scientifically sealed packages of 20 ci¿arettes for 20 cents; or ten pack- aies (200 ciiarettesi in » glassine paper-covered carton. We strongly recommend this carton for the home or office supply or when you travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Winston-Salem, N. C.