- 4, Tuesday, March 80, 19204 ASHLAND DAIR Y TIDINGS * Mrs. Powell, wife of A. E. Pow- Cliff Payne makes shelving. echanical ell of the Tidings has rented Charles Ca Medford, en I force, and e on Strawber- the V. V. Mills .... 9 i left this wee rland, Calif., take possession ry lane and or some time, Fit gar-1 to visit frie $60 suits at $44. 1. enee Mr. Powell the first of ments or money back, Cleaning During their C. | is living ou street in this city. and pressing, >1.00 a suit. Oskar Huber of Portland, who 178-tf Drue, 155 E. Main. • • ing the has the con ac fo Take a look at our $30 special, j • • r the Siski- Pacific high a Mrs. C. S. Silsby has purchased Paulserud & Barrett, Tailors. rnia line, was yous to the the Archie Miller residence on 172-tf an Ashland * . . itor yesterday Hargadine street, which she and | gress in the work . , . looking ove Mrs. ‘erry Ash- ! ber daughter, The regular inspection of Bi 11 occupy as Company, National Guard, was in this section. craft and fan boon as i is acted. The Ash- held in the A 114) last evening, | _____________ _ resent are living and which nea craft fami _______ n ntire com- | en house on North | in the Van pany was pres e inspection ut have to vacate, was made by Main st rei Lieutenant W. Fossen expects to re- | M. Briggs, assisted by Second | as Mrs. V Congregational Meeting from the south in a Lieutenant L. D. Mowat. turn hoi The annual congregational short time. The Lamkin agency | meeting of the Presbyterian made the sale of the property to D. N. Davis i jus out after church of this city will take place Mrs. Silsby. ck of mea- suffering from a in the local church parlors to- • • Lucy is af His daug sles. morrow, at which all the members ’ Mrs. Simons has Easter hats sease at Pres- of the church and congregation flicted with the 176-tf ent. at reasonable prices. are expected to be present. These © 6 dinners have become so noted, throw was ir. Ash- Mrs. J. W. Y. Miller, a prominent Lake nt yesterday on a | that, like the traditional Sunday land fron county cattle rancher, who came school picnic, all who can claim shopping to Ashland last fall with his fam­ to be Presbyterians at this time of e eli- are glad to do so. An invitation If you want baby chick devel- ily to escape th ri go St es, has1 mate east of tl cper food we have it. Ashland is especially extended to all new- here per- | decided on rem 176-4t Mills. comers who are affiliated with week pur- | manently, and this denomination, and who wish E. H. Bush and family expect chased a house n“the corner of to become acquainted with the the house East Main and Alida streets be- regular congregation, the mem­ to move sh k street to longing to the First National they now occi bers of which are urged to bring The sale was made Iain street bank. the residence । well filled baskets so that all will Dunn. H. through the Beaver Realty com- have plenty to eat. This annual now occupied has pur- pany. K. Horniinsa dinner is simply a social affair which the chased the | and is strictly confined to the The Nort Motor company Bush family live, will move there members of the congregation. The BUn by selling a started in th as soon as it is vacated. various reports of the church for Maibohm car est to Lloyd the year will be given at this rille, and a The ladies of Trinity Guild will Sparks of Both cars time and all business coming up give a bazaar in the Parish House Chevrolet to G at this time will be transacted at Thursday, April 8th, afternoon are elegant m hi es and will be the congregational meeting fol- 178-3 a source of g at delight to their and evening. lowing the dinner. owners. © • • Mr. and IS obert Vining of • • W. R. C. Club Meets Mrs. W. J. Moore came home li - Fairbanks, , are guests of The Women ’ s Relief Corps club the former’ os Angeles, , in Ashland last evening met with Mrs. E. D. White on n spending the eir way bome. where she h this week, Sh h vhere they have winter. much improved Mountain avenue yesterday, with from the s a good attenda e. A social af- in health. been spending the winter. ternoon wa ■ , and fine re- • • freshments served. Mrs. Mrs. J. B. Save on your auto supplies at rrell Jw. of Duns- gan, Mrs. Wertz the big selling out sale. C. E. muir spent i week with Reno, Mrs. and Mrs. L Howard composed Mrs. J. B. Ha Gates Auto Co., Medford. 141-tf t Ashland. She the serving mmittee. After the left yesterda r her home in me left Sin- Dunsmuir. Miss Thel club adjourned the members allis, where she day night fo called on their sick friends. A new fio will resum studies at O. is being laid in • • Cinderella Club Met. the building ç A. C. id by the State The members of the Cinderella Exchange st his week. • • Self-rising pancake flour. Fine club were charmingly entertained R. I. Ellis and coarse graham at Ashland week-end guest at the home o M . and Mrs. Walk- Mills. 17 6-41 at the home ales Rose from er last evenin A arge company his Applega ch. was present ayed 500 until sea- April 1 opens the fishi the usual qui time, when the Mrs. Lillian Inman of Iowa , is hostess serv son, and in cati an that the elicious refresh- best fishing m n years will the new owner of the Gearhart ments . Th n xt meeting of the greet local The run property of Ashland, and will take club will be’at the home of Mrs. of steelhead is reported very possession immedia ly This sale G. H. Johnstone on Granite street heavy, and out” are also plen- was made by the m i agency Monday evening. and disposes tiful. the most • • valuable pro • • n that sec- Merley Club to Meet Phone 119. We call and de­ tion. It coi sts ten acres of The Merley lub of the Baptist liver. Paulserud & Barrett, alfalfa lam sui irrigated; and church will be e ertained by Mrs Cleaners and Pressers. 172-tf valuable ildings. The new W. T. Cochr her home on • • owner brigs her family consist-1 Avery st ree ednesday after- Mrs. Eda is moving ing of her son and daughter, and noon. All 1 of the church out of her 117 Laurel the latter’s husband and child are invited ttend. street, to street. Mrs. Clark’s resi be occupied by L. C. D • • Tires at very low prices at the big auto supply sale. C. E. Gates Auto Co., Medford. 141-tf Local and Personal The Social Realm • • • • • -man portsme Mrs. George Pass is visiti: friends for sev of Grants ith Ashland days this week. If you want baby chick feed we-have it. Ashland Mills. ”176-4t • • . Mrs. J. E. t the first of the week Camp, Calif., wher teach school durin; coming spring term. • • Scratch and egg mash at Ash- land Mills. 17G-4t • • A. L. Lamb, the well known contractor of Ashland, started to­ day on the e on two con crete houses e is putting up on Morti Iowa streets, Mr. Lamb a huge concrete mixer on the te of the new dwellings, and with its aid the work will pro ress rapidly. MILLINERY DISPLAY ALL THIS WEEK The Vanity Shop MISS LOUNSBERRY • • Next to Rialto Theatre, Medford Have Winters, with the mules, plow your garden. Phone 98. tf CITIZENS theater BANK OFASHLAND BEAUTIFUL TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY MAYALLISON THE OF PIN SOUNDS AN ALARM The Electric Burglar Alarm System of our Vault is so complete, that the scratch of a pin sounds an alarm. This is the kind of pro- tection you should have for your valuables, Keep them in our Vault. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. $2.50 and up per year. R SAVINGS N DEPOSITS IN The Walk-Offs In Oliver Morosco’s Stage Success * I’ll tame that Kentuckye man; I’ll show him. I never was so insulted in my life. I’ll pay him off in a way he’ll remember. GO! BY ALL MEANS A Clever Star A Clever Story O O them. But it can be done. When accomplished you will find that health, beauty and efficiency have | been increased for life. Stoll, Tourists Stopping At Local Hotels Mr. and Mrs. John W. Camp- bell, Warren, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Brown, Miss Mollie TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Brown, Medford; I. Widusky, D. FOR SALE—Two tables and Van Gelder, San Francisco; E J. chairs. 117 Laurel St. 179-2* Cunningham, Portland; W. FOR SALE—Baby’s brass bed. Rusco, Oakland, Calif.; Frank W. also lounge and table. 7 84-A 179-2* St. Value of Proper Poise I s o m e t i mes wonder, when I see people with these unlovely, ungraceful and unhealthy defects, SEWING MACHINES ‘..3 if they have never FOR SALE —New 1920 Singer PRISCILLA sewing machines. Swenson & been taught the DEAN McRea. 179-lmo. value of proper poise. Surely everyone knows that a person FOR SALE — Team of draft horses, weight 1600 pounds < who stands, walks and sits cor­ each; also wagon and harness. rectly is able to do much more See Dr. Jarvis. Phone 12G or with less fatigue than if the body 478-J. 179-5 is put to unnecessary strain by FOR SALE—64 head Shropshire being out of plumb. sheep, 44 ewes with 53 lambs, Grace as well as beauty can at $20. (No gummers.). 20 be acquired without expanse in wethers, 1 and 2 years old, at $16. Good shearers. Address the home. If you want to take or call on Huenergardt Bros., a course in home training to im­ Copco, Calif. 179-1 prove your carriage begin by measuring yourself against the edge of a door. If the inside of the ankle bone, the tip of the hip, and the tip of the shoulder are placed touching the edge of position will the doo a ere ou Id this seem be assui ed aid it is because difficult in the habit of one has By bringing one- standing a oper position a doz- self- to Ie ay and walking with en time the spine erect, round shoulders will be overcome. It is surpris­ ing how much can be accomplish­ ed in only one month of practice. “Sway back” is the term ap­ plied when the abdomen is thrust €) forward and the shoulders hack. No woman can be graceful nor wear her clothes well who has that posture. Any tendency to sway back or round shoulders should be corrected promptly. Once such habits are well ac­ quired long and patient training will be necessary to overcome WHY IS THE GUARANTEE? H. J. PattornJ Portland; E. H. Carkman, Klam- Hotel Austin by Priscilla Dean Eugene; ath Falls; F. W. Hoadley, San Francisco; H. W. Wagner, wife WHERE TO and sister, Los Angeles, Calif. Geo. B. Simpson, F. WP Tempes, Vancouver, Wash.; A. E. Shanley, New York, N. Y. ; M. A. Williams, Portland; L. N. Dunham, C. Mar- pie, Chicago, Ill.; H. B. Crewson, Seattle, Wash. NELDA CAFE VISIT THE Hat Shop VAUPEL’S Elks Block Í BALCONY Phone 84 Chicken Dinner Every Sunday. NOTICE ! On and After April 1st ALL WOOD Will Be Absolutely Cash Our reason for making all wood Cash to all of our customers and friends is not due so much to loss in ac­ counts but to the extra expense in bookkeeping and col­ lecting. . Wood and coal are commodities which sell only for cash in most communities.. We believe that after our trade becomes accustomed to the cash basis on wood, it will prove more satisfactory to every one. This does not mea» we will not be glad to accomodate you and give you a reasonable credit on lumber, but for wood it means cash. In buying wood, please pay at the office or have a check or cash ready for the teamsters when they call. Ask for a receipted bill-but DON’T ASK FOR CREDIT FOR WOOD. Many car owners today are be­ ing attracted by long time guar­ antees when buying accessories, THE NEWEST AND BEST but the wise motorist will stop to consider whether he wants to buy a guarantee or an article of de­ pendable merchandise. More and more, the American motorist is coming to regard the long guar- antee with a bit of suspicion, “if this article is made right in the IN TOWN first place,” he says, “and the manufacturer is sincere in his de- A New Shipment of sire to protect his good reputa­ tion, why should it be necessary WOOL DRESS PANTS —THE for him to shout his guarantee HEAVIER KIND from the house-tops or parade it in front of me in his effort to sell MEN’S SPRING SOX me his product?” ARRIVED Such reasoning is perfectly log- icaL Any manufacturer knows NEW UNDERWEAR — when he advertises his product, NECKWEAR that he is making his name fa­ miliar to thousands of prospective customers. He spends a goodly number of dollars annually to do this, and to get value received FOR MEN’S WEAR from this expenditure, his product must live up to all that he says 55 BY THE POSTOMELO about it in his advertising. A fair guarantee on motor car accesso­ ries is practically impossible, be­ cause the service which any arti­ cle can provide depends very largely upon the care which the owner gives it. Any guarantee for a specified length of time or specified amount of service must necessarily be based on averages. For this reason, the careful man is made to pay for the acts of the careless man. Take tires as a familiar exam­ ple: Two tires of the same make and of same quality throughout will be sold to two men under a def­ Now is an unusually desirable time for women to visit this store and make purchases for Easter. inite mileage guarantee. . This mileage guarantee is based on the Preparations for this occasion are admirably complete, bringing together in comprehensive varieties average mileage of these tires in and assortments ail that is to be desired in materials of distinction and quality. Styles and materials the hands of all users. One of show many a surprising and fascinating whim which Fashion has reserved for this season to reveal. these tires may go to a motorist, who never gives a thought to his tires until they are flat. He runs them under inflated either be­ cause he does not know the pres­ sure in them or he is too lazy to SILKS HOSIERY find out. He rides blithely in the street car tracks or scrapes along Complete line of fancy Burlington, Hol the curbing simply because he is silks to choose that careless. The man who buys the and Chipman Ki other tire gives it a fair show to all colors and qn live up to its reputation. He large line of accessories gauges his tires properly, drives for the season where he should and as he should, to select from. prices. watches the little cuts and re­ pairs them before they get worse. That man gets real mileage from his tires but in the long run, he pays for the guarantee given to his more careless brother. CAMISOLES She’s well groomed. You have often heard it said Another striking example is HAND BAGS storage batteries. The average about this or that gracious woman in Ashland. Dainty camisoles in all storage battery will give a good Both in leather and That is because she appreciates the importance the season’s latest cre- service if it is given good care. The plush in several colors. of careful shopping and selections of apparel ac- ations best battery made will not last its at popular full life-time, if it is abused and Also large line of bag cessories. prices. ( Jome in flesh ignored. The battery which is tops to choose from. allowed to become dry or is over­ We have all that is new and springy for Easter. and white. worked or is frozen or overheated Erills and dainty touches for every article. must necessarily give up the ghost earlier than one which has GLOVES! had a fair chance to make good. The specified guarantee on a j a PETTICOATS storage battery does the motorist UNDERMUSLINS not one whit of good if it won’t FOOTWEAR! start his car in an emergency. You Complete line in all col­ Dainty undermuslins of cannot crank a car with a guaran­ Be it a Low Shoe or High, we have it. A new ors both in the silk and tee any more than you can inflate every known variety Patent Pump, French last, newest at............... a tire and get home on it with a cotton. Everything have just arrived to mileage guarantee. that is new in style will The wise motorist who believes complete our stock for in the principles of “Safety First” be found in our bi Easter selling. will buy his tires or his storage lection. batteries of a concern whose only guarantee is that he must be sat­ isfied. Such a manufacturer has a reputation to maintain and pro­ tect and he will use his last dol­ lar to do this. Usually, long bat­ MEN’S CRAVATS MEN’S SHIRTS tery guarantees are simply selling points and because of the pecul­ We have an unusual at­ Men like wearable iar circumstances surrounding a storage battery, it is almost im­ tractive offering of Ties things for gifts. Make possible for the average motorist in silk and fibre mix­ him- an Easter gift of to live up to the many conditions with which his guarantee is hedg­ tures for Easter in a an Arrow silk and fibre ed about. The safest rule to fol­ large assortment of pat- shirt. All new patterns low is to buy a tire or a storage terns. battery with a reputation and not ranging to select from. Priced buy a guárante. HATS AND CAPS C arson -F owler L umber C o Mitchell9 In the Heart of Town FROM TIP TO TOE at $5.00 each. Jordan Electric Co ASHLAND, OREGON lUi VAUPEL’S QUALITY STORE from 75c to $2.00.