Se « Monday, March ABHLAND DAII Y TIDINGS PAGE SIX Local and Personal Fit gar- $60 suits at $44. ments or money back, Cleaning land pressing, $1.00 a suit. C. 178-tf J Drue, 155 E. Main. MASONIC LODGE WORK er house Mrs. J. L. Herr Rogue guest, Mrs. Sand to Med- River motored, dow Special communication of Ash- ford Sunday. • • land Lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M. Orres blocks hats. Tuesday evening. March 30, for work on the Third Degree. Meet Mr. and Mrs. C rles J Butler at 7:30 sharp. Visiting brethren of Yreka are visi he home cordially welcome. rittsan this of Mr. and M F. J. SHINN, W. M. week. DAY, Sec’y. W. © © --------------------- ----- If you want baby chick devel- Tru Blu Grahams, best onicper food we have it. Ashland earth. Ask your dealer. 176-eod Mills 176-4t • • • • The Ministerial Association of Mrs. B. P. Whitney leaves this union evening for ced Ashland hal ann rtlad there she he Vining was called byl t meeting to b th of her riday. This brother-in-law Of theater on Metschan, a will conven a t 2:30, noon, and prominent r of the state, 5. All churches are The funeral rill be held tomor- last until asked to row. • © has moved Dr. Ber Scratch and egg mash at Ash- r residence land Mills. from the . 176-4t on Oak st; heeler res- idence on North Main street. llen, one of the Miss Flarenc vthorne school, teachers in t Demand Tru Blu crackers and is incapacit bn account of an cookies handled in Ashland by attack of i asles which confines Ashland State Evchange, H. P. her to the house. Holmes, , White House Grocery, I • • Plaza z larket, E. W. Flackus, C. Take a look at our $30 special. L. Loor 176-eod Paulserud & Barrett, Tailors. © 172-tf L the Val- • • ley Auto" line running between son Bob- Mrs. L. C. 1 Ashland and I the Inter­ bie arrived yes from Taco- urban Auto company taking it ma to visit wit Ashby's pa- over and merging the two lines rents, Mr. and . James Bar- together. The merger was ef- rett. tected Friday. Have Winters, with the mules, Try some Tru Blu English plow your garden. Phone 98. tf • Style Biscuits. 176-eod Mr. and Mr Sand y and little • • ogue River Fred C. H nés, pre Went of daughter Dori rs. J. L. Herr the Ashland R club, was were guests one of the s at the or- Saturday and unday. • • ganization of eonard Wood Now is the time. Orres is the club in Medford Saturday night. place to get your garments clean­ • • R. L. Burdic II is of the ed and pressed for Easter, next latest reside ts and. This Sunday. We call and deliver. young man, hing 7 12 pounds, Phone 64. a rri ved at me of Dr. and . C. King of Mr. and Mrs. R. L Bur ic Jr., yesterday, nday guests of He will swer to the name of Medford we Ashland fríen Robert Lester. • • © • Bids will be received by G. F. The ladies of Trinity Guild will give a bazaar in the Parish House Billings for the undivided two- Thursday, April 8th, afternoon sixteenths interest in the 10-acre anil evening. 178-3 tract on Neil creek as described in legal notice of the Guardian • <. Mr. and Mrs. ( ; Ketchum of Howard and Martin McCall, left yesterday 8 for Red- minors, recently published in the ding, Calif., e they will Tidings, until Wednesday at 1 visit with frie s. p m„ March 31st, 1920. 178-1 F Meserd, • • The Social Realm Class Party Mrs. B. R. Greer and Mrs. J. R. Robertson entertained the mem­ bers of Mrs. J. R. Wick's class in the Presbyterian Sunday school at the former’s home on Granite street Saturday evening. A large attendance was present and spent a delightful ocial eve ng, one was the of the features of hi millinery manufacture of as given to creations. A p the person ma n the most ar- tistic Easter t, and this was awarded to Mrs. C. F. Koehler. A prize was also given to the one solving an Easter egg puzzle, and this fell to Miss Nellie Ross, business meeting followed at which officers were elected as follows: President, Mrs. B. R. Greer; vice president, Mrs. I. D Leslie; secretary and treasurer. Mrs, Hitchcok. Refreshments were served by the hostesses be- fore adjournment. • • Welcome to Bible Class Everybody is welcome to the Bible class at my house tonight and every Monday night. Interest has steadily increased until there is a large attendance, but always room for a few more. It is a great privilege to be under the tuition of Miss Detwiler. Her Tuesday afternonnoon class will meet this time with Mrs. Sylves­ ter Patterson, 639 North Main street, and Tuesday night as us­ ual with Mrs. Wheeler, 131 North Main street. MRS. W. M. BARBER, 153 Granite Street. CALIFORNIANS TRIED AGAIN (By United Press) MARYSVILLE, Calif., March 29.—Frank A. McCormick today again goes on trial charged with the murder of Charles Brown, rich Yuba county sheep raiser. A month ago the jury in his first trial was dismissed—dead­ locked, with six for conviction and six for acquittal. Brown’s slaying on November 1 created a sensation in California. He was shot through the next by McCormick, and after he had fal­ len McCormick’s sister, Mrs. Ger­ trude Wilson, pumped several more bullets into the prostrate form. Mrs. Wilson, pretty wife of a newspaper man and the first woman ever to stand trial here for murder, was acquitted. Evi- dence showed she shot Brown af- ter life was exinct. Save on your auto supplies at the big selling out sale. C. E. Gates Auto Co., Medford. 141-tf • • R. P. McNeil left Saturday for San Francisco where he will join Mrs. Neil, who has been spending several weeks there. The latter will accompany" her husband home. Mrs. Levi St ven nd daugh- ter spent in Ashland, guests of 1 ora Hubbard, and Sund as guests of Mrs. J. L. Herr. C. W. A iday for Klamath Fa spending some time h treatment at the Dr. mineral baths and rest cure for rheumatism and lumbago. • • Self-rising pancake flour. Fine and coarse graham at Ashland Mills. 176-4t © © Generally fair, is t weather forecast f the/ nu ‘ week. For the Pacifi Cons tes the U. S. departme / fol asts frequent rains in t th portion, and generally air in the south portion with te erat ure nearly normal. Charles H. Joh coast rep­ resentative ofi isston Saw Manufacturinz/com ny, is spend- ing a few ys in Ashland this week, visiting with friends. • • We remodel ladies’ garments YUBA CITY, Calif.—Word re­ at Orres Tailor shop. ceived from the Ajax Dredging company, which is operating near Miss Hele e sey is in Ash- Knights Landing, says the report land from Monica, Calif., that water is flowing over the looking aft b iness interests weir at Tisdale is unfounded, as here and siting with relatives the Sacramento river his not yet and friends. reached a height sufficient to © © overflow. The report was cur- Mrs. E. J. ober M TS 1 a rent here that barley lands in Lulu Van W en guests of district 1660 had been overflowed Mr. and M Gall in the1 . . . and great loss would result. How Belleview d ict unday. „ ever, the Sacramento is steadily Miss Susanne Homes, a promi- rising, and may go over inside the net instructor of Jackson county, next 24 hours. The Feather river has caused announces In another column of the Tidings her candidacy for water to back up in the Nelson nomination at the Republican slough south of this city and is primaries to the office of county 1 flowing into the bypass. school superintendent. Miss Homes’ record as a teacher is well /[ AAA ITI I ATTA known througout the entire coun-K MD - I r I \ ty, where she has been before the ILhIIAII ULIu public as a teacher of unusual . merit for many years. She also served for some years as princi- 111 fl Ill'll IN 111 pal of the schools in Treadwell.! I It 11 UIIUIlUII Alaska, and is thoroughly equip- KLAMATH FALLS.—To make ped to fill ths positon. Owng to room for the 110,000 home of the fact that Superntendent Ager Contractor Wattenberg, the First the present incumbent, is not a Presbyterian church, the earliest candidate. Miss Homes will enter built in Klamath Falls, is being the lists, understanding the needs razed. The church built 35 years ago of the schools of the county, and favoring the advancemet of better was one of the oldest landmarks in Klamath county. Old-timers re­ school facilities. call the days when they attended • • Cliff Payne makes shelving. Sunday school in the old church which will now make way for a A Leoard Wood club was or- handsome brick residence. ganized in Medford Saturday night with over 300 members including Medford, Jacksonville, Central Point, Gold ill, Phoenix and Talent. The fice of the new organization ar : P ident, Ralph P. Cowgill; v e si nt, Mrs. A. J. Klocker € ry, T. W. Miles; treasu s. Bert An- derson. Sevrai rring address- WASHINGTON.—The depart­ es were m e a new organi- zation, wi which the women’s ment of justice campaign to in­ Leonard ood club of Medford duce housewives to buy cheaper has been merged, starts out under cuts of meat was indorsed by most auspicious and enthusiastic Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. She wrote that the White conditions. House would “gladly keep in the • • ‘ save money on meat' campaign.” Portland.—1,000 acres timber adjacent to United Railways line, partly in Multnomah county and Gold Hill.—Savage creek tim- ber tract sold to be cui at Med- • • Phone 119. We call and de­ liver. Paul erud & Barrett, Cleaners and Pressers. 172-tf • • Mrs. Mary Wilshire is in re- ceipt of word from Mr and Mrs. Marble, former residents. who for many y. conducted a photographic stu in the Camps building here. lese people are now located i Marengo, Iowa, and are advancing in their busi­ ness in the present location. , • Tires at very low prices at the big auto supply sale. C. E. Gates Auto Co., Medford. 141-tf Asal: Mrs. L. Willets of Falls, Mrs. c - . Wf Wolt ent and Miss Wagner Creek ing mineral b at the Dr. Hawley rest Klameth of Tal- runen of iland tak- treatment cure. If you want baby chick feed we have it. Ashland Mills. 176-4t © Charles Houst Ling of Med- ford was a As an isitor yes- terday. as recently been dischhr rom the avia- tion depart Mentof the army and returned t his home from Kelly Field, Texas. Friday. • 9 Mrs. Simons has Easter hats at reasonable prices. 176-tf J. H. Fuller left Saturday night for Port A ur, T as, where he will join t e E n- ite bu- reauand b with that \organiaztio ri n the spring, Te expects be ck in time to ange f the summer Chau- a In shland, of which he ide © © Ladies—have your suit tailor- made and se the difference. See the new styles and woolens at Orres Tailor Shop. f FLOOD WIPES OUT BARLEY N[IA OUI IDPU • • MRS. WILSON HITS H. G. L. and Coos Bay Has POLICE SHOT idsto 6 Snow Storm by Priscilla Dean UP" VILLAGE MARSHFIELD.—Snow flurries | prevailed on Coos bay during the Value of a s Graceful Carriage fore part of Friday, but it did not | (By United Press) Once I read of a last long, melting almost as fast I DI BLIN, March 29.—The po- queer old man as it fell. This,is the first snow lice “shot up” the village of whose favorite storm of the winter, although Regge, near Thurles, today, ac- text in the Bible there had been much colder cording to advices here. The po- was “At Michmash weather. It is reported the moun- lice left their barracks and they laid up their tains received a heavier fall and marched through the streets, fir- carriages” I snow can be seen on several ing their rifles, it is stated. Citi­ PRISCILLA don’t know where ranges back from the bay. zens were terrorized when the DEAN Michmash was, nor what kind of shooting began. The shooting TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY carriages were kept there, but ■. was in revenge for the murder of every time I see a person with J. S. PHILLIPS will ploy your a policeman. garden. Phone 272-Y. 178-3 a particularly awkward bodily Elkton to have modern new carriage I thihk of Michmash and WILL share my home to man and wife or couple of ladies. Refer- cannery. wish we had some such place now enees required. 199 Union St Klamaah Falls unions demand where modern people could lay 1 7 Q_1 I , wage increase in lumber indus- up their carriages for repairs. I sigh when I notice how badly WANTED—A saddle horse, weight | about 1000 lbs., about 5 or 6 many women stand and walk. | years old, for cash. Call 131 And I sigh more when I notice Ohio St. 178-lt how they sit. Of course, most FOR SALE—Monmouth brown I women are expected to hang on turkey eggs, R. F. D. Box 171, to straps now-a-days, but when Phone 15-F-3. 178-3 they do sit, it really is surprising FOR SALE—Dresser, wash stand. what awkward and ungainly Hoosier cabinet and linoleum. poses some of them assume. Also set single harness. Phone 2-F-2. 178-3* I used to think that my grand- mother was fussy. She would FOR RENT—Two unfurnished I houses close in, one 8-room say: $15 each. I and one 6-room. “My dear! No lady sits with Ashland Realty Co., 25 East Main. her knees far apart.” Phone 181 . 178-lt THE SCRATCH OF A “Oh, mercy! child, how are you LOST—Ribbon bag containing PIN SOUNDS AN sitting? Haven’t I told you time small black purse with keys. | ALARM Anyone knowing of it being • and again that it is not lady-like found phone Tidings immedi­ to have your knees crossed? You The Electric Burglar ately. 178-1* may cross the feet if you wish, Alarm System of our County School Superintendent but not the knees.” Vault is so complete, I herewith announce myself as a that the scratch of a pin “Sit up, sit up, girlie. You will candidate seeking nomination sounds an alarm. get roundshouldered if you let by the Republican party for the office of county school superin­ your chest fall in and you, your­ This is the kind of pro- tendent. self, droop down in that listless tection you should have SUSANNE W. HOMES. manner. It is not good for your for your valuables, Keep FOR SALE—Two doors, regula­ spine, either?’ them in our Vault. Safe tion size, one an ordinary door Deposit Boxes for rent, And I would protest and say and one a swing door. Both $2.50 and up per year. that I could be a lady no matter steel wool dressd, black walnut stain, gloss finish. Sold at how I sat or stood. Nevertheless, reasonable.rate. Mrs. S. J. Ir­ I knew in my heart that what win, 60 North Main street. grandmother meant by “lady-like” i 178-1 and ‘‘being a lady” was really “graceful” and refined.” Natur­ FOR SALE—About 5 acres on east side of city, 5-room house ally, a graceful and refined girl • and good barn, about equally would be a lady. She couldn't be divided with alfalfa, fruit trees and berries and garden ground. anything else. That which is Might consider trade for small ugly, uncouth or vulgar cannot place close in. Part payment ( possibly be . called graceful and re- | and good terms on L.: balance. fined. There is no beauty in any c. A. Gray, 72 Garfield St. 178-tf of the poses that grandma ob­ jected to. Sitting with the knees far apart, or with the feet well extended is ugly, to say the least. Crossing the knees, as everyone knows, can be done gracefully, but a girl should use good judgment when and where she assumes that po­ sition. Now if some of you ask me why that is, I am going to quote again from grandmother’s philosophy. She would say: ‘‘My dear, there are times and places when legs, no matter how shapely, should not be exhibited, especially in a manner to attract attention. Those are the occas- Unusually small for the size ions when even grace may become | ins., picture it makes. vulgarity.” the V. Pocket Eight is not too small to be thoroughly ser­ viceable in its adaptability to all-round work. It is at once a daylight loading film Kodak. And there is a choice of lens and shutter equipment that Medford will meet your requirements. Tuesday N ight March 30 EASTMAN AGENCY CITIZENS BANK 29, 1920 He made no outcry and was not missed by his fellow workmen until he had floated 100 feet down stream when one of the men saw him go down. His parents reside at Denver Colorado. He BANDON. — D. A. Davis, 19 was formerly a member of the years old, employed as a deck Bandon Coast Guard The body hand on the steamer Dispatch, has not been “ecovered. was drowned in the Coquille river, He was loading cans of milk onto North end to reclaim 750 the boat at Walstrom landing acres tidelands at cost of $400,- when he fell overboard. 000. Youth Falls Overboard LIIALNUN TME THEATER BEAUTIFUL “nd UNIVERSITY OF OREGON GleeClubGirls 6% SATURDAY APRIL 3 OFASHLAND 22 Clever Entertainers Clever Skits, College Songs, Choruses, Solo Number, Quartettes. Catchy Parodies, ADMISSION 55e Including War Tax Seats on Sale at Theater Box Office Thursday. VISIT THE Hat Shop VAUPELS 4%ON Sosns BALCONY EASTER Comes Early VEST POCKET KODAK This Year OF QUALITY Easter comes on PACE April 4th The Great Laugh Festival EAST SIDE PHARMACY KOLB DILL J. J. McNAIR Registered Pharmacist That gives you only three weeks to prepare for it — and — Your property insured! The I moment you allow your fire in- | in a temperance play with a |surance to run out is the time kick and plenty of music on a fire generally occurs! Many a the side. man has been made poor by allow- | 1 ing his policy to lapse. Don’t let this happen to you. A few dol-, SPECIAL JAZZ ORCHESTRA lars today may save you a thou­ New Songs, New Ideas sand tonight! Attend to it now. Mail orders now. Box office Phone 211. Sunday, March 28. Prices $2.00 to 50c. Real Estate and Real Insurance. WET and DRY BILLINGS AGENCY RATATTATAi 2 THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL i Last Time Tonight Thunderbolt WITH Our stock of Suits, Coats, Skirts Dresses, Waists and Petticoats is about as completely ready for your selection as possible Let us help you make your selections now and have your garments ready ON TIME New Coats A nd Suits Katherine McDonald For Spring AND Are Here. Thos. Meighan TOMORROW AND WEDNESDAY MAY ALLISON IN The Walkoffs” For Those Who Sew You will find a wonderful assortment of Spring Materials for any kind of garments For Spring Splendid Sport Silks Pretty Printed Voiles Wool Suitings and Coatings New Wais ts Are Here. New Skirts Are Here Are Here. Voiles Georgettes and Crepe de Chine Fitrite Petticoats Wool Plaids PRY GOODS And Sport Silks