ASHLAND DAnv TIDINGS PAGI FOUR y night. 170-2 Dance Local and Personal the t Gates o supplies at sale. C. E. sell. to Co., Medford. 141-tf company The Trigon ia planning on the formal christen­ ing of its oil well at Fern’s val­ ley next Sunday, if the weather permits. It is expected to have a moving picture camera on the scene to take pictures of the im­ mense crowd expected. • • • Get . newest styles— full me rett. best, wool. Í price t Charles Hargadine re­ Mrs word yesterday of the ceived death of her uncle, John Detwi 1er, which had occurred in San ta Monica, Calif., where he had been spending the winter. Detwiler had been a frequent vis­ itor in Ashland at the home of his brother-in-law, John R. Ca­ sey, and had made many acquaint­ ances here who will learn of his death with regret. ts $40.9 orkmanship, suits $1 ries, latest next to t represents $83. Dyue A $45.00 Tailor, Exchange. 163-tf he aulserud & Bar- 166-tf Mrs. E. V. Gard of Seattle, 2 former well known Ashland resi Mr. and Mrs. $ S. Smith of dent, is visiting friends in Ash stopped off land. She arrived last night. Woodston, Kansas here a few days this week on their A Medford dealer is coming way home from Southern Cali­ fornia where they had been next week to buy all my 9x12 spending the winter, and visited rugs. Procrastinators will there- for a and tore have to hurry if they wish half the price Mrs. Latham The guests to buy i rugs were delighted with Ashland and they will have to pay later. The compared it with Southern Cali- Bazaar. fornia much superior They Hilt, who has been em expressed regret on leaving here. ployed at Hilts, Calif., came home Tirei very low rices at the this morning to spend a few days . il 1? big au pply sale C. E. Gates here. • • Auto J Medford 141-tt Danc urday night. • • 170-2 Much interest being mani tested in the sensational trial of Earl Biegel, a student at the Lark Evans up before the circuit Oregon Agricultural college, ar- court, who is is charged with kid­ rived last night to spend the napping and robbing W. G. White, spring vacation with his mother, a Grants Pass jitney man. sister and brothers at their home • • Hem yard. V Vanity • of jotins, A -postage. 10c a The Tedford, Or. tt • • « State Highway Engineer Her- bert* Nunn, who recently made a trip by automobile from Medford to Salem, states that there is less than five miles of bad roads on the Pacifie highway over the en­ tire way. While Mr. Nunn would not advise tourists they can make the trip through in comfort, he says the journey can be made with comparative ease. By fall Mr. Nunn says, the entire road will be improved and easily and | quickly made passable. Already many tourists are on the high­ way, according to Mr. Nunn. Send coting give tion. arday night. 170-2 en a jump of two cents all over the northwest i an announcement Cliff bles. center Walker of Gold Hill came t Ashland Wednesday • attend the Wait- Newton wedding, and remained over to visit at the home of Wil­ liam Myer for a brief time. • • Mrs. Nate Bates was called to Oakland, Calif., by the serious- illness of her sister, Mrs. Ed Gibson. • © Under the auspices of Ashland Post of the American Legion the O. A. C. Band will give a concert in the armory Wednesday even­ ing. March 2 I. This musical ag­ gregation is touring the state, and in connection with the band aré carrying a seven-piece jazz orchestra which will play for the dance following the concert which will dedicate the new floor the Post recently had put in th armory. ♦ • ss is tailoring and we consit nost import- ant part us give you a real fl & Barrett. 166-tf • • Henry Harris Hail, nephew of Mrs. B. R. Greer, left last night for his home in Los Angeles, Calif. r Our uits t Bare The mules ne 98. U Sleep long hours with th windows open. “Play part of every morning The family of A Porter is out of doors.” reported victims of the flu at their home on Liberty street. The outsing of the Von Kapp revolutionists has no means Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Sheperd and Mr. and Mrs. Kale Shepherd are brought orde rout of chaos, to­ expected to start home from Los day’s dispatches indicated. Rad­ Angeles today, and will make the ical socialists and workmen have taken advantage of their position trip here in their automobile. to demand a reorganization of Miss Bessie Carpenter, who the government, with the partic­ went to San Jose, Calif,, with her ipation of the laboring classes and parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. labor legislation before Ebert re­ Carpenter, will remain there un­ sumes his office in Berlin. Noske is already reported to til the school is closed. She has been taking a course in kinder­ control the Berlin troops, the dis­ said. Another dispatch garten work at the normal school patch in that city. said Noske had resigned. It is easier to ruin a good com­ plexion than it is to remedy defects and improve a complexion that is not good. Of­ PRISCILLA ten ono applica- MAN tion of an injurious cosmetic or the mis-use of one’s face in at- tempting conform to vague and misleading directions given by some unqualified person will produce disfigurement that years will not remove. A good treatment for a thick, muddy skin that needs softening and stimulation is to bathe it occasionally with very hot water in which a spoonful each of borax and powdered pumice has been stirred. When the face has been well steamed and bathed in this solution, dry with a soft .cloth. then massage with cold cream Allow the cream remain on the face about ten minutes be- fore applying cold water. Use ice water, if possible,’ or even a piece of ice. Do not rub the face. The cold plunge is merely to close the pores. Those who try this meth­ od once or twice a week will be surprised at the improvement it will make both in the texture and appearance of the skin. Great care should be taken in the selection of face powder. The cost of the powder and the elab­ orate box in which it is packed The Social Realm Quiet Wedding Last Night The marriage of Miss Lala Bon­ nis Jennings and Alfred G. Moss two popular young people of Ash land, was solemnized the Methodist church last evening, Rev. Charles A. Edwards per- forming the ring ceremony. The young people were attended by Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pace of Med- tord. The young couple have many friends in this city who will be interested in this event The bride the attractive young daughter of Mr and Mrs Jennings, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A Moss, He is an ex-service man id has many friends who extend best wishes to him and his bride. Breaks nothing, sives relief il Hyomei old in quicker b than e spot ¡ros are no guarantee of its excellence. From sad experience I have al­ most come to expect the contrary. There are exceptions, it is true, but they are only apt to prove the general rule. Some face powders seem to dry up and absorb the natural oil of the skin to such an extent that looks and seamy, even though smooth to the touch. Oth ers are they appear like a paste. Each Individu: 1 should select the pow­ der best suited to her skin. A powder that is unpleasantly no­ ticeable on one woman’s face may not be visible on that of another, The varying shades of brunette powders now obtainable make it possible to suit almost ny complexion furnished Shook bld. 170-1* FOR SALE—Shetland pony, hai ness and buggy. 440 Palm St 170-3: WANTED—Dishwasher; $70 and board to start. Man preferred. Box 3X, care Tidings. 170-3 Water The campaign the city to catch speeders violating the citv beginning bear ordinance fruit. Automobiles are seen trav­ eling over the restricted districts at a snail's pace compared with locomotion the usual mode some of the autemobilists were ac­ customed to go, and pedestrians are commencing to breathe more freely when attempting to cross the streets at certain points. A number were gathered in by the speed cops yesterday, and after n visit at the police judge’s office came away with the lesson firm- acLean AND ORIS What’s Yo Boys OR ouglas lusband Doing? :away on business.” - He had been “ But when wifi ated into “Honeysuckle ile bu siness of her own— Ye gods at a ni Another side-splitting laugh hit bythe stars of nty-three and a Half Hours’Leave Keep Months to One Your li s are laying well now. eap. Just the time of Eggs are year to put down eggs for next winter when prices are high, 25c a quart; $1 a gallon. That is what tie makers of Dubbelbilt Clothes guar antee mon suit will be repaired free. Specially reinforced at every point of strain and wear, Stylish, as well as sturdy Notice especially, the handsome fabrics. $14.75—$16.75—$18.75— and upwards to $25 Others at $10. MODEL CLOTHING CO Next Door E. 1st Nat’l Bank Medford, Oregon P oley s D rug S tore ELHART, Druggists White Silver Skin Yellow Danvar Onion Sets There Are Many Things Upon Our Shelv Blue Bantam sometime Peas von In Bulk On the Same. Bill rest HOLMES GROCERY CLEANING UP Hardware Some Comedy A Dollar Starts an Account If Eats, is Your Trouble Repor STATE BANK OF ASHLAND Them to Me. Diamond Chick F ood I N N VICTOR KNOTT, Prop. OUR SPECIALTY T-Bone SAVES LITTLE CHICKS and - * - 50c 207 East Main St., Oshland, Orc. Always Open for the Hungry SIMPSON’S HARDWARE 37-39 NORTH MAIN STREET helps them to grow int g, strong, healthy birds. @ A clean, wholeseme, jfR ural food—no dust—no waste, Keeps the chicks healthy and makes them grow fast. Birthday Party The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Wright on Lincoln street was the scene of festivity last Sat­ urday afternoon when nine little girls congregated celebrate the ninth birtnday of their daugh- ter Vera, The afternoon was spent in indoor games on ac- count of the rainy weather out- side. A number of nice presents including dishes handker chiefs and ribbons was presented to the little hostess. At 4 o’clock they departed al) seeming to have had a splendid time. Those present were: Mil­ dred Moss, Mariam Homewood, Esther Spencer, Hazel Walters, Aileen Inlow, Dorothy Wertz Dorothy Wilgus Gertrude No- Vera Wright Bert Wright and little Harriet Jean Webe BURGLARS KNOW or curióme anyTi rade Mar\ on Eoery Original Package BETTER than to tamper with a Vault protected by the Electric Burglar Alarm System. Our Vault has this protection. Safe'De- posit Boxes for rent, $2.50 and up per year. NOTICE ! OUR On and After April 1st Thorongibred Poultry and Eggs Old Chicks BÚCKEYE” Incubators and COLONY Brooder Stoves ALL WOOD Will Be A0 ON SAVINGS -T/o I DEPOSITS Visit the Hat Shop • The Standard which all Cloth Values are Judt BALCONY Good Buys of ini most I clothe FOR RENT flat. Call Clothes Al St. John • • TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Friday-Saturday On Savings ^CITIZENS g • BANK V OFASHLAND ly fixed in their minds that the way of the transgressor of the speed law expensive. Those who were fined during the past 24 hours were Francis Winter, N. Halifall Beaver and A Green. POLEY & • • all-wool buying. 166-tf During his recent visit to Jack son county Herbert Nunn, state highway engineer, gave little en­ couragement that any permanent improvement will be made on the Crater Lake road between Med­ ford and Prospect in time for the coming season's tourist travel. However, he left the consoling news that temporary improve- ments will be made. The high- way commission has promised to furnish the county with a motor truck and tank on condition that the county keep the road sprink­ led six miles front Prospect to­ ward Medford. six hod “Eat some vegetable dish every day (spinich or other greens fre- quently.) “Eat cereal with milk breakfast. “Drink milk cocoa never tea or coffee. “Learn to like whole wheat and oatmeal bread. “Drink at least four glasses of water every day (one glass be- fore breakfast.”) All of these rules have to do with the diet, so five other rules called “health rules” are includ­ ed in the game. They are: “A full bath oftener than once week. “Brush teeth at least once every Care of the Complexion store, Dance Look g values h Paulseru Health rules have been formu­ lated by the extension service of the Connecticut agricultural col­ lege in the form of a game for children. It is called “Guides* to health, growth and strength of school children,” and its rules are print- ed on a card that may be hung on the wall of the child’s room at home. « It is certain to develop boys and girls into .strong men and women if rigidly followed. Here are the rules: “Drink at least one pint of milk every day. “Eat fresh or dried fruit everv by Priscilla Dean r hemstitching and pi the ferait Shop, Pennsylvania led the nation in Mrs. George Yates of the cleri­ Ore (mail orders cal force of Ferguson’s drygoods 1919 in the total mileage of ireful atten- was a Medford visitor yes- contracts for road construction. 167-12 terday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Helfrich of Rogue River were guests yes­ terday visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. V. -Wright Our b W Have plow your HEALTH RULES FOR CHILDREN Friday, March 19, 1920 rn Label is outer evidence worth— it represents the A Few Sacks of Good Potatoes $6.00 per hundred erous measure of actual alue your money can buy. Fresh, Sweet, Redland Oranges for Friday and Saturday will find it only in clothes Born- 1 to individual measure — we sell Our goods are in easy reach and prices are the lowest Paulserud & Barrett Our H ison for naking all wood Cash to all of our CUS pmers ,nd frie s is not due so much to loss in ac- COU Its but to the— ya expense in bookkeeping and col- pal are commodities which sell only lecting.. nvnities.. We believe that after our for cash in trade become accu omed to the cash basis on wood, it satisfactory to every one. Will prove m This doe I mean we will not be glad to accomodata yOU and. give y • a reasonable credit on lumber, but for wood it 1 eans cash. In b ying wood, please pay at the office or have a check or cash ready for the teamsters when they call Ask for a receipted bill but DON’T ASK FOR CREDIT FOR WOOD. We n WE DELIVER - (Resident Bom Dtahgry Absolutely Cash You do your own choosing. join the crowds and trade at Stearn s Self Service Store 7 NORTH MAIN STREET In the Heart of Town