-----ir, se ho - Wednesday, March 8, 1920. ASHLAND DAILY TIIRGs ty —os that occupy him f ssessor, Ü, S. ARMY BLANKETS U ADORN FRENCH GIRLS usiness, several ks. Commander) No. 4 Buy your suit of Drue and save nights Templar Conclave 10 dollars. 155 East Main. tf Stated Conclave ot Malta Com-1 mandery. No. 4, Masonic Temple, this (Wednesday) evening. Mar. 3, Also work in the Red Cross degree. Visiting and sojourning Sir Knights courteously invited. Work in the Order of the Tern- | pie will be conferred on Thursday afternoon and evening, March 4. The sale of the property on ntly acquir- Mountain ven ard, was made ed by Jefferso n real estate of- through th William Yeo. fice for M Have Winters, with the mules, tf plow your garden. Phone 98. ___ * . The mission study club of the F. D. WAGNER, E. C rch met this af- j Presb W. H. DAY, Recorder. se to continue i ter Christian Ameri- H. O. Butterfield has purchased the seven room house and two lots at the corner of Ashland and A real jazz dance at the Nat. Idaho streets from G. S Butler 3. Laun- Wednesday, March He will occupy it as a home. 154-3 spach’s orchestra. • • Have a fit at Orres Tailors tf j Tarbell, /;a former well | 4. ... O. J. ft the first known of Ashland, was Miss Mabel home in Salt gue River today on up from of the ween f spending some | business.' | Lake City • • I time here visting with her sister. I prefer a sanitary I nion Made Miss Hazel Smith. 128tf Tisit, 7c. • • Orres cleans clothes clean. C. C. Howard of Grants Pass, | Phone 64. who recen * 9his PEPP \odav H. C. Stainbrook has rented the Ashland, was 2 Mrs. Myr- closing up business affairs. bungalow belongin • • ice and Viz- tie Boslough Cliff Payne makes tables. 151-3 ta streets, r ei y occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Toward Barrett. The The Beaver Realty company latter expect to move to their the Otto Mi- closed the sal new home in Talent in a few days. 88 North Main chel property street yester Mrs. Mariam Tires at very low prices at the Way is the purchaser. big auto supply sale. C. E. Gates • • PARIS.—How the humble army blanket, protection of the grumb­ ling doughboy, has increased in value from 12 francs to 200 francs, and come to be apparel of French beauty along the boule­ vards, has been brought to light in Paris. At a sale of army stocks, a French grocer bought 2000 Amer­ ican army blankets for 12 francs each. He sold them for 15 and 20 francs each to a clothing man­ ufacturer. The clothing manufacturer made them up into women’s cloaks and sold them at 70 francs each to a department store, which retailed them at 180 and 200 francs each.• Voila, la vie chere! enr Auto Co., Medford. 141-tf O. S. Butler has not been idle during the past winter, even though he was thought to be rest- California this ing. Whil the Fox & Ea r- winter he s y in Bakersfield, rett Oil co home he has sold Since retui a house in’ Portland and a house on the corner of Skidmore and Me­ chanic streets in Ashland.. The latter was purchased by C. J. Moore. Hemstitching, Picoting, 10c a yard. We pay the postage. The Vanity Hat Shop, Medford, Or. tf Mr. and Mrs. B. T. DeLosh and daughter Joan of Medford were Ashland visitors yesterday. Come in today and look over our spring line. It’s great. Paul­ serud & Barrett. tf • • The new street that has been opened up on the hill extending from Scenic Drive has 1received a name. This, the council decided, will be called Grandview Drive at the suggestion of Airs. H. G. Gil­ more. © • ---------------------- -—. HOME BUDGET COURSE PLANNED BY U. OF O UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Eugene.—Many housewives drift into debt through their failure to! keep close track of their daily ex- penses, according to Miss Lilian | Tingle, head of the department of household arts In the univer- sity. To combat this evil Miss Tingle, in co-operation with D. | Walter Morton, dean of the school of commerce, is planning a course in household accounting. Bookkeeping and banking for the household, development of a daily budget system and general in- struction in accounting For the ! household will be included in the course. Community Meet Called For Next Monday Evening EYES OF YOUTH" AT THE 8 (Continued from Page One) A story that deals with the problem of knowing the right thing to do—whether to sacrifice one’s happiness tor others or to choose the career that means the soul's highest development. That is the problem that confronts Gina Ashling. Her beautiful voice offers her a career in Paris, a rich, much older man wants her for his wife and a young brother and sis­ ter, motherless .make remaining at home seem her duty. And all the time there is Peter waiting for her, young, handsome Peter, who loves her and dreams of the future they shall build together. And then, from far-off India comes a Yogi, a wanderer in a strange land, who hears her plea for guidance, and in a crystal ball she sees into the future—sees what will come to pass if she fol­ lows each of the paths that lie open to her. Then Paris comes before her eyes, where she is a beautiful op- era singer, successful, a woman of the world, and, last, as the wife of a rich man, whom she has mar- bers that will work under his or­ ders for two hours during four days, beginning with Tuesday, March 16, following a civic din­ ner on the night of Monday, March 15. There will be, approximately, 600 prospect cards of those who will be solicited to line up with the new community service or- ganization, which will necessitate each team member calling on only ten persons to solicit their mem­ berships. The city is to be divided into ten districts, and the team work­ ers at the civic conference on the night of the 8th, will draw lots for the different districts to de­ termine in what particular local­ ity the different teams will work. The co-operation of the minis­ ters of the city will also be en­ listed in the interest of the cam­ paign, and Director Gheen will extend a personal Invitation to every minister in the city to Book Restaurant • • Z M Have your suit or coat tailored this Spring. See the wonderful line of Woolens at Orres Tailor Shop What a wonderful improvement linoleum makes in the appearance of your bath room or kitchen. What Satisfaction—how easily kept sweet and clean. As a labor saver for the wife worth three times the cost, As a satisfaction to the family worth ten times the cost. fresh and cured meats. We sell the best meats at the low est price consistent with quality Considering the H. C. L. it is not so expensive either, if bought from us. You will be surprised how small the cost when you consider the labor saving ind satisfaction. PHONE 188 The season is here when the ; auto top should be looked after. I make new ones or fix the old country and the woman. Every | one. Let me look at it one who likes to read Zane Come iu and We have many beautiful patterns, look them over. As hlandFurniture Hospital Swenson & McRae Economical House Furnishers 80 North Main. I Am Here to Stay. F Ó Ladies Office and Works No. 24 8 Helman St., Ashland, Ore. Manufacturing Engineers, Gene- ral Repair Work. We manufacture Paving Plant Equipment, Sawmill, Mining and Ship Machinery, Steam and Gas Engines, Boilers and Heavy Steel Work; Grey Iron, Semi-Steel, Brass and Bronze -Castings of every kind Having thoroughly equipped our plant for the manufacture and re­ pairs of heavy and all classes of machine and foundry work, we solicit your orders and insuiries. Estimates and quotations fur­ nished ou application. A man's man, adventure, God’s this book. 200 FOURTH ST. Real Estate and Real Insurance Estb. 1883. 41 East Main St. Phone 211 New of the Forest’ Auto Tops UNION MEAT MARKET Grey’s writings will want to read Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sanford have purchased the residence property on Sixth street owned and occupied by G. W. Menn by J. H. Hardy, and will occupy it in a short time for their future home. • • We will take your measure­ ments and tailor a suit for $35.00. You will have your choice of the latest style, all wool fabrics, and a FIT guaranteed Paulserud & Barrett tf • • Rev. J. W. Hoyt left last night for Portland to attend the inter­ church conference of all ministers which starts' in" that city today and continues over three days. Ashland Iron Works Linoleum Billings Agency JAS. BARRETT, Prop. HomeThe Man ASTORIA.—Siberian Fisheries Why not support Ashland Union & Canning company, buys $750,- Made Cigars. "Give me a 10c La 000 machinery. 128-tf Valencia, please.” TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY • • Mrs. W. J. Wallace was called the seri- WANTED—Office girl. Inquire Good Meals and Short Orders. Day to Seattle on ac Dr. Schiller. 156-3 and Night Service. , who lives ous illness of a there, and left last night for that 297 East Main city. • • Mrs. Seamon and Mrs. Scott of 7 Talent were Ashland shoppers to- day. 0 If you want a nice place with ample lot—well built—in good condition—6 rooms convenient— desirable neighborhood—a house that you can get possession of al- most immediately, see us now. Price is only $2,500, and easily worth more. Always the best on the market in Zane Grey well as the election of directors which every membri will share and the general conducting of the equal rights and Sir ileges. organization's affairs, will be through referendum ballot in A Nice Home East Side Meat Market New ried to help her father’s finances. At the Vining Wednesday and Thursday. ____________________ GOLD HILL. — New cement plant in operation, \ ' ----- preach a sermon on the morning — evening of Sunday, March 14, or on civic righteousness, the duty of churchmen to the community or the duty of the entire citizen- ship to the community. The day will be designated as "Civic Sun­ day." Ashland’s quota will be 300 members and a budget or working fund of $7500. Members are to be enrolled for a period of three years at $25 per year. Revenue from membership dues and the budget, will give the Commercial Club an annual revenue of $15,- 000 on which to operate annually. The expenditure of all funds, as 29 I Sell Cheaper Than Any Man in the U. S. A. J. M. Grimsley, Prop P oley s D rug S tore POLEY & ELKHART. Druggists. 8833669353666 • • Hats for men and women Hon. E. V . Carte has been in cleaned and blocked. See Orres Portland thi § we called there Mrs. Eric Weren is home from to attend the meeting of the state Oakland where she had been visit- fish and game commissions that ing for seve eeks. 'While in was held in that city Monday. the latter c|t Weren stayed family, also of Save on your auto supplies at with the Bad spending the the big selling out sale. C. E. Ashland, who winter there. She states that Mr. Gates Auto Co., Medford. 141-tf and Mrs. Badger expect to return Mrs. H. S. Emery has been quite to Ashland soon. Orres will dye for you. ill at her home on Mechanic street M. B. Pinion een appointed for the past week or two. She is gaining in health, however, at sexton of the cemeteries, succeed- ing the late. Eugene Walrad. present. e of the Miss Van Slike, Easter only a few days away, teachers in the Jun high school. Order your suit now at Orres. was taken sic yesterday and left J. K. McClaren has sold a two for her home in Gold Hill where and one-ralf acre rd tract on she will remain until she recovers. Euclid avenue . Gustafson, tkinson and M rs. Eugenia This sale was è through the ant, who have Mrs. Elizabeth Van Lamkin agenc and the tract em- braces one of the finest orchards been spending the winter in Los Angeles, are expected home tomor­ in Ashland. row evening. A real jazz dance at the Nat. See the fine line of silks and Wednesday. March 3. Laun- spach’s orchestra. 154-3 woolens for ladies' wear at Orres. • • • • FOX TERRIER LOST Alpha Chapter, O. S., will Disappeared Tuesday, must celebrate iti 40 nniversary have been stolen: small, nearly Tuesday eveni 8.T h 16. This white fox terrier, name event is an ii it feature in all lodge circles d dll be one of “Chum.” Reward for informa- the leading s ial events of the tion. E. T. STAPLES, Ashland, Ore. Phone 26 month. • • Mrs. Gregg, nurse, residence 908 Ashland street. Phone 432-R. 5 154-3t Eyes of Youth "O’ look into this Crystal and glooms, your success Sphere of Destiny, happy and failure, your agonies girl, for your life is pic- and miseries. For there tu iss I there. is a destiny shaping your Pictured in this innocent- life from which there is no looking crystal are your joys appeal. Rev. Dr. Paillie, pastor of the Phoenix Presortorian church, is reported seriously ill at his home. How does a new all wood suit, tailored to your measure for $35.00, strike you?. Paulserud & Barrett. tf • • The atttention of the women of Ashland is called to the talk to be given in the Auxiliary hall this evening by Mary E. Fawcett, dean of women of the Oregon Ag­ ricultural college, at 8 o’clock This speaker has been secured by the Parent-Teachers’ association, and will be an interesting event. Special music will also be a fea­ ture of this meeting. Mrs. J. H. Provost will sing and the Wood or­ chestra will play. © • S. time/in J. L. Herr is out again after a two weeks illness. Yesterday was the first i that period Mr. Herr wa able to travel as far as the down town district. One and one-third certificate plan. Be receipt when you Ticket sale March 2 limit March 10. fare, sure buy, to 6, I eyes of youth. I can into your future. the Your life starts from today. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG has had no opportunities such as are given her in ‘The Eyes of Youth’ The Remember • ", Classic of the Days Year Only 2 New Coats And Admission Matinee Suits For Spring Adults, 30c WASHINGTON. The field work for the government’s cen­ sus of manufacturers, mines and quarries, oil and gas wells and forest products began the first of the month. Ninety-eight trained men and more, than 1200 special agents be­ gan collecting information relat­ ing to production of the country. Director Rogers estimates that more than six months will be re­ quired to gather the facts and another two months to make them public. You can obtain Futurist, exqui­ sitely made and soft-fitting for under-the-corset wear, in a wide range of materials. These dainty garments combine comfort and vogue. See Futurist on display in our KnitUnderwear Department The Thunderbolt of Dramatic Force on the to get ticket, return CENSUS OF MINES AND FORESTS BEGINS am tiny dictates. In AH Her Great Career • • E RATES TO EUGENE You are to do as this des- Daily Are Here. Children, 10( 2 p. m. Y outh 21 “ATTA- Wednesday IIVAAIT Thursday New Waists Are Here. Voiles Georgettes and Crepe de Chine IN STOCK NOW Are five styles of Futurist Suits and one style Nainsook Vest. ASK TO SEE THEM a Fitrite Petticoats For Spring Are Here New Skirts Are Here Wool Plaids And Sport Silks $