Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, February 18, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    Local and Personal
€------------------ - ---- •
I prefer a sanitary
Wednesday, February 18, 1920
Union Made
Tisit, 7 c.
Grants Pass is closing every pub­
lic place of gathering to prevent a
flu epidemic. The first of the week
an order went out to close all schools.
churches, theaters and other public
places in order to suppress the in-
crease of this disease.
Spring suits at last fall’s prices
at Paulserud & Barrett’s.
Mrs. Susie L. Allen has sold
through her real estate office the
residence of H. S. Palmerlee on Gran­
ite Street. This has been purchased
by R. W. Hach.
Flour and feed of every descrip-
tion at the Ashland Mills.
The big clock in the lobby of the
postoffice which has been missing
for some time while it was undergo­
ing repairs, is back this week in its
accustomed place and greets patrons
like the face of an old friend.
For Sale.-—Practically new Chev­
Hon. and Mrs. E. V. Carter enter-
The High School Glee Club is
The Baptist volunteer class will
rolet. One extra tire. Price $800. have a food sale at Enders Saturday, tained their bridge club at their practicing in the Chautauqua build­
Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co., Med- February 21.
144-2t* home on the Boulevard last even- ing this afternoon for the Honor
ford. Ore.
ing. The event was an observance Sunday afternoon.
Word was received in Ashland that of Shrove Tuesday and the hostess
Orres blocks hats.
Mrs. Gene Holmes of Weed is in Dr. G. O. Jarvis, who left Monday served waffles to the guests. Three (
Ashland this week on a business and evening to drive over to Klamath tables of bridge were arranged.
A motor driven machine to split
pleasure trip.
Falls, and who had failed to arrive
apart cakes of ice that have frozen
• • •
i there early yesterday morning, had
Woolens sold by the yard at
together in storage
has been in­
The famous Serge Co.’s woolens reached his destination. He was ac- Orres Tailor Shop.
have arrived at Paulserud & Bar-1 cömpanied by Mrs. Coldwell, a nurse
142-tf from the Sanitarium.
Prof. Vining accompanied
friend, Jesse Winburn, who is visit­
Especially good buy in 1917 Chal­ ing him here from New York, ón a WANTED—Gardens to plow and
Mrs. Alberta Campbell Simmons,
harrow. Charles Campbell. Phone
A-l condition, $1250.
a noted musician of Los Angeles, is mers Six.
fine trip to Yreka yeste d y. They
459-J. ’
14 0-2t made the trip in an automobile and
a guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. L. En­ Medford Auto Co.
gle, this week. Mrs. Simmons is also
took in the dredge operations on
a niece of President P. L. Campbell
the Klamath river as well as the I HAVE a desirable residence in Al­
bany to exchange for Ashland res­
of the University of Oregon, and will are in for men and women at Orres scenery enroute. They brought back
idence. H. A. Stearns, 7 N. Main.
go to Eugene to visit there when sue Tailor Shop.
some fine remembrances of the trip
144-Thurs. Sat.
leaves Ashland.
in the shape of pictures of the places
Cliff Payne makes plate racks.
of interest and a quantity of fine FOR SALE—From O. A. C.. S. C
White Leghorn stock. cockerels
Blackheads, pimples—whew! isn’t
142-3 gold nuggets. Mr. Winburn will be
and setting eggs. L. F. Crawford.
she a sight—don’t worry she is go- !
here until Sunday.
Talent, Ore.
ing to take Hollister’s Rock Moun-
The Medford Chamber of Com­
tain Tea—then watch her. Poley’s
Drug Store.
merce is giving a luncheon today at
the Medford Hotel at which men
Miss Blanche Hicks presented her all over the valley are the guests.
‘Che Ë>ank.
resignation as official chaperon to The meeting is to discuss road mat­
the Chimo. Cloak. "
public dances at the meeting of the ters, and a large delegation of rep-
city council last evening. This was resentatives from the Ashland Com-
accepted by the council, and the va- mercial Club and business men are
caney will be filled shortly.
in attendance.
Have a fit at Orres Tailors.
Why not support Ashland Union
Place your order now for the
Made Cigars? Give me a 10c La Va­
Dodge Brothers motor car. Geo. L.
Tires at very low prices at the lencia, please.
Treichler Motor Co., Medford, Ore.
big auto supply sale. C. E. Gates
Auto Co., Medford.
The body of the late Elvidge Mc­
Rev. A. B. Finch, a Baptist minis­
Rev. C. F. Koehler is back from a
. .
. .
yesterday morning at Newman. Cal.,
ter. who has been living in Ashland three weeks
trip to Philadelphia, Pa.,
will arrive here this evening on
for some time* has moved into the where he represented , the
northwest . .
No. 16. Miss Frances McWil-
parsonage on Oak street which was at an important church conference train
I hams will accompany the remains of
vacated by the removal from the city held in that city.
her brother to Ashland. Funeral
of Rev. W. N. Ferris. During the
services will be arrangi ed after the
vacancy in the Baptist church Rev.
Our spring and summer fashions
body arrives here.
Finch will be the supply.
and woolens for ladies’ coats and
suits have just arrived. Come in and |
Save on your auto supplies at the
Just received, car of corn which look them over. Paulserud & Bar­ big selling out
C. E. Gates
we sell at right prices.
Ashland rett.
. 140-tf Auto company, Medford.
On account of the late hour when
the city council finally took up the
routine business after discussing the
water question with the delegation
of citizens present, all matters were
vestigate OUR VERY REASONABLE abridged as much as possible. Aside
PRICES. We can save you money. from passing on the resignation of
Paulserud & Barrett.
140-tf the official chaperon the only busi­
ness of importance that was acted
Among the Ashland people who at­ upon was the passing of an ordin­
tended the play at the Page theater ance regarding the storing of gaso-
in Medford Monday night were Mr line and other explosives in the city,
and Mrs. J. E. Enders, Mrs. Henry This ordinance
is practically the
Enders, Mrs. Wing, Mrs. Lillian Greer same as the former one, with the ex­
Zundel, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jacobs, ception of allowing larger storage
Misses Hazel and Mabel Smith and tanks than the present ordinance
| granted.
-Harold Prose.
See the new materials for ladies’
Mrs. Mary Reeder, who has been suits and coats at Orres Tailor Shop,
a guest at the home of Mrs. John
Winter for several days, has returned
LADIES! — Before paying high
to her home in Rogue River.
prices for suits ,coats and skirts, in­
- Dear Grace:—I knew you did not
have a good time at the Dance last
a hint—Hollister’s
Rocky Mountain Tea is the best ever
for bad breath, sallow color, no pep,
pimply face, bad disposition.
Poley’s Drug Store.
A handsome bunch of daffodils
brightens the counter of the First
National bank and add a charming
touch of spring to that institution.
They come from Portland and were
a gift to Miss Aileen Walker, one of
the clerical force.
Bad breath, colorless lips, sallow
cheeks give a girl little chance for
“a man”—Don’t give up. try Hollis- |
Dodge Brothers’ motor cars are ter’s Rocky Mountain Tea and see
still selling at $1245 f. o. b. Pacific how popular you get. Poley’s Drug
coast points.
141-6t Store.
News reached Ashland yesterday
Miss Anna Hargrove is back from
San Francisco where she has been morning of the death of Mrs. Bur­
ton Dickey, formerly Miss Gladys
spending several weeks buying her
Manwaring, who with her mother
spring millinery stock.
made her home in Ashland some win­
Hemstitching, Picoting, 10 cents ters ago. Pneumonia was the cause
a yard. We pay the postage. The of the young woman’s death. Mrs.
Vanity Hat Shop, Medford, Ore. 6-tf Dickey is a cousin to Mrs. J. Murray
Murphy of this city.
Mrs. John King and Mrs. John
Winter were among the Ashland peo­
ple who attended the “Bird of Par-
adise,” which was played in Med-
tord Monday night.
THE average Tourist is not unrea-
sonable in his demands. But what
he wants—he wants graciously and
pays the price which should include
a kind word, a little extra service
and a smile.
The First National Bank wants to
join other banks and hotels and res-
taurants and stores and garages and
things in seeing that Ashland's vis-
itors get such a reception.
The HrstNaüoiKilBank
",_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ml"
Attention Old Maids—Confiden-
tially, Hollister's Rocky Mountain
Tea is your last hope for a sweet
breath, rosy cheeks, sparkling eyes.
Don’t give up without trying it. Po-
ley’s drug store.
Quality Meat.
A Girl Named Mary
Juliet Wilbor Tompkins’ Stirring Novel
Her Name Rhymed With Contrary
O DID SHE. As poor as a church mouse.
Yet, when her real mother found her
after years of searching-offered her
wealth—a home—beautilul clothes—did
Mary accept?
She did not! Acted up. Ran away. Tangled
'em all in a queer love affair, and won ’em
all when she did it. Better come and see!
While it lasts we will sell Mt.
Vernon and Carnation, 15c per
can, $7.00 per case.
Minnesota Sweet Corn, 3 cans $ .50
Solid pack tomatoes, 3 cans .50
Colton brand Sugar Peas, 3
9 lb. sack pure Rolled Oats
A few pkgs, of Albers’ Rolled
Oats ...................................
Wheat Flakes 35c, Pearls of
Wheat . . ;............................. •
Queen brand table salt, box .10
Honey Cake 28c, pts. 42c,
qts. 72c, pails ...............
Syrups are getting higher every
day, but we are still selling
Karo Blue Label, large.... $ .99
Karo Blue Label, medium . .
Karo Blue Label, small . . . .19
Karo Red Label, ...................... 1.10
Karo Red Label, 5s
Karo Red Label, 1 %
Gem Nut Margarine
Cottolene, 8 lbs. 14 oz.......... 2.98
Cottolene, 3 lbs. 6 oz..............
Crisco No. 3.............................. 1.19
Crisco No. 6 ........................... 2.24
Chirardelli’s Ground Choc­
olate, 11b..................................
Baker’s Premium Chocolate
Citrus Washing Powder ....
Gold Dust ................................
Old Dutch Cleanser .............
Sunbright Cleanser ............
Crystal White Soap .............
Swift’s White Soap...............
These are a few of our every
day prices. We use the general
delivery. It will pay you to see
our stock and supply your wants.
Money back is not satisfied.
Steam’s Self Service Store
Why More Small Cars Come
Equipped With Goodyear Tires
Have your suit or coat tai­
lored this spring.
See the
wonderful line of woolens at
Last year, more small cars, using 30 x 3-
Orres Tailor Shop
equipped with Goodyear Tires than with
any other kind.
This is plainly a result of the high relative
value produced in these small-car tires by
Goodyear’s enormous resources and scrupu*
lous care.
1918 Dodge touring. Mechanical
top, cord tires. $965. Medford Auto
__ “ • y s. 1
Clark in
Mrs. C. B. French of Wimer street,
who has been spending the past two
weeks in Medford with her daugh­
ter, Mrs. Willis, has returned home.
They represent the same intense endeavor
to supply utmost satisfaction in tires that
has laid the basis for the marked preference
which exists everywhere for Goodyear Tires
in the larger sizes.
This real Goodyear value in tires is available
for your Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, or
other small car, at our nearest Service Station.
Go there for these tires and Goodyear Heavy
Tourist Tubes.
You can rent it profitably. People now stand ready in Ashland to pay good
A party of Ashland people visited rent for modern houses. We have all kinds of $ ketch and plan books and
are at your service. ,
the ranch home of Miss Mabel Rus­
sel in Sisqiyou county last Saturday,
composed of Mr. and Mrs. O. Winter,
Phone 20.
Mrs. McConnell and Mrs. and Mrs.
Vining. It was a splendid trip, the
roads being fine and the day perfect
for such a trip.
Used cars at prices from $150 to
$1200. See and buy now. Geo. L.
Treichler Motor Co., Medford. Ore.
F. C. Holibaugh has sold 60 acres j
of his Valley View ranch to Edwin
Hardman of Roseburg.
Mr. Hard-
man will take possession within the
next two or three years, and during
theinterval Mr. Hollinbaugh will con-j
tinue to operate the farm or rent it
The sale was made through the Lam­
kin agency.
The Wednesday club will hold a j
food sale on next Saturday at Dodge
& Sons' furniture store, beginning
at 10 o'clock and continuing all day.
The specialty will be George Wash­
ington pie, but all sorts of foods will |
be offered.
Union Meat Market
I am here to stay. I
sell cheaper than any
man in the U. S. A.
J. M. Grimsley, Prop
Most Indispensable
Household Utility in
Modern Home-Making
30x3 12 Goodyear Double-Cure
Fabric, AU-Weather Tread
Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are thick, strong tubes that
reinforce casings properly. Why risk a good casing with a
cheap tube ? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more
than tubes of less merit. 30x3^ size in water- $290
proof bag.
---------- ---- •
It would be difficult for you to suggest to yourself any house­
hold utility which could contribute more thoroughly to the econ-
oniy and convenience of your home-making routine than a May­
tag, and it solves the servant problem to a nicety as it takes
away all the hardships of the old fashioned tub.
Electricity Drives This
The wonderful Maytag Washer is operated by electricity. All
that is necessary is to insert the connecting plug in an ordinary
light socket, put in the clothes, hot water and soap, and turn the
button. The motor operates both washer and wringer.
There is absolutely nothing about the machine that is com­
plicated. So simple, in fact, that a child can operate it.
It handTes the finest fabrics and the daintiest laces as well as
the heavy family woolens, Quilts, overalls, etc. In the saving on
the clothes alone, it is a wise investment. It will wash a tub
full of dirty clothes in from ten to fifteen minutes.
Let us give you a demonstration.
Swenson & McRae
Economical House Furnishers
Is it accidental that the majority of tourists passing through Ashland every summer specify Good­
year Tires as their first choice? We do their tire repair work and know why this decided preference
for Goodyear exists everywhere.