ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE TWO drag, as has been done in the past, the club languishing the while, and Established 1876 the community standing still for lack Published Every Evening Except of funds to put plans into execution Sunday by | THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. that might have quickly resulted in -----------! rapid growth and prosperity. But, let Bert R. Greer Editor the dead past bury its dead. Ashland OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY has adopted the bigger and broader PAPER. view. As soon as the plan is prop- TELEPHONE 89 erly understood citizens generally Subscription Rates Delivered in City | will adopt it and, acting tn accord- One Month, Delivered. I .50 I ance with that view will supply the One Week..................... Subscription Rates By Mail Outside necessary enthusiasm and funds tor the accomplishment. of City 15.00 One year by mail .... The Tidings thinks well of the 2.75 plan, indeed, well enough of it to Six months by mail.... 1.50 Three months by mall subscribe for two memberships for No out of town subscriptions taken three years at $25.00 the member­ tor less than three months. ship the year, and besides to sub­ ADVERTISING RATES Political announcements. . .$15.00 scribe to the working fund $120.00 Political display adv., the in. .35 the year for three years. The whole Cash must accompany order on all subscription proposed by this paper political advertising. amounts to $510.00, a goodly sum Display Advertising— Single insertion.... each Inch, 30c viewed as a donation, but it is not a donation, it *s an investment better YEARLY CONTRACTS than many we make in the regular Display Advertising- One time a week, each inch, each course of our business and one out 271c of which we will no doubt gain great­ time Two times a week, each inch, each 25c er profit than any other we will make time Every other day, each inch, each this year. time ................................................... 20c Every issue, each inch, each WHO SAID time ................................................171 c "Reformers make opinions Ashland Tidings Local Readers— opinions make parties!” and Each line each time (6 words to It is doubtful whether the man line) ................................................... 10c who uttered those words realized To run every other day for one their full truth at the time. For month, each line each time.... 7c Te run every issue for one month, their author, Alexander Hamilton or more, each line each time 5c (1757-1904), did create opinion .. ... - I which led to the formation of the Cine cent the word each time. opinions To run every issue for one month which he voiced were taken as the or more, Ye the word each time, basis ofthe great republican party Cards of Thanks, $1.00. formed Obituaries, 21, cents the line. Born Nevis, West Indies, he Fraternal Orders and Societies was ineligible ever to become presi- Advertising for fraternal orders i dent of the nation, yet he wielded or societies charging a regular initia- an influence as strong as though he tion fee and dues, no discount. Re- had sat in the presidential chair. In lirions and benevolent orders will 1776, he was a captain of artillery in the Continental army, and in 1777 be charged for all advertising when the Continental army and in 1777 an admission or other charge is was appointed to Washington’s staff. Being reproved by Washington for made, at the regular rate. some slight matter, he resigned but The Tidings has a greater circula­ later accepted a commission in the tion in Ashland and its trade terri- infantry. He studied law at King’s tory than all other newspapers com- college (now Columbia university, bincd. I New York), and served in congress in 1782 and 1787. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, He was the first secretary of the Postoffice as Second Class Mail treasury and was ranked with Wash­ Matter. ington and Jefferson, whom he sup­ ported in the contest with Burr, as GETTING READY TO GO one of the great Americans of his time. In 1804 his influence successfully Last night the directors of the Com- Federalist party, and the 60 years after his death. , at St. mereiai club aid the biggest and best defeated ÄÄrS' He thing the club has attempted in its fell, mortally wounded, at Burr’s history. It laid the groundwork to first fire and died the following day, start things in a big way. It takes July 11. big thinking and big acting to get €44009099099909 great results. The man who never • COMMERCIAL CLUB COLUMN • thinks above one hundred dollars $099999994999066 will never deal in larger terms. Great things are thought always before Employment Bureau they come to pass. The visionary of- | In conjunction with the American ten thinks in millions but never Legion, an employment service is be­ brings that thought to practical fru­ ing established at the Commercial ition. The practical big man, or big club. All employers are requested community thinks in millions, acts to list their wants with the club in millions, accomplishes in millions. and anyone seeking work is urged That’s why the big man is big and to list name, address and wants. Em­ the big community is big. ployers are especially urged to make Nature thought it worth while to known vacancies which ex-service spend energy on Ashland’s environ­ men can : f 11; although the employ- ment to make it so attractive—so ment serv i e not confined to ex- great in scenic grandeur—that the soldiers a i d women, boys combined efforts of millions of men and girls, i well as men. for thousands of years, spending the A man and wife are wanted to wealth of the world could never con­ work on a F oanard and farm place. struct the like of it. Surely it is A woma * is wanted for housekeep- worth while for those fortunate ing work I lit a country home. Must enough and capital enough to apply, be thoroug flily capable. No washing. to live in 1 this ; splendid environ­ Fifty dollars a month. Woman and ment to supply, energy enough daughter, latter to take duties of and capital jenough to apply, at nurse would be considered. least in a small way, these match­ Young ex-service man wants work less resources to the end that nature of any kind. must have “intended them, for un­ doubtedly the had the health and happiness if man in contemplation when she fashioned these protecting Billiard players prefer this place bills, brought gushing from the earth because they know that they can get the curative waters and started the GOOD cues; and modern equipment makes a lot of difference in the stream trickling down the mountain pleasure of the game. that has carved out Ashland canyon You KNOW It. Profanity, gambling and other un­ and established that marvelous mu­ sical gem, Ashland creek, as a monti- i desirable elements are absolutely TABOO here. We invite GENTLE­ ment to the good will and benificence MEN only. of the great artificer. God fash­ This is a clean, congenial amuse­ ioned Ashland environment for a | ment hall for decent clean-cut fel­ lows. great resort. What will man do with I it? Last night, the Commercial Club, | speaking through its trustees, de­ "Clean Sport for Regular Fellows • termined to act in a big way—to ac­ complish in a big way—and thereby ! speed the time when this city will | come into .what nature intended her to be. a great health resort. A con- tract was made with the American City bureau to reorganize the club on modern lines, to develop practical ' working club machinery, to get citi­ zens generally interested in the club work, to put the organization in working shape to accomplish results and to adequately finance the work. The membership under the plan is to be raised to not less than 350 at an annual due of $25.00 per member that will raise $12,500.00, and on top of that to supply a working fund of $10,000.00 per year for three years. It is a big plan but it can be done as easy as to let the matter is includes Good Cues and Tips Tuesday, February 17, 1920 —€ first was given Saturday afternoon by sumptuous dinner, one of the lead­ Mrs. W. H. McNair and Mrs. Louis ing features of which was an im­ Dodge at the home of the latter. Val­ mense birthday cake with the com­ entine decoration predominated, and bined dates of the births of the re- I bridge was the mode of entertain- cipients marked in red on the top. Birthday Party I ment. Four tables were arranged. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A number of the friends and ; The first prize fell to Miss Ruth H. C. Stock, Misses Helene and Ger- neighbors of Mrs. J. K. McClaren Whitney, while Mrs. C. H. Vaupel re­ trude Biede, Mrs. C. Biegel, Miss gathered at her pleasant home on ceived the consolation prize. Calla Biegel, Milton and and Elmer Morton street February 14, to help Biegel, Mrs. Coffee, Miss Georgie her celebrate her birthday. As she Another bridge party was given Coffee and J. F. Place. had no inkling of what was in store in honor of Mrs. Bush yesterday af- for her, the good lady was much Sur­ ternoon by rank Dean and prised when the door bell rang to Mrs. Karl Ni the homo of the find a number of her friends former. Fiv les we re played, waiting for admittance, and all sup­ Mrs. Louis O e was the recipient plied with valentines. The after­ of the firs prize and hrs. Ralph noon quickly passed in social con­ Vining the tonsolation. verse and at. 6 o’clock the hostess ind another was again sur Surprise Party Mr. Paul Br WP f Ups Angeles, admittance, lot of friends 1 Mrs. George Stevens and Mrs. Leo nfof Intel me- kitchen she Barker arrangi d a surprise party for national superi tend and on going Ende For and one of nds of good E. V. Jones Saturday evening at the diate Christian found baskets s at the State the principle speak e. Tin's was home on Holman street. A pleasant things all ready after which social time was spent at which birth- done in cafetai Shilling, guessing games and rook were played day and V entine cakes and ice for a while, then the company dis-cream were id The company persed wishing their hostess many! present consi Mrs. Thimmis happy returns of the day. Those and daughte el. Mr. and Mrs. present were: Mr. and Mrs. W.-S. Leo Barker, and Mrs. George Ball, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Walker, Mr. Stevens, Mr: Carter, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Olsen and daughter Ruth, Shorty Patton, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rudd, Mr. and Mrs. Ruger and Miss Dorothy Stevens. J. K. McClaren, Mesdames Hopwood. Miller. Wright, Burns, Lynch, Van Triple Bitrhdays Observed Wegen and Dixon, and Miss Tillie A joint birthday party was held at Anderson. the home of Mrs. Emma Coffee yes- terd .y, celebri in the anniversary The best does not always Methodist Ladies to Meet of the birth hostess, Mrs. H. The B's and C’s of the Methodist C. Stork ai s. C. Biegel. The , cost the most Episcopal church will entertain the respective of the honor Schilling Tea for example ladies of that denomination in the guests were present and enjoyed a costs you no more (if any­ church parlors Wednesday afternoon. | The guests are requested to bring thing, less) than ordinary tea, their mending or fancy work, also because Schilling Tea makes a flour or sugar sack to hem. These so many more cups to the are to be left with the society, as I they are needed. pound. The Social Realm Valentine Dinner Mrs. P. P. Cheerer was the hostess at a Valentine dinner Friday even­ ing, given in honor of Miss Nola Kent and Miss Potter eburg, who are visitin while their schools are 1 Roseburg. The guests attem e dinner were Misses Nola Potter, Rowena Roberts, G ret ramer and Mrs. Roy Sneed of Salem. • Farewell Entertainments number of very pretty parties have been given during the past two days in honor of Mrs. Clark Bush, who leaves in time to join her husband at Beach, Calif., where they will Of these the short “ong reside. WORK, EARN, SAVE OXFORDS Two Blocks from Lithia Park. In dark brown and black, mili­ tary heels. GET OUT YOUR OLD HATS says the Good Judge Go to real tobacco— the small chew with the rich tobacco taste that lasts a long time. It will cost you less to chew than ordinary tobacco. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles Weyman-Bruton Company,107 Broadway, New York City COFFEE SENSE and COMMON SENSE We are offering a special blend. It is an exceptional value at 45c. We handle the best quality of goods in all lines. We sell at wholesale price plus the cost of hand­ ling to members only. A safe place for your sur­ plus cash is The Citizens Bank of Ashland. CD O' 1 ‘ 2% O 8 17-? “she t‘910c Let me look at it. s 5 29 - C The season is here when the au' top should be looked after. I make new ones or fix the old ANYONE MAY BECOME A MEMBER 14 Wc Take No Profit From Anyone For Anyone Ashland Furniture Hospital ASHLAND STATE EXCHANGE 89 North Main. 4664 44 ,.... ♦♦ .6... ...♦4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 666**6....... ♦ ♦ When yourkiddies go to sluDibeiland tonight On Savings Accounts 4% Interest A Dollar Starts an Account STATE BANK OF ASHLAND SOFEEE las— WITH A FOR A KING A Schilling & Co San Francisco New Auto Tops one. RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco There are four flavors of Schilling Tea—Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong, English Breakfast. All one quality. In parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. You help increase the world’s goods and de­ crease the cost of living by working, earning and saving. Jill will they enjoy healthful, restful sleep? Won’t you rest better if you know that their mattresses are comfortable and sanitary? 11^ aie y a . pa The Steams & Foster Mattresses are scientifically constructed of nine layers of pure, sweet cotton, so inter­ woven that they will not lump or pack. Their soft, resili­ ence conforms perfectly to the lines of the body allowing com­ plete relaxation which gives the sweet, sound, strengthening sleep of perfect health. We have several styles of these splendid mattresses at reasonable prices. Let us show them to you J. P. DODGE & SONS House Furnishers $ I I Hats and Caps IN TOWN WOOL DRESS PANTS—THE HEAV­ IER KIND You can make a substantial ” saving if we have your size. I MEN’S SPRING SOX JUST ARRIVED NEW UNDERWEAR—NEW NECK- Come in and try. THE STRANGER WITHIN OUR GATES THERE’S going to be a mighty lot of them come and go and stop in Ashland next summer—and whether they drive the “jit” or a seven-pas­ senger “lim”—let’s make them want to settle down and grow up with us. Anyway they’ll carry away a longing to come back. O women who appreciate that feeling of satisfaction that comes of wearing soft, snug-fitting, finely finished hose, we offer a hosiery service that [meets every requirement of style and good taste. Advance ideas in colors are now on gorgeous display—be sure to see them T “Che £>ank. with the Churtin Cloak. A New Shipment *of Women’s Pure Silk Hose $2.50 Silk Faced $1.50; Fine Luster ized Lisle 90 cents. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE SPRING SHIPMENT WEAR have them cleaned and blocked or dyed—your old hats are worth more than new hats after we are through with them. ORRES TAILOR SHOP "Service with a Smile—Makes the Tourist Tarry a While.” MITCHELL’S FOR MEN’S WEAR BY THE POSTOFFICE Day "NowIs theTime to Do It” So, you see, you save no money by using common tea. And think of the enjoyment you’re missing every day! Now, hadn’t you better include Schilling tea in your next grocery order? OFASHLAND WE HAVE BROKEN LOTS OF Headquarters for Commercial Men and Tourists. European Plan. Excellent Grill. Merchants’ Lunch. Restaurant » ING THE NEWEST AND BEST DAN CONNER, Proprietor. Home NATIONAL C. E Alnutt & Moody Hotel Austin C. E. convention at Albany, will hold a conference for all Endeavor work­ ers at the Congregational church in Ashland on February 23 at 4:30 p. m. In the evening he will conduct convention echo rally for the benefit of those Endeavorers who were un­ able to attend the state convention. Good Meals and Short Orders. Delegates will make reports at that and Night Service. time, and all those who are interest­ ed in Endeavor work are invited to 297 East Main attend these meetings. e ThelirsiNatioualBauk oi ASHLAND. 5 OREG ON — " • EV CARTER.PR ES. C H VAU PEL VICE PRES J w M- COY. CASHIER CLARK BUSHASST CASH — - à V AUREL’S QUALITY STORE 68-72 E. MAIN ST.