PAUK FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Local and Personal •-------------------------------------- ——------- • Have a fit at Orres Tailors. 5 2tf Mill ruan and ground oats feed at 109-6t Ashland Mills. Monday, January 12, DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS Pa tackles the Reform Movement r THE WORLD is CERINI GETTING ON EVEN AMONC THS MOST \ LoW-1 AND IGNORANT PESPLES 1 HE FORWARD MOVEMENT IS i COIG ON LOOK How JAPAN i HAS FORCED AHEAD AND Now THE COMMON PEOPLE IN CHINA ARE WAkINC UP ARE NO LONGER THINIC: f SATISFIED to be . TRAMPLED ON By ÊMPERORS ANO EM- PRESSES AND THER FOL - LOWERS "Down wIra DESPOTISM " MOW 1920 REVOLUTION (---------- - ( PUI ME OUT' ) AND THIS CRASH :N ci, MEANS RERORI ! C "WAY WITH THIS DESPo- CHINA!) 15 THEIR cRy • | OP THE KITCHEN SAME, os IT WAS OHMS >— DO IT ! PARS A o TH*T WE ARG NOT GoNC BACKWARD is SHowI D’v the — - Mrs. G. S. Butler left yesterday for San Francisco where she will visit for awhile before joining her hus­ band in Bakersfield. They expect to remain in that section for several weeks. < VOT! I AM FOR You ) READY. < COME ON UND (ore 1.3 , Hemstitching, Picoting, 10 cents yard. We pay the postage. The inity Hat Shop. Medford, Ore. 6-tt C. W. Winne left last night for Portland on an extended visit. Chicken mesh and scratch at Ash- The 24-hour old infant of Mr. and Just received, car of feed at Ash- 1096t Mrs. Robert M. Walker died Satur­ 109-6t land Mills. land Mills. day and was buried this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Moore of Port­ Gray is hack at her post in McGee’s dry goods store after land, who have been making a trip s p ending a two weeks' vacation with through California for several weeks past, were week-end guests of Mr her family in San Francisco. and Mrs. G. M. Frost. Alfalfa molasses feed at Ashland See W. A. Freeberg for watch 109-6t Mills. Senior Class Has Feed clock, jewelry and spectacle repair Friday night was the occasion for 101-tfeod Cliff Payne makes drain boards. ing. Old prices. a gala time by the-Senior High class 112-3 at a big feed at Rose Bros. The Mrs. M. O. Courtney and son Don place was decorated throughout with Mr. and Mrs, L. F. Ferguson left of Eastern Oregon are stopping in the class colors and about forty stu­ aturday night for a week’s visit to Ashland for a few days as guests of dents enjoyed the time of their life. in Francisco and Oakland. Mrs. Courtney's niece. Mrs. O. Paulserud, while on their way home Wednesday Club Meets Lots of good white middlings at from California where they had been The Wednesday Afternoon club 109-6t spending a portion of the winter. Ashland Mills. will hold its regular meeting at the Legislature Opens Today The Social Realm Eat Rose Bros. Chilli Beans. Home demonstrations given on the 112-4t best talking machines. Rose Bros. 112-4t Mrs. W. A. Stratton was up from Talent Saturday. She has been suf­ Special services will begin in the fering with an infected finger and Presbyterian church this evening and had come up for treatment. will continue all week. Rev. C. F. Koehler, the pastor, will be assisted Cleaning, pressing and remodeling by Rev. E. H. Edgar of Central Point, done at Orres tailor shop. Mon-tf who will preach every night. Mrs. Edgar will lead the music at the Best Tamales in America at Rose special meetings. 112-4t Bros. J. B. Rhodes. who has served as Otto McMichael came home yes- field secretary for the Y. M. C. A. of terday from Cottage Grove where he Oregon and Idaho for the past 12 had been visiting with relatives for or 13 years, with the exception of some time. the two years in which he was en­ gaged in Y work overseas, has been Plenty of shell for the chickens, appointed general Secretary of the 109-6t Ashland Mill Y. M. C. A. for the state of Ohio, Mr. a well earned promotion. Home made Candies always on Rhodes will be remembered as hav- hand at Rose Bros. 112-4t ing spoken at various times in Ash- land on Y topics. J. D. Mars has purchased a hand- some new Big Four Chevrolet auto- NOTICE mobile, which is among the fine new We buy and sell everything. Come cars of the city, for the coming sea- son. in and talk it over. The house of all—usefulness. THE BAZAAR, on 112-1 Orres remodels Ladies’ Garments. the Plaza. of the amendment that many of th yelled "aye” before the reading elei, could call their names. Mrs. Thomp­ son introduced the resolution before the house adopted it. Speaker Jones giving her recognition over the oth­ ers wanting the honor. ( Continued from page one) posed in cases where conviction has been had on charges of homicide in any degree; rape, where violence is an element of the crime; robbery of any kind; burglary, when armed with a dangerous weapon, and assault with intent to kill while being armed with a dangerous weapon. There can be no palliation of such offenses, and I would have the word go forth that Oregon will in the future meet such offenses with a flat penalty that home of Mrs. L. C. Dunn on North will be carried out to the end.” The Main street Wednesday afternoon. only mitigation I would suggest; Assisting Mrs. Dunn at entertaining would be to allow the deduction from will be Mrs. Ñ. S. Ballenger, Mrs. the total sentence of a reasonable M. Ellis and Mrs. G. M. Frost. number of days for good conduct, but this deduction should be nomi­ College Club nal and not such a deduction as to A number of Ashland women went make any decidedly appreciable re­ to Medford Saturday afternoon to duction in the sentence.” the regular meeting of the Women’s Governor Olcott said it would be College club of the Rogue River val­ his pleasure to submit to the legisla­ ley. The program was given over to ture the resolution of the American Mrs. John Calkin of Medford who congress for amending the federal gave an interesting reading, “In the constitution so as to extend the right Desert of Waiting.” A fine attend- of suffrage to the women of the ance greeted this entertainment, nation. Those from Ashland were Mrs. Ralph “I am certain,” added the govern- Billings, Mrs. J. H. Dill, Mrs. V. V. or. you will not deem it presump- Mills, Mrs. A. C. Joy, Mrs. F. D. tuous if I express the hope that you Wagner, Misses Jackson, Norton and give your unanimous approval to the ratification of this amendment.” Clark. MUST HAVE TERRIBLE THIRST SALEM, Jan. 12.—Each house, shortly after the special session of the legislature convened today unan- imously passed a joint resolution rat- ifying federal suffrage. A fight is now on to see which will win the honor of having its resolution adopted by both houses. HARRISBURG. — $50,000 saw So anxious were the senators to mill company being -organized. | place themselves on record in favor (By the United Press) NEW YORK, Jan. 12.—J. C. Hor- ter, a Wall Street broker, today traded 111 pounds of sugar for two bottles of gin, two of whiskey and four of Burgundy wine. ill, at 2:30 p. m. on Saturday, January 24th, 1920, offer the said property for sale at public auction for cash, at City Pound, Water St., said City. Dated January 12th, 1920. J. W. HATCHER. Chief of Police for City or Ashland, 112-2 Mon Oregon PAULSERUD & BARRETT FINE TAILORING For Men and Women 171 East Main Tel. 119 EAGLE MEAT MARKET LOUIS SCHWEIN, Prop. I Quality Meat. (By the United Press) SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12.- Fol ♦ I lowing are market quotations EGGS—Extras, 71c. BUTTER—Extras, CGc. POULTRY—Broilers, 36c; hens, 33c. CATTLE—Top steers. It’Ac. 4 Service. • Cleanliness. NORTH MAIN, ASHLAND VIN G SHEEP—Ewes, 71c; wethers, 10%c. BARLEY-—Spot barley, $3.65. Last Time Tonight VINING Marguerite Clark TOO LATE To CLASSIFY FOR SALE—A few choice tancred strain White Leghorn cockerels from hens with trap nest record of 250 eggs per year. Mrs. W. D. Booth. Phone 29 2-R. 112-2 “LUCK in PAWN” FOR SALE — Exceptionally fine Rhode Island Red rooster, trap nested stock, $5.00 Eggs for hatching, $1.25. Whipping cream, . J - 40c pint; 25c half; 15c quarter ce . pint., delivered. Phone 411-R. ce 112-1 WANTED — Experienced grocery clerk. Apply White House Gro- 112-2t eery, Ashland. NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPOUNDED LIVESTOCK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned has taken up and imponded the live stock de­ scribed as follows: One large brown gelding pony, with star in forehead, right front foot and right hind foot white, ap­ pears quite gentle. One sorrel gelding about two years old with white strip in forehead. No brands visible. Unless claimed prior thereto, I Billie Burke in “Sadie Loves i win - ' n. Douglas Fairbanks Ce Announcing the We Have Been Exceedingly Fortunate in Securing the Agency for the Lightest of Good Sixes .4 Four years ago MAibohm saw the handwriting on the wall. The inevitable coming of the light weight, fast, comfortable car became the ideal of Maibohm design. Now, with the buying public awakened to the value of less pounds, less fuel use, less vibration, more pow­ er, speed and getaway, Maibohm has a proved car, ready for the demand—proved through four years’ in­ tensive design, testing and use under every imagin­ able condition. arat s 4 Fann) 1 s traer The Result of An Ideal A Wonderful New Factory The result of Maibohm’s strict adherence to an ideal has indeed brought about a remarkable motor car. In every phase of performance this unusual light six compares deed for deed, with the large, costly cars which have been accepted by motorists as representa­ tive of perfection in automobile performance. Filtered into the success Maibohm has attained in four years of making motor cars is the invaluable experi­ ence of more than a quarter-century of unfaltering reputation as a maker of fine carriages. Maibohm cars come to you out of a factory of the high­ est order of efficiency. The men who build the chassis and the body, who inspect every phase of the construc­ tion—every man in this huge plant is a happy con­ tented workman, doing his job in flooding sunlight and fresh air. Pledged to maintain a more than quarter-century-old reutation ; producing in a wonderful new factory, under ideal labor conditions—Maibohm is bound to build fine motor cars. ses soled. WE HAVE A CAR LOAD JUST IN The Light Six Maibohm is a hew car in this territory. To our notion it is the gem of them all. It is nothing less than a sensation in construc­ tion, economy, durability and price. - / COME AND SEE IT. DEMONSTRATION GLADLY GIVEN • Norton (&. Company 347 East Main Street ’ ’ ' w . Ashland, Oregon