ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS TAGE EIGHT Tuesday, December 16, 1919 to L. Vallee, one of th e m ost prom i­ The c a rrie r boys for th e Daily T id -' nent p lan te rs of th is section. ings a re now provided w ith w histles Vallee has m ade observations to announce th e ir approach to th e w hich lead him to believe th a t re ­ residences of th e subscribers. W hen ports m ade recently by seam en th a t the w histle sounds it assures the sub­ H ave a fit a t O rres T ailors. 52t£ scrib er th a t th e ir pap er is fo rth ­ th e Gulf stream was flow ing n e a re r land are correct. He points out th a t (Special to The T idings) com ing a t once. Any one not h e a r­ Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ross of C uster ing th e w histle and not receiving YREKA, Calif., Dec. 1 .— Mrs. th is y e a r’s cotton crop was greatly co unty, N ebraska, are visiting w ith th e ir Tidings will rep o rt a t once to L ester T abor and h er son W alter c u rtailed because of adverse w eath er Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Oxford in this th is office. T abor, w anted in connection w ith conditions. city. • • • ‘If the Gulf stream is actually ¡ i th e m u rd e r four years ago of M aude Pim ples, bad b re a th , sallow color i F a ith T abor, d a u g h te r and siste r of tlow ing so n ear land, 1 fe a r the eu- P ic tu re F ram ing. Studio A shland. ——( gh! it s awful- ta k e H ollister s accused couple, are in the coun- ^ re c°tton-grow ing a re a is m enaced 86-tf oc y : ountain ea an e in t e j ajj jjere aw aj y n g a r rival of of- a succession of wet seasons, which, swim. P oley’s D rug Store. ficers from Van Buren county, Mich- a dded to the ravages of the boll wee-; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. W illiam s leave igan, w here the m u rd e r is alleged to vi’ anc^ o th er pests .will c u rta il nia- today for San F rancisco a fte r spend­ Mrs. H ugh Stevenson of K oler has have occurred. terially the production and low er the in g a few days in A shland w ith th e ir been a guest of Mrs. Lynn Slack a t j The body of M aude Tabor was ^ rad e of A m erican cotton,” Vallee a u n t, Mrs. Em m a Coffee, and cóusin, her hom e on F acto ry stre e t th is found in an old tru n k in the Michi- sai<1- Miss Geòrgie Coffee. Mr. and Mrs. ' week. ■ ga a hom e of th e T abors on Decern- W illiam s will get th e ir car a t San BUILDING BURNED * * * i ber 3, and from th a t tim e until the Francisco which they shipped from (By th e U nited P ress) Cliff Payne m akes h3ll trees. 90-3 couple w ere a rre ste d in th is county, P o rtla n d and will drive on to Los SALEM, Dec. 1.— W alk er H all, a * * * ■ W a lte r a t W eed and Mrs. Tabor at A ngeles for th e w inter. Mrs. C. W. Nims, who has been Bray, th e police of the e n tire country class building a t th e W illam ette uni­ * • • versity, w as destroyed by fire early spending several m onths in Chicago, j have been searching to r them , Between friends — a photograph. a rriv ed hom e th is week. Mrs. Nims! Mrs. T abor claim s h er d a u g h te r today. The loss is $35,000. ' Studio A shland. Q uality first 86-tf sta te d th a t she had trav eled th ro u g h died from an overdose of chloroform * * * * * * • • * ♦ • » ♦ • « > > ♦ • • • > ♦ ♦ ♦-» TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ! snow ever since she left th e 'Windy self adm inistered, w hile W alter de- A leak in th e root of th e A rchibald c ity , and th a t she landed in P o rt- Clares he was in M ontana at th e FOR LOGANBERRY PLANTS, tips bu ild in g on E ast Main s tre e t h a s p an(j a t tp»e fjm e of the deep fall tim e of his s is te r’s death. and all kinds of n u rsery stock see me a t th e A shland hotel, W ednes­ seriously upset -affairs in the bal- th e re She w as m et in th e la t ’ ---------------------------- day o r T hursday evening th is I cony ot L. F. h erg u so n s sto re w h e re | cjty by j j r Nim s who w ent th ere t o ’ CHRISTMAS week. E. A. B utler, salesm an for he had his toys for C hristm as on accom pany h er home. Oregon N ursery Co. 92-2t* display. This has been a g rea t in­ • • • ! “ Peace on E a rth , Good W ill to M en!” LOST L arge spectacles, large lenses convenience not only to th e sto re You c a n ’t enjoy life and have con- we th in k it, hope it, pray it, in celluloid rim s; in case m arked hut to th e custom ers. Dr. Em m ons. F in d e r please re­ stip a tio n — H o lliste r’s Rocky M oun- Shout it once, and then again, • » • tu rn to J. R. Lilly, 47 Union St. ta in Tea will drive C onstipation to G aining s tre n g th w ith each re- C ra te r L ake pictures. Studio A sh­ H alifax. Poley’s D rug Store. R ew ard. 92-2t* j frain land. 86-tf G aining faith each tim e we say it? CHEAP W’OOD— M anzanita to be » • « , Jam es P o rte r, a stu d e n t of th e Or-, ..peace o n e a r t h had fo r c u ttin g off and burning good will to Get o u r prices on candy in quan- j egon A g ricu ltu ral college, cam e hom e m e n !” brush. Close to town. Easy haul, i A lbert C. Joy. Phone 9F2. titie s before buying elsew here. R o s e ' yesterday for th e holiday vacation. 92-2t Wed/feSat B ros.’ 92-8 to be spent w ith his p aren ts, Mr. and <.Jn God We T ru s t„ ag we„ ag m a n . Mis. C. O. P o rte r. Take th is for guide,— you cannot FOR EXCHANGE— 68 acres level land in a rte s ia n belt, M adera Mrs. E. K. H all is reported quite m iss it. county, Calif., % m ile from boul­ ill a t h er hom e on L ib erty stre e t. Only on the V ictrola can you hear evard; well settled d istric t; also If each one w orked on God's great • • * th e g rea t a rtists as they them seuves au to trucks. W ill consider good plan Your C hristm as V ictrola should have chosen to be h eard . Rose acreage here. E. P. Moore. W e’d dig a tren ch no power could be selected now. Let us assist you Bros, have th e largest stock of rec­ 92-41* span. in your selection. Rose Bros. Dem­ ords in S outhern Oregon. 92-8 L e t’s choose God's way and then p u r­ • • » o n stra tio n gladly given. 92-8 sue it. Mr. and Mrs. J. R oberts of N orth His s ta r said “ Peace, Good Will Mrs. F a rq u a h a r. wife of Rev. F ar- Y akim a, W ash., are in A shland this to M an!” q u a h a r, th e C ongregational m inister! ! week visiting th e ir d au g h ters, M rs.! — E lizabeth Yockey. in A shland, is in the city th is week A. S herard and Miss Jessie Hopkins. A shland, Ore., Nov. 28, 1919. from P o rtla n d , visiting h er cousin, 253 Fourth St. This is th e first visit Mrs. R oberts Mrs. Jam es R udd, on L iberty street. has paid A shland in four years, and GULF STREAM A FFECTS COTTON • * « All kinds of first class m eats. she finds mafhy changes and im prov-j (B y th e U nited P ress) A square deal to everyone. T rade H em stitching. Picoting, I t cents J A B BEV ILLE, La., Dec. 17.— The w ith the mail th a t busted the a yard. W e pay th e postage. The m ents in th e city. tru s t. , course of th e Gulf stream is believed V anity H at Shop. M edford, Ore. 6-ti C hristm as presents to su it m oder- to have come ten m iles n e a re r the « * « gone to S a n ! 8 te ’ SmaU 3nd aU m eans’ Come A m erican coast d u rin g the last year Clyde Young has early and avoid the aftern o o n crowd, and probably has caused serious Francisco on a b rief visit. The B azaar, on th e . Plaza. 90-1*, dam age to the cotton crop, according • • • Sickening headaches, foul b rea th . tH a. •». u ... T" ' ~ C onstipation, m eans your bow els a re ! thdt C h n stm a s buy Vic- A ♦ ♦ ' ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ - -♦ ♦ -A ♦ < « asleep. W ake them up w ith H o llis -!to r ’ C olum bia and Edison records a t t e r ’s Rocky M ountain Tea— it never Rose Bros. 92-8 ” îî; fails. Poley’s D rug Store. j • • • j ■dt ’ * * I v R aym ond Long, a stu d e n t of S tan-j ^l r - a n ^ Mrs. E. T. M errill left th is <> 1 fo rd university, is hom e for th e hoi- j m o rning for Los Angeles w here they I will spend the w inter. It was th g ir, iday vacation. ! in ten tio n to m ake th e trip o v e rla n d ’ F o r her, buy one of those nifty *n th e ir autom obile, but before they boxes of candy on display in Rose i could com plete th e ir plans and get 92-8 aw ar th e heavy snow cam e and B ros’, window. blocked the passage over th e m oun­ I ! , < ' tains. They th ere fo re shipped th e ir, W illiam M cLean, who has been su ffe rin g with a bad a tta c k of blood c ar and departed by tra in . »-.■> • • • poisoning in his hand and has been ! u ndergoing tre a tm e n t a t a local hos­ M axfield P a rris h and o th e r beau- " p ita l. is reported m uch b etter, Mini gift pictu res a t Studio A s h la n d .!“ fc* \ • • • ' . 86-U; A A A J u s t received, seventeen thousand They get lazy quite often— your pounds of candy for ou r Xm as busi­ ness. Come early and buy in q u a n ­ bowels— th en you feel punk all over. ; titie s. Rose Bros. 92-8 H o llister’s Rocky M ountain Tea fills them w ith new life and energy. Po- i A * • ley’s D rug Store. i • • e Mrs. W a lte r E nburg, who has been seriously ill at th e hom e of J. Miss Mabel Russell, the well V. W rig h t, has recovered h er usual know n a rtis t of A shland, has placed an exhibit of p aintings in th e w in­ h e a lth . • • • dow of th e sto re room neXVto M itch­ K odaks and supplies. The Cam ­ e ll's clo th in g store. These are all era Exchange. 86-tf the work of h er own hand and are * » ♦ am ong the very best p ain tin g s of th is Mrs. G. G. E u b an k s left last even­ gifted a rtis t. A m ong them is one, • »A A A A A A A A A * » ♦ ♦♦ ing for Santa Rosa. Calif., to visit “ S unrise on M ount S h a sta ,” which A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A w ith relatives. She will la te r go to is th e larg e st S hasta pictu re Miss ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M onterey to m ake th e acquaintance Russell has painted and is one of of h er new grandson a t th e home b er late st. These pictu res are on j o f Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rose. “ From Producer to Consumer“ sale for the holiday trad e. • * • Oil paintings m ake Xm as presents. The V ictrola has becom e so uni­ See them a t F reeb erg 's. C ra te r versal th a t today it is a m ark of L akes. $1.5 •. M -eod very good ta ste to bestow Victor * • record« as C hristinas gifts. Rose W atch Rose B ros.’ window for Bros, have th e goods. 92-8 • • • X m as candies. Best value in the city quality considered. 92-8 Couple Wanted for Murder Are Caught Christmas Shoppers’ Guide M E N —-This is to buy Gifts for the Women P robably not m any stores o u r size will show you such an asso rtm en t of good and w hat m ore appreciated FOR GIFTS NEW VELVET BAGS THÜRS The Teeth of the Tiger PURSES Surely a splendid line at a n y Price from >1.5* °P- They a re handy to carry and in good style. . .Y ou m ight not th in k . Silk Hosiery so scarce and hard to get by looking at our present showing but they are and a pair of silk hose will be doubly acceptable this year. MEAT MARKET WED LEATHER HAND V elvet bags a re th e : vogue now. We have a ' w onderful lot of them to select from and will please any wom an. ' THE UNION J. M. Grimsley, Prop. Comfortable not oauy because of the warmth they afford but al*o because of that comfortable feeling that goes along with the assurance of beiDg well dressed. You know the feeling when you have had something you really liked, and She will surely really like a fur neck piece if it ie in good style, as our# are. The Ashland A PPLES for Xmas presents for out of town friends. HOLHES GROCERY State E xchange Batbmbna— Kimnnns. Why net a drees? Will Sell to No One hut Members Anyone May Become a Member ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ » A A A A » A A A A A A A A A-A-A-A A A -A A A 4 A A A A A » « 0 a a fp Silk P ntticnat. F m brellas. Silk cam isole or envelope chem ise. ! H and em broidered gown or chemise. be found here. S to r e I Blouses of G eorgette or Splendid new styles In crepe de chine. k a it sw eaters. A snappy su it such as can A good coat th a t she ♦ ♦ □ a Gifts to Be Found in the Garment Section CURRENT EVENTS--LLOYD COMEDY O tto McMichel cam e in last n ight from a trip to S heridan, W yo., and p a rts of M ontana. On landing ir. P o rtla n d Mr. McMichel sta te d th a t h e could not obtain a bed in the ¿ity and had to rem ain up all night. H e claim s th e re is no place like Ash­ land and it will be a long tim e be­ fore he leaves it again for so long a journey. • • * Save th e babies. “ Feed 'em ” gnats' » ilk . • • • A new tra n s fe r business has been s ta rte d by H. C. S tainbrook, who is conducting a Dodge tru ck service for th e city and vicinity. Mr. Stain- brook has his stand at th e Nelda C afe and assures prom pt a tte n tio n to a ll patrons. » • • • Goat m ilk cu ts down high cost of living. G reat food. E u tritio sa . im- aeane from tuberculosis. Buy a reel ■nfled goat. a COMFORTABLE FURS An Arsene Lupin story full of su spense, thrills and m ystery After M onday, Dec. 8th l Z3 Gloves would be proud of. For the Infant you will find most anv dainty little thing from 25c Bootees to Hand Embroidered Dresses. And then there are— Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Neckwear, Towels, Table Cloths, Robe Blankets, Silks, Dress Goods and Wash Goods. £OOD5 a Q