ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS W ednesday, Decem ber 17, 1910 TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS One cent th e w ord each tim e. j ................. Î t DR. GEO. O. JA R V IS DR. FRANK M. MOXON PHYSICIAN'S AND SURGEONS THE SANITARIUM PAGE SEVEN FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE and duly verified, w ithin six m onths ing described im pounded live s to c k / from th e first publication hereof, to-w it: STAPLES REALTY BARGAINS w hich is Decem ber 3rd, 1919. One sm all sorrel m are, w hite strip W atch fo r Som e New B argain« W. J. MOORE, in forehead, no brand visible. H ere is one to s ta r t w ith: D ated a t Ashlatod. Oregon, th is the 81-5-W ed. E xecutor. New m odern bungalow , 7 room s, 17th day of Decem ber, 1919. b ath , tw o to ilets, la rg e sleeping TEA C H ER S’ EXAM INATIONS J. W. HATCHER, porch; big basem ent, larg e lot, DEC. 17-20. Chief of Police of A shland, Oregon. fru it and b e rries; 2 block« from Notice is hereby given th a t th e 92-2W ed O Boulevard and school. Splendid , reg u la r exam ination of applicacants 4 ' 4 » su . rro , u n . d in g . s, . . com . pletely ... a n d i for sta te certificates will be held a t 4 » nicely fu rn ish e d ; im m ediate pos- Jacksonville, com m encing W ednes- 4 » sion— $4000; h alf oash. J u s t day, Dec. 17 a t 9 o’clock and will < • < > th in k ! continue u ntil S aturday, Dec. 20 a t , 1 • ) » 4 o’clock p. m. P rogram s may be I n S H P C flftn S v ^ tP I T I ! ► secured from th e county superin- I I I O p C L I lW I l Osteopath Scores Beaver Realty Co. te n d e n t’s office THH POPULAR REALTY CO. (S igned) G W. ACER, County School S uperintendent. *¿11 E. Main St.. Phone 68 “ A m an can borrow mooey , 92-2t-W ed & Sat w hat he puts into a home. He can’t I ----------------------------- on w hat he pays ont for re n t.” ¡SU IT IN EQUITY FOR DIVORCE ” 1 w ant to see every wage-work«»^ SUMMONS own his own hom e.” B W ilson, V S. Sec’y of Laboi ; th e C ircuit ourt of County th e S tate of ! ~ ™ We t have several ° cboiee 7 v" hem es as ¡In Oregon fQr C Jackson Ashland Iron Works (In c o rp o ra te« ) Office and W orks No. 248 H elm *» . . , . _ St-' A shland- O re- M anufacturing E ngineers, G eneral R ep air W ork We m an u ia ctu rc ra v in g P la n t E quipm ent, Sawm ill, M ining a n d Ship M achinery, Steam and Gas E n ­ gines, Boilers and Heavy Steel W ork; Grey Iron, Sem i-Steel, B rass anu c and Bronze C astings of every kind. Hat- ing th o roughly equipped o u r plant plant for th e m an u factu re and re- pairs of heavy and all classes of m a- chine and io u n d ry work, we solicit yQur o rd ers and inquiriea E stim ateu and qUOtations furnished on applica­ tion. At the m eeting of the S outhern O re„on OsteoDathic association held feon O steopathic association, held ♦ ASHIxAND, OREGON ♦ A shland th e first of th e week. Dr. ? b o « e 1S6 4 T. J. R uddy of Los A ngeles, sta te d ♦ th a t “ In th e exam ination of children 4 of school age, it is comm only found ------------------------------- th a t they can. be grouped in th re e . classes: well, sick and m al-nonr- PHYSICIANS INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Schedule from October 1, 1919. well as bargains in acreage. Se“ ’ j y e rn e r P. P hillips. P la in tiff, vs. Cora ’shed. can be sold on sm all paym ents an D aily (E xcept Sunday) DR. H. B. MOORE — Chiropractic P hillips, D efendant. “ The average school inspection Physician. F ire t N ational Bank Leave M edford— Leave Ashland— ! t*™ » To Cora P hillips, the above nam ed nurse, and in m any cases, physicians, 7:10 a.m. 7:10 a.m. Bldg. P hones: Office, 112; Res IN ^TH E^N A M E OF TH E STATE Passed u I>on ‘hose who were sick 8:00 a.K . 7:56 a.m . 207-J. LEGAL NOTICES 8:25 a.m 9:00 a.m. OF OREGON: You a re hereby no- and ‘h ° se " h o w ere well, wholly DR. ER N EST A. WOODS— P ractice 9:10 a.m. in All legal notices ap p ear 9:25 a.m. tified and required to ap p ear and overlooking th e poorly nourished lim ited to eye, ear, nose and 10:00 a.m. 10:10 a.m . I W ednesday’s issue each week. SERVICE STATION answ er th e p la in tiff’s com plaint group which co n stitu tes 35 per cent th ro a t Office hours, 10 to 12 and 10:40 a.m . 11:00 a.m . TNAOI «tO'ITIMD ag ain st you, now on file in th e above of a lj children SUMMONS 2 to 5. Sw edenburg B ldg., Ash­ 11:30 a.m. 12:00 m. en title d c o u rt and cause, on or be- T T , ,. . . , land, Oré. 73 -tt F2:45 p.m. 1:00 p.m. U nder the Present school system , In th e C ircuit C ourt in and fo r th e fore the last day of th e tim e pre- 1:25 p.m. 1:25 p.m. scribed in the o rd er for publication a,’e compelled to m eet the sant«1 b it. J. I. EMMENS— P hysician and County of Jackson, S tate of Ore­ 2 :10 p.m. 2 :10 p.m. surgeon. P ractice lim ited to eye, of sum m ons herein, to-w it: On o r requirem ents and _ progress a t the gon. _ 3 :00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. I t ’s what’s inside your ear, nose and th ro a t. Glasses sup­ F ra n k M. Moxon, P la in tiff, vs. Ar- ¡before th e 28 th day of Ja n u a ry , 1920; sam e speed w ith th e resu lt th a t 33 3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. battery th at makes it live plied. O culist and a u rist fo r S. P th u r Conklin, a w idow er: F. G. said date being the expiration of six f 1 0 0 c h ild r e n f in is h t h o ir 4:25 p.m. 4:25 p.m. long or wear out quickly. OI ev ■ ct,11<“ en finish th en R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., M cW illiam s, A. W. Thom as and (6 ) weeks from th e date of the first 6:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. publication of th is sum m ons; and if common school education physically opposite postoffice, M edford, Ore. Inferior insulation wears Olive E. L em ery, D efendants. 7 :00 p.m. 6:40 p.m. Phone 567. 21— tf out before th e platea do, Suit in E q u ity to Foreclose M ortgage you fail to ap p ear and answ er for un fit, and th is w ithout the fam ily 8:40 p.m. 8:40 p.m. and re-insulation is necessary’. w ant th ereo f, th e p lain tiff will ap- physician and school in s tru to r know- on R eal P roperty. vi h r o u t R M D ——216 E actorv Sat. only 9:30 p.m. Sat, only 9:30p.m i Phone S ’. 4 9 8 Uses radio'- Sat. only 10:30 p.m. 12:15 p.m To A rth u r Colnklin, F. G. McWil- ply to the c o u rt for the relief de- jng wby Threaded Rubber Insula­ ' m iduight Sat.only liam s, A. W. T hom as, and Olive E. m anded in said com plaint to-w it: tion eliminates the need of h e a t largely in his tre a tm e n t of Lem ery, th e above nam ed d e fe n d -'T h a t th e bonds of m atrim ony now school inspection system s are SUNDAY ONLY re-insulation, makes a battery chronic diseases. T uberculosis, a n ts: ! existing betw een him self and de- to be m ore th an farcical in guiding Leave Medford— Leave Ashland— last m u c h lo n g er u n d er cancer and o th e r infectious a il­ IN TH E NAME OF TH E STATEj fendant, be dissolved, and for such ou r fu tu re generation, som ethin: 10:00 a.m . 9:00 a.m . e q u a l c o n d itio n s , and re­ m ents, respond m arvelously to said OF OREGON: You and each of o th er relief as m ay to th e co urt seem nuist be done m ore than 11:00 a.m . 11:00 a.m . duces the liability to any tre a tm e n t. , . . , . . you are hereby sum m oned and re ­ m eet and equitable. 1:00 p.m. other kind of repairs. 1:00 p.m. This sum m ons is published in The test c h a rt«- exam ining the th ro a t and q u ired to ap p ear and answ er th e 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. ATTORNEYS I t ’s the one biggest battery improvement in ten yearj— d o n o r .- C om plaint of th e p la in tiff in th e A shland Daily T idings by o rd er of filling out blanks. Every organ and 3:00 p.m. 3 :0 0 p.m. ■trated now by four years of use. above e n title d suit, now on file in th e H onorable F. M. C alkins, judge every activity of the mind m ust be 4:00 p.m. 4 :0 0 p.m. BRIGGS & BRIGGS, A ttorneys-at- Y ou can’t afford not to know of the above en titled co urt which tested for th eir fuilction and gure, 5:00 th e office of th e C lerk of th e C ourt p.m. 5:90 p.m. Law, P io n eer Block, A shland. about it, for som e day you'll need said o rd er was m ade and en tered of 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. a new battery. days from th e date of its service record on th e 13th day of D ecem ber, ‘ expected to do but L. A. RO BERTS— A ttorney-at-L aw . 9:30 » m. 8:30 p.m. Call and let os tell yen all Room s 5 and 6, C itizens’ Bank upon you if served w ithin said Jack- 1919 .and in com pliance th ere w ith a sm all p art of th is w ork.” about it. ROOMS AND BOARD p u b l i c a t i o n ---------------------------- son county, b u t if served upon you the date of th e first Bldg. th ere o f is th e 17th day of December, C HRISTMAS G IFT HOME PA PER w ithin any o th e r county in said sta te C. H. SPALDING, A ttorney-at-L aw , TABLE BOARD w ith or w ithout room . Phone 297-J. 71 L aurel B eaver Block. Phone 146. L. A. ROBERTS, d a te of its service upon you, and if j St. 96-12* served upon you by publication A ttorney for P la in tiff; R esidence No m ore acceptable C hristm as STENOG RA PHERS present than a y e a r’s subscription to and Address A shland, Oregon. th e re o f, th en w ithin SIX W EEK S i USED CARB Ashland, Oregon from th e d a te of th e first publics- J 92-6 W eds, daily, the old home paper for friends who JE S S IE B. TH A TCH ER — Public tio n th ereo f, and if you fail to so BARGAINS IN ITSHD CARS— have moved aw ay can be m ade for S tenographer. C om m ercial Club M itchell Six, 1917, splendid cob - ap p ear and a n s w e r e r plead in said NOTICE OF SALE O F IMPOUNDED the sam e m oney, says th e O A C d ition ....................................$ ! • • • > cause w ithin th e tim e as above speci- H o u rs: 9 a. m. to 12 & m .; 2 stock xt . . I • . r •„ Press service. Unlike m ost o th er Maxwell, 1919, good s h a p e . . $909 tied fo r each of you, depending on p. m. to 5 p m., tHhd rebyt gnVen t h i t trien d s n never forgets to w rite, but F ord, lig h t knockabout tru c k $300 th e m an n er and place of service, th e on I^htlC9Q1 the 29th day of D ecem ber, 1919, 52 tim es ., year R 8p/ eads a feas1 N early new 1 % h. p. gasoline en-I p la in tiff will apply to th e c o u rt for CONTRACTING AND BUILDING a t th e h our of 2.30 p. m., at th e of news, rich in m em ory-stirring gine ...........................................$59 th e relief dem anded in th e said com- C ity Pound on W ater stre e t in th e iteins th at form the begt possibie A. 1.. LAMB— C o n tracto r and Build­ 1 Buick 4, ju st overhauled and p lain t, .nam ely: i n .(„ , ----- — ----- •---------- painted. T hat th e plain tiff, F ra n k M. Moxon Clty A shland Oregon, o tte r for su b stitu te to a visit "back h o m e /’ e r. Cem ent, Brick and W ood­ M.n. PtcuTtmo . v o ju ln d d g . n m n en . n t t a g g a a i in n s st t th th e e defend defend- sale a t Pub,ic auctlou and sell to the Call on or w rite the e d ito r to day,” w ork. Tel. 394-R. 109 Pine St. L ist y o u r cars w ith us. i have E. N. NORTON MOTOR CO., a n t. A rth u r Conklin for th e sum of h ig h est b id d er fo r cash th e follow -j advises th e college editor. FRANK JORDAN — G eneral Con­ A gents C olum bia Six and A jax TW EN TY-EIGHT HUNDRED DOL- tra c tin g and rep a ir w ork Cem ent T ires, T o u rist G arage, 347 B. Main. I LARS, w ith in te re st th ereo n a t the work specialty. Tel. 430-J, 227 ----------------------------------------------------1 ra te of seven per cent p er annum G ranite St 21tf FOR SA LS 1 from and since Septem ber 10th, 1914, to g e th e r w ith $280.00 a tto r FOR SALE— 1919 F ord a u to a t a ney fees and th e costs 3nd disburse- PIANO TUNING b argain. Telephone 106. 91-tf ■ m ents of th is suit. T h at said judg- GEORGE W. CROSS, a piano tu n er, w ith 17 y ears p ractical experience FOR SALE— Cheap, 3 fresh c o w s,1 m ent be decreed to be a specific lien 428 Palm a Fa ’n st I-10*8 *5, 16, 17 and 18 in including nine y ears factory tra in - team , harness, wagon 91-6 Block “ P ” of th e R ailroad A ddition ing. Leave o rd ers a t Rose B ro s.,. Ave., A shland. ! to th e City of A shland, In Jackson o r E nders. 45-tf _ ____________ ______ - FOR SALE Two C orvallis th o ro u g h ­ County, Oregon, from and since Au­ PAINTING AND ROOF WORK bred B arred Rock cockerels, 8 gust 3rd, 1911. th e d ate of th e re ­ m onths old. Van L andingham , cording of th e M ortgage executed by C. W. TO RRENCE, House P a in tin g 482 Iowa St. 90-tf said d efendant, A rth u r C onklin, and inside and out. All kinds of ----- ------- his wife to E. A. Sherw in. which roof work. 171 G ranite St. FO R SALE— 40 acres, 7 Vs m iles m ortgage is of record in Vol. 28 on from G ran ts Pass, m ile and a h a l f ! pages 249 and 250 of th e M ortgage P hone 3 40-J. from M urphy; about 20 acres R ecords of said Jackson County, and PLUMBING cleared, including 9 acres set to prior, su p e rio r and p aram o u n t to the! p ears and peaches, about 6 years claim s of e ith e r and all th e said de­ JE R R Y O’N EIL— Exclusive P lum b­ old. Good 6-room house; well. fen d a n ts: ing. F irs t class m ate ria l and P rice $3,000. Term s. A ddress T h at th e said M ortgage be F o re ­ w orkm anship. L et me figure your S. W. Lord. 379 Blake Bid., O ak­ closed and th e said real property y o u r next job of plum bing. On land, Calif. $912 sold in m an n er provided by law and F irs t s tre e t in B eaver Building. for such o th e r and fu rth e r relief as Tel. 68. I to th e co u rt m ay seem ju s t and /2s» ( j proper. T R A N S F E R A N D H AULING >3 This Sum m ons is, by v irtu e of an 2(4 acres, peeded to alfalfa a n d i O rd e r, m ade by th e Hon J. F C al-j STAIN . BROOK TR A N SFER — Moving V . . . ,. . 2V2 acres, seeded to alfalfa . judge of said court, and dated ; and h auling, heavy or light tra n s- clo fjne b free w ater fQr ir _ i kins, Judge fer. P ro m p t service. R easonable rjgation W ill exchangli for re3i. N ovem ber 8th 1919, served on the prices. 114 Mechanic St. Phone ,p , pay som e difference. p P r . ic e , ' d «eiennane, efen d an t, Oil , dence. and Olive E Lem ery by the publication th ereo f for six w eeks in 84. Stand a t Nelda Cafe. 9 1-lm o s i i o o r- the A shland T idings once each week, LIVESTOCK ___________ _______ ' 6-room house, b arn and chicken and it is fu rth e r ordered th a t th e d efendant, Olive E. Lem ery he COAT— At S tud: W asatch No. 5298 house, nearly one acre of black said req u ired answ er w ithin six weeks 1 P u re bred, registered T oggenburg loam soil. A cheap buy fo r some from th e to date of th e first publication buck, value $500.00: n a tu ra lly one. Price $1200. "X hereof. The d a te of th e first publi­ hornless, vigorous, conform ation rSacr— 4 cation is N ovem ber 12th, 1919. and m ark in g s perfect. E x tra heavy Single buggy, harn ess and h a lte r BRIGGS AND BRIGGS. m ilk stra in . Dam n.ilked 5% qts. ‘o r sale cheap. A ttorneys for th e P la in tiff. I firs t period: of b e st im ported ---------- 70-6wks A shland, Oregon. i blood. Service fee $10.00, guar- 6-room house w ith b ath and pan- an teed . Dy. larg e lot. a t 111 Bush St. Must NOTICE TO CREDITORS M ajor — Not registered b ut he sold. Also residence ami large N otice is hereby given th a t the choice anim al. Service fee $3.00. lot at 121 Bush St. Make offer. undersigned has been appointed a d ­ W ould call fo r does at cost. Book- .............. .................... m in istra to r ...... of ........ th e e sta te of Antoi- ing o rd ers for choice registered A fine hom e on Union St. O w ner i ne'tte D eP eatt, deceased. All persons kids of e ith e r sex. Few choice m ust sell, a barg ain for some one, Raving claim s against said e sta te a re grades for sale. L. G. B iederstadt, $2500. required to present th e sam e, w ith 31 Union stre e t. P hone 297-L. ---------- p roper vouchers, duly verified, to See m e fo r good buys, o r fo th e undersigned, by leaving the sam e B reeder of Swiss m ilch goats. Sub scriptions tak en for “ Goat W orid’ houses for rent. I w rite fire in su i- w ith my atto rn ey . L. A. R oberts, a t [V j.*- S0-1 rao* ance. Ma gazi ne. his office in th e C itizens’ Bank building, A shland, Oregon, before WANTED th e expiration of six m onths from th e d a te of th is notice, which date is WANTED— To rent, furnished resi­ A r e a S ta p l e t h a t N ovem ber 19, 1919. 63 N. Milin St. dence. m odern, until Ju n e 1. R e­ F. S. ENGLE. liable party . No children. W ill B u ild s u p an d H o ld s 69-W W ed. A dm inistrator. furnish reference. Phone 4 4 8-R, 86-5* NOTICE O F APPOINTM ENT OE EX- u p a S p len d id V igor Mr. R en ter ecutrix and to p r e - WANTED— By m iddle aged wom ­ in M en , W o m e n and C h ild re n . O a ts a re w h a t th e y h a v e b e e n SENT CLAIMS. an. em ploym ent as housekeeper SLPROSING i In th e County C ourt, Jackson County, o r housew ork. A ddress 137 F irst fo r cen tu ries, h u t sc ie n tific a lly and m e c h a n ic a lly k n o w in g h o w The house in w hich you are liv-i 2 r eg° n ' . . f « v . ♦ » tr St. S3-6t* ing should he sold tom orrow and In th e m a tte r of th e E sta te of H ar- to p ro d u c e R o lled O a ts fo r th e ta b le h a s g re a tly d ev elo p ed , vn.1 should should hp cixzo posses ooo.oo. mon J. Van Fossen. Deceased. you be nskod asked fo to give Notice is hereby given th a t th e un­ sion w ithin th irty days? th r o u g h long an d search in g te sts m ad e in o u r la b o ra to rie s, e v e r y dersigned, Cora B. Van Fossen. has and ... V, iVOU11ra i . Real E state and Real Insnrance. FOR TRADB— 29-aere ranch, seve« ag ain st said e sta te are notified to miles from A shland, for residence E sto. 1133. present sam e a t my office in Ash­ ia city. H., Tidings. $3-7t* <1 Hast M ain St. Phon« 211 land, Oregon, w ith p roper vouchers < • < » 4 > < > < • 4 ► 4 > Inside Facts Jordan Electric Co. J ROLLED O ATS S /V A P S metrically Toasted Mrs. §. L. Allen ROLLED OATS FISHER FLOURING MILLS COMPANY Oregon Oliiice; FISHERS FLOURING MILLS COMPANY 704-5-6 Lewis Building Portland, Oregon