ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS W ednesday, December 17, 1919 PAGB FTYH duction of hides moves a t a p a c e 'a n d estim ated num ber h atch in g e g g s jcontact w ith a n y th in g in fla m m ab le .' no g re a te r th an th a t of m eat pro- ! and chicks for sale next spring, to ; and fasten securely. Use m etal tinsel for decoration in­ duction. If the U nited S tates w ants ¡ c . S. B rew ster, poultry d ep artm en t, stead of paper or inflam m ables. A rgentine m eat sufficiently to pro- ; O. A. C., Corvallis. They a re in- F o r snow effects use asbestos on vide m eans for tra n sp o rtin g it they vited to list th e num ber of pullets, can get it, b u t South A m erican m eat ] hens and cockerels they have for gas j e ts * and do not hang a n y th in g inflam m able on chandeliers. producers will not com m it th em ­ sale. Keep screen alw ays in fro n t of fire selves to th e expression of an opin­ place. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS ion th a t th e price of m eat o r lea th er (Special to T he T idings) N ever perm it children to light can- C hristm as is com ing w ith gay In the U nited S tates will drop if ROME, Dec. 17.— G aunt fam ine large q u a n titie s of A rgentine b e e f 1 trees, tw inkling candles, sp ark lin g dies. They should never under any strid es th ro u g h A ustria, crushing in­ and hides a re placed on th e A m eri-j decorations, b eautiful gifts, sm iling circum stances be perm itted th e use nocent women and babies, and th re a t­ faces, and lig h t h earts. The one of m atches. can n ihrket ening the e n tire notion w ith a n n ih i­ E xtinguish all candles before the day of the y ear when each one lation. One of th e g rea test c a ta s­ strives to m ake o th ers happy. T here d istrib u tio n of presents. tro p h e s of th e history is im m inent, is no w onder th a t in every child’s Rem ove all decorations w ithin and can only be averted th ro u g h th e j m ind C hristm as is th e hallow ed day th re e days. prom pt aid of A u stria ’s erstw h ile en-1 of th e year. The day is indeed de- K *s a Tei-y wise precaution to fire ­ emies. serving of such profound observance Pr ° ° f th e children s film y dresses, This word pictu re is painted by for it com m em orates th e m ost im- an<* an y inflam m able decorations C ardinal Piffl, rchbishop of Vienna, p o rta n t event th a t has ever taken possible which can be done for a in describing conditions in his coun­ place in th e history of the w orld. ^ew cen^s in th e following m anner, try . In an im passioned m an n er he The C h ristian B rotherhood, an o r­ It is rig h t and fittin g th a t it should v*z: Dissolve com m ercial am inoni- told of th e su fferin g and hopeless­ ganization in the C h ristian church, be celebrated by every person, and um Phosphate in w ater in th e pro- ness the w ar has b rought upon A us­ open to all m en m em bers of th a t in every hom e, b ut in no case should < ’ tria , now a n obscure state, politically church and to m en not m em bers of people perm it th e ir e nthusiasm to ^4G ¥ ' E J J F J JVT /Z and econom ically, a t th e mercy ot i o th e r churches, held its firs t reg u ­ carry them beyond th e point w h e r e , and th e allies. la r m eeting Tuesday evening a t the they may forget to give proper con­ The cordinal has m ade no a tte m p t1 church, sid eratio n to th e ir own and others to gloss over th e fact th a t he be- The principal fea tn re of th e pro- personal safety. Mrs. H evener and Miss Ew an, bal lieves the peace term s im posed upon gram was an address by A ttorney! The custom ary m an n er of c e le -1 A ustria a re largely responsible for] Spaulding of th is city on “ The Needs cony floor, V aupel’s Store. b ratin g , en tailin g th e use of inflam ­ h er present condition. An econom ic] of th e H o u r.” This w as’ certainly m able decorations, b u rn in g candles, union w ith G erm any, he said, will be ; well received and showed th e speak- film y dresses, etc., has in m any in­ im perative if A u stria is to continue er a m an of m orals and one th a t stances resulted in d isastro u s fires as an independent sta te . reaches b eneath th e surface to fun­ a tten d ed w ith th e destruction of life dam entals. and property, and th e leaving of a i The program was followed by a tra il of sadness and sorrow in the | banquet. The next re g u la r m eeting w ake of th a t joyful occasion. How , will be held th e second Tuesday m uch b e tte r to have elim inated t h e , evening of Ja n u a ry a t which m eet­ elem ent of d an g er by exercising a i ing a debate will fe a tu re th e pro ­ little fo reth o u g h t and precaution. ] gram . C ^ids will be issued for th is The use of fire is in no way essen- ] m eeting. tial to a p roper observance o r cele- i If in terested w atch fo r fu rth e r b ration of th e day, and we offer a i announcem ent. few tim ely suggestions for a san er i By L aw rence S. H aas and sa fe r C hristm as. (U nited P ress S taff C orrespondent.) Do not have w iring done by a nov­ BUENOS A IR ES.— (By M ail).— portion of ODe pound t0 th e gallon> PAULSERUD A BARRETT Im m erse th e articles for a few m in­ utes in solution, w ring slightly and dry. Thi» is not in ju rio u s to the skin o r fabric in any way, an d very effectually fireproofs, as th e m a­ 171 te ria l will not blaze o r burn. PIC0T1NG F in e T a ilo r in g P or Men and W om en. * Mail:. T el. 119 ; ♦ a EAGLE MEAT MARKET LOUIS SCH W EIN. Prop. Clea». linens. NORTH MAIN, ASHLAND Q uality Meat. Service. ♦ ♦ Wc Sell It for Less Full line of Groceries and Meat Highest Cash Price for Pelts and Hides PLAZA MEAT MARKET 61 N orth Main Tel. 19®. Japanese Art Store * ice. Tourists Stopping If the A m erican m eat consum er, w or­ Use a sm all tree. Sm all trees are rying over his m ounting b u tch e r At Local Hotels Usually m ore decorative th a n large bills, read s of th e enorm ous gains ones, and much safer. in th e South A m erican c a ttle in ­ H otel Austin Be su re th e tre e is well fastened d u stry , and then dem ands why South S. J. Grim es, P o rtla n d ; L. T. D ur­ so it can not fall over. America n ^ i e a t is not sent to N orth bin, H. J. T h rall. R oseburg; Guy M. If candles a re used protect the A m erica to low er the price a t hom e, Ingram . M edford; S. F. McGilvray floor under the tree w»ih a sheet of he need ta k e his quest no fa rth e r and fam ily. C arpenter, la .; O. C. m etal. th a n those who control Am erican E verson and fam ily. F illm ore, Can.; W here possible use sm all electric ship construction. F. E. W. Sm ith, T alen t; Mr. and lig h ts for illum ination. This is th e opinion of leading Mrs. C. E. Ross, Anselm. Neb.; Miss If you m ust use candles, place A m erican m eat m en in Buenos Aires. C arrie I. Moore, P o rtla n d ; K. E. sam e so th a t flam e can not come in W hile none will v en tu re th e asser­ H odgm an; Mrs. Snider and dau g h ­ tion th a t A rgentine m eat placed on ter, M edford; C. E. W illis, R edding. th e A m erican m ark et would low er Calif.; E. J. K ellum . D unsm uir, A m erican m eat prices they do de­ C alif.; R. H u n sa k e r and w ife, R ose­ clare th a t th e re a re thousands of tons b u rg ; A. G. W ienert, A irlie; L. K. of South A m erican m eat th a t would E rickson, P o rtlan d . be available for N orth Am erican H otel Colum bia consum ption if only re frig e ra to r D. W. R andall, Chas. E. T hom p­ ships w ere to be had. son, W. W. W oodruff, C. L. McCas- In connection w ith th is great “ IF " kin, P o rtla n d ; R. F. McKee. th e head of the South Am erican branch of one of the g rea test pack- ! WANTS NG ILL FEELING A Dollar Starts an Account ing houses in the U nited S tates MEXICO CITY, Dec. 17.— The fran k ly told th e U nited P ress th a t Mexican governm ent, replying to the he knows of no re frig e ra to r ship second A m erican note dem anding plying betw een the U nited S tates and the release of A m erican C onsular( South A m erican ports. And, he a d ­ Agent Jen k in s, declares since Jenkins ded G reat B ritain, as a m a tte r of ¡s rèleased on bail Mexico presum es fact. is c o n stru ctin g re frig e ra to r] “ ¡n feeling” betw een the two coun- vessels as rapidly as she is able to trie s has disappeared, it is learned do so. today. Given an ad eq u ate n um ber of re­ frig e ra to r ships. South Am erican POULTRY INFORMATION WANTED m eat producers declare they can de­ CORVALLIS, Dec. 17.— Oregon liver m eat a t any point in th e world. p o ultry bred ers will fu rth e r th e ir th e U nited S tates not excluded, a t ! professional and com m ercial in ter- a price th a t would leave no fear of I ests and prom ote th e poultry indus- local com petition. However, ques­ try by sending th e ir nam es, ad ­ tioned as to th e feasibility of com­ dresses, nam e of breeds and num ­ petin g w ith A m erican m eat produc­ ber of breeders, in cu b ato r capacity, A . - H M M M HI tion in th e U nited States, no claim s . w ere m ade th a t A rgentine m eat could be “laid dow n” a t A m erican ports cheaper th a n A m erican m eat could be delivered, but it was stated C A R EFU L SELECTION HAS BEEN th a t A rgentine, U ruguayan and Bra­ MADE OF OUR STtM K zilian m eat could be delivered ju st A PLEASU RE TO SHOW as cheaply as th e hom e product A PLEA SU RE TO BUY M eals and Short Orders, B a} The long haul from South to N orth and Night Sarvtco. A PLEASU RE TO GIVE .A m erica, th e greatest single cost fac to r in th e ex portation of m eat 2 9 7 East Main from th e so u th ern to the n o rth ern E V E R SH A R P PENCILS continent is som ew hat offset by the P lated silver, trip le plate and S te r­ low er cost of labor and production ling. Gold, plain and em bossed. in South Am erica. In th e th re e Prices from «1.00 to «5.00 g reat c a ttle co u n tries— A rgentina. U ruguay and B razil— th e c a ttle are outdoors tw elve m onths in th e yea-. CONKLIN FOUNTAIN PENS 'a n d for ten m onths feed on green «2.50 Io «6.00 grass. Head for head, the V yjted No cheap pens carried. S ta te s produces no b e tte r grade of beef. South A m erican packers, as every­ PARISIAN IVORY one else who has som ething to sell, are looking to r th e best m ark et. But Com plete stock, correctly priced. they cannot get th e ir products to Gift Books and L ate Fiction. any m ark et, no m a tte r how good, un­ Books for Boys, for G irls, for less th e re is som e way of carry in g Children. th em . . Of course, it is obvious th e pro- STATIONERY A w onderful and B eautiful Line. 5Oc, 65c. 75c, «1.00, «1.50, »2.00, The safe, p ractical and B illiard players p re fe r th is place «3.00, »5.00 ^because they know th a t they can get convenient way to pay GOOD cues; and m odern equipm ent bills is by check. eiak es a lot of difference in the Now is a good tim e to pleasure of th e game. ST O U FFE R ’S CHINA. CUT GLASS. s ta r t a checking account You KNOW It. BRASS. POTTERY, w ith The C itizens Bank of STATUARY P ro fan ity , gam bling and o th e r u n ­ A shland, and be ready for desirable elem ents a re absolutely TABOO here. We invite GENTLE C hristm as shopping. MEN only. Come and see for vourself. Tb !•' n clean, congenial am use m er P fo r decent clean-cut fel- , lows WHERE YOUR DOLLAR DOES DOUBLE DUTY W e carry a splendid phonograph THE RAMONA PHONOGRAPH P lays all m akes of records and reproduces perfectly. Special Xmas term s. Let us sh o w you. On Savings Accounts Interest STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. W hen You Think of Christmas Think of Poley’s Drug Store I I — ~ Gifts of Quality Are Appreciated By All Home Restaurant C IT IZ E N S BANK OFASHLAND Christmas Bills Paid By Cheek Good Cues and Tips Alnuti s Billiard Parlor i < lean Sport for R egular F ello w » ’ S% on I$J$IÌ p # ley ’ s D nl 9 s , ore L . J ------ D L r V J l I Ö J POLEY & ELHART, D ruggists X 34 N. CENTRAL, MEDFORD, ORE. CHINA TOYS Sets— Blue Stork de­ sign— ««.75 Set Many o th ers «4J5Ü to «10.00 Set Celluloid novelties in a g reat variety, a t w holesale prices. 5c up LAQUER W ARE Tea T rays— lovely designs, «1.00 to «3.75 Pin tra y s— 65c to «1.00 Prize N uts— 25c doz. T rin k e t Boxes, 10c, 15c a n d 20c Chocolate Sets H andkerchief Boxes— some w ith keys. 65c to »4.25 Salad Sets— «3.85 W iggly Dolls— «10c Odd Cups Huge Snake in cam era «2.00 Glove or Tie Box »2.00 an d «2 .5 0 Jew el Boxes, gold w ork; very fine, «1.00 to «3.75 Bowls— very odd. A h a n d ­ some gift. 75c M anicure Sets. «1.75, $3.50 a n d S3.75 VASES China Vases. Balls w ith tongues— 15c « 2 .9 5 and « 6 .2 5 H and painted 85c P o tte ry Vases « 1 .0 0 np to « 4 .5 0 2 5 c each, « 1 .3 5 for 6 40c each, « 2 .2 5 for 6 « 1 .0 0 each, « 6 .0 0 for 6 Doll F u rn itu re — 25c Set Dolls— 10c to «4.50. M ayonaise Set «1.25, «1.50 and «1.95 Stuffed A nim als— very fine 85c to «7.50 Sandw ich P lates with w icker handles $1.15 an d «1.55 Daisy Pop G uns—«1.25 Sets— 6 large plates, 6 sm all plates, 6 cups and saucers. MECHANICAL TOYS A utos— 50c to «1.50 Boats— 85c Clim bing Monkey— 75c Coon Jig g e r— « 1 .0 0 Salad Bowls « 1 .5 0 and « 4 .0 0 Jap an ese W are «1.40 to «8.50 Bud Vases « 1 .0 0 Doll Tea Sets— 45c and 95c C ream er and Sugars «1.00, «1.50 and «2.50 All hand painted. « 2 .5 0 to « 6 .0 0 Kewpies— 5c to «1.75 Cake P lates «1.00 to «1.50 « 7 .5 0 Set Ja rd in ie re Doll Beds— «1.00 to «2.00 Tea P ots— a larg e line 40c to $1.95 A eroplanes— 25c, 35c. 85c, «1.00, «1.73 and «2.50 Jin rik ish a — 75c SAVE MONEY BY COMING TO THE JAPANESE ART STORE iS s Gifts That Give a Lifetime of Pleasure C a r v in g S e t s A Good V a rie ty of Sets P y r e x B a k in g D i s h e s P le n ty of Sizes a n d S tyles to Choose From . R o a ste rs All K inds an d Sizes P e r c o la t o r s M any K inds an d Sizes SIM PSO N ’S HARDWARE 37 an d 39 North M ain Street. a rt