Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 16, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, December 16, 1919
R u t th e n F a th e r h a s to u s e s o m e d is c r e tio n
P o rtlan d gets a factory from St.
Joseph, Mo., to m ake one-piece cloth­
Claim Planets W ill
Not Affect the Earth
By P ro f. W. W. Cam pbell
(D irector, Lick O bservatory, U niver­
sity of C alifornia.)
(W ritten for the United P ress.)
Scores of com m unications have
c o m e 'to the Lick observatory in re ­
cent weeks in q u irin g about dreadful
sto rm s, floods, excessive cold, e a rth ­
T h e m en w ho a r e n o t sa tisfie d
quakes, (¡volcanic eru ptions, and so
A re th e y w h o s e t th e p a c e —
T h e m en w ho do n o t m e e t d e f e a t
fo rth , tot occur on D ecem ber 17 and
W ith c alm , c o n te n te d face.
late r.
These inquiries say th a t some as­
T h e m en wty> la b o r on a n d on
W ith m in d s an d fin g e rs sk ille d —.
tro n o m er m ade such a prediction,
T h e y a r e th e g r e a t u n sa tisfie d
basing it upon a peculiar arran g e-
W h o p la n a n d fig h t an d build .
m ent-pf th e planets with reference to
th e sun. This m ust be a m istake,
for n© astro n o m er would m ake such
M armalades may be prepared from
a prophecy. However, no careful m an
various kinds of fruit. The apple is
wouldi venture to say th a t s e v e re ,
perhaps the best known.
storm s, e arth q u ak es, etc., will not
A conserve which is a
occur on or about Decem ber 17, o r I
marmalade of m ixtures
any o th e r date.
of fruit is always an ad­
dition to any menu.
The fact is, no m an is able to pre- j
Here are a few worth ;
diet w hat will occur in the way of 1
storm s and earth q u ak e s even ten
days in th e fu tu re.
If I w ere to
Orange Marmalade.—
predict^—i-Which I do not— th a t a se­
Take one dozen oranges,
vere sform will occur som ew here i n !
half a dozen lemons,
th e n o rth e rn hem isphere on or about peel very thin and remove the white
J a n u a ry 15, th e chances are strong inner rind. Chop the rind very tine,
th a t my prediction would be verified; or put through the meat grinder; also
Hotel A ustin
severe storm s occur som ew here on grind the pulp. To a pint of pulp and
R iddle has new weekly paper, R id­
Jerom e H. F ertig , G renada, C alif.;
or afyopt any date th a t anybody may rind add one and one-quarter pints
E n terp rise.
of w ater; boil twenty minutes. Re­ George E. M clnnes, Sacram ento; E.
be pleased to m ention.
ater to be put on 30,000,000
It is t¥ue th a t on D ecem ber 17 move from the heat and let stand C. W atts, San Francisco; Geo. W. ! acres in so u th ern W asco county
twenty-four hours, then measure and
P aulson, P o rtla n d ; Jam es D. Mulve-i
six of th ^ planets. M ercury, Venus.
add one and one-quarter quarts -of
from C lear lake.
Mars, Ju p ite r, S aturn and N eptune,! sugar to one quart of pulp. Roil an hill, S eattle; E. L. Gordon, P o rtlan d .
will lie in a n e general direction from hour and a half, or until the fruit is
Time to th in k of
H otel Colum bia
the sun. and a seventh planet. U ra­ thick.
R. N. Lindsay, W. H. G raham , Cor­
nus, very nearly in the opposite di­
Amber Marmalade.—Take one each
rection. b ut th e e a rth will be in a of large grapefruit, orange and lemon, vallis; F. T. King, D unsm uir, C alif.;)
d ifferen t
direction. T h e 1 wash and wipe and cut tine, shred the George Lang, Roseburg.
We have them both wood and coa
prophet says th a t such a stran g e peeling in thin strips, discarding the
Hotel A shland
grouping of planets has not been seen
of cold water and let stand over night.
F. W. H enry, A shland; George S.
in a .store of centuries. Then how,
The next day cook until the peel is
does he know th a t such a grouping very tender and again set aside over Bagley, H ilts, Calif.; W. MacDowell
will cause dire consequences for the night. The next day add five pounds and wife; George F. L esar, Hood
e a rth ? C onfigurations of th e plan­ of sugar and cook until the sirup is R iver; L. E. H ow ard.
ets ju st^ a s rem arkable as th a t due thick. Store as jelly.
to exist December 17 have occurred
Golden Marmalade.—This is a m ar­
many tim al, add no one has recog­ malade which takes the place of the
nized th a lg th e /e a r th
has suffered more expensive orange marmalade
and is very tasty and wholesome.
therefrom .
The prophet speaks of th e “con­ Scrape and put through a meat chop­
per one and one-half pounds of car­
ju n c tio n ” of th e seven planets on the rots, two lemons and the same meas­
17th. T histte a m istake on his part. ure of sugar. Cook the carrots in as
The two g r^at planets, which con­ little w ater as possible, add the lem­
ta in 13 tim es as m uch m aterial as the ons, also ground (removing the
o th er six ,- planets com bined, will not seeds). When well cooked, add the
be in conjunction. The lines draw n sugar and cook until thick, stirring
from thefn to th e sun will m ake an carefully to keep the m ixture from
an g le of 26 degrees with th e o ther.. burning. Put in glasses as any other
The prophet says th a t when the marmalade.
Tomato Conserve.—Take four quarts
planets are in conjunction w ith the
of ripe, tine tom atoes; add four i
sun th e ir united pull upon the sun | pounds of sugar, six large lemons and
will cause th e s u n ’s gases to explode one cupful of raisins. Prepare as
CCORDING to the ruling of the Oregon
and produce a sunspot. Now, the usual and cook until thick. Seal In
Dairy and Food Commission all dairy
grav itatio n al pull of the planets upon glasses.
butter sold or exposed for sale in this state
th e sun has been g re a te r m any tim es
be wrapped in butter paper upon which
in th e past century th an it will be
on D ecem ber 17. J u p ite r and S at­
is printed the words “Oregon Dairy Butter,
u rn come into exact conjunction
16 (or 32) ounces full weight,” with the name
w ith the sun once every 20 years.
S tate highw ay com m ission aw ards j
and address of the maker.
approxim ately, and when they are co n tracts to talin g $699,336 for road
in conjunction, as they will be in construction
E a ste rn
To enable patrons of the Tidings to easily
A ugust, 1921, th e ir com bined ‘ p u ll” counties.
comply with this ruling this office has putin
upon the sun will be g re a te r th an
-------------- — ■ - ---------------
a supply of the standard sizes of butter paper
the com bined pull of all the planets
and will print it in lots of 100 sheets and up­
will he D ecem ber 17.
No conse­
ward and deliver it by parcels post at the fol­
quences of the conjunctions of J u p i­
te r and S aturn upon
the e a rth ’s,
lowing prices.
‘quakes, and so forth, have ever been
found, alth o u g h they have been most
100 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces
carefully searched for by experienced
stu d e n ts of these subjects.
Safety Razors, Gem, E nders, D ur-i
250 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces
The p ro p h et says, “ th e m agnetic ham , G illette,
c u rre n ts acting betw een any tw o or
500 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces
$1.00 to 87.50.
planets will pierce the sun like a
Shaving M irrors and Stands,
m ighty sp e a r.” Nobody has ever ob­
Clothes B rushes, Therm os L unch !
Send your orders to us by mail accompan­
served th a t th ere a re any m agnetic
by the price of the paper and it will be
c u rre n ts acting betw en any two or
84.00 to 85.25.
m ore of th e planets. This statem en t
promptly forwarded to you by parcel post,
D iaries for 1920, Loose Leaf
of the prophet rests upon no obser­
vation and upon no established sci­ Memos, M ilitary B rushes. Bill Folds
and P urses, Fiction by Zane Grey,
entific theory.
We use the best butter paper obtainable,
The prophet brings in the su n ­ Beach and London at
(By th e United P ress)
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 16.— F o l­
lowing are m ark e t qu o tatio n s:
EGGS— E xtras, 76 c.
BUTTER— E xtras, 6$c.
POULTRY— Broilers, 38c; hens,
Good Meals and Short Orders, Day
CATTLE— Top steers, 11 %c.
and N ight Service.
HOGS— Top, 14 %c.
SH E E P — Ewes, 6 '^ c ;
w ethers,
2 9 7 E a st M ain
BARLEY — Suot feed, $3.47 >Ac.
H om e
R estaurant
MARTIN BROS., Klamath Falls
Flour and Feed
T H E IR CRATER LAKE brand of flour absolutely guaranteed
or your m oney refunded. All we ask is for you to try it. Not
one baking b ut the e n tire sack. We have th e ir Mill Feed also.
Ashland Fruit & Produce Association
The Most Delicious Pancakes
Purity Pancake Flour
Provost Brothers
Comply With the Law
Printed Butter
"TL xlm .
Christm as
S u g g e stio n s
spots. but he appears to know very
little about them . He does not get
his facts stra ig h t.
The public should let th e sensa­
tio n al prophet do all th e w orrying.
Vale— B rogan-vow valley section
of Jo h n Day highw ay contracted for,
and our workmanship is of the best. Let us
have your order and you will not regret it.
Gift S tationery, 75c up.
S tar E lectric V ibrator, 85.00.
A s h la n d T id in g s
A s h la n d , O r e g o n
V A U P E L ’S
68-72 E. MAIN ST.
The Store With the
Christinas Spirit
F o r th e benefit of those who do th e ir C h rist­
m as shopping early, and to convince oth ers of
th e advantage of so doing we a re m aking a d ­
vance displays of Gift M erchandise. Look for
o u r displays.
Blankets and Comforts
Those who know good blan k ets and com forts
will in sta n tly recognize th e q u alities of o u r m er­
Made rig h t, bought rig h t and sold
r i g h t ................................................ 85.00 to 810-00
Dainty Gift Handkerchiefs
If you w ant to show your tho u g h tfu ln ess and
a t th e sam e tim e p resent a gift th a t will be a p ­
preciated, choose a h a lf dozen silk o r linen
handkerchiefs. Prices range from 5c each up
to $1.50 each.
Christmas Slippers
T ruly a gift th a t m eans m uch real com fort to
th e recipient, w h eth er m an, wom an o r child.
W e are fea tu rin g a splendid collection to choose
from , 82.00 an d up.
Handbags and Purses
A h andbag m akes a very acceptable gift to any
wom an, fo r it is so useful. We are ju stly proud
of o u r com plete range of bags and purses which
we a re show ing a t all prices.
Shirts and Cravats
O ur line of sh irts and crav ats th a t we a re show ­
ing fo r th e holiday season is th e best and m ost
com plete in th e histo ry of th is store. A sh irt
or tie never comes am iss.
Silk, lisle, and cotton of all kinds and qualities
com prise o u r big stock of hosiery. T hrough a
late shipm ent ju st received we a re able to tak e
care of y our holiday needs in th is useful gift.
All prices.
The wom an who appreciates th e im portance of
a good p etticoat as a d istin ct necessity in a
w inter w ardrobe will be m ost in terested in
seeing ou r splendid line a t all prices.
Shop Early at Vaupel’s