Tuesday, D ecem ber 16, 1919 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS XMAS PLEA ASKED OF GOVERNOR AshiHhdäBfcTTidings tSbUdUMhelK 7KB 7 6 * p » ö iM ie< £ /® 7 er jE v a t t a i n t SmSiHjda y by Bx«*pt id^BHiLs>»M>Nii»HBiaB«iNa ---------- co. ■** ■ --------- K n A r e e r _______ ____ JE. .E d itor t W H B l A IfT CTTlANBÑDCX COC N T Y PAPBBEK. U . S. W ants E veryone to G ive Savings Stamps For Christ­ mas Presents. frK— HHBwmgp so in- City .4 . . I -60 > . . * .16 _ ____¿O utside ____ •f 4*fe^lty fejûlMarebr Wathail...-------- i~ - >6.00 piotati* I ta t b a U - - - --------- - - 2 ^6 o n tta th r h tattu U l----- -.J- 1-60 «o ButotaMtatnbMttiOAmw»» tak en . .............. iL Ï» Î 2 i t t a ~ .........................- • • • « • « ftaadeta than six 31c ________¿Inc*, näöt» ______ _ Î.7.2T % c son, each , . .2 5 c to, each . J ..2 0 c V each ..U A Î f c c Svi ta a « u (« ta.W nrda to _____-'•• 10c erjthethtaydaijD fov ®ne iftrAm g . . . . 7 c no «6, -rgin ' — ; U ^ « o a p T W c t a d ln d iB M t a t k i tim e 5c ^SSe««tetta»i A ltaitaaJB riA «dp«v dte Along the const of Chile, many grow th. f i lt e r e r s , th e p u r if ie r s , of y o u r b lo o d , w mfartiBaioar onthetheufcaeharge is y P lease • rem em ber S aturday a fte r- sections of which are practically un- j K id n e y d is e a s e is u s u a l ly in d i c a te d b y « t-T *— thetlm gulSBlarateate. “ You a re n ex t.” Piease rem enw er, a a iu . , inhabited at present, graves of the w s , mx s l e e p le s s n e s s , n e r - v ------- o u sn ess, w c e a i r in 1 m e s oo, noon, Decem ber 20, unless th e ro ad s J ara found in great num- d e s p o n d e n c y . b a c k a c h e , s to m a c h tr o u . f s pàtelr d reu la - M e, p a in in lo in s a n d lo w e r a b d o m e n , BUCKHORN B A R B E R SHOP a ,Hj they invarjably contain g a ll s to n e s , g r a v e l , r h e u m a ti s m , s c i a t i c a to ìA eh O ia h d u ta t a a t a lt a tei n - are im passable betw en M edford and _.1 ' implements - __ K.,V,;»rr Clyde Costelo. a n d lu m b a g o . for sea fishing. I.'riim I- rom » pota^faaE ataetíuwvrewpap«* (wn’ A X shland. A ll th e s e d e r a n g e m e n ts a r e n a t u r e 's prehistoric times the coast of Chile frttasod._________________ ' s i g n a ls to w a r n y o u t h a t th e k id n e y s n eed i ou s s h i i o o u ld iu y e e d h n e etp lp . Y u se u G n O u L i D has been noted for its diverse and ¿T *nU rarf ahetbtehU hlana!. Oregon, M E D A L H a a r le m O il C a p s u le s In im e - extensive fisheries. The fishes are so F. and  . M. Lodges • ta h a h ic e á aäeetatandC lußlass Mail plentiful that sea birds by the mil­ Back Thrift W ork lions, feeding on them, are found d A taU »r ----- along the coast, and the numerous 1UC full ov.v.,a .o — The strength of all Masonic " lun"o lsian(js indicate the great lodges in California with a total of )ength of time the birds frequented 67,890 members will be felt in the gov j thege waters. With methods similar ^From Producer ernm ent’s 1919 T h rift and W ar Sav to those used |n other countries, the ings Stamps campaign as soon as rec fly in g industry could be revolution- ommendations of the Grand Lodge of ,ze(i an(1 established on a very large Free and Accepted Masons of Califor ■ gcale The present methods in Chile D o Y ou W an t nia made in convention here can be are no niore advanced than they were carried out by the subordinate lodges thousands of years ago. The need is to S a v e ThdTBaclaohsOoUfidiinpjiWttbh® health The Grand Lodge "endorsed the move felt by the Chileans themselves. The *a”.m e r i t isD tn aiaram n g n terh io eto es by ment undertaken by the federal gov lack of sea food was recently the S om e M oney? thetlgrafeBrattrefitfceibeitaydaysSivShe is ernm ent on behalf of th rift and warm subject of a demand from the labor­ R e-insulating a b a t­ e t : ixttjctTy>n”« h e t M b t u ’d tndbidoing any ly recommends full co-operation by sub ers to tjie government- te ry is a b o u t th e m ost oneoeepeetak iH hdita wferkoBkhitchiie the ordinate lodges,” requesting appoint expensive rep air th ere is. m ent of a th rift agent in each local or t0 „ lth lhe gov A nd th e re ’s only one theibepespafiawtedeydaysM aainbing em inent In the sale of the securitiee. k in d o f b a tte ry in gen­ for your cor«inntfablebtendanUeliudeinsil aD o th er ___________ to Consumer” Alter M o n d a y , Dec. 8th The Ashland Get the top market price or ongaarizftstrilhB'wL raliBtflw'bnkorti seem s eral use th a t isn ’t prac­ I— w — - — -— i »oveovtiietbBtenteoi t a b r h a e t a o t i v i t i e s A $5 C hristm as present for >4.23 forfbhetlweekeibndiiidiiDedSBrteinber 13. a W ar Savings Stamp. MaWafeiteejla5iboYb«ys#bPkQrftr' finding A man in San Francisco who had to j od (todMoeheita keetpe^etadrashusafi advis- work his way through college buys a ■ingiwgothetbete thethenbeBnas as to the War Savings Stamp every week for h ie ' c a rearrf «fietheiKhihlrddi-en&ctBiding as baby son who will have several thou 1 «check cud rue rtBT fMeAfeddowhiWide- com- sand dollars to his credit when he gets I ttuntaubtebdteaheeashavkatoeebeen enjoy- ready to go to college. ingithetdnsahradveseiivgretb^eeU-aHethese tb ilfiin g se a a t'p a rp a o f Cbethreipkork of a cc . t e liouftduiA t e r h e r ' office, rc 'reoNiP Nfc. 7. AcaeelibtSldoyd-^fteflUPiitftiAfl the reg- « SiLteVfittrflUISifW-*vlll m eet in |hettahAta& A>d)mW ai*rfd.r its fourth Send Them to n m e g g - J t.. r 1 — ■■■ - -- ------------------------- ■■ - - s - I : - i t v i ■ i-.r- t S Ä iipi in P m 'V , zr r 60S Fiiwt Ave., S eattle, W n. W rite for price list and ta g s. Jordan Electric Co. Ot Beauty and Utility Are Yon Considering the Purchase oí a Rocker : For Christmas? » Gw9tdri$hoes IWf’tWIriWfrftason- b l^ tO g i^ ic e s . ! Wv Wf)Tha*Q»’^ffnh»nWff1hbers in i fclA «teased X T- asiötiOWteers. T hat one exception is the Willard B attery with Thread­ ed Rubber Insulation. Come in and we’ll tel you why. THE GOLDEN RULE FUR CO, Christinas - tically certain to be re-ins ula ted—or j u n k - e d — w ith in th e n e x t year or two. Raw Furs Ashland, Oregon ( ï t a y State Exchange S to r e Will Sell to No One but Members A nyone May B ecom e a M em ber TRAOr MASK REGlSTCRCO FOR HIM B u y y o u r X m a s G ifts tor H im a t a M a n ’ s S to re , w h e r e He w o u ld g o il b u y in g lo r h im s e lf. If so we can surely please you in quality and price. We have the LARGEST and best stock of ROCKERS that we have ever carried. CHILDREN S ROCKERb for the Little Folks, OAK ROCKERS in great, variety for any room in the house and UPHOLTERED Neckwear....................................... 50c to $3.00 Gloves, all k in d s..........................50c to $7.50 Silk Hose.......................................75c to $1.50 Dress S h irts ..................... $1.50 Up Lijjto ............... $1 50 to $8.50 Caps .................... 5 0 c S 3 -5 0 ROCKERS for SOLID COMFORT. There is nothing that will give the lasting comfort Men’s Suits, Garters, Arm Bands, Silk Reefers, Handkerchiefs. and satisfaction of a good ROCKER. K io^ùkpective J. P. DODGE & SONS H e a d q u a r te r s lo r K o u s e fu r n is h in g C h r is tm a s G ifts if T he V ery B est U n d erw ea r Shop Early M itchell’s