Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 16, 1919, Image 1

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    D aily T idings
(U nited P re ss S taff C orrespondent.)
PARIS'. Dec. 16.— p a n g e r of a
possible resum ption of h o stilities re ­
su ltin g in G erm any’s a ttitu d e to ­
w ard the protocol of th e tre a ty has
finally been averted. The suprem e
council h a s decided th e G erm an re ­
ply to th e allied note dem anding the
acceptance of the protocol is “ most
co n ciliatory,” and th a t the reply will
be dispatched to Berlin as “ soon as
The suprem e council fu rth e r or­
dered a jo int session yesterday a fte r­
noon of th e allied and G erm an na­
val experts for purposes of studying
a form th a t th e com pensation will
ta k e for sinking the in tern ed G er­
m a n fleet a t Scapa Flow.
In addition to th e protocol note,
th e council took up th e question of
assistance for A ustria.
1 addition to th e protocol note,
th e council took up th e question of
assistan ce fo r A ustria. T he decis­
ion was reached th a t A m erican aid
is absolutely necessary if A ustria is
saved from fam ine. The council de­
clared it especially necessary for the
United S tates to open cred its to Aus­
tria to m ain ta in »A ustria’s te rrito ria l
The council reached a decision to
prevent the separation of V orarlberg
from th a t country.
The suprem e council is m aking
a rra n g e m e n ts to have th e G erm ans
sign th e protocol and
m ake th e
tre a ty effective b e fo re C hristm as.
i Bv the U nited P ress)
TACOMA, W ash., Dec. 16.— A spe­
cial federal grand ju ry of 35 venire­
m en. w h k h was called to in \e st:g ,.te
I. W. W. activity in southw estern
W ash ington, began its sittin g here
a t 10 o’clock th is m orning.
The federal ju ro rs will consider
th e cases of alleged I. W. W. who
a re being held in th e city and county
jails on charges of conspiracy to
overthrow th e governm ent, in addi­
tion to o th e r evidence which was
obtained by ¡¡gents of th e dep artm en t
of ju stice since the Arm istice day
m u rd e rs at C entralia. W ash.
(By the U nited P ress)
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1 6 .-
c r a tic sen to rs w ill c o n tin u e t
fo rts to n eg o tiate
c o m p ro m ise
a peace
d e sp ite P reside::
SACRAMENTO, Calif., Dec. 16.—
G overnor Stephens today
gave a
m o th er and two little girls th e pres­
e n t they desired m ore th a n anv
C hristm as present in the w orld, when
he issued th e stay in c o u rt ord er
th a t th e ir husband and fa th e r should
uot die on the gallows F riday. The
governor reprieved A ntone Lepara,
who is convicted of m urder, until
F e b ru a ry 20. Mrs. L e p a ra and chil­
dren hau u ted th e governor’s office
for days w ith th e plea th a t Lepara
be spared u n til a fte r C hristm as.
The official reason for th e reprieve
is “ to review m ore evidence.”
L ep ara w as convicted of shooting
and killing M ario Alioto in Novem­
ber, 1917, in San Francisco.
(By th e U nited P ress)
PA RIS, Dec, 16.— One of the most
o a rin g and rom antic episodes in his­
tory ended w ith th e w ithdraw al of
D’A nnunzio from
F ium e and the
occupation o f th a t city l»y the Italian
reg u lars, a Rome dispatch today re­
ported. The w ithdraw al followed an
ag reem ent reached by him with P re ­
m ier N itti, It is reported
Admits Dumb Son
Was Mat Stolen
(By th e U nited P ress)
• k ■*> <♦’ <$> “$>
?? '%> <£ -S' ♦>
The tre a ty ratifica tio n before
J a n u a ry 16 or th e repeat of
w artim e prohibition is c o isid -
ered by th e w ets th e ir last ! .. “S
fo r th e lid -liftin g before th e
co n stitu tio n al prohibition be­
comes operative. Senator Shep­
pard, th e dry leader, declared
it is not possible for the law o
be repealed and the house lead­
ers agreed w ith him.
The ratificatio n of the tre a ty
in tim e to give holders of huge
stocks of liquors an o p p ortunity
to sell them is also out of the
question, it is agreed.
<4> <§> ^ <§> <4, «?><•> <î> ^> <§> 4. <».■
(Special to The T idings.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.— All hope
of congress com ing to th e aid of the
liq u o r in te rests before the co n stitu ­
tional prohibition becomes effective
vanished when the house a g ric u ltu r­
al com m ittee voted, 16 to 3, against
th e repeal of w artim e prohibition to­
day. Action was tak e n on R epresen­
ta tiv e G allivari’s hill and m eans the
m easure will he perm anently pigeon­
holed by the com m ittee.
'S p e c ia l to T h e T ld in trs l
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.— Legal
effo rts to m ake invalid th e c o n stitu ­
tio n al prohibition am endm ent s ta r t­
ed in th e suprem e court today. The
reta il liq u o r d ealers of New Jersey,
under th e nam e of W illiam Duehne,
have asked the co urt for perm ission
to file th e original hill testin g the
validity of the ratifica tio n of the
am endm ent.
An injunction restra in in g the sta te
and federal officers from enforcing
th e Volsted law in New Jersey, a fte r
prohibition becomes effective, is
S im ilar action is expected
by th e sta te of Rhode Island in a
bill of com plaint which is expected
to be filed in court w ithin a few
days. The sta te will seek to have
th e am endm ent declared invalid.
In a b rief to be filed th is a fte r­
noon, the liquor in te rests will claim ,
it is reported, th a t the proclam ation
of Secretary L ansing announcing the
beginning of co n stitu tio n al prohibi­
tion J a n u a ry 16 is invalid, because
Ohio had w ithdraw n its ratification.
This m akes a new proclam ation nec­
essary and th e am endm ent provides
th a t one year m ust be given to dis­
pose of liquor stocks a fte r the new
proclam ation, the bj-ief will contend.
BI E d L. Keon
LONDON, Dec. 16.— Peace may
be concluded by C hristm as, accord­
ing to th e optim istic forecast today
of the officials of th e foreign office.
A special com m ission of G erm an eco­
nom ic experts, appointed to discuss
w ith th e allied representatives a t ’
P a ris th e m a tte r of rep a ra tio n for
the sinking of th e interned G erm an
fleet, is prepared to offer some of
th e docks, dredges and o th e r m a­
terials dem anded by th e allies, it is
(By th e U nited Pf’ess)
In th e event of th e first offer be­
CITY, Dec. 16.— The
ing u n suitable th e com m issioners
e T reasury C aberra in
are authorized to negotiate fu rth e r.
te m e n t to th e press,
The decision of the “ unofficial peace
had joined the
conference” to adopt a “ hands off”
she would lia^e
policy tow ard R ussia is being claim ed
United States,
by the L aborites as th e first great
victory of organized labor in foreign politically and econom ically.
‘ The present a ttitu d e of the
affairs. They a ttrib u te d th e decis­
erican in te rv en tist press will
ion to the insistent pressure from
th is in th e eyes of Europe
labor in G reat B ritain, F rance and
A m erica,’ ha said.
im perialists in te rp re t
L abor leaders a re now planning
as m eaning
to launch an intensive cam paign to
force th e governm ent to m ake peace Mexico is th e exclusive camp. “fier
w ith th e Bolsheviki, and lift the Am erican expansion, and the x W e -
economic blockade of Soviet Russia. dom of rem aining n e u tra l in w ar is
W ar M inister C hurchill told the now proven.”
Commons th a t G reat B ritain has
few er soldiers in R ussia th an the Am erican papers claim Mexico has
in itia ted a cam paign favoring G reat
' United S tates, F ran ce o r Japan.
B ritain to the disadvantage of the
U nited S tates th rough g ran ti'rg the
B ritish special concessions.
“ This is absolutely false,” he said.
"W e are now' endeavoring to ren>W
w orld relations everyw here. This' is
in te rp re te d in some q u a rte rs as ag­
gression a g ain st the United States.
Instead it should inspire in Am erica
(By th e U nited T ress.)
(By th e U nited P ress)
a com plete confidence in Mexico as
PONCA »CITY, Okla., Dec. 16.—
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.— The last striv in g to recu p erate.”
M iller B rothers, ow ners of th e “ 101” of the d rafted soldiers are now out
ran ch ,, have announced they would of Siberia, the w ar d ep artm en t a n ­
The replacem ents
offer 5300,000 for the C arpentier- nounced today.
Dempsey fight. The M illers said they of volunteer enlisted meh have been
would m ake every possible effo rt to going forw ard to Siberia for some
stage th e world cham pionship in Ok­ tim e and d rafted men, in proportion
lahom a, and if la rg e r bids are of­ are being retu rn ed to th e I nited
fered they would raise th e ir ante. States for th e ir discharge.
(B y the U nited P ress)
LONDON, Dec. 16.— U nder Secre­
tary of F oreign A ffairs H arm sw ortlj,
declared in the House of Com moi s
today th a t th e food situ atio n of Aus­
tria is so critical th ere will be no.
provisions a fte r this week unless im ­
m ediate aid is rendered.
H arm sw orth said the B ritish gov­
ern m en t is doing its utm ost to ob­
tain the co-operation of th e allies in
relieving the situation.
(By th e U nited P ress)
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Dec. 16.
— Mrs. E sth er Blake, accused of sac­
rificing her little dum b son, “ B uddy,”
in th e insane belief th a t she would
win back h e r h u sb a n d ’s love, a d m it­
ted today the boy was not kid­
napped as she at first declared, ac­
cording to Dr. Louis Souder, the
county physician. He said she ad­
m itted w alking out on the m unicipal
pier a t V entnor w ith the boy Friday
n ig h t and she declared: “ I guess he
m ust have fallen into the w a te r.”
Mrs. Blake, who is charged w ith
th e “ w ilful m u rd e r” of the boy, has
been ill in a hospital since F riday
night, when she asserted, two negroes
attack ed her, and “ Buddy” on th e
street. They choked her into uncon­
sciousness and stole the boy.
According to Dr. Souder, Mrs.
Blake sta rte d to repeat th e “k id n ap ­
ping” story to him. “ I told her she
knew th a t it was u n tru e .” he said.
“ She began crying and said: ’It is
not. I c a n ’t rem em ber ju st w het
happened. Buddy and I w ent down
to th e pier. He was ru n n in g ahead
of-m e, carrying my purse. I guess
lie m ust have fallen in th e w a te r? ’ ”
(By th e U nited P re ss)
Dec. 16.— Organize 1
w arfare on high prices is being
waged here by sta te officials, who
m et w ith A ttorney G eneral P alm er
to plan m eans of ham m ering dowit
prices. Gn th e eve of th e m eeting
pork prices took a sudden drop. Ba­
con fell to 45 cents a pound, 12 cents
below the w inter high price. - Ham
dropped to 40 cents. P ork chops are
Seef prices are also
iork prices .-áre
,•'€ .»pyriKhi)