P age two ASHLAND DALLY TIDINGS Ashland T idings E stab lish ed 1876 P u b lish ed Every E vening Sunday by i'lDE A SHI. AND l i c i t R. Greer Except PRINTING CO. .................... CITY AND COUNTY The A shland Iron W orks has com­ The tran sfu sio n of blood to save PAPER. A fter people the country over have pleted a m otor and c u ltiv a to r called th e life of O rren D illard, a 19-year- TELEPH O NE 39 begun to m ake th e ir final a rra n g e ­ the Downie T ra cto r t nd cu ltiv ato r old boy was perform ed a t th e San O FFICIAL su b sc rip tio n R ates Delivered in City One M onth, D eliv ered .................$ .50 One W e e k ............................................ 15 S ubscription R ates By Mail O utside of City One y ear by m a i l ......................... $5.00 S ix m onths by m a i l ..................... 2.75 Three m onths by m a i l .............. 1.50 No out of tow n subscriptions taken “or less th an th re e m onths. By Mail O utside o f U nited S tates One Y ear ...................................... $8.12 Six M onths .................................... 4.31 No subscription for less th an six m onths. ADVERTISING RATES D isplay A dvertising— Single in se rtio n . . . .e a ch inch, 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS D isplay A dvertising— One tim e a week, each inch, each tim e ...........................................27% c Two tim es a week, each inch, each tim e ................................................... 25c Every o th er day, each inch, each tim e ................................................20c E very issue, each inch, each tim e ............................................... 17 %c Local R eaders— Each line each tim e (G w ords to line) ............................................... 10c To run every o th e r day for one m onth, each line each tim e . . . . 7c Te run every issue for one m onth, o r m ore, each* line each tim e 5c C lassified C olum n— One cent th e word each tim e. To run every issue for one m onth o r m ore, % c th e word each tim e. C ards of T hanks, $1.00. O bituaries, 2% cents th e line. m ents ag ain st th e com ing of the end ot the world, according to th e sta te ­ m ent issued by a “ sunspot sp ecialist” of C alifornia, here comes E. H. Mc­ A llister, professor of m echanics and astronom y of the U niversity of Ore­ gon, who claim s this prophecy is all bunk, and tiiat th e re is no need of w orrying over th e direful events th a t have been foretold for th e 17th of th is m onth when a num ber of planets will come in conjunction. ‘T here a re alw ays _ spots present on th e s u n ,” Prof. M cAllister says, “am i although it is tru e th a t the planets will be in the sepcified po­ sitions it is doubtful if e a rth q u ak e s or o th e r distu rb an ces could be caused.” W hile the “ sunspot specialist” does not actu ally foretell the destruction of the world, he sta te s th a t terrib le clim atic disturbances a re due on De­ cem ber 17, w ith earth su ak es, volca­ noes and floods. T here is even some talk of a comet h ittin g the earth . “ W e a re a th ousand tim es m ore lia­ ble to be killed by an autom obile th an by a com et.” the Oregon a s tro n ­ om er states. “ Comets have twice ju m p e d into the ea rth w ithin th e last century and no harm was done.” for a S eattle firm . This m achine is m ade from the design draw n by W. F. Downie, m an ag er of the United States Iron W orks of Seattle, who is in A shland try in g out the new m a­ chine, and if satisfacto ry will ship it W ednesday. The local foundry has a contract to m ak« 100 of these tra c to rs to b used in orchards around Spokane. It has a ten horsepow er engine and is fitted p rin ­ cipally w ith Ford p a rts so th a t «.it is practical to do all th e w ork of a sm all farm . As soon as th is m a­ chine is shipped o th ers will und o u b t­ edly he built as rapidly as possible. GOOD ROAD WILL rim A d istrict conference of all the M ethodist clergym en of K lam ath dis­ tric t is in session in the M ethodist church today. The m inisters from the nearby charges so fa r as possible gat here«/ here yesterday afternoon afternoon and w ere served a tu rkey d inner in the church at 6 o’clock last evening, a fte r which they attended and took p art in th e revival services being conducted in th e M ethodist church. Dr. Bowen, a prom inent pas­ to r of P o rtla n d , preached th e se r­ mon. This aftern o o n an open m eet­ ing will be held in th e church at 2:30 o’clock, and th is evening Rev. Joseph K notts of G rants Pass will deliver th e serm on. UNION LABOR VOTING IN ILLINOIS (By th e U nited P ress) SPR IN G FIELD , 111., Dec. 9.— Up­ w ards of two hundred th o u san d o r­ ganized w orkers in Illinois today were voting for sta te officers of the Illinois F ederation of L abor for the: com ing year. Tiie election is by a statew ide ref­ erendum and eacli local union will send its re tu rn s to sta te h e a d q u ar­ te rs at Chicago. It will ta k e sev­ eral days for th e official tellers to com plete th e count. Duncan McDonald of Springfield and John W alker of Danville are m aking th e race for the presidency. z w Z •w c S MAY COMBINE IN Whiffle ransfer Ashland Furniture Hospital C p rvS p p I5> R g W jt M ». : , : ... . — iransiet Tel. 117 L 'J b Oak St, Jr . - L ik e N e w ^ ^ ä te rp ro o f- ? ’ .-•’X -’i. CQMO*v»0f3'« GGAAANfen RY . . ’ ‘ RENT P E R YEAR THE CITIZEN’S BANK OF ASHLAND W e m a n u ia c tu re ra v in g P la n t E quipm ent, Saw m ill, M ining and Ship M achinery, Steam and Gas E n­ gines, Boilers and Heavy Steel W’o rk ; Grey Iron, Sem i-Steel, Brass and Bronze C astings of every kind. H aving th o roughly equipped o u r plant for th e m an u fa ctu re and re­ pairs of heavy and all classes of m a­ chine and foundry w ork, we solicit; your o rd ers and Inquiries. E stim ated and q u o tatio n s fu rn ish ed ou applica­ tion EAGLE MEAT MARKET LOUIS SCHWEIN, Prop. Cleanliness. Q uality Meat. Service. ♦ NORTH MAIN, ASHLAND RIGLEYS c a package before the war 5 5 5 c a package during the war c a package Purity Pancake Flour MADE BY NOW ASHLAND MILLS CASH BUYERS AND SELLERS ( ( TRE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! From Producer to Consumer” | Beginning M o n d a y , Dec. Sih ? The Ashland State Exchange Will Sell io No One but M embers THOSE fath e rs and m others who th o u g h tfu lly include F irst N ational SAVINGS ACCOUNTS am ong the C hristm as gifts to th e boys and girls — a re going to be su re of providing rem em brances which v.ili grow both in size and in th e esteem of the youngsters. AH of the Upholstered Rockers Davenports that we can buy in 1919 The Store With the Christmas Spirit F o r th e benefit o f th o se who do th e ir C h rist­ m as shopping early, and to convince o th ers of th e ad v an tag e of so doing we a re m aking ad ­ vance displays of G ift M erchandise. Look fo r o u r displays. , ¿4 Blankets and Comforts Those who know good b lan k e ts and com forts will in sta n tly recognize th e q u alities of o u r m er­ chandise Made rig h t, b o u g h t rig h t and sold rig h t .................................................$ 5 .00 to $10.00 Dainty Gift Handkerchiefs However, we have a good lin e in stock a t this tim e Chrisfmas Slippers th e rocker line it will be T ruly a gift th a t m eans m uch real com fort to th e recipient, w h e th e r m an, w om an o r child. W e a re fea tu rin g a splendid collection to choose from , $2.00 and up. well Handbags and Purses Doll to select w hile the A handbag m akes a very acceptable g ift to any wom an, fo r it is so useful. W e a re ju stly proud of ou r com plete ran g e of bags and purses which we a re show ing a t a ll prices. C arts, Sm okers Bowls, Fancy Baskets. Sets, Shirts and Cravats O ur line of sh irts and c ra v a ts th a t we a re show ­ ing for th e holiday season is th e best and m ost com plete in th e h isto ry o f th is store. A s h irt o r tie never conies am iss. Hosiery Silk, lisle, and cotton o f all k in d s and q u alities com prise o u r big stock of hosiery. T hrough a late shipm ent ju st received we a re able to tak e care of your holiday needs in th is useful gift. All prices. Petticoats y t v C A R T E R . PBES. C M V A U P E L vice pres J w M C C O Y . C a s h ie r C la r is buso asst casi - t If you w ant to show your th o u g h tfu ln e ss and a t th e sam e tim e p resen t a g ift th a t will be ap­ preciated, choose a h alf do2en silk or linen handkerchiefs. P rices ran g e from 5c each up to $1.50 each. W ill soon have on display fírsiNaíiotialBatik OREGON <18-72 E. MAIN ST. « in and see us. A ttach y o u r “ M erry C h ristin as” to unc of o u r Savings Bank Books V A QUALITY U P STORE E L ’S Anyone May Become a Member stock is full. TH E G IFT THAT GROWS ASH LA N D . HARDW ARE The Most Delicious Pancakes in o u r show windows call » Provost Brothers PANCAKE TIME-NOW Some of these goods are FOR $2.50 We have them both wood and coa burners. A TIME FOR EVERYTHING SA FE DEPOSIT BOXES BOXES HEATING STOVES E aslSide Meat Market and if you w ant a n y th in g in 'C h e Ëzanfz, w t h th e Chim e, C lo ck. Rem em ber, our vaults a re pro­ tected by the latest im proved ELECTRIC BURGLAR ALARM system . Time to think of H. V. Sm ith. W. F. P a rry . P o rla n d ; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. K raus, H ornbrook, Calif.; E. A. Shoupe, D unsm uir, C alif.; C. P ilg rin ; J. S. W ertz, P o rt­ F o r th e very best in choice Steer land. Beef, P ork, M utton, Veal and P oul­ try. ST. PA I L MAY H E L P WINDY CITY W e buy H ides, Pelts, Tallow and (By th e U nite« P ress) Wool. ST. PAUL, Minn., Dec. 9.— The We pay Cash for E verything. Twin Cities of the N orth have com ­ bined in an effo rt to brin g th e n a ­ JAS. BARRETT, Prop, tional convention of th e republican Phone 188. up to the first of the year. t h e w o o D T iT E L a b o r a t o r ie s MO CESTO C ap 'R W a . and find th a t we have a few th a t were not reserved in advance. If you w ant one we suggest th a t you call and a rra n g e for it a t once, for they will all be ta ­ ken shortly. Repair Work CHICAGO WOULD BE PERM ANENT CAMP CHICAGO, Dec. 9.— P rom inent re­ publicans, civic boosters and business men w ere on th e ir way from Chicago to W ashington today to p resent Chi­ cago’s claim s for th e perm anent camp of th e republicans in convention. Chicago en th u sia sts will insist on The factories a re all sold MakesYour instiled a new H otel Columbia Ashland Iron W orks W M L ’ xJ O C /M T ra n c fc r 8 9 North Main Safe Deposit ju st r Storage, Coal and K lam ath F a lls— New $30.000 three-storv brick building nearing com pletion W e have section of L ine The he season is here when the au to J[ fe u £ top should lie looked after. I m ake uew ones or fix the old one. Let me look at’ it. Several of the leading churches ot th e com m unity are th in k in g seri­ ously oil com bining under the lead er­ ship of the renow ned evangelist. Dr. E. J. Bulgin, in a great evangelistic cam paign. The plan is to secure th e use of e ith e r the Arm ory or the C h au tau q u a building suitably heated, to r the m eetings. Tourists Stopping At Local Hotels holding the convention here because of th e city ’s position as the gatew ay (In c o rp o ra te« ) to th e n o rth and west. P ivotal states Office and W orks No. 248 Helniau can best be sw ung fo r th e republi­ St., A shland, Ore. cans from Chicago, they will say. Manufacturing Engineers, General S to re Fine Tailoring N ew A u to T o p s b QQ - -------— -----------------------------------------é H otel A ustin O. E. W eym outh, San F rancisco; H arry G. Allen, P o rtla n d ; H arry C. C lifford. Indianapolis, In d .; E. J. K ellum , D unsm uir, Calif.; H arry D. W aldron, P o rtlan d . M. E. PASTORS IN W EA TH ER REPORT Follow ing is the co-operative ob­ A dvertising fo r fra te rn a l orders record for o r societies ch arg in g a re g u la r in itia ­ se rv e r’s m eteorological tion fee and dues, no discount. Re­ th e m onth of Novem ber. 1919. at ligious and benevolent orders will Ashland, as issued by J.ouis Dodge, be charged for all a d v ertisin g when co-operative observer: an adm ission or o th e r charge is Date- Mox. Min. m ade, a t the re g u la r rate . 1 ................................. 55 38 The T idings has a greater circu la­ 58 40 tion in A shland and its trade terri­ 6 8 45 tory than all oth er new spapers com ­ 4 60 43 bined. 5 52 32 E n tered a t th e Ashland, Oregon. 6 43 29 Postoffice as Second Class Mail 7 41 32 M atter. 8 45 24 9 40 23 10 41 27 1 1 52 3 6 12 48 31 13 47 26 1 4 45 25 15 48 25 “ We are planning to get a contract 16 58 31 Io s ta rt grading on th e Dead Indian 17 60 31 road th is w inter or early spring, as 18, 4 5 31 soon as w eather p erm its,” sta te s E. P. I 9 5 2 3 7 Moore, one of the Moore b ro th ers 20 43 25 who is deeply in terested in the es­ 21 53 28 tab lish in g of a good road in th at d is­ 2 30 .............. .. • • • . . 57 • » tric t. “ A good road in th a t country 29 will open up the g reatest wood te r ­ 4 ............ 33 ritory in th e w orld, and all it will i t ....................... 3 4 need then is men to get out and cut 27 *> 7 i ............ it. T here a re m illions of cords of 12 wood in th e Dead Indian c o u n try ,” 8 ............................ 19 Mr. Moore went on to sta te , “ enough 9 30 to last Ashland a thousand years. Af­ 0 . . . . 33 te r the wood fam ine th is w in ter i t 1 T em p eratu re— M aximum, 68; date, would seem tl,a t the people in t h i s 1 3rd; m inim um , 12, date 27th. city would wake up to th e fact t h a t ' P re cip ita tio n — T otal, 2.13 inches; a good road in th a t d istrict is one greatest in 24 hours, .45, date. 19th. of tiie m ust crying needs of the N um ber ot days witli .01 inch or state. m ore precipitation. 9; clear. 14; p a rt­ “ More than th at, if th e people in ly cloudy, 14. th e valley will ju st get to g eth e r and work for th is road to be graveled it PAULSERUD & BARRETT will m ake the leading road to C ra­ te r Lake. We carried th e special tax levy a t the election in road dis­ For Men and W om en. trict No. 1. which m eans th a t from Tel. 110 $5,000 to $7.000 will lie expended on 171 E ast M:::;:. this road next year. Now. if the peo­ ple will only pull to g eth e r this coun­ try can soon have a dandy road over th e Dead Indian te rrito ry .” Fraternal Orders and Societies B arium a few days ago. The young m an had undergone a serious oper­ ation and was so w eakened th a t his life was despaired of unless a new supply of blood could be tran sfu sed in his veins. F o r th is o peration Mrs. F. E. R ussell, a n u rse a t th e Sani­ tariu m , very heroically gave the needed blood which was draw n from h er veins into those of th e sick boy. Drs. Jones and Moxon perform ed the operation. p arty here in 1920 if the natio n al ex­ ecutive com m ittee decided against Chicago as th e m eeting place. G ustav L indquist, secretary to Gov­ e rn o r B urnquist and m em ber of the national executive com m ittee, s ta r t­ ed th e boom for th e Twin Cities in th e fight for th e convention. He pointed out the fact th a t the n o rth ­ west norm ally delivers a republican m ajority. The M inneapolis C ham ber of Com­ m erce decided to lend its support to St. Paul in the capital c ity ’s cam paign for th e convention. D. V. C avanaugh, chairm an of the convention com m ittee of th e St. P aul A ssociation, lias laid plans to a t­ tra c t th e convention here. Chicago, it is reported here, may be decided upon as the perm anent m eeting place of th e republican p a r­ ty conventions and if it is, th e Twin Cities will m ake no effo rt to get th e convention. J. P. DODGE & SONS Reliable House Furnishers UNDERTAKERS . z The wom an who a p p re c ia te s th e im p o rtan ce of a good p e ttic o a t as a d istin ct necessity in a w in ter w ardrobe will be m ost in te re ste d in seeing our splendid line a t all prices. Shop Early at Vaupel’s « •