ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS F rid a y , N ovem ber 2«, 1ft 10 thence so u th east 27 rods and 7 feet; thence southw est 13 rods 11 Vt, feet; thence south 4 6 rods; thence east 36% rods; thence n orth 19% rods; thence rods; thence east 60 n o rth 93% rods; thence north- One cent th e w ord each tim e. i west 20 rods and 2 feet to the beginning, all being place of in Section 3 in said Tow nship and R ange and containing 50 acres, m ore o r less; w ith all the w ater rig h ts ap­ p u rte n a n t th e re to and a p a rt thereof: saving and excepting a sm all parcel th ereo f, of less th a n one acre, de­ physicians ano surgeons scribed in th e deed recorded in Vol­ ume 19 at page 131 of th e Deed Records of Jackson County, Oregon, and also saving and excepting th e re ­ from th re e acres, m ore o r less, de- ASHLAND, OREGON scribed in the deed recorded in Vol- nm e 90 a t page 358 of th e said Deed Phono 126 Records, and leaving subject to this m ortgage 46 acres, m ore or less. This sum m ons is published by v ir­ tu e of an o rd er m ade by th e H onor­ able F. M. C alkins, Judge of th e FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE PHYSICIANS above e n title d C ourt, on th e 20th day of Novem ber, 1919. DR. H. B. MOORE — Chiropracti« FOR SALE— Seven room bungalow , O. C. BOGGS. fu rn ish ed o r u n furnished. In­ A ttorney for P lain tiffs. 427-28-29 M. Physician. F irs t N ational Bank q u ire 555 F airview St. P hone Bldg. Phones: Office, 112; Res F. and H. Bldg., M edford, Jackson 303-J. ' 35-15 207-J. County, Oregon. 71-7t DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice STAPLES REALTY OFFICE Austin Hotel Bldg. lim ited to eye, ear, nose and th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 and Next Door to Ford Garage. Phone 26. Come in and see If I have exag­ 2 to 5. Sw edenburg Bldg., Ash- 73-tt g erated on th e follow ing. land, Ore. TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS DR. GEO. O. JARVIS DR. FRANK M. M0X0N THE SANITARIUM RED CROSS SEAL SALE ORGANIZED Decem ber 1, and d u ring the follow- jng th re e weeks, up to C hristm as a d r jve on th e sales of the, little Red Cross seals will be' waged ac­ tively in th e county. The 1919 Red Cross C hristm as Seal sale in Oregon and thro u g h o u t th e United S tates will be the g reatest in the history of th e N ational T uber­ culosis association. Spurred by a d efinite know ledge th a t th e num ber of d eath s annually is m ore th an 150.- 000 th e natio n al association and its 1000 affiliated organizations, of which th e Oregon Tuberculosis asso- _ _ is one. will spend $6,500,009 ciation ” q9 . in an effo rt to check th e disease th ro u g h an intensive ed- . .. ucational and preventive cam paign. O regon's budget is $44.260 and so keenly alive are th e people of th e sta te to th e fact th a t Oregon has a real tuberculosis problem , th a t prac- tically every county in the sta te is a l­ ready organized and ready to begin work Decem ber 1 in a th re e weeks PAGE TH R EE intensive cam paign for th e sale of j *-< C hristm as seals, 90 per cent of th e proceeds will be used to fig h t the w hite plague rig h t here in Oregon, one of the policies of the national Q u a lity M e a t. association being to see th a t the money is directly applied to the ben­ ♦-4 » 4 efit of the ’comm 'uuity in which it is raised. EAGLE MEAT MARKET Good Cues and Tips B illiard players prefer th is place because they know th a t they can gel GOOD cues: and m odern equipm ent m akes a lot of difference in the pleasure of th e game. You KNOW It. P ro fan ity , gam bling and o th er un- desirable elem ents are absolutely TABOO h e re . We invite GENTLE- MEN only, This is a clean, congenial amuse- m ent hall for decent clean-cut fel- l° ws- LOV1S S C H W E IN , Prop. Clea> lin e-« . 4 Set V ice. NORTH MAIN, ASHLAND “Resources Over One Million” C h a rte r No. 5747 REPORT OF T ill Reservo District No. 12 CONDITION OF THE First National Bank AT A SH L A N D , OREGON. At th e C lo se o f B u sin e ss on N o v em b er 17, 1 0 1 9 . RESOURCES L oans and discounts .................................$522.045.45 ♦Total loans .............................................$522,045.45 O verdrafts, unsecured. $102.09 ...................................... U. S. Governm ent securities owned: a Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) ................................... $100,000.00 b Pledged to secure U. S. deposits (p ar 1,000.00 value) ......................................................... "Clean Sport for R eg u la r F e llo w . c Pledged to secure postal savings deposits (p a r v a l u e ! ............................................... 5.000.00 (1 Pledged as collateral for S tate or o th er d e p o s its ......................................................... 10,000.00 f Owned and unpledged ............................... 7 5 ,1 0 0 .0 0 h W ar Savings C ertificates aud T hrift 3 6 .2 6 Stam ps actualy owned ..................... Total U. S. G overnm ent securities . . . O ther bonds. Securities, etc.: The season is here when the auto b Bonds (o th e r than U. S. bonds! pledg­ ed to secure postal savings d eposits. . 1 3 .0 0 0 .0 0 top should be looked afte r. c Bonds and securities (o th e r th an U. S. I m ake new ones or fix the old securities! pledged as collateral for one. Let me look a t it. sta te or o th er deposits (postal ex­ cluded ) .................................... 28.000.00 e Securities, o th er than U. S. bonds (not including sto ck s), owned and unpledged 113.150.50 36.26 Stam ps actually o w n e d ..................... Total bonds, securities, etc., o th er than U. S .. . . THIS YEAR 8. Stock of F ederal Bank (50 per cent of subscription! 89 North Main 9. a V alue of banking house, owned and un­ incum bered ............................................... 15.000.00 You cannot m ake a m istake if you 10. F u rn itu re and f i x t u r e s ........................................................... get him an IL Real e sta te owned o th er th an banking h o u se ................. 12. Lawful reserve w ith F ederal Reserve B a n k ................... 14. Cash in vault and net am ounts due from national hanks ....................................................................................... 15. Net am ounts due from banks, bankers, and tru st com ­ panies (o th e r th an included in item s 12, 13, or 14 i Checks on o th er banks in the sam e city or town as rep o rtin g bank (o th e r than Item 1 6 ! .......................... Total of Item s 13, 14, 15, 16. and 17 $139.804.93 P lated, T riple P lated, Sterling and 18. Checks on banks located outside of city or town of rep o rtin g bank and o th er cash i t e m s .......................... Gold finishes— plain or chased bar- 19. Redem ption fund w ith U. S. T re asu re r and due rid. Em inently practical and useful. from U. S. T r e a s u r e r .............. . , ...................................... Full line carried a t 20. In te rest earned but not collected— a p p r o x im a te - on Notes a n tt Bills Receivable not past d u e ............ N ew Auto Tops r ♦ ♦ $522,045.4.-. 1 0 2 .0 9 Alnutt’s Billiard Parlor Not Hard to Choose a Suitable 191,136.26 DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and % acre, 6-room house, m odern; surgeon. P ractice lim ited to eye, J ciose in. •a r, nose and th ro a t. Glasses sup-! p ric e — $1700. plied. O culist and a u rist for S. P ----- R. R. Offices, New _____ bungalow __— ---------- M. F. and H. Bldg., . j ___ o____, , larg e lot, fru it,' The Jackson County Public H ealth opposite postoffice, M edford, Ore. n u ts an(j be rries. H ouse is m odern,! 21-tf cabinet kitchen, stone foundation, association of which Mrs. D. Perozzi P hone 567. good basem ent. Sightly and clean aud ? jrg g. B. M cNair of Ashland D. M. BROWER, M. D.— 216 Factory location. a re president and secretary respec-, ; St. Phone No. 4.9 8-R. Uses rad io ­ Price— $2500. . . . . , ... h e a t larg ely in his tre a tm e n t of _______ tively have tak e n up the responsibil- 154,150.50 chronic diseases. T uberculosis, 3 ,6 0 0 .0 0 5-room (fully m odern) bungalow , j ity of the 1919 Red Cross C hristm as cancer and o th e r infectious a il­ one block from pavem ent; large Seal sa ie fo r Jackson county, with m ents, respond m arvelously to said 1 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 g rounds, all kinds fiu it. Mrs. Perozzi acting as chairm an for tre a tm e n t. 5.000. 0 0 Price— $2000. } _ . ______ _ the sale cam paign. This organiza- 20,047.76 ATTORNEYS AVood C u tters w anted. W ill pay tion has been fo m ulating plans and 53.850.42 a rra n g in g the cam paign which opens BRIGGS & RRIGGS, A ttorneys-at- $2.50 per cord. 125,238.78 Law, P ioneer Block, A shland. ________________ , A sixty-five h u n d red m odern 1 1.243.62 L. A. ROBERTS— A ttorney-at-L aw . sightly residence large grounds close Room s 5 and 6, C itizens’ B a n k ‘ in; house not old and one of best 3.322.53 gldg. I b u ilt places in S outhern Oregon. ______ I------------------------------------------ l P rice— $4750. Term s. IN DAILY USE THE WORLD OVER C. H. SPALDING, A ttorney-at-L aw ,, ---------- B eaver Block. P hone 146. Two th o u san d m odern cottage, 6 54.03 W lierever grass grows and cowl nicely located, n e a r E ast Side school are m ilked, you will find the De La STENOG RA PHERS — alm ost new. 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 val th e favorite cream se p ara to r P rice— $1600. Term s. More De L avals are in use tliai JE S S IE II. TH ATCHER — Public 8,526.56 all o th e r m akes combined. S tenographer. Com m ercial Club A $6500 B oulevard property, m od­ The De Laval is tim e tested. I' ern and a showy place. was th e pioneer cream se p ara to r lr m. H ours: 9 a. m. to T o t a l ....................................................................................... .. P rice— $5000. Term s. LIA B ILITIES 1878 and has led in popularity am' p. m. to 5 p m., 100.000.00 sales for forty years. C apital stock paid in ........................................................... POLEY & ELH ART, D ruggists. A $5000 city ranch, o rchard and 2 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 crean It's the w orld’s standard CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Surplus fund ........................................................................... a lfa lfa ; m odern bungalow ; beauti- separator. a Undivided p rofits ......................................$ 40.593.42 24. A. L. LAMB— C o n tracto r a n d Build­ ful location. b Less c u rre n t expenses. Interest, aud taxes Price— $3800. 8 ,9 4 4 .3 1 er. Cem ent, Brick and W ood­ paid ........................................................... w ork. Tel. 394-R. 109 Pine St. Interest and discount collected or credited 31 acres n e a r C entral Point, under in advance of m atu rity and not earned 4,283 96 FRANK JORDAN — General Con-1 ditch. W orth $100 per acre, $S0. — (approxim ate) ......................................................... tra c tln g and rep a ir work Cem entj Term s. 94.095. (Id C irculating notes o u tstan d in g .......................................... 28. (Incorporateci) w ork specialty. Tel. 430-J. 227 1,343.1«» 32. C ertified checks ou tstan d in g ............................................. A big ccal vein, 20 acres land, sev- office and W orks No. 248 Helmai G ranite St. 21tf Total of Item s 30, 31, 32 and 3 3 . . . . $ 1.343.10 ¡oral hundred tons been m ined, only A shland, Ore. Demand deposits (o th er than bank deposits! subject to PIANO TUNING | mile from Coquille. Price $3000.1 Reserve (deposits payable w ithin 3o d a y s): c S S S o i T w . CROSS, a p t a n V u ™ . ' r0