Friday, Novem ber 28, 1010 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE TWO ■a I »~r w ith th e goods.’ I t ’s w ar, b u t i t ’s the “ F oreign m issions m ean th a t every b a ttle of Jesu s C hrist. » churchm an m ust be as w illing to car- “ T here is b ut one influence today ry his liberty and C h ristian ity to DAN CONNER, Proprietor. E stablished 1876 th a t can save th e church and save i th e end of th e e a rth as Uncle Sam H ead q u arters for Com m ercial Men P u b lish e d E very E vening Except Sunday by and T ourists. civilization. T hat influence is th e was ready to c arry his flag to the j'H E ASH LAND PRINTING CO. E uropean P lan. E xcellent Grill. church itself. In th is nation-w ide sam e peoples,” said he. M erchants’ Lunch. “ Our men w ent overseas, not for cam paign we are m obilizing o u r re ­ Aiert R. G reer ............................E ditor Two Blocks from L lth ia P ark. b u t be­ stan d s sources in m en, in prayer, in service; personal aggrandizem ent, “ The whole church today O FFIC IA L CITY AND COUNTY we a re organizing th e church. We cause they were engaged in a great in jeopardy. PA PE R . shall have the church on a w ar basis. m ission for hum anity. O ur m ission * It has become a trite saying th a t TEL EPH O N E 39 “ The objective of the cam paign is one o feducation, of care for the civilization is im periled; th a t revo­ (subscription R ates Delivered in City lution a n d 'c h a o s h ie im m inent. is to reach th e last m an in th e church sick, of relief for su fferin g h u m a n itv . Bargains in O ne M onth, D eliv ered .................? .50 th a t th ro u g h these ways we may tell and have him prove his fa ith — his “ At th is very tim e th e church One W eek ...................................... -t® Hence th e n a ­ faith in C hrist, w ith all th a t he is ■the story of th e M aster.” Subscript ion R ates By Mail O utside shows h er vitality. o f City tion-w ide cam paign of th e Episcopal and all th a t he has. T herefore, the City and Ranch P ro p e rtie s, House One year by m ail ........................$5.00 church, which is using all th e m a­ whole canfpaign resolves itself into P endleton w W oolen Mills install to R ent. Six m onths by m a i l ..................... 2 . i 5 a challenge to th e last m em ber of m achinery to increase o u tp u t 20 per chinery of recent drives— but its ob- 1.50 C itizens’ lfcink B uilding. Three m onths by m a i l ......... the church to prove up his position, cent No out of town subscriptions taken jective is not m oney, hut souls.” t ¿or less th an th re e m onths. This is the m essage Rev. F. S. as a C h ristian .” By Mail O utside of U nited S tates F leniing recto r of the C hurch of the . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦- Mr. Flem ing has been term ed the most dynam ic sp eak er in th e A m eri­ Six M onths**’' " " " ........................ 4 :51 A tonem ent of Chicago, one -of the No subscription for less th an six most im p o rtan t parishes of A m erica, can Episcopal church ioday. He has has b rought to the Pacific coast d u r­ just concluded a speaking to u r over m onths. ing his speaking to u r of the past Oregon and Idaho, follow ing a h ard ADVERTISING RATES trip over South C arolina. He is a w eek. Display A dvertising— Single in se rtio n . . . .each inch, 30c “ Can it be possible th at when every notable figure in church circles and YEARLY CONTRACTS e n te rp rise of m an is being forced to has been greeted w ith im m ense Display A dvertising— vantage ground th e church crow ds at all of his Oregon m eetings. F u rn itu re , C arpets, Linoleum , One tim e a w eek, each inch, each ‘ , Mr. F lem ing term ed th e w ar a Ume . . . . 27 ’ ¡»c can rem ain a t a sta n d still? he asked. Ck oking I tonsils an d I ¡imping Two tim es a week, each inch, each “ in th is g reat nation-w ide cam ­ g rea t foreign m ission and said th a t O utfits. tim e ............................................... 25c pa jg n> which will culm inate in Am er- the m an who did not believe in for­ Every o th e r day, each inch, each D ecem ber - With an every-m em - eign m issions insu lted his own flag. l »2-»4-N orIh Milin S treet. E very * 'issu e.' ’ e a c h " inch, 'e a c h her canvass, th e church comes face tim e ............................................ 17 %c to face with the issues confronting Local R eaders— it. As a result of the cam paign, we Each line each tim e (6 w ords to arg abJe say; ,Thg church is line) ................................. iOc To run everv o th er day to r one teauy. m onth, each line each tim e. . . . 7c “ W hen the w ar cam e Am erica re- ft Te run every issue for one m onth, solved itself into two p arties— A m er­ The day we ought to C elebrate, j or m ore, each line each tim e 5c icans and hyphenates. The church The best w ay of celeb ratin g is to j C la ssifie d C olum n — is now on a w ar basis. have som ething good to eat. One cent th e w ord each tim e. T he Best V alues Buy Them “ We have to come into the open To run every issue for one m onth You will find th a t ill th e L ithia | As U sual By th e Box o r m ore, % c th e w ord each tim e. and tight. We h'a\e to ‘come th rough Bakery. A rc H ere C ards of T hanks, $1.00. E x tra Values We c arry a full line of pastry. O bituaries. 2% cents th e line. Be su re and buy one of o u r Cele-, F ra te rn a l O rders and Societies A dvertising for fra te rn a l o rd ers b rated F ru it Cakes. o r societies ch arg in g a reg u lar in itia ­ P. S.— P u t in your o rd er early as] tion fee and dues, no discount. Re­ they a re going fast. ligious and benevolent o rd ers will O F IN TER EST TO TH E LADIES be charged for all adv ertisin g when an adm ission or o th er charge is m ade, a t th e reg u la r rate. Ashland - Hotel Austin Tidings »»»>>»♦»< A TIME FOR EVERYTHING PANCAKE TIME—NOW The Most Delicious P ancakes Purity Pancake Flour MADE BY C. B. LAMKIN ASHLAND MILLS CASH BUYERS AND SELLERS REM ESTATE A sh la n d F u rn itu re Co. HcgHffijg rtsr,?; fo r Complete Bouse Furnishers STOVES Thanksgiving Is Here! O W E S T A IL O R S FO R M E I A NB_ WOMEN T he T idings h as a gre ■der circula- tion in A shland and its trad»’ te rri- to rv th a n ail o th er new spapers com- billed. Be^t Woolens; Latest K ash ions A1 wavs. Satisfaction Guaranteed E n te re d a t the A shland, Oregon, P ostoffice as Second (JlitSS Mail M atter. CAN VOU BEAT IT ? In itia tin g freak laws for th e peo­ ple to vote on is a popular pastim e in Oregon and a prize is now pro­ posed by asking th e v oters to am end th e constitution and reduce th e le ­ gal ra te of in te rest to 4 per cent on open accounts mid 5 per cent on c o n tract obligations. T hat would be fine for the b o r­ row er (if he could get th e m oney), but who would loan it? Oregon cannot set th e in te rest ra te of the world bv m erely passing a law. nei­ th e r can. th e sta te compel a m an to loan m oney if he does not wish. O regonians would not loan money in th e ir own s ta te a t these Tates mid it is self-evident th it no one else would be fool enough to do so H om ebuilders, m erc h an ts and in­ d u stries would be absolutely cut of' from borrow ing m oney for who w ould loan on priv ate account with a tte n d a n t risks when th e y could buv governm ent bonds, m unicipal and s ta te bonds or sound corporation and foreign bonds n e ttin g m uch highei > rate of in terest and m any of them I tax free? |- Onl.v th e rich could do business in Oregon u n d er such a law and banks w ould be forced out of business. Our First Holiday Announcement The Lithia Bakery R. C. JORGEN SEN , Prop. 180 E. Main. P E C IA L Fresh Eastern Gysters Head Lettuce Green Peppers Christmas Handkerchiefs NOW ON SALE For Men, W omen and ‘Childrenj T he g rea test a rra y of h a n d k e rc h ie f v a l u e s we h a v e ever offered in th is a n n u a l s a l e ; h u n ­ d red s of them m any sty le s; all a t w onderful savings. The a sso rtm e n t em braces large selec­ tio n s of every description of law n, tlaxon and lin­ en , b eautifully em broidered in w hite and colors. FO R BEST SELECTIO N S BUY THEM EA RLY All 19c values Sale P rice All 29«- values Sale i £ P ric e . . 1 5C A ll 5 9c values Sale - P rice , . J e ) C All 18c values Sale P rice All 3 5 c values All 69c values Sale P rice . 5c 10c X ..25c New Boots of Grace and individuality W ith the w ar only a m em ­ ory footw ear for m ilady again reflects the skill of the boot­ m ak e r’s a rt. Tops a re once m ore ta ll and graceful and m aterials are in a pleasing variety. D ifficult to find a w orthy parallel to o u r Utz & Duun “ Style Shoes of Q uality.” You’ll find a welcome and a visit will pay you well. New styles in th e window. No. 90274. F ilb e rt Brown K ids $12.00 Fresh Tomatoes CASH ONLY CASH ONLY W hite House Grocery C.H.VAUPEL Quality Store N IN IN G E R A ROBERTSON, P rop s: 68-72 E . Main St., A shland. We close a t 5:30 P. M., every day except S aturday. .jö s a s a M s S iS M ^ S B M 1 5t- «*» We have on hand a quantity of On Savings ñcccunís : POSTS Interest A Dollar Starts an Account 4 x 5 - 7 II. STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. at the Same Qid Price CARSON FOWLER LUMBER CO. IN TH E H E A R T OF TOWN Ashland, Oregon A W o n d e rfu l, N a tu ra l F e e d 16.02% P R O T E IN ; 62.50% C A R B O H Y D R A T E S ; 7.18% F A T ; 5% A S H All Y our S to ck Should H ave It Remarkable records of 53' t increase in profits from poultry and stock have been made with this type of food. It is made from the fine white meat of cocoanuts after the commercial oil is extracted, leaving in enough oil to make it one of the best fat foods that anyone can buy. The digestible fa t content is higher than in even linseed oil meal, yet it is rich in protein and carbohydrates. But rem e m b e r, Kaola Meal is NOT a laxative. You feed the same proportion whert you are feed­ ing laxative— from 10% to 25% of the other grain foods. Ashland Fruit & Produce Ass’n The Home of Dependable Tools, Cutlery, Kitchen w a r e S toves and R anges Ashland, Oregon Look for this M ark on the Bag One quart fruit cans 90c Two quart fruit cans $1.25 Tif-^rkr-o uc— licii It is just the food that your stock and poultry need to make them fatten and produce. Once you note the increase in your profits and you'll always feed Kaola Meal. The great butter and cheese exporting countries of Europe, like Denmark, Belgium and Holland, have been the largest consumers of this type of food till now, because it was easy to get and they saw the profits. Now a large company here, using hundreds of thousands of cocoanuts a year, can make the best of th is kind of food for you in the form of Kaola ileaL Make a test of iL All your stock and poultry should have it and you'll see that they do have it, once you’ve tried it o a t. Get a trial order from us. j= U Ü al-Ù U LZ uca Scd sa- ¡¿üTkîi Ucù Uuu i_si Uu¿¡ Läjitä. „uà Uà. Ss. Ilei beä ¡fasi A I ! I