ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS T uesday, N ovem ber 25, i 019 TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS ! WOOD! One cent th e w ord each tim e. ► I k ► < 4 4 4 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS ► 4 * ► k THE SANITARIUM ► 4 4 1 ASHLAND, OREGON P h o n e 120 ► 4 4 E 4 ► 4 PHYSICIANS W ANTED DR. H. B. MOORE — Chiropraetn WANTED— Som eone to care for two m ilch cows and a saddle horse for Physician. First National Bank th e w inter. Call 95 4 Boulevard, Bldg. Phones: Office, 112; Rea o r phone 256-R. 74-3* 207-J. _______________________ DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice WANTED— Clean rags, any color, at th e T idings office. tf limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and WANTED 2 to 5. Swsdenburg Bldg., Ash­ 4F12. land, Ore, 73-tt DR. J. J. EMME NS— Physician and Several Cowa. P hone 69-tf FOR SALK— REAL ESTATE surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear. nose and throat. Glasses sup­ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— A good stock ranch, 640 acres, for m odern plied. Oculist and aurist for S. P hom e in A shland, o r acre tra c t R. R. Offices. M. F. and H. Bldg., well im proved n e a r town. A ddress opposite postoffice, Medford, Ore. F. C. S titser, D orris, Calif. Phone 567._________________21-tf 48-lm o* D. M. BROWER, M. d Z -2 1 0 Factory ► St. P hone No. 498-R. Uses rad io ­ FOR SALE— Seven room bungalow , fu rn ish ed o r un fu rn ish ed . In- h e a t largely In his tre a tm e n t of q u ire 655 Fairview St. Phone chronic diseases. T uberculosis, 303-J. 35-15 c an cer and o th e r infectious a il­ d oATm n , . . . m ents, respond m arvelously to said ew FOR SALE— F o r sale o r trade. t L ots treatment. • 1. 2 and 3 in block 4 on M orton ! stre e t. W ill accept a u to as p a rt ATTORNEYS paym ent. A ddress O. L. Lance, 56-eod BRIGGS A BRIGGS, A ttorneys-at-, M ansfield, W ash. Law , P io n eer Block, A shland. STA PLES REA LTY O FFIC E otel Hldg. Bldg. L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. A ustin H Hotel Room s 5 aud 6, C itizens’ Bank • Next Door to F o rd G arage. P hone 20. Bid«- C. MOOD! L IM B E R < ï AND LAKE OF THE WOODS DR. GEO. O. JARVIS DR. FRANK M MOXON ► PUBLIC FORUM ‘.f 1 haVe exaK- I gerated on the following. H. SPALDING, A ttorney-at-L aw , f B eaver Block. Phono 146. > ’4 acre 6-room house, m odern; ------* close jn. STENOG RA PHERS Price— >1700. JESSIE B. THATCHER — Public New bungalow , large lot, fru it. S ten ographer. Com m ercial Club ¡ nu ts and berries, H ouse is m odern H our«: » a. m. to 12 a m .; 2 cabinet kitchen, stone foundation, good baseniept. Sightly apd clean p. m to 5 p m., location. Price— $2500. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING sessio n a r e : T he fe d era l s u ffra g e A sh land Iron W orks a m e n d m e n t; aid to r fa rm e rs in (I n c o rp o ra te « ) d ro u g h t s tric k e n p o rtio n s of th e Office and W orks No. 24 8 Helmaii s ta te , and law s to fa c ilita te c a rry in g St.. A shland, Ore. out th e in d u s tria l p ro g ram in a u g u ­ M a n u fa c tu rin g E n g in ee r» , G e n rru l ra te d by th e fa rm e rs ’ le g is la tu re last R e p a ir W ork paper for the J a n u a ry . HEATING STOVES Provost Brothers We m an u ia ctu re Paving P lant E quipm ent, Sawm ill, Mining and Ship M achinery, Steam and Gas E n­ gines, Boilers and Heavy Steel W ork; Grey Iron, Semi-Steel, Bras» and Bronze C astings of every kind. H aving thoroughly equipped o u r plant for th e m an u factu re and re­ pairs of heavy and all classes ot m a ­ chine and foundry work, we solicit, your o rd ers and inquiries. Estim ate» aud q u o tations furnished ou applica­ tion. Mutual Compound M akesYour A u to T op L ik e N e w terproof- r-UABANlb-r, u- L A B O R A T O R I J 's . .. rei,.. „ GOOD EATS Thanksgiving Birds 7 East Side Meat Market Good Cues and Tips B illiard players p re te r th is place because they know th a t they can get GOOD cues: and m odern equipm ent m akes a lot of difference in the pleasure or the game. You KNOW It. P rofanity, gam bling and p th e r un­ Granite St 2 ltf desirable elem ents are absolutely A sixty-five hundred m odern TABOQ here. We Invite QENTLE- ; sightly residence large grounds c lo se , Oll|y “THE F U I T SHOP” ■ in ; house not old and one of best This is a clean, congenial am use­ B rin g It to me, I can fix it rig h t j built places io S o uthern Oregon. m ent hall for decent clean-cut fel­ Law n M owers and Bicycles my spe- Price— $4750 Term s lows. clalty. L. H. ROOT, 337 E. Main ( stre e t, A shland. Two th o u san d m odern cottage, nicely located, n e a r E ast Side school PLANO TUNING — alm ost new. “( le a n Sport fo r R eg u la r F ello w * P rice— $1600. Term s. GEORGE W. CROSS, a piano tu n er, j w ith 17 year» p ractical experience A $6500 Boulevard properly, mqd- Including nine y ears factory tra in -; ern and a showy place. Ing. Leave o rd ers a t Rose Bros . I Price— $5000. Term s. o r E nders. 46-tf A $5000 city ranch, on-hard and FOR SALE OR TRADE a lfa lfa : m odern bungalow ; b eau ti­ ’ Sw eetly sleeps th e soul contented. ful location. FO R SALE OR TRADE— 160 acres Price— $3800. In a hom e t h a t’s owned, not ren te d .’’ of land 7 m iles from A shland, $2000.00 im provem ents, excellent You can buy a "re a d y m ade" 31 acres n e a r C entral P oint, under sp rin g s; 60 acres fenced; 2 m illion ditch. W orth $100 per acre, $80. home for much less Jhaq you can feet of saw tim ber. W ill tra d e for | Terms. build, if you buy now. city residence, o r ta k e c a r as part F o r y o u r c h ild ren ’s sake own your paym ent. Term s. A ddress H. care A big coal vein. 2ft acres land, sev- home. Tidings. 46-lm© e ral h u n d red tons been m ined, only -------------------------------------------------------! mile from Coquille. P rice $3000. A few do llars today m ay save you Will tra d e fo r A shland property equal ft hom e for your old age. W hen sick- ORCHESTRA Alnutt’s Billiard Parlor Buy a Home First value. la s t m o n th w hen L a n g e r an d H all, as a m a jo rity of th e s ta te b a n k in g b o ard , closed th e S can d in a v ia n A m er­ ican S ta te b an k of F a rg o , X. 1).. a g a in s t th e vote of th e g o v e rn o r, ¡th ird m em b er of th e b o ard . W hat does A shland need m ore? The bank carried H ere is how to get it Close up league and allied organizations and your stores on Novem ber 2Sth from was held by the banking board to be Time to th in k of 9 to 11 a. m. insolvent because of alleged exces- Not to go to the m ountains to cut sive loans and farm ers' post dated it as some suggest, but get every checks used as collateral. The Non- auto and everybody and go to school p artisan s declared th is move was an We have them both wood and coai house (Bellview ) and be th e re at attem p t to break th e league fin an ­ burners. 10 o’clock sharp, not to vote a tax cially. In the N orth D akota suprem e on yourselves, but a sm all one on co urt the bank was declared solvent th e o th e r fellow. This to be levied and retu rn ed to the directors. HARDW ARE on road d istric t No. 1, for the purpose MAY ATTACK NON-PARTISAN M atters to come before the special of com pleting th e new piece of road STATE O FFIC IA LS which has been well s ta rte d around BISMARCK. N. D., Nov. 26.— Feed Your C alves, Chickens and th e last ridge on th e Dead Indian Pigs W hether an effo rt to im peach th ree road. This will reduce th e grade of - sta te officials, twice elected to of- 25 per cent to 10 per cent. It will tice w ith th e indorsem ent of the enable people w ith tru c k s to go to It takes the place of whole stock N on-P artisan League, but now at e n ­ the tim ber ju st over the sum m it and mity w ith the leaders of the fa rm e rs’ milk and is absolutely guaranteed. get wood. T here are m illions of Cream is w orth too much money ! p arty will be m ade d u ring the ex­ cords th ere to be had from private tra o rd ln a ry session of the N orth Da- now to feed to the calves when Mu- ow ners and the forest service very kota leg islatu re which opened yester- tu a l Com pound is b e tte r feed for reasonable. day, is a m a tte r of speculation. half the cost. T rucks can then m ake two trip s The leg islatu re will be N onparti- (kA AI « f i • per day with half th e upkeep in tires, san in m ajority. The officials who ¡Vly ¡5131116 IS DCfllììS springs, gas and oil. CSMBOlÄSi'a Í may be attack ed a re : W illiam Lan- -15S E ast Main T el. 21 » T here a re lum ber in te rests th a t T H C W O O D T IT É ger, a tto rn ey general; Thom as Hall, linprs’o will begin im m ediately to haul secretary of sta te ; and K arl Kosltzky, ir y ou Are L ooking For down lum ber. These two in terests sta te au d ito r. alone will employ h u ndreds of men. Opposition betw een these th re e of­ m any tru c k s and th e m oney will be ficials and leaders of th e league, spent here instead of th e people of grow ing for some tim e, culm inated A shland paying m any thousands of dollars annually to th e railro ad as T ry the freight ou wood and lum ber. Then . . you cap have a sum m er re- O rder your T hanksgiving birds so rt th n t you can K° to and not have to push your cars p art way up hill early. Chickens aud Geese. Fancy and sink your souls to low er depths t by sw earing as hard as nine put pf dressed ttirkeyg, 42c per lb, Oysters. tan dp who try to gq qp tl)erp at F ish apd everything tb at goes with any tim e when the road Is not at all best. The road from the sum m it to a first class m arket. th e lake will be im proved by the t forest service and priv ate ow ners as soon as the road on th is side is coiq- JAS. BARRA TT, F»op. pleted to th e top. It has been im ­ Pnone 188. Pli«u« a t proved from th e lake eagt, Again, people from th a t couiitrv Chicken D inner Every Sunday. on th e east side will come to Ash- Open from n A. M. till • : 8 0 P. M. land to tra d e aud tak e hom e loads ASHLAND. OREGON. ------ 5-room (fully m odern) bungalow . A. L. LAMB— C o n tracto r and Build­ pavem ent; large e r. Cem ent, Brick and W ood­ one block from w ork. Tel. 394-R. 109 Pine St. grounds; all kinds fru it. Price— $2000. FRANK JORDAN — G eneral Con­ W ood C u tters w anted. Will pay tra c tin g and rep a ir work. Cement spe$ja|Jy. Tel. 430-J, 227 $2.50 p er cord. - of fru it. Those with tru c k s will haul fru it over th ere. T here is no reason why it would not be th e best investm ent A shland ever m ade to build the road herself, but all we ask is to come to th e m eeting and boost. M ake anyone in district who would d a re to ro te against it feel like th irty cents. We could go on and on about good roads and benefits to be derived, but this will fill your stores, houses aud . pocketbooks. Don-t forget tim e and pocketbooks. Don’t forget tim e and place. MOORE BROS. PAGE TH R EE Whittle Transfer Une N ELD A Cate Elks Block c a package during the war ooeeow . eeooO O ’J aiot that tue«»’ For Service Storage, Coal and Transter Tel. 117 Oak St. H E R E AT HOME A shland Citizen» G ladly T estify and C onfidently Recom m end D oan’s Kidney Pills. It is testim ony like th e following th a t has placed D oan's Kidney Pills so far above com petitors. W hen peo­ ple right here a t hom e raise th e ir voice iu praise th e re is no room left for doubt. Read the public s ta te ­ m ent of an A shland citizen: J. R. Maxedon. 977 B St., says: "! 1 i n r pra isr ness o r m is fo rtu n e co m es you su re lv o f Do“ n s . P,1Isu fo, J I havp will appreciate having a hom e of never found an y th in g th a t does me so m uch good. W hen I have a back­ A $4000 a p a rtm e n t house, 3 a p a rt- your own. ache p r my kidneys are not acting the latest New York dance music. m ents ren ted for $45 per m onth net BILLINGS AGENCY tig h t u req u ires only one box of C. I. J. Porter, 272 Maple St. Nicely located. All fu rnished, m od­ Real E sta te am i R eal In su ran ce. D oan’s to fix up in fine sh ap e.” ern, gas and wood ranges, etc. P rice 60c, a t all dealers. Don't E stb. 1883. PAINTING AND ROOF WORK P rice now— $2500.00. 41 E ast Main St. P hone 211 sim ply ask for a kidney rem edy— get — ■ ....... ■■ ------ . Oh! w hat an investm ent! D oan's Kidney P ills— th e sam e th a t C. W. TORRENCE, House Painting --------- • Mr. Maxedon had. F oster-M ilburn inside and out. All kinds of Block— 3 acres, house, b arn . gar- Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. roof w ork. 171 G ran ite St den and o rch ard , m ostly p runes; P hone 340-J. sightly location. Good street. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ 4 -------------------------------------------------------I Price— $2500. Term s. i LIVE STOCK f STRIKE VS. MERIT FO R RENT 4-room cottage, plain; large GOATS — At S tud: T eggenburg T rained w orkers GET MORE because th e v ’re WORTH MORE buck. N a tu ra lly h e rc less. large ground, nicely surrounded, $6.0ft hv the 100 PE R CENT AMERICAN STAN’ d a ND. vigorous, conform ation and m a rk ­ per m onth. S trike dem ands often fail, while INDIVIDUAL M ERIT ALWAYS ings perfect. E x tra heavy m ilk WINS. 7 room house, 4 blocks south E lks s tra in . 6 and 7 q u a rt. G rand sire Tem ple: fine location splendid house Crown P rin ce No. 140, grand dam but no bath. $9 per month- I CAN plus I WILL equals OPPORTUNITY C leopatra No. 187; Im ported. 7 room m odern house, one block G uaran teed service fee, $3.00. W ould call for does a t cost. Phone off G ran ite s tre e t pavem ent d istrict. 297-L. 31 Union St. L. G. Bled- Newly decorated th ro u g h o u t. $15 per t INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION DAY OR EVENING o rsta d t, b reed er Swiss Toggenburg m onth. LEARN MORE KARN MORE m ilch goats. Milch goats fo r sale. I have p arties who w ant to come Special R ates on In eru rb an — Two F re e Scholarshipa. 64-lm o* h e re if I can supply them furnished house o r a p a rtm e n t. P O R T E R ’S DANCE ORCHESTRA supplies front 4 to 7 pieces. All 5 5 5 c a package before the war If you like that harsh puckery taste, get common tea—it’s full of tannin. If you like the true tea- flavor, get fine tea, like Schilling’s. It’s so full of tea-flavor — fine, rich, in­ vigorating tea-taste—that it actually costs less per cup than tea that costs 20 cents less per pound. c a package NOW THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! UNITED C om m on tea h a sn ’t a single cup of real tea-flavor in a pound. There are four flavors of Schilling Tea—Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong, English Breakfast. All one quality. In parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & C" San Francisco 1ST Medford Business College FOR SALB K. T. STA PLES Next D oor to F ord G arage CABBAGE FOR SALE — I have ___________P hone 26 shipped in a c a r of fine cabbage w hich will be sold from th e c a r, on th e siding n e a r th e fre ig h t do-} pot in any q u a n tity from one head to th e e n tire lot. Sale Monday a f­ T H E POPULAR REALTY p ap «r- co vared c a rto n . W e s t r o n il y re c ­ o m m e n d th is c e r t o n fo r th e h o m e o r o& ice e u p p ly o r w h e n y o u ir e veL Camels are made of an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are smooth and mild, but have that desirable full- body and certainly hand out satisfaction in generous measure. You will prefer this Camel blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! Give Camels the stiffest tryout, then compare them with any cigarette in the world at any price for quality, flavor, satisfaction. N o m a tter h o w lib e r a lly y o u s m o k e C a m e ls t h e y w ill n o t tir e y o u r ta ste ! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C.