PAGE TWO ASHLAND W EEK LY TIDINGS Ashland «>«?■» Tidings E stablished 1876 P u b lish ed TSvery E vening Except Sunday by PHE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. E ditor OFFICIAL CITY AND PAPER. COUNTY TELEPH O NE 3 0 Subscription R ates D elivered in City One M onth, D eliv ered .................$ .50 One W e e k ............................................ 15 Subscription R ates By Mail O utside o f City One year by m a i l ......................... $5.00 Six m onths by m a i l ...................... 2.75 T hree m onths by m a i l .............. 1.50 No out of tow n subscriptions taken fo r less th an th re e m onths. . By Mali O utside of U nited States Ona Y ear ......................................$8.12 Six M onths ................................... 4.31 No subscription for less th an six m onths. ADVERTIS1 NG RATES D isplay A dvertising— Single in se rtio n . . . .each inch, 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS Display A d vertisin g— One tim e a week, each inch, each time ....................................... 2 7 ’4 c Two tim es a week, each inch, each tim e ................................................25c Every o th er day, each inch, each j time ........................................... 20c Every issue, each inch, each tim e ............................................17*Ac I areal R eaders— Each line each tim e (6 w ords to line) ............................................... 10c To run every o th e r day for one 1 m onth, each line each tim e. . . . 7c Te run every issue for one m onth, or m ore, each line each tim e 5c a su b o rd in ate am ount of sh ales.” The C alifornia oil fields, which oc­ cur both on th e east side of th e Coast range and the west side of the Sierra N evada’s a re in a geological form a­ tion identical w ith those existing here as described by th e above U nit­ ed S tates report. Surface Indications The geological conditions being favorable, th e surface show ings form strong, co rroborative evidence. These consist in clearly defined anticlines, tra c ab le on th e surface; th e re are folds in th e upheaval in which are found oil pools. In these anticlines are found outcropping of sands and shales show ing the presence of p a r­ affine and a sp h alt, th e associates of petroleum and at several points, along th e trend of these anticlines, oil seepages have been found which fact alm ost excludes doubt as to the presence of oil at depth. Many residents of Ashland a re fa­ m iliar w ith the fact th a t in th e hills adjacent to the city th ere a re o u t­ croppings of solid asphaltnm a foot in thickness. . Mr. Jo sey ’s R eport D uring th e past sum m er and fall the Rogue river prospective oil fields have been exam ined by several geologists and oil experts, am ong them being H. L. Josey. of C alifornia, and they a re a unit iu the opinion th a t oil exists here. Mr. Josey's re ­ port sta tin g th a t the surface show ­ ings a re equal in prom ise to those Tuesday, Novem ber 25, 1010 o th er useful gifts and d u rin g th e M onte Blue, H a rt Hoxie, and Jack evening served fine refreshm ents H erbert, m ain tain the high sta n d ­ which were also provided by th e vis­ ard. itors. Miss Benedict will go to D rain “ Told in th e H ills” is a p ic tu riia - th is week and rem ain w ith friends Seldom has a cast of such uniform tion of the book of the sam e nam e over T hanksgiving a fte r which she excellence been assem bled as th a t by M arah Ellis Ryan, which has been will re tu rn home. which su pports R obert W arw ick in a ‘‘best se lle r” for th irty years. It is his lateet P a ram o n n t-A rtcra ft pic­ a pow erful story of th e great o u t­ THANKSGIN ING tu re. "Told in th e H ills," to be doors, cen terin g around th e sacrifice T hanksgiving day, T hursday, Nov. shown a t the V ining th e a te r W ednes­ of Jack S tu a rt, played by Mr. W ar­ 27, a t th e A shland postoffice will day and T hursday. Mr. W arw ick’s wick, who m arries th e girl his be observed as follows: This office leading wom an is Ann L ittle, fam ous younger b ro th e r wronged. will be closed all day. O utgoing as th e heroine of m any of th e W illiam m ail will be dispatched to all tra in s S. H art pictures. W anda Hawley, us your family wash­ as usual. Incom ing mail will be dis­ who has supported several P a ra- trib u te d to lock boxes. One collec­ m o u n t-A rtcraft stars, including W al­ ing and we will give you tion will be m ade from stre e t le tte r lace Reid, and Eileen Percy, leading freedom boxes according to Sunday schedule. wom an for Douglas F airb an k s, are ideal service and No delivery by city c arriers. No de­ cast in im p o rta n t roles. The m ale from washday drudgery. livery by ru ra l c a rrie r. support is equally m eritorious. Tom F o rm an , who recently retu rn ed from service and played in Cecil B. de I ORTLAND, Nov. 26.— The presi-t Mille’s " F o r B etter, F o r W orse," has Phone 165 dent by proclam ation has rem oved, • th e p art of th e s ta r ’s younger b ro th ­ effective Decem ber 15, all export and F . E . FREN CH & SON, Props er. C harles Ogle, M argaret Loomis, im port em bargo restric tio n s on w h e a t. and w heat flour, and th e r e a f te r ' w heat and w heat flour may be ex­ ported and im ported w ithout re­ q u iring th e perm it which form erly LO U IS S C H W E IN , P rop . by the w ar tra d e board and latte rly Q uality Meat, Cloa«. ..e.-s. by the w heat d ire c to r 1ms been nec- NORTH MAIN, ASHLAND Coming Picture Has All-Star Cast Ashland Laundry Co * CAA W«AA 1 L A —=jj ___» There was a time when first class roads were a requisite to successful motoring. EAGLE MEAT MARKET T he first census of th e U nited S tates was taken in 1790. d u rin g the ad m in istra tio n of G eorge W ashing­ ton. It related solely to population. Classified Column— One cent th e word each tim e. To run every issue for one m onth o r m ore, % c th e word each tim e. C ards of T hanks, $1.00. O bituaries, 2% cents th e line. ^ C IT IZ E N S ? f Fraternal Orders and S ocieties OFASHLAND A dvertising for fra te rn a l orders o r societies charging a reg u la r in itia ­ tion fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will be charged for all ad v ertisin g when an adm ission or o th er ch arg e is m ade, a t the re g u la r rate. a new ear come in Thu T idings has a greator circula Liuti in Ashland and its trade (erri tory than all oth er new spapers cone hined. E n tered a t th e Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as Second Class Mail M atter. Departing T eacher Given Show er OIL PROSPECTS NEAR ASHLAND The organization of th e T rigonia Oi, and Gas com pany, w ith the e a rn ­ est purpose of proceeding in an en ­ ergetic and business-like m anner to prove the correctness of the united opinion of several geologists having practical experience in the m any oil fields of Am erica, to the effect th at ad jacen t to A shland, and extending n o rth e a ste rly , th ere exists extensive oii fields, is a m ovem ent th a t vitallv in te rests every progressive resident of A shland and vicinity. Expert Methods The present-day oil cruiser, upon exam ining a prospective field, first ascertain s th e geological conditions ns to form ation, stra tific a tio n and upheaval. If he finds these favorable for the existence of oil he then ex­ am ines the surface to ascertain what, if any, indications exist pointing to th e presence of oi, w ithin a reason­ able depth beneath the surface. Local Geological C onditions In a rep o rt m ade bv the United S tates geological survey the follow­ ing statem en t is m ade: "In the Rogue R iver valley, west of the Cascade m ountains, beds of th e upper cretaceous age occur, fol­ low ing generally the m ountains, and restin g on tike older m etam orphic sla te s and crystaiine rocks. The s tr a ta consist, for th e most p art, of san d sto n e and conglom erates w ith On Savings Accounts interest A Dollar Starts an Account STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. BA N K The teachers of the Rose school of Roseburg tendered a su rp rise show er one evening recently to Miss Pina Benedict of A shland, one of the m em ­ bers of the faculty who has resigned from her school. The teachers brought m any gifts of silver and Save Now for Life’s Comforts Good Warm Underwear The saving h ab it, if form ed now m ay keep you in com fort th e rest of your life. C onsider its value. S ta rt now w ith CITIZEN S RANK OF ASHLAND New and used sew ing m achines for sale or ren t. A new Singer for half price. 1’. and O. fam ous Sticky Plows. F encing in all styles. And don’t forget H iedes T ractor. OLD A G E ST A R T S W ITH Y O U R KIDNEYS S cien ce s a y s t h a t ohl a g e b e g in s w itn w e a k e n e d kidnej«s a n d d ig e s tiv e o rg a n s . T h is b e in g tr u e , it is e a sy to b e lie v e t h a t by k e e p in g th e k id n e y s a n d d i­ g e s tiv e o r g a n s c le a n se d arm in p ro p e r w o r k in g o rile r old a g e ca n be d e f e rr e d en d life p ro lo n g e d f a r beyond t h a t e n ­ jo y e d by th e a v e r a g e p erso n . F o r o v e r 200 y e a r s G O LD M E D A L H a a rle m Oil h a s been re lie v in g th e w e a k n e s s e s a n d d is a b ility d u e to a d ­ v a n c in g y e a rs. I t is a s ta n d a r d old - tim e Imine re m e d y a n d n eed s no in tr o ­ d u c tio n . GOLD M E D A L H a a rle m Oil is in c lo se d in o d o rle ss, ta s te le s s c a p su le s c o n ta in in g a b o u t 5 d ro p s each . T a k e th a m a s you w o u ld a pill, w itli a sm a ll SAVINGS DEPOSITS in slock Best Woolens; Latest P ash ions Alwavs. Satisfaction Guaranteed New Auto Tops to COSY TOES a sso rtm e n t in m any col one. o rs and in all sizes. Your Ashland Furniture Hospital Some of these goods m ake tlie ideal Gift The season is here w hen the an to top should be looked afte r. I m ake new ones o r fix the old Let me look at it. ...FOR... select stock is full show windows J u s t now we have a good Will soon have on display inspection is invited Doll C arts, Sm okers Sets, Bowls, Fancy Baskets, L P. DODGE & SONS LOOMIS & NELSON R e lia b le H o u se F u r n is h e r s UNDERTAKERS ASHLAND Staple and Fancy Groceries Hardware and Sporting Goods 215 F ou rth S t. of Grace and Individuality P h o n e 23 N O W IS T H E T IM E To Buy a Used Car vanee Cadillac, Delivery Bed, $200 BEGIN N INC ON THE TH IR D GENERATION 1 HE First N ational Bank has served m any fath e rs and fo re fath e rs in this com m unity. Now we feel th e next com ing generation of business men and farm ers— those SONS— m ust be looked after. T hat is one reason those splendid SAYINGS ACCOUNT facilities have been provided. See th a t YOUR hoys s ta rt right. HtsiNatiotiatiank ASH LA ND, __ sw a llo w of w a te r. T he oil ■ tlniula.tes th e k id n e y a c tio n a n d e n a b le s th e o r g a n s to th ro w off th e p o iso n s w hich c a u s e p r e m a tu r e old age. New life a,id S tre n g th in c re a s e a s y ou c o n tin u e th d tr e a tm e n t. W hen c o m p le te ly re s to re d c o n tin u e ta k in g a c a p su le o r tw o ea ch d ay . GOLD M E D A L H a a rle m Oil C a p ­ su le s w ill k e e p y ou in h e a lth a n d v ig o r a n d p re v e n t a r e tu r n o f th e d ise ase . Do n o t w a it u n til old a g e o r d ise a se h a v e s e ttle d d o w n f o r good. Go to y o u r d r u g g is t a n d g e t a box o f GOLD M ED A L H a a r)e m Oil C a p su le s M oney re fu n d e d if th e y do » o f helD you. T h re e sizes. B u t re m e m b e r to a s k f o r th e o rig in a l Im p o rte d GOLD M ED A L b rap o In se a le d p a c k a g e s. * OREGON EV C a r t e r P res C M VAU PE L VICE PREJ ----------J w 1 M .//A'.'/lililillM '*'' C COY‘ CASrtlt* CLARtk BUSO ASST CASI Looks and ru n s like new. Dodge Touring - - S850 J u s t th e car for delivery or lig h t hauling purposes. In good ru n n in g o rd er and looks good. Newly enam eled; com pletely p v erh au led ; new top and new tire s all arouaid. Som e buy, Dodge Touring - You couldn’t tell it from a new car- form ance o r appearance. Tops a re once m ore tall and graceful and m ate ria ls a re in a pleasing variety. D ifficult to find a w orthy parallel to o u r Utz & Dunn "Style Shoes of Q uality.” Y ou’ll find a welcome and a visit will pay you well. New styles in the window No. 90274. F ilb ert Brown Kids C heaper now th a n in th e spring. 1 overlook these if you w an t a good Ford LOOK AT T H ESE AND OUR OTHER USED CARS B E FO R E YOU BUY Geo. L, Treichler Motor Co L ib e rty B u ild in g W itli th e w ar only a mem ory footw ear for m ilady again reflects th e skill of the boot- m a k e r’s a rt. M edford , O regon C. H .V A U P E L Quality Store OM-72 E. Main St„ Asliland