PAUK FO U R ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS I Thursday, Novem ber 20. 1 9 1 0 , W anted— W omen with taste and spare tim e to m ake a ttra c tiv e C h rist­ m as novelties out of velvet and silk furnished by us. Apply, The B azaar Ion the Plaza i, opposite the A shland Follow the crow ds to the big Hotel. 7O. j dance a t A shland Nat. Nov. 22 • • • .Launspach’s o rch estra. 70-3 ' See K itty when she arrives. 68-3 * • • • . • 4 Mrs. J. C. Clary, who was called L. L. H arn er has purchased the Rev. U. S. Flem ing of Chicago to Portland several weeks ago to be p roperty on Almond street adjoining * a a d Dr. H. C. F ixott of P ortland .e r . S° n ’ P ay C a ry ’ Who Was th e one form erly purchased bv him, were a t T rinity church W ednesday, seriously in ju red , has retu rn ed home. know n as th e Stickfadden house He aftern o o n and evening. Dr Fixott Slip reports rDnnrt« th tbnt ... . She at Rov’o R ay’s inim.inn in ju ries are will move into his recent purchase p s a prom inent d entist and an ener- im proving rapidly and while he , . . in about two weeks while aw aitin g , se tic churchm an andis so inter- in P o rtlan d h” .r lta " "he com p letio n of his larg e residence « « e d in the nulion-w ide cam paign n P o n la o d . he is gaining so well whioh- is undergoing extensive r j of th e church th a t w lih manv o t t e Lome L o n r e " ‘" ’ ‘“ lrS' ! '» “ «">■' w eekl Local and Personal » » m Join th e D. O. K. K .’s. 57-22 George F. Damon is building a c a rp e n te r shop on his property fac­ ing B s tre e t opposite th e building th a t was burned several m onths ago. W hen com pleted Mr. Damon expects to He conduct hone t o all h so rts , of • cabinet R work. , He hopes to have Ins new hut.ding com pleted and ready to operate by the tirst of th e year. ♦ * • H em stitching. Pivoting, to cents a vard. We pay th e postage. The V anity Hat Shop, M edford, Ore. 6-tl Each m orning th is plucky lady wades th ro u g h a m ile and a half of mud to the schoolhouse, clad in ru b ­ ber boots and the garm ents which generally go with them , changing to sk irts and patent lea th ers before school begins. Sufficient funds were obtained from a dance at Green Springs hall to buy an oil stove and enough supplies to give the school children a hot lunch every day for th e balance of th e term , som ething very much appreciated by both pu­ pils and parents. You want Studio Ashland photo« fo r Xmas. I t ’s none too early. 54-tf • • • One of the serious cases at the S an atariu m is th a t of Mr. Tam blvn n« . of Joplin, Mo., who was trav elin g through th is section recently with his d au g h ter. Mrs. George Spiva, on e pleasure trip and was taken ill on th e tra in . On reaching Ashland he was taken to the S an titariu m w here lie has been a patient ever since. His condition was reported this m orning to be about th e same. Flowery Kingdom Land of Horrible Smells ed States, to g eth er w ith some new ones and o thers peculiar to local con- ditions, are being expounded. The antis, for instance, are quot- ing statistics show ing th e infant m or- tality due to alcohol, liability to dis- ease, insanity and crim e because of th e sam e scourge. In addition they a re calling a tte n tio n to the fact th a t the eight-hour law is in force in prac- Prof. F. C. R eim er, who sailed for BRAZIL MAY BE NEXT China about four m onths ago, w rites “D R Y ” NATION tically all of Brazil and they are urging m eans of preventing the ns follows concerning his work in th e Fiow erv K ihedom By H. B. Robertson w orking classes from , devoting th e ir “ Have ju st retu rn ed from a two (U nited P ress S taff C orrespondent.) new found leisure hours to the at- „ w Z eeks’ p X , trip " T7 in . the m ountains east RIO DE JA N EIR O .—-(By M ail.)— tra c tio n s of the saloon and tavern. e l ' nS' ’ as th e h ard est trip Brazil, following th e exam ple of t h e 1 s The arg u m en t is also being used th a t I have ever tak en and was about as. U nited States, m ay be the second in general th e B razilians them selves b *s valuable tim e to aro u sin g an uncom fortable and unpleasant as A m erican republic to adopt prohibi- a re very m oderate d rin k ers, but th a t AsJuand im i 8° me n ^ ' 681 the church »»¡could be im agined excessive d rin k in g prevails to a re- being m ade en- ! tion. A shland lots cheap, on sm all install-i Oregon. ” His addresses ’ ’ g rettab le extent in th e huge foreign m ents; why pay rent and w aste ( noon and evening w ere devoted to I n n ’ 7 / y donJ eys’ rid in g on a h ard The cam paign against alcohol was rent m oney? R. D. Sanford, H elnian St., exposition of th e work the needs ‘ A nativ e in te rp r®te r was launched b y ’P resident Epitacio Pes- colonies dom iciled here. It is argued th a t the most severe A shland. 70-Thurs.M on.4’ and th e outlook of the church in the SPe„ * .T*5 &r d “ ^ ‘7 m a'’ soa in his last m essage to congress • • « diocese. 86en ° n th e e n tire tr ,p ’ Each night and was im m ediately tak en up with restrictio n s should be placed on al- cohol, if for no o th er reason th an to Big dance at Nat. Saturday. 70-3 The Rev. F. s. F lem ing is th e rec ' n 7 COmpletely w orp o u i’ -vet com " unexpected vigor by th e m ajo rity of • • . ¡ to r of the C hurch of th e A to n em ln "' 1 P in a d irty ’ 8 tlnking’ th e press of the country. Alarm ed Jack McCormick, assistan t direc- one of the largest E niscom l c h o rd » Vermin' infested Chinese in n - On ac- by the determ ined a tta c k s of press to ,. Qf the r , .„ Chic ' » of it was and statesm en, th e liquor interests tnent S tation, expects to leave in a th a t he is a dynam o o sp tr tu al Znd " Z L / T V 01- th6 Cry ° f “ per' few days to ta k e charge of a big ranch n ear W hite Salmon. W ash. • * * M illinery sale, 20‘ per cent off on all lines. New h ats ju st in a t Mrs. 70-3 Simons. • . * G. H. B arnhill leaves today for Chico, w here he expects to engage in orchard work. I X 7 h, 7 i possible« The bread we took ° ” S becam e coverel w ith a green 1,10 1 ’ whicb had b® pared o ,f and / ®ftiaiDder Ot thp loaf toasted be- L g St6r6° CUbes and ’^ 7 , mOSt paign United S tates prom ises to be enact- ed to th e b itte r finish in Brazil, l„ his m essage to congress Presi- dent Pessoa cited th e example of the U“ it6d 818168 ad ° P ti" R a Consti- No m an or woman who heard .him will ever forget him and his nies- p o rtu n ity and m ission'' o f ' service°!o F ine work takes tim e. Sit for your the world, the co u n try and ti,u • I1!" Xmas photos uow. Studio Ashland. dividual. _________ _____ » * * *“ m ‘dSt of squalor. m isery and disease. In the m o untains m ost of th e people b * '! *Oite’' i whicb is gc n e ra lly of ‘he ”??8t ho1 ’ lble proP °r tlo n s : scrofulous skins, sm allpox p itted faces, children covered w ith c ru sts of d irt— filth, filth everyw here. In one place I th o u g h t I detected sev en teen differ- ent stinks. W orst of all was the bound feet of the little girls, whose ever-recu rrin g cries of agony soon becam e pitifully fam iliar. My in ter- p re te r was strick en with th a t dread disease, cholera, but p rom pt tre a t- m ent prevented the a tta c k from be- com ing serious. A native d o c to r sup- plem ented my dosing by stick in g pins into the su fferin g boy. to let out the supposedly bad blood. Som e very valuable m aterial was fo u n d , so th e trip was highly successful, in spite of th e h a rd sh ip s.’ tu tio n a l am endm ent p ro hibiting the m an u fa ctu re and sale of alcoholic d rin k s and suggested to th e Brazil- ¡an congress th a t th e tim e has come for the legislative body of Brazil to grapple w ith th e problem . He indi- cated, however, th a t th e extrem e dif- ficulty of obtaining am endm ents lo th e Brazilian constitution m ade it m ore practical to tax the booze in­ d u stry to death th an to legislate pro- hibition of m an u factu re and sale, P resident P essoa’s suggestions for high taxation on th e booze industry were supported by statem en ts show- ing th a t one of the essential tasks of the present Brazilian congress is to find a way to increase the govern- m en t’ s revenues and to reduce its ex- penditures. As the first step of carry in g out the p resid e n t’s suggestion Deputy W illis Bailey, who is doing rail- load office work a t Yuma, Ariz., is to be m arried soon and will bring his bride to A shland for a visit. • • • Q uality fi i st a t Studio Ashland. UND » CATCHES COYOTE The city council at the m eeting Tuesday night passed an ordinance g ran tin g th e S tandard Oil company ‘Miss K athryn M iller, who recent- perm ission to put in a sp u r track over l.v retu rn ed from H aw aii, is having M ountain avenue to connect with splendid success teach in g the Pilot (h . ew wiui new service statio n which they Rock school, and is enjoying a lot are contem plating building a t a point ■ in t e i estm g experiences in connec- in th at section. tion with her pedagogic duties. In- * * * stead of holding herself aloof and rx W e will be „ busier in December. I a tte m P tiag to play th e role of a so- D o n t w ait. Studio A shland. 54-tf ciety girl from the city she en ters Mr / x. ’ntO the Hfe of th e com m unity and Mr. A iant, who has been living, tak es an active part in the work and on the M illner ranch n ear th e Norm al play of th a t region, helping herd th e past season, is m oving to tow n sheep and qatch coyotes like the “ Girl to r the w inter. His place on the o f th e Golden W est W ith one coy- ranch has been tak en by Mr. Dollar- ote scalp in n her her belt Miss M iller is hyde, who has a g rading contract planning to add a m ountain lion to on the Pacific highway. her trophies of the chase. * * * “ A rrival of K itty ” a t High School Gym F riday evening, Nov. 21. 68-3 IN TER EST IN PITCH INDUSTRY. NOTICE TO AUTO OWNERS llberty” *“d the Same cam‘ which resulted in a “d ry ” intellectual power, and cam e to those who heard him with alm ost the sur- Prise of a shock of electricity Thov forgot th e inclem ent w eather and the little church thev sat in -,s he carried them w ith him with nve, Pow ering energy and force enable the country to m ore easily handle the huge tide of im m igration which the signing of peace tu rn ed to- w ard Brazil. It is declared th a t m any “ undesirables,” who are not content to em igrate to a " d ry ” U nit­ ed States will seek the g rea ter free- dom of South America and th a t th erefo re it is up to the governm ent to be on its guard. In o rd er th a t legitim ate industry may not su ffer the L am artine bill provides that denatured alcohol shall be exempt from taxation. Coincident w ith the anti-booze fight a stro n g cam paign against the social evil has been launched, and it is quite possible th a t in the not d istan t fu tu re governm ent control will be established sim ilar to that in force in m any E uropean countries. ____ -_____________ R oseburg— Local plant handles 400 tons apples. Special prices on overhauling. See us before having your c ar overhauled, it will save you money. • Storage B atteries charged for 75c. 1 We do all kinds of electrical work. All W ork G uaranteed « CARS STORED $2.00 PE R MONTH ♦ T h e A s h la n d G a r a g e : M. B. ROBISON, P ro p rieto r. ♦ t ~ . w ~ , Biiy Them By th e liox E xtra V alues Juvenal L am artine has offered a bill in th e cham ber of deputies doubling th e federal tax on beer and light wines and trip lin g the taxes on liq­ uors and o th er stro n g alcoholic drinks. It is reported th a t the bill • » » has excellent chances of being voted Special; fine cottage ham s 35 ' into law. cents the pound. Plaza M arket, 6 4 In th e cam paign of propaganda N brth Main. 68-4t ag a in st alcohol which has been in­ The council at th e ir re g u la r m eet­ » • • a u g u ra ted in th e press all of the ar- ing Tuesday n ight took up th e m at­ Revs. G. F. K oehler and J. W. Hoyt , gum ents th a t w ere used in the Unit- te r of th e city budget, and passed were in C entral Point last evening an ordinance m aking th e tax lev y ,fo r w here they held one of th e m ost suc­ F irst Class Baking Prm luets nn<* 1920. Thfc to tal levy will be 18.2 cessful Sunday school conferences of L ight L unches th e series being conducted in S outh­ ROSEBURG— A ccording to II. C. m ills, and will am ount a lto g e th e r to Mrs. Ju lia H ockett is planning on Darby, several inquiries have been $47,308.34. Follow ing is th e b u d g et: ern Oregon P resbytery this fall. .The going to C alifornia in a few days received by him from residents in F o r general purposes . . ..$ 1 1 ,0 2 1 .2 8 next and last will be held in G rants to look up som e com fortable quar- the Paffs. 1 0 3 .0 0 tim ber d istric ts reg ard in g the F o r cem etery purposes . . ters for her fath er, E. E. Cadwell, ; new pitch and tu rp e n tin e industry, F or in te rest and b o nd. . . . 19,261.26 207,95 Special sale of m illinery. All hats to pass the w inter. Mr. Cadwell went which was reported in a recent issue F o r sew er p u r p o s e s .......... in th e sum m er on business, 4,418.91 one-hair price at the V anity Shop. to Denver 1 wl ^be Review as being considered For" stre e t p u r p o s e s .......... a rep resen tativ e F o r fire d e p a rtm e n t.......... 4,055.00 M edford. 55-12 and » h ile th e m experienced a lig h t! f„ r th is vicinity, stroke. • • • si 11 a 1 M" " " 1 hlm a n ‘' ' *>“ «N orthw estern T u rp en tin e Co F o r park p u r p o s e s ............ 4,392.92 Corner F ou rth and A S treet Aerosi) From th e Depot. P „ „ , a n d , wns h e ,.„ " F o r paving and sidew alk Mrs. Bethune e. who has been .p en d - i“ w*" b,,,ng him to C alifornia Io, - in o. A ....... „e liens and i n t e r e s t .......... 3 40.4 8 ing a week or - so shland v isit­ »0 w inter, a fte r which they expect neo and m ade an investigailo" to re tu rn to A shland in the spring, stated th a t 3,145.23 ing with friends, left th is week for e e e stated th a t operations would be F o r l i b r a r y .............. . . . . 701.82 h e r hom e in P ortland. o . ! , sta rte d near here next spring The F o r publicity ...................... Special this week O leom argarine com pany will furnish b a rre ls for the Of th is $47,308.34, $19.2161.26 is Anyone going soon to San F ra n cis­ 40 cents the pound; two pounds for pitch and also in stru ct men h iow it is for redem ption of bonds and in­ 75 cents; beat it if you can, Plaza gathered co and will engage to tak e care of and furnish them w ith the terest. M arket, 6 4 N orth Main. 68-4t The estim ates furnished by th e dif­ necessary tools. nn old lady on the trip apply to A. H. ferent dep artm en ts, including,^ park Davis, office Beaver block, or phone Mrs. Louis Brown of T alent was TO BED W ITH HER SHOES and lib rary , come to over $6000 14c- 69-2t in A shland th is m orning on a busi » » • ON: HUBBY ASKS DIVORCE m oie th an is allow ed to be levied ness visit. according to law, so th a t th e conn-! Miss Blanche Hicks celebrated the BGRTLAND. Nov. 17— F ra n k Max i Cil has Cut the b u d Set down to th e 'i a TY H lo.. , A ♦ sixteenth anniversary of her reign as Leave your m agazine subscriptions field claim s his wife “ m akes tin” ’ ’° WeSt possible f>gure in o r d e r to A 1 ) o l J a ‘ k t a r t s a n A c c o u n t lib ra rian at the public lib rary T ues­ ev’s D DrilP Stftl'ft .J„a ___ _ ■ . 1 cover the _________ > with us. Poley’s Store. day. , . rug . and goes to ^ d with her sho^s and cover the expenses necessary fo r the com ing year. • • » „ x „ stockings on. He says he is “ tired P a sto r F e r n s of the B aptist church of it,” so has filed suit for divorce High School Gym F riday evening, Besides, th e husband avers in his TOO LATE TO C I.A SSIE 1’ Nov. 21. See K itty a rrive. 68-3 requests lull atten d an ce of m em ber- ship for p ray er service tonight, 7:30 com plaint, Mrs. Maxfield has a “ « • • nag- FOR SALE Good range, $35; din- Jack Lilly left last night for Palo o clock. Some fine pictures will be ging, quarrelsom e disposition, and ing table, $10; book case a n d desk, jn] Alto to be in readiness to w itness given on t h e lesson by m eans of Re- lias grown careless in her appear- $12; 6 dining chairs, $5; 2 rock-,15 ers, $2 and $1; sta n d , $2; bed- 0 th e com ing big football gam e be­ fectoscope. Special advisory board ance. stead, sp rin g s and m a ttre s s , $10; ifi) tween S tanford and the U niversity of m eeting at th e close. F riends are bedstead and springs, $6. W ant welcome. C aliforna which will tak e place S at­ BRICK BLOCK AT M YRTLE POINT cash. 279 Palm avenue, below 0 urday. Two S outhern Oregon boys Boulevard. 71-2* Cliff Payne m akes necktie racks. will be am ong th e players of this MYRTLE POINT— This place is to 70-3 have a fine new business block. A game, which greatly adds to the in­ • • , terest in this com m unity. These are The T idings receives subscriptions " “ 'th V 'n X 7 e c n r ’th ° ? ’V * * * 1101^ 1'8 K enneth Lilly, son of Mr. and Mrs. lack Lilly, and Bob Polouse of Med- V 1*1“,8’ C° m panion’ *2’50 th e build a new s t r u c t u r e d The s Z o f Our Firs! holiday Announcement TO LEVY MADE FOR COMING YEAR OE IN T E R E ST TO T H E LA D IES Christmas Handkerchiefs NOW ON SALE For Men, W om en and Children The g rea test a rra y of h an dkerchief v a l u e s we have ever offered in th is annual s a l e ; hun­ dreds of them m any sty les; all a t w onderful savings. The assortm ent* em braces large selec­ tions of every description of lawn, flaxon and lin­ en, beautifully em broidered in w hite and colors. BON TON BAKERY AND F O R B E ST SELECTIO N S COFFEE PARLOR BI Y THEM EARLY AU 10c values Sale Pciei A ll 2 0 c v a lu es All 15c values Sale Prie«« A ll 3 5 c v alu es All OOe values X ..25c S a le 5c 10c On Savings Accounts ph L ..15c All 50c values Sal«' 35c P rice P rice . CASH 48c CASH ONLY ONLY Interest STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. lord. Have a fit at O n e s T ailors. 52tf • • • Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Edm onds of M ontague. Calif., were in A shland yesterday seeing th e sights in the G ranite City and calling on friends. year. C om b.nation of Com panion the present bank build mg. It will w ith McCalls, $2.95. If be of concrete or brick, two ,sto n e s H om e Restaurant 7 gh 8nd ° ff7 r Wi” be arra“ ged on Good M eals and Short O rders. L the second floor, while th e bank • will lave its q u a rte rs on th e first lloor » an<^ N ight Servie«, _ A resolution was passed by tlje' council a t th e ir last reg u la r m eet- ing au th o rizin g the city to sell to school d istric t No. 5. th e tra c t of land at th e intersection of Iowa stre e t and the Boulevard. This tria n g u la r piece is known as th e W ilber B. Holmes property which the city took over some tim e ago. to g eth er with ad ­ joining lots. The school district has Piano instruction in homes. Ad- purchased this tract with the expecta­ d ress C. S. Mitchell. 128 L aurel St tion of erecting a model cottage for 68-3 the dom estic science and m anual tra in in g d ep artm en ts of th e public EAIT1 MAN I ll s OWN schools some tim e in the future. R.ATTLESNAKE; SEE AMENDMENT XYIÏI PAULSKRUD & BARRETT BALTIMORE. Nov. 19.— Develop­ m ent of th e ra ttle sn a k e ind u stry is to be one of th e objects of Black For Men and W omen. Hawk Remedy Co., a $1,000.000 con­ 171 K m «» M ttis. T el. 119 cern ju st c h artered in this sta te . The com pany is em now ered to conduct ra ttle sn a k e farm s, buy ra ttle rs and ra ttle sn a k e oil and to develop by­ products of th e industry, such as lin ­ DAN CONNER, Proprietor. im ents, salves, etc. The once popu­ Headquarters for Commercial Men la r rem edy for snakebites is not and Tourists. m entioned in th e c h a rte r, probably o u t of respect to th e Volstead bill and E u r°P®an Pian. Excellent Grill, Merchants' Lunch. am endm ent XVIII. Two Blocks from Ltthia Park. 4 Fine Tailoring H o te l A u s tin Day i.- »J’ • exPCRTRCPAmHti, ACC[SSOR!ES, OHS, PHONE 195 m a . h ft aa s,s , - ‘ ASHLAND 297 East Main • • « K itty arriv es at th e High School Gym F riday evening, Nov. 21. 68-3 *• * * Miss Minnie Jackson, d a u g h te r of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Jackson, is home from Boston. Mass., w here she had been spending the past th re e years a tte n d in g a school of elocution. She expects to rem ain with h er p arents here this w inter. E E. MARCY, P r o p * LAST TIME TODAY THE MIRACLE MAN There are two things necessary to the getting of proper mileage out of your tire. 1. Select a good tire, one that is hacked by the ex­ perience of the road. Look for the “G” trade mark. 2. Proper care and attention. We have recently in­ stalled a Weaver Tire Changer which insures that your tire will be carefully and properly put on. Proper inflation is as necessary as proper material in the tire. Air is free! Fill up! , FRIDAY—SATURDAY W A L L A C E REID — IN — “The Valley of the Giantss’ By P eter B. K yne. ................................................. * ....................................... .. ♦ ♦ ♦ SföS ^ÍT^fi!!jni!3nli3n]gñ1,!5iT]!3fi1t3fíl!3rilgfTigfili5ñli3ni!5r¡lÍ3fÉl5¡TlSñl!5nlÍ3ri]