PAGE TH R E E ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS T h u rsd a y , N o v em b er 2 0 , 1 0 1 9 TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS One cent th e word each tim e. “ a rm y ” problem for thd u lovies. . W hen a studio m anager « a i its an J arm y, he jus,t calls K anatshe r and in an h o u r an arm y of mos t any size is doing its d u ty — w ith o u t re ­ gard to w hat th a t duty m ay be. “ W e’ll furnish them a n y th in g .” said K an atsh er. “ If they w a n t a cial . . betw een governm ents in the) gang ot p irates, w e've got 'em . O r . t to r o t 'g u a r n n t v o t in te rn atio n a l mob to throw e g g s - s a y . hand gren- H earing operation, will be s tu d ie d | ade practice built up fine a c e u ra c r cieaiing i egging. Or perhaps an Indian •ind fo rm ulated or sanctioned by 1 ‘ anu io iu iu d „Hi«,,™ trib e? Aw. t h a t ’s easy; how m any th e conference h e to re its ad jo u rn m ent The hope is e n te rta in ed that (io you want • . m eni. in Tnt«r»fltional ‘ But arm ies are o u r specialty, thp conclusion of tne ln te n id tio n d i, the cone h p tw een ! T here alw ays are men around here Gold C learance convention betw een > . the U nited S tates and a num ber of with th e ir uniform s handy and thaC o th er republics, will be b rought to saves costum ing at th e studio And, an advanced « « e hetore th e Hose! th e boys know bow to do W e| Pan-American Money Con gress to Be Held (B y th e U nited P ress) WASHINGTON, Nov. 13— The sec­ ! ond Pan-A m erican financial confer­ PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS ence will m eet in W ashington, J a n u ­ ary 12 to work out b e tte r and b ro ad ­ er tra d e a rra n g e m e n ts w ith L atin- THE SANITARIUM A m erica. The first financial congress m et in ASHLAND, OREGON 1915 b u t fu rth e r m eetings w ere P h on e 126 I | postponed because of th e war. This conference will not deal w ith of th e conference. rcvohnneA r ♦ w . * * 4 * * » W * * ^ < H ^ > H Exchange eondi- conui can . Produce a b e tte r arm y m five 1 . . nia 1V m inutes than a studio could build up . — : loans from one ^governm ent to an- tions have been im proving lapicliy ,, , , .. o»i»i it i« no» ,n S1X m onths reheaisals. -KEAL ESTA TE ( o th e r but will try to establish a fa \- during, th , e past . y eai, and it is no, FO R 8ALE- PHYSICIANS U1 * . would “ W e’ve conquered about - every orable basis for th e com ing togethei thniurhi th a a i t m uch tim e would I land on th e face of th e globe at one th o u g h t tn DR. H. 15. MOORE — Chiropractic i FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— A good , of financiers. elause before they will be entirely re P u rs u a n t to th is aim th e financial nornialj tQ the benelit of tim e or a n o th e r and «me or two on stock ranch, 640 acres, fo r m odern Physician. F irs t N ational Bank M ars, I th in k .” hom e in A shland, o r ac™ U e q n i r e m e n l s of tb e L atin A m erican ned Bldg. Phones; Office, 112; R«s well im proved n e a r tow n. A ddress M d n rin e th e next ‘Hl concern«».. And, w h a t’s m ore, the studios pay 207-J. F. C. S titser, D orris, Calif. I republics now and d u rin g th e next, ; p retty fair prices for good, two fist- 4 8 -lm o * lfe w y ears will c o n stitu te th e chief D R . E R N E ST A. WOODS— P ractice CONQUERED WHOLE ed soldiers f th e ir uniform s a re n ’t lim ited to eye, ear, nose and ----------------- ----------------------------------(su b je c t fo r discussion W O R L D -F O R M O U E S ii ty th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 and FO R SALE Seven room bungalow , M eans of p e rm ittin g closer com- LOS ANGELES, Calif., Nov. 1 ..— I 2 to 5. Sw cdenburg Bldg., ^ * “2. furnished 555 F airview St. Phone • ^ e rc ia l rela tio n s th n i.ig h .emov.H ot Napoleon Aiexander th e Great and land, Ore. 73-tT, quire The D aily Tidings is on sale at 35-15 (a d m in istra tiv e and fiscal obstacles were pik ers com pared to 303-J. Poley’s D rug Store, A ln u lt’s Cigar DIL J . -I- ENLllES»— P hysician and -------------------- ¡‘ and th e problem of b e tte r tra n sp o r- ■ a n a ts h e r, ap p arently hum ble surgeon. P ractice lim ited to eye, Store, and a t C. L . Loom is’ Confec­ STA PLES REA LTY O FFIC E ratio n and com m unication facilities avjation Hewteiiant o{ Loa Angeles. •a r, nose and th ro a t. Glasses sup­ tionary sto re on th e B oulevard, tf will come up ftvr discussion. plied. O f o r -- SP pneu. w culist u iio * and <>uu a u rls t — A u stin H otel B ldg. It took th e old & tim e of conquerers The fu tu re financial req u irem en ts R. R. Offices, M. F. and H . Bldg.,! Door to F o rd G arage, ffhone 26 Jefferso n — F lo u r mill here to get opposite postoffice, M edford, Ore. Come in and see if I have exag- the Am erican repu . li ’ w orld, ,but K an atsh er in a single 2500 additional w ater power. P hone 567. 41_tI gerated on th e following. extensive. In view o m onth has beaten into subm ission -------- v- ¡ dem an d s now being m ade for credit m o » ^ Qf Mexicp m ost of Abys_, D. M. BROW ER, M. D.—-216 Factory i St. Phone No. 498-R. Uses radio- % acre, 6-room house, m odern; facilities in th e U nited S tates from of G erm any and of Tur- h e a t largely in his tre a tm e n t of _«1700 if E u ro p e and othei q u a ite is ol: conquered the Mojave Des-] B illiard players p refer th is place chronic diseases. T uberculosis, p r jCe- . ¡' w orld, it is im possible to r th e repub- ) . vlctor. «becauge they know th a t th ey can get cancer and o th e r infectious ail- e ri inuco, v.. ~ .......... ---- ---- - — . m enta, respond m arvelously to said New bungalow , larg e lot, fju it, , lies of L atin Am erica to find all th e ir ious arm ies th ro u g h . th ,----- , . . . u „ i n n n n me«- and odern eouinm < ho o f th th«j and equipm ent e h b P e a i r rt t of e GOOD makeg cues; & o{ m difference .Q eni tfae tre a tm e n t. n u ts and berries. H ouse is m odern, » requirem ents readily and economic well chasing outlaw s, pleagure of th e pam e. I cabinet kitchen, stone foundation, ; ally m et in tb e m ark e ts of th e Unit- Sahara anu ATTORNEYS "" V“ Vi?Q "ioint annlica- th rough th e Canadian woods and You KNOW It. Sightly and clean I good basem ent. ed States. W ith t i i < • cu ttin g into ribbons a half dozen In- P ro fan ity , gam bling and o th er un- BRIGGS « BRIGGS, A tto r n e y s - a t- loca^ " 2 tion of th e F rench and B ritish gov- m om ent’s desirable elem ents are absolutely $2500. T A B 0 0 h e re . We invite GENTLE- Law, P io n eer Biock, A shland. e rn m en ts selling in United S tates dn>n tribes has been but a m om eni diversion for him. MEN only. 5-room (fully m odern) bungalow , m ark ets a t a ra te equivalent to a L. A. ROBERTS— A ttoruey-at-L aw . | And he does it so easily. THIs is a clean, congenial am use- ‘ one block from pavem ent; large 7 u, per cent yield to th e investor, Room s 5 and 6, Citizens Bank K a n a tsh e r aw akens egch m orning m ent hall for decent clean-cut fel- i grounds; all kinds fru it. ) the less rich and new er nations such Bldg. Price— $2000. like an o rdinary individual and a n , lows. f a s will be represented in the con- C. H. SPALDING, A tto rn ey -at-L aw ,. ---------- B eaver Block. Phone 146. W ood C u tters w anted. Will pay ; fprence cannot obtain m ore reason- ___________________ — ------------ —---- $2.50 per cord. 1, able term s th a n th e old countries. der he gets. “ Need some m en to “Clean Sport for R egular Fellows STENOGRAPHERS ---------- ___________ m odern Several L atin A m erican govern- A sixty-five h u n d red drive Villa out of C hih u ah u a.” JF S S IF b TH A TCH ER — Public sightly residence larg e grounds close m e n ts a re seeking loans in the m ar- In an o th er hour K anatsher, at the „ C rnm Club in; bouse not and one of best J !-,.ets of th e United S tates, w hile a S tenographer. om m m prpiai ercial JLluh jn old S outhern O regon. head of some 300 of Uncle Sam ’s sol­ g reat num ber of th e ir public utility 9 a. in. to 1! a m .; 2 i j»,.¡ce— $4750. Term s. H ours: ¡'e n te rp rise and m ajo r p rivate under diers is releasing the kidnapped he­ p. m. 1 5 p m .. roine and hafe Villa doing a shim m y ----------------------------------------------------- - l Two thousand m odern cottage, ( tak in g s are actively soliciting linan- „leaRure CONTRACTING AND BUILDING nicely located, n e a r E ast Side school Lcial support, e ith e r for the purpose (lal‘c . ¿ a m tR h e r ’ Not W M T O i v u -- --------- ( - a l m o s t new. • of t leg uch P ecu liar chap th is R a n a tsh e r? Not ¡Jo leg itlm itim ate ate expansion expansion or o r for to r m m„H> A. L. LAMB— C o n trac to r and Kuiltl* Price— $1600. Term s. ( needed reh a b ilita tio n a fte r four a t all e r. C em ent, Brick and Wood-1 I r e a r s ' dep riv atio n o t necessary sop- ot the m oving pietnre departm ent work Tel. 394-R. 109 P>ne s t - ’ A $6500 B oulevard property, m od­ 1 ■ . of th e Soldiers and Sailors em ploy- ern and a showy place. i t piles. T . „ plies. P rice__$5000. Term s. ■ _ _ v ,™ hnn k in ? ent b u reau of Los Angeles FRANK JORDAN — G eneral Con­ i The problem of im proved banking m m ent " fa c ilitie s to r the r.p re s e n ta tiv e s o ’ quasi-m unicipal organization which tra c tin g and rep a ir work. Cement A $5000 city ranch, o rch ard and ¡ th e United S tates in L atin America handles the job of getting jobs tor work specialty. Tel. 430-J , - 2 ' a lfa lfa ; m odern bungalow ; b e a u ti­ G ranite S t . __________ 2 1 tt It also will come up for detailed dis- discharged service men. ful location. He has solved th e “ m ob” and the Price— $3800. “T H E FIX IT SH O P” ___ I- mission. At th e present one hank DR. GEO. O. JARVIS DR. FRANK ML MOXON -Miichell’s - MEN’S WEAR ADOLLAR SAVED ISA S GOOD AS TWO EARNED — BY BUYING — Mrs. S. L. Allen Buy a Home First Jordan Electric Co. TAXI P h on e CWK&rtl County Commissioners. * J : ASHLAND MILLS MARTIN BROS., Klamath Falls Flour and Feed T H E IR CRATER LA KE b rand of flour absolutely guaranteed o r your m oney refunded. All we ask is for you to try it. Not one baking hut the e n tire sack. We have th e ir Mill Feed also. Ashland Fruit & Produce Association —m—rwny- ■’m ~ —wn i ' w - h r! ' h i ! H m lil] Let the V ictrolar| furnish the music for your dances) E verybody who dance# enjoys dancing to such ex­ cellent m usic—everybody dances th eir best to such p erfect music. It is the best dance music to be had anywhere, and it can be en jo y ed in every home. The Fox T rot, Maxixe, and all the other new dances are easy to learn and a pleas­ ure to dance with the music < of the V’ictrola. Makes Come in and hear some of t-he latest dance numbers, and find o u t how easily you can get a Victrola-— Beaver Realty Co. Elks Block ♦ FLOUR, FEED , SCRATCH, CORN, M ILL RUN, BRAN. PANCAKE FLOI R, DAIRY F E E D , ROLLED BARLEY, ETC., — Of th e — A Periecl ( ombin- GOODEATS ation B A R G A IN S ♦ SAVE YOUR MONEY High Quality Service Ca i TRY US FIRST Plus N 'E L D A WE PRESCRIBE Good Warm Underwear GOODYEAR TIRES „ en tral P oint, u n d , er i . h nas. a s e e ith irectlv or th ro u g h affil- 31 acres n e a r C u u e e . r d «... B ring it to me, I can fix it rig h t A sh land Iron W ork s tin te d in stitu tio n s, m ore than twenty Law n Mowers and Bicycles my spe- • dit(.b W orth $J00 per acre, $80. (In c o rp o ra te« ) clalty. L. H. ROOT, 3 3 i E. Main j T erm s 1 branches in L atin Am erica, while an ­ s tre e t, A shland. o th e r is .n control of at least six Office ahd W orks No. 24 8 H elm ai A big coal vein, 20 acres lan d , sev- { financial in stitu tio n s in L atin St., A shland, Ore. PIANÒ TUNING eral h u n d red tons been m ined, onlyo M anufacturing E ngineers, G enera m ile from Coquille. P rice $3000. America. GEORGE W. CROSS, a piano tu n er, W ill tra d e for A shland p roperty equal O ther hanks a re opening branches R epair W ork w ith practical w it n 17 II y y e ears ars p . a v i . v » . experience , o r securing financial in terest in ex­ W e nianuiac.ture P aving Plant including nine y ears factory tra in - j E quipm ent, Saw m ill, M ining and istin g in stitu tio n s or establishiii! ing. Leave o rd ers a t Rose Bros., 4 5 ”tf j A a p a rtm e n t house, 3 a ha r t-¡J ‘for the work which S h ip M a c h in e ry , Steam and Gas En- o r E nders _ m ents rented for $45 per m onth n et., agencies su itable * 101 in woik win Boilers and and Heavy Heavy Steel Steel TT„i gines. Boilers Nicely located. All fu rn ish e d , mod- ihey carry oil. An extension W ork; G re / Iron. Sem i-Steel, Brass FOR SALE OR TRADE te d S tates facilities though a g rea ter and Bronze C astings of every kind, j ern, gas and wood ranges, etc. use of acceptances and o th e r less H aving th o roughly equipped oui FO r ' s T l e ’ or T t RA-DE— 160 acres P n c e now— $2500.00. Oli! w hat an _______ investm ent! w idely know n m eans of expanding p lan t for th e m an u fa ctu re and re of land 7 m iles from A shland. $2000.00 im provem ents, excellent Block— 3 acres, house, b a rn .; gar- c re d it w ithout u p settin g th e eq u ilil^ f o u n d iy ' w o rk ? 'w e ‘solicl. sp rin g s; 50 acres fenced; 2 m illion den and orchard, m ostly p ru n e s ; xium of exchange, will naturally your o rd ers and inquiries. Estimate« feet of saw tim ber. W ill tra d e for j stre e t. com e in for discussion. car as t l y location. st and q u o tatio n s furnished on applica city residence, o r ta k Ve e ^car a^s p n a a rt r i . ^ h l>rice— ? 2 500. Good Term s. The present exchange situ atio n in tion. paym ent. Term s. 4 6-1 mo L atin Am erica, which requires care- ■ Tidings. FOR RENT la rg e ; ful exam ination, will he one of the 4-room cottage, p lain; If You Are Looking Foi ORCHESTRA i ground, nicely surrounded. $6.00 « , opics of prim ary im portance at the k conference. rO R T E R ’S DANCE ORCHESTRA per m onth. oniu. ^conference. A greem ents, w h ether . . . as betw een banks, or offi- supplies from 4 to 7 pieces. All j | 7 h room house. 4 blocks so u th E lk Ir s o ' 7 unofficial lance i music. Tem pje . fine iocation splendid h o u s e ____________ ____ __________________ th e la te st New Y ork dance „ . I. J. » P o rte r, ->79 ania s St t i but no^path. $9 per m onth. C. 272 M Maple 7 room m odern house, one b lo c k . Try the PAINTING AND ROOF WORK off G ranite stre e t pavem ent d istric t. T H E PO PULAR REALTY CO. C. W. TORRENCE, H ouse P a in tin a Newly decorated th ro u g h o u t. $1J5 per 211 E. M ain St.. P hone 68 inside and out. All kinds of m onth. m oney oil ’A m an * can . X borrow’ I 1 have arties who roof w ork. 171 G ranite St. I ltiv e p P vv IIIJ w ant to I U com e 1 ^ 1 1 _____ H e c an 't here if I can supply them furufched w hat he puts into a home. P hone 3 40-J. b ci n a v e out n u t for f n r re n t.” on w h at he pays house o r ap a rtm e n t. “ I w ant to see every wage-w’o rk e ’ FOR RENT own his own hom e.” E . T. STAPLPA — W. B W ilson. U S. Sec’y of Laboi Next Door to F o rd G arage FOR RENT— F u rn ish ed room : 502 67-4 W e have several choice hom es a< Phon,e 26 Boulevard. well as bargains in acreage. Some can he sold on sm all paym ents anA i - NOTICE O F DISTRICT ROAD l.IY E STOCK ------------------------- --------------------------- | M EETING easv term s. --------- 1 GOATS — At Stud: Toggenburg KOiUi D istrict No. 1, Jack so n C ounty, ' buck N a tu ra lly . hornless, larg e O regon. vigorous, conform ation and m ark- Notice is hereby given th a t in p u r-; _ P hone 84 inns perfect. E x tra heavy m ilk i suanCe of a p etition duly an d legally J ___ lnt s tra in 5 and 7 q u a rt. G rand sire signed by m ore th an th re e free h o ld -)a -ro o m m odern bun g alo i , . " r ’ Chicken D inner Every Sunday. Crown P rince No. 140, grand da... ( ers and i e g a i voters residing in R oad (’ line location and offered a t $ U 0 0 . Open from 6 A. M. till # :3 0 P. M. C leepatra No. 187; im ported. I D istrict no . i , Jackson county, Ore- G uaranteed service fee, $3.00. i gon, a n d duly and legally p rese n ted 2-STORY plastered house of 6 room s. ASHLAND. OREGON. W ould call for does a t cost. Phone I to th e county court of Jackson coun-i b a th and p a n try ; brick foundation. °97-L 31 Union St. L. G. Bied- ty> Oregon, a D istrict Road m eeting L o t’ 7 3 xl55. Best buy in A shland e rs ta d t b reed er Swiss T oggenburg „'( th e legal voters of said D istrict! today; w orth $4000. P rice $l;»00. m ilch goats. Milch goats for s a le .; Xo. 1 will be held a t Bellview School ---------- 54-lm o* ' House, Jackson county, O regon, on; TO LOAN— $500.00 on good real _____ ____ _____— ------------------------— j th e 28th day of Novem ber, 1919, a tj estate security. FOR SALE ( th e h o u r of 10 o’clock a. m.. on said); --------- _____ ---------------- --------------- -------------------- day for th e purpose of levying a s p e -) p o R RENT— 6-room house a t 130 H elm an St., b a th and p an try , elec­ FO R SALE — 5-room house a t 5® (cial road tax not to exceed ten m ills C hurch St., hath, toilet, etc; lot on the don a r on a ll taxable p r o p e r ty , tric lights, range and new shades to all windows. .S tre e t paved and about 50x120 ft. P artly furnished. with in said Road D istrict for th e cem ent w alk; one block to Main Inquire John H earing. T alent. Ore specja i im provem ent of th e roads in stre e t. R ent $10. " ° ‘3* (said Road D istrict and fo r any o th e r; _______________ ________— ...... — j purpose w hich m ay seem p ro p er to FOR SALE— New P erfection w ater D o Y ou W an t FO R SALE— Jersey cow 6 years o ld ., corae before said m eeting. h e a te r. Call a t 63 N. Main St. Dated a t Jacksonville, Oregon, th is Phone 10F4. - to S a v e H ousekeeping a p a rtm e n t for 13th day of Novem ber, 1919. m an and wife o r two ladies. R ent G. A. GARDNER. FO R SALE— Splendid R em ington i S om e M oney? $12.50 w ith lig h t and w ater fu r­ County Judge. wide ca rria g e ty p ew riter in tine! shape— $40.00 to first eom er. Seel nished. GEO. W. OWENS, Re-insulating a b at­ B riggs & Briggs, atto rn ey s. 70-6' JAM ES OWENS, tery is about the most County Com m issioners. FO R SALE— We have seven good expensive repair there is. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD used F ord cars th at we a re o ffe r­ 6 3 N. Main St. And there’s only one MEETING ing a t exceptional bargaius. Med-1 kind of battery in gen­ ford Auto com pany, or see L. Zuii- Road District No. 2, Jack so n County, eral use th at is n t prac~ del a t Rose Bros., A shland. 69-6t Oregon. _____ ______________ ______ _— ——---- j Notice is hereby given th a t in pur- tic a lly c e r ta in to b e FO R SALE__B uffet, good condition. ( suance of a petition duly and legally r e -in s u la te d — o r j u n k ­ See Mr W hittle of th e W h ittle 1 sjgne will be held a t the County H ospital, hom e for m uch less th a n you can WANTED you why. -------- on the 28th day of Novem ber. 1919. build, it you buy now. hogs. at th e hour of 2 o’clock p. m., on buy stock W ANTED — To F o r your c h ild ren ’s sake own your *»9-4* ¡sa ja d nay a y lo for r m the e purpose of levying bOme satu pui pose ui Phone 466-J. rags, any color t Z d olU r’^ o n 0 IlT V a V b U A do llars to d ay m ay save you th e d o llar on a n taxaine ------ -- - • W ANTED Ashland, Oregon w ithin said Road D istrict a hom e to r y°uv old age \\h e n sick t í ip ro p e rty th e T idings office. -------- 1 for th e special im provem ent of th e ness or n n sto rtu n e cotnes >ou s W ANTED — Several Cows. P hone roads in said Road D istrict ahd for " lU ap preciate having 69-tt' any o th e r purpose which may seem J’ou r ow n- 4F12. —-----— J proper to come before said m eeting. BILLING S AGENCY ■ D ated a t Jacksonville. Oregon, this R ea l E sta te and R eal Insurance. 13th dav of Novem ber. 1919. E stb. 1883. G. A. GARDNER, County Judge. 41 E a st Main St. P hone 211 GEO. W . OWENS, ACKLINS TH*oe *•<«•< gcoisnno non d JA M ES OWENS ▼ ; * Good Cues and Tips the or. Alnutt’s Billiard Parlor Instead of lils and Pills and Doctor'skills Home Demonstations Gladly Given Rose Brothers Ashland E x clu siv e A gents 53 Works 83 North Main St., Ashland, Orc. All ot the Upholstered Rockers and Davenports that we can buy in 1919 a- S o m e fa c ts w o r th k n o w in g O R E G O N wools are among the best produced in America. C ,O reg o n ranks fourth am ong the lum ber pro­ ducing states.