"•'S ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE TWO T hursday, Novem ber 20, 1919 —«e- <§> bers, as th e an nual election of offi- pest inspectors prescribed th e diet, lu ste r of top fabrics? A really good ! Jeers will tak e place, and a good at- 463,000 pounds of which w ere fed w aterproofing to p tite is indeed an tendance is urged. An in terestin g to th e grasshoppers. invaluable au to accessory these days. E stab lish ed 1876 A i program will be presented and re- A school for county crop inspec- It is th ere fo re only good business lo r ’ublished E very E vening Except Sunday by - trdshm ents served. to rs is being planned to r next Feb- d ealers as well as th e public, to buy ÍH E ASH LAND PRINTING CO. __________________ _ ru ary , to be held in Logan, U tah, w ith th is end alw ays in view. M issionary Society Met w here the sta te a g ric u ltu ra l college The W oodtite L aboratories, of One of th e m ost in te restin g mee»- B ert R. Greer ............................E ditor is located. H ere will be studied Modesto, Calif., m ake the fam ous •OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY ing3 o i th e W om en’s Home and F o r­ plant ¿iseases, ravages of crop pests T optite au to top and seat cushion eign M issionary society of th e P res­ T oörists Stopping PA PE R . and m ethods best adapted for th e ir dressing, a perfect, dependable corn- byterian church was held yesterday TELEPH O NE 39 At Local Hotels exam ination. pound, devised specially in each in- aftern o o n in th e church parlo rs. The H ubscription R ates D elivered in City €> ---------------------------------------------------? -----------------------------stance for M ohair, P a n taso te and One Month, D eliv ered .................$ .50 topic for th é foreign study was Siam, --------------- :------------ L eath er; these dressings a re en- Hotel A ustin One W e e k ............................................ 15 which was presented in a m ost help- Davton a fte r a fru it and vegetable jo rs e d alike by the dealers, the con- Roy A kripanne, J. C. Myers, P o rt- S ubscription R ates By Mail O utside ful m an n er by Mrs. J. W. Hoyt. Mrs. su m er and th e public press. T optite o f City Ross gave a n in te restin g sketch of land; J. Noble, wife and d au g h ter, cannery O ne year by m ail ........................ $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Pease, who s ta rte d a New Y ork; F. G. Null, H. S. N utter, is absolutely reliable, yet it costs no m ore th a n the in ferio r dressings. T lnee°nionths by* m ail . . ' 1 5 0 school am ong the m ountaineers in P o rtla n d ; C. H. Feldm an. Seattle; No out of tow n subscriptions tak e n th e South. This was followed by J. L. Gray, C. L. H arrison, G. M. 'o r less th an th re e m onths. Mrs. W. G. C urry, who gave some Robinson. H. W. B runer, P o rtla n d ; By.M ail O utside of Cnited S tates^ p erso n a, reniinescences of th e south- V. P. Snoddy, W. H. Davis, Roseburg. Y Il Y T* •••••••••• • Six M onths.................' • • • 4 31 ern m ountaineers. A rra n g e m e n ts j Hotel C olum bia FOR YOUR No subscription for less th an six were m ade for th e a n n u al Tlianksgiv- R. M. Snider, A shland; C. G. Le- yig praise service which will be held land, C. R. W alker, W. J. Wood,! xnonths. D unsm uir; Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. Conley. Sunday evening, Novem ber 30. ADVERTISING RATES D ealers in au to accessories now a­ S eattle; F. H. Town, H. M. W heeler, D isplay A dvertising— ---------- days would need g reat space beyond ( Roseburg. Single in se rtio n . . . .each inch, 30c “ The M iracle Ma n " Send Them to ' th e ir actu al business requirem ents] YEARLY CONTRACTS “ The M iracle M an,” the pictu re be-i if they stocked, even in th e sm allest D isplay A dvertising — . ing shown at the Vining th is week. THE GOLDEN RULE FUR CO, qu an tities, all th e d ifferen t brands One tim e a week, each inch, each . .. . .. .. -i W o u l d L o o k ljnie 271£c ,s a ttra c tin g m uch a tte n tio n am ong: of th e m any lines th a t crow d the 6 0 3 F irst Ave., S eattle, W n. Two tim es a week, each inch, each th eater-g o ers, as well as those who ’ m arket. It is becom ing m ore and W rite for price list and tags. fo r O il a t E n d tim e ............................................... 25c do not m ake it an ord in ary custom m ore a necessity for d ealers to buy Every o th er day, each inch, each atten (j the movies, by the gripping . . . with the closest discrim ination. Take tim e ..................................-UC» Every ’ ’issue, each inch, each realism of th e play and th e devout Q l K S I f l D O W tor instance th e single item of top tim e ............................................ 17 %c life of a good m an, whose exam ple J dressings, of which th e re a re so m any Local R eaders— and faith can overcom e all th e evils of: “ If I w ere a speculator I would m akes. How m any of these a re use- Each line each tim ............................... e (6 w ords to w orjd The M i.acle Man as ¡nVest all th e m oney I could collect jegs com pounds and how m any are line) ............................................... 10c To run every o th er day for one depicted in the picture, was the pa- on sin k in g an oil well on a ce rtain not? How m any of these a re m ere- m onth, each line each tim e . . . . 7c tria rc h of a village th rough whom kno]] acrOss Bear creek from Ash- ly m ixtures of lam pblack and ben- To run every issue for one m onth, a n who approached by faith re- la n d ,” rem ark ed an A shland woman zine Or little b e tte r ’ How m any are t w i n e d Colum n— 6 in spiration fOr good th at recently. “ Every tim e it rain s th e re really “ to p tite ” — w aterproofing, pre- One cent th e w ord each tim e. was the cure tor all physical or ¡s the m ost beau tifu l rainbow arch- serving and resto rin g th e original To run every issue for one m onth m oral disease. This is one of th e ¡ng across th e heavens, ending every : ____ l .. ljl ; ________________ . .■- ' .■.■ b m eet every req u irem e n t and range o r m ore. % c the word each tim e, strongest plays Mr. B ergner has been tim e a t th is one p a rtic u la r spot. in price from $2.25 to $11.50. C ards of T hanks, line able t0 secure anil is one th a t N othing could rep resen t th e tra d i- F r a te r n a T O rders'3 and Societies should be seen to be appreciated. It | tional ‘pot of gold’ anv m ore th a n a , M idget W rist R adiolite— ju st th e A dvertising for fra te rn a l o rd ers is a psychological study to view th is blgt gushing oil well, and 1 in h erit tim epiece for school boys and girls o r societies charg in g a re g u la r initia- picture, not for w hat the c h a ra c te rs enough su p e rstitio n from my fore- tion fee and (lues, no discount. Re- delineate, but for w hat th e spectators fa th e rs to m ake me feel confident — w ith le a th e r stra p $5.75, b fe h a rg ^ d I1 for ’ all A d v e rtisin g 8 when « « ° i it individually. The won- th a t oil or gas could be stru ck a t this ■ Y ankee R adiolite, th e big C hristm as is derful acting and beautiful scenery sp o t. The rainbow was visible yes-i an adm ission or o th e r charge present for boys and m en, $3.25. are am ong th e stro n g est fea tu re s terd a y aftern o o n , ending a t this m ade, a t the re g u la r rate. - The —— T — ----- C lias a ___ is tru lv great play. identical place, and o th ers m ay see idings g re a of te r th circu la­ | Ingersoll Reliance, seven-jew el, a it too if they look th e next rainy tio n in A shland and its tra d e te r r i­ m aster tim er, 10-year Gold Filled, tory th an all o th e r new spapers com- New Club of U. of O. day if th e sun comes out in th e a f - ‘ bined. The “ B achelordom ” is th e nam e tern o o n .” $11.50. “ E n tered a i t h e Akhland7~Oregon. of a new club th a t has been form ed --------------------------- We c arry a com plete stock of In g er­ Postoffice as Second Class Mail at the U niversity of Oregon. It is TONS O F POISON W ERE M atter. composed chiefly of men who have FED TO UTAH PESTSj' soll W atches. seen overseas service, and they have SALT LAKE CITY, U tah.— Cropi INTERIM RAILROAD BILL IS leased a house on U niversity street pests w ere fed th o u san d s of tons of PLANNED TO PROTECT and are well under way. Among th e poison in Utah th is sum m er w ith the ROADS m em bers of this new club are F red resu lt th a t losses a re said to have! .»I . UVH uvt m ull, V. ►Jiiupr M. Schuerm an, (1UKIIVI H arold V. Simpson been unusually sm all. S to r e W hat h has been troubling la ilio a d Alfred Payne, all of A shland, G rasshoppers alone, in th is sta te , T he season is here when th e au to T h e ____ officials chiefly since th e p resident’s were fed d u rin g th e sum m er 12.000 top should be looked a fte r. announcem ent th a t he intended to M eeting of Club pounds of arsenic, m ixed in a form j m ake new ones o r fix th e old effect the retu rn of the railro ad s to The m em bers of th e ‘ Come W hen th a t m ade it palatable. County crop one j jet me look a t it. private ow nership beginning Ja n u ary You C an” club m et w ith Miss Tillie ' ~ ~ 1 is the fact th a t, since the pending Anderson, a t h er hom e on M orton railro ad legislation would not be stre e t Tuesday evening, w here a passed until some tim e in 1920, the ()jeasan t tim e was spent by th e at- stan d in g retu rn would not b e a s s u ie d ten d an ts. Fine refresh m en ts were T A IL O R S F O R the roads. It is now announuced served. th a t the In te rsta te Commerce Com­ m ittees of th e House and Senate T hanksgiving P ro g ram _______ " 1 L ________________ -7" have agreed on a te n ta tiv e program The E pw orth League of th e Meth- which calls to r th e passing of tern- O(ljat chureh wjn give a T hanksgiv- B e s t W o o l e n s ; b i t e s t r a s h porary legislation which would in- jn ^ program next Sunday evening. ions AI wavs. su re the railro ad s the stan d in g re- i,egjn n ing a t :30 sharp, at th e M. E Satisisetion (ìuaranteed tu rn a fte r J a n u a ry 1, pending the church. The program prom ises to be enactm ent of perm anent legislation. as good ag ¡f not b e tte r th an , any D irector General Hines of the Rail- o{. tp e preceding program s ^iven by road A dm inistration, in a conference L e a gue. If you a re not acquaint- with Senator ( um m ins, chairm an of young people o f th e M. the Senate com m ittee, declaied th a t church and th e ir work, conn* over C orner by th e P a rk . the president would w ithout doubt next Sunday and enjoy an evening re tu rn the roads to private ow net- at t kejr m aking, CEDAR FEN CE POSTS ship on J a n u a ry 1 w h eth er th e in­ terim protective legislation had been New and used sew ing m achines for M eeting of L ad ies’ Aid passed or not. The governm ent's The L adies’ Aid of the M ethodist sale or rent. A new Singer fo r half deticit in o perating expense is piling church held its re g u la r business price, P. and O. fam ous up, th e director-general said, and the m eeting in th e church p arlo rs yes- Plows, Fencing in all styles. personnel of the operatin g foice, ^e rday aftern o o n . W hile a tten d in g don’t forget H iedes T ractor, w h ich th e g o i m i m c n . h a s g a th e ie d ro u tin e business o f th e d a y th e from m any q u a rte rs into the railro ad m em bers busied them selves w ith a d m in istratio n , is going to pieces be- (heir needlew ork, and before ad jo u rn - cause m any of these o p erating m an- ¡ng e n te rta in m e n t com m ittee of ag ers a re retu rn in g to th e ir form er Which Mrs. George M athes was the railroads. I he directo r-g en eial ex- head served refresh m en ts Prove th e claim to yourself by e a t­ pressed him self as in favor of legis- _______ ing a steak sold a t o u r own g u a r­ latio n which would ensure the roads antee. Civic (’lub M eets steak s, chops and a continuance of the stan d in g re tu rn . The Civic Im provem ent club will T enderloins, ro asts d th i a a t l have e ta and p n v i . r i i i i r ih n n a r in r l f r n m I m n - ir v 1 . , , , , , . TOaSlS n a v e th (.lie la s ste ie a ilU l fresh- ic s u - covcnng th. peuod t.o m Jan u aiv hoh, ,ts re g u la r m onthly m eeting at ness ot perfect stock in th e gravy until perm anent legislation has been C h au tau q u a Pioneer hall next Tus- which conies from th e h e a rt of th e ir enacted. Senator ( um m ins m ade the day afternoon. This m eeting will be goodness is th e best offer any m eat following statem en t, following his of p a rtic u la r in terest to th e mem- m an m ay m ak e- conference with the d irector-general. ----------------------------------------------------- which reads in part as follows: «. . “ It is not tru e th a t th e effort JA S. BARRATT, P rop. P hone 188. to pass perm anent railroad legisla­ tion a t th is session has been a b a n ­ B argains in doned. Q uite th e co n trary . The House will undoubtedly pass a bill. Though it is not yet out of the com ­ m ittee it will lie reported very soon. City and R anch P ro p e rtie s, H ousej 1 shall m ake every effort to pass it to R ent. . . . F O R ... a t th is session, and if th a t is not C itizens’ B ank B uild in g. possible then before Ja n u ary 1. * * * “ T here was com plete agreem ent as W ill add 100 percent to th e ap­ to th e necessity for g etting legisla­ Time to th in k of pearance of your p roperty aud as tion passed before th e roads go back, b u t realizing th e d ifficulties th at m uch to its cash ren t and selling will confront it in th e Senate I have 215 F o u rth S t. P h o n e 23 We have them both wood and coa begun to doubt w hether we could value. burners. pass it at th is session, or even before th e beginning of th e new y e a r.” Ashland - Tidings ? The Social Realm TOPTITE PERFECT TheDependableTop Dressing A utom obiles compounded A; ; •'X,--- & guaranteed sv T H E W O O D T IT E L A B O R A T O R IE S MODESTO .CALIFORNIA'. . ... ♦ 4 EAGLE MEAT MARKET Getthe top market price LOUIS SCH W EIN. Prop. C lean liness. NORTH MAIN, ASHLAND Q uality Meat. k, 4 ♦ Service. * R aw Furs HIGH SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY PLAT “ T h e A rrival oi K itty’* \ HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM INGERSOLL IRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 21, 1919 8 O’CLOCK Watches N ew Auto T ops McNAIR BROS. Ashland Furniture Hospital ORRES MEN AND WOMEN S eats a t R o se B rothers, 35c. « ,,,♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦-■»< ♦ " F r o m Producer to Consumer 99 ♦ ♦ ♦ I The S ta te E xchange plan is for m any people to buy collectively th ro u g h o re buyer— w ith all useless handling and profits elim i­ nated. The b u y er for an organization of consum ers can estim ate th e needs of his m em bers and buy intellig en tly and advantageous­ ly. F o r exam ple: W e have ju st bought a carload of • Best Crown Flour T H A T W E OFFER Barrel $12.00—Sack $3.00 T here is no b e tte r flour m ade. Coflce Every sack guaranteed. M . J . B ., S c h i l l i n g s , G o ld e n W e s t , H i l l s R e d C a n , R o y a l C lu b v ♦ ♦ ♦ v C h o ic e M o c h a a n d J a v a B le n d C o ffe e 4 5 c P A IN ! Staple and Fancy Groceries Hardware and Sporting Goods HEATING STOVES Provost Brothers WHY TO LERA TE TH EM ? HARDW ARE The 1. W. W. is again invading the lum ber ind u stry and has m ade its C E N D way into the m erchant fleet, dam- i.eing engines and inciting crew s to m utiny, id e a l A tter th e r e tttr a lia tratte.ly. ev er, of a m eeting place for this class of crim inals should root it out and tu rn th e men over to the au th o rities. Why should industry and the pub­ lic su ffe r by allow ing such an ele­ m ent to stay in the com m unity? Men fam iliar with conditions have long seen th e d an g er but th eir w arnings and advice w ere not heed­ ed. The cold-blooded m u rd e r of ex- service men in C entralia proves th a t w arnings of in d u stria l leaders were We should rid the well grounded eom m unitv of th is elem ent before m ore crim es a re com m itted. US Y OUT f a m i l y Y ta sh - a n J w e w jJ] „ gl j v V( e y o u service and freedom w a s,,d a y d ru d g e ry. Ashland Laundry Co. Phone 165 F . E. FRENCH & SON. Props. Feed Y our Calves, Chickens and P jgs Mutual Compound It tak es th e place of whole stock m ilk and is absolutely guaranteed. Cream is w orth too m uch money now to feed to th e calves when Mu- tu a l Com pound is b e tte r feed for half th e cost. My Name Is Dennis P o rtla n d — C ontracts let for 155.14 353 E ast Main. piiles s ta te roads. T el. 214 Dickerson Whittle Transfer Line » For Service A sh lan d S tate E x c h a n g e ♦ ♦ ♦ ASHLAND TRADING Storage, Coal and Transfer Tel. 117 Oak St. New Bools of Grace and Individuality W ith th e w ar only a m em ­ ory footw ear for m ilady again reflects th e skill of th e boot­ m ak e r’s a rt. p a ra Hel to o u r Ute & Dunn “ Styl T he In terest w e pay on S avings here a t th e F irst N ation al B ank w ill help reward you. Yon a visit New- r r ^Jha,HrstNatioaaÍtíattk ASHLAND. O R EC O ‘ E V C a r t ER.. P res C d V A U P E L VICE PRCS • J w M c C O Y. C ashier C L A R K BUSrtASST CASK : ♦ ♦ ♦ D ifficult to find a w orthy A IM LESS saving resu lts in very lit­ tle achievem ent. Get an objective. Then you will have an incentive. Save fo r a hom e o r a s ta r t on one of those splendid Jackson County F arm s— o r fo r y our beginning in Business. ♦ Potatoes—(carload coming) order now at $3.20 B acon—(5 0 c grade) per lb 45c Tops a re once m ore ta ll and aceful and m ate ria ls a re in a . pleasing variety. T he P a in t Man ♦ ♦ ♦ p . q. i w. - MiirliPt , Edol ijlUL lVlCdl IMS I L U U M 1 5 Of 1 Y L L 3 U A ♦ ♦ f Buy your goods at Wholesale PLUS the Cost of Handling. Steaking A Claim REALE STATE ♦ « ♦ P E IL ’S C. B. LAMKIN * 0 Shoes of Q uality.” ’ll find a welcome aud will pay you well. styles in th e window. No. 90274. F ilb e rt Brown K ids $12.00 H.VAUPEL Quality Store 6 8 -7 2 E . Main St., A shland. : ♦ :