S aturday, November H, 1910 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS .............. ... She has ju st retu rn ed from a buy- P ra y er m eeting T hursday evening. fi ing trip w ith a w onderful assort- F irst Church of Christ, Scientist m ent of m erchandise to sell a t TH E (P ioneer Avenue, South.) „ BAZAAR, opposite the A shland hotel. Sunday service a t 11 o’clock. Sub- ¿¿1IIIIUUU on th e p iaza A lthough the m ajor jec t of lesson serm on, “ Adam and I l l l llllim iW II I IIH111K«« Cliff Payne m akes dish cupboards, portion of h er purchase is still on F allen M an.” Sunday school a t 10 • * • th e road, yet from the display of o’clock; W ednesday evening m eet- Lee M cW illiams has tak en over goods she has already m ade it is ¡n g a t 8 o’clock. R eading room open th e Belleview school route and will evident th a t her am bition to m ake from 2 to 4 daily except Sundays begin .Monday hauling stu d e n ts from A shland the mecca of curio and a rt a n d holidays, th a t d istrict to the A shland schools, lovers as well as those seeking health Church o f th e Nazarene Mr. Hall, who has had th e route, will will shortly be realized. It (D orm an D. E dw ards, P a sto r.) very likely leave th e city. • • • A shland Laundry com pany w o u ld 1 O ur Sunday school opens every 57-22 ask its patro n s to be prom pt in pay- Sunday a t 9:45. All who wish to Jo in th e D. O. K. K.'s. ing accounts, as we a re asked to b e ' study th e Bible will find th is school The K lam ath F alls high school prom pt in paying our accounts. of g reat help. P reaching a t 11 S ubject, “ C h rist’s W arning A gainst football team cam e in last night, hav­ H ypocrisy.” Y. P. H. L. a t 6:30. ing m ade the trip over the Greeu Mr. A. C. McCormick, acting su­ E vening serm on a t 7:30. The pul­ Springs m ountain by autom obile. perin ten d en t of the Southern Ore­ pit having been occupied by an o th er • • • gon E xperim ent Station, has resigned m in ister, th e serm on announced for H em stitching, Picoting, 10 cents his LI IK position P U K IL IU II w W ith I L l l the U U C local statio n to w tak e charge of a large fru it ranch in ’ast Sunday, “ The Unknown God,” yard. We pay th e postage. The P ra y er m eeting Vanity H at Shop, M edford, Ore. 6-tl the W hite Salmon valley, W ashing-! wil1 be delivered. • • • ton Mr McCormick has been a s - i every W ednesday a t 7:30. Cottage The Oregon Em erald, th e student sistan t a t th e Southern Oregon branch l’ray er m eeting every F riday a fte r­ station for th e past five years. , noon a t 2 :3 °- You are cordially body paper of th e U niversity of Or­ e » • ' invited to ou r services. egon, announces the pledging of Miss Dance every S aturday evening a t Edith H erron of A shland to a m em ­ A shland N atatorium . L au n sp ach ’s bership in th e Gam ma P hi Beta jazz orchestra. 54-eod fra te rn ity . • • • Mrs. C. F. Clary and d a u g h te r M ol-; You w ant Studio Ashland photos lie have gone to P ortland to be w ith ) fo r Xmas. I t ’s none too early. 54-tf th e ir son and b ro th er, Ray Clary, j .............IIHI111I11................. jz i | Local and Personal Saturday F R ID A Y “The Firing Line” By Robert W . C ham bers, (Not a w a r story) A story of stirring adventure, brilliant satire, thrills and tears, starring IR E N E • » • C A ST L E ----SPECIAL----SPECIAL---- e T om W ithout the C a ----SUNDAY MONDAY---- BILLIE BURKE in “ The Misleading Lady” I . , . j j , i ready been booked to E ngland. The lonrn as steam J ship com panies a re m aking ev- lea rn m m illinerv illinery, living living a »v t th «.u e hom e ot strain ed trom indorsing dancing __ a her m other This girl an am usem ent while the world is so .. . ready , for . a friend ot her m oine . . ery effort to be th e antici- - ji.an n corad fnr tw o davs I located full ot beau tifu l wholesome recrea- • disappeared to r two uays. i pated rush, and bv the end of May h er in a lodging house w ith a young tion. som ething like 100 liners m ay be m an, also from a good hom e in an- engaged in bringing A m ericans ♦ • • o th er city. The girl assured me th a t RVSH OF AMERICAN'S across. One Am erican who controls who is in a hospital in th a t city, su f­ th is was her first m isstep, b u t I did EX PECTED IN EU ROPE several big hotels in New York city. Mrs. May A ustin was up from Med­ fering from in ju rie s su stain ed a t a ford th is week visiting w ith friends not believe th a t a girl from a Chris- LONDON— E ngland is looking f o r , is here, looking over London and lum ber plant in the north. tion hom e could, by one plunge, invasion of Am erican visitors - th e la rg e r provincial cities for suit- here. ( men, and women w ith women , tQ In a _ . . . I .. .. ........................ « * • next spring. It is stated th a t not able sites upon which to build hotels F o r a period of 18 m onths I a t- .q my j NOTICE, FISHERM EN (By Mrs. Lola Baldw in.) Fine work tak es tim e. Sit for your a fh u r happened> less th an 300,000 passages have al-i on Am erican lines. As I have been specializing as a tended court every day except Sun- T here will be a m eeting of the X m as photos now. Studio Ashland. never • • • A shland P rotective F ish an d Game social w orker am ong girls from every day. Every girl who w as a rra ig n e d w as asked by the ju d g e one ques- } Rnow j Mrs. J- D. Mars and two children association on next Tuesday evening walk of life, necessarily I have tio n : “ To w hat do y0“ 7 “ ™ ^ d o ift u n derstand it m yself, only th a t retu rn ed T hursday from Haines, Novem ber 11 in th e city h all a t 7 :3 0 , gained a wide know ledge of condi- trib u te y o ^ d7 " f all? N m e ty ^ ^ e d&ncing tQ gether a „ Ore., w here they had been spending for th e purpose of tak in g steps to- tions w hich bear on th e question of Me to control w ard opening the Rogue riv e r to win- m oral delinquency. F o r th e past 15 seven per cent ot th e replies w ere several weeks with relatives. practically th is: “ I was a good girl * - > g . te r fishing. years 1 have been employed under • • • • u ntil I began to go to th e dances.’ ' ' . i> LOUIS DODGE. ' m unicipal, sta te and federal service. Q uality first a t Studio Ashland. This te st was m ade for scientific) To your inquiry, should dancing I 59-3t S ecretary. D uring th is tim e I have m ade a close reasons, as we w ere anxious to ob- be introduced into th e public schools, • • • ---------------------------- study of th e things which a re vital Misses Voruz and Zeitler, two ta in from th e girl herself w hat she I would say th a t nothing should be th e girl question, and th e records teach ers in th e Ju n io r High school, »nminn»t»Hm:»H»iH»H»:»:»w»» ' to of our office wiH show thousands considered the prim ary cause of her introduced into th e public schools to a re in M edford today. delinquency wllicb sonie Pare n ts m ight ob ject’ *• of specific girl cases. R ealizing • • • We have trie d to reg u la te danc- People who object to th e ir children th a t th e social conditions surro u n d in g We will be busier in December. ing by excluding m inors, liq u o r and dancing find it very difficult to deny th e girl depends largely u p o n , her D on’t wait. Studio Ashland. 54-tf objectionable persons, and a fte r do- them th e privilege when school danc­ • • • C ongregational Church 1 recreatio n facilities, I have given ings a ll th is we have been unable to ing is allowed, and th ere are plenty Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. P re a c h -; p a rtic u la r atte n tio n to th e question cope w ith th e situ atio n . Amos C. N ininger, past exalted opportunities for young people to ru le r of the local lodge of Elks, a t ing, 11:00 a. m. Subject, “ God’s A t- ot am usem ents. It is n ot so m uch w hat occurs on dance if th e p aren ts tavoi it out- Men.” Preaching! 1 bave stated my experience as th e dance floor as th e su b tle effect side of the public schools, tended the E lks sm oker in Medford titu d e Tow ard 7-30 p m. Subject, “The Kind o f ; above for but one reason, and th a t on both th e young m an and the T hursday night. In view of w hat I know to be facts » » » Men Cod’ M akes.” All who do not | is to give w eight to w hat I am about wom an w hich leads to subsequent with regard to dancing, I am con- churches come and to say w itb regard to th e dance hall, Have a fit a t O rres Tailors. 52tf atten d o th er overt acts. I have w atched the " *’ ~ • • • h ear Rev. D. J. G illanders of South Y our com m unity is only one of sweet innocent girl as she first be- O. W inter left th is week for San D akota, who will preach m orning m any which seem to have gone wild over th e dance question. I have gins to dance, sta n d in g shyly a p a rt F rancisco on a business trip . He and evening. been w ith th e governm ent for nearly from her p a rtn e r, and I have seen will m ake a visit to S outhern C al­ th is sam e girl a few w eeks late r, M ethodist Episcopal Church two y ea rs' and at a recent confer’ ifo rn ia cities before his retu rn home. having lost th a t sw eet m odesty (C orner L aurel and N orth M ain; Rev. ence >n W ashington the. federal su- which God im planted in h er n a tu re C harles harles A. A. Edw Edw ards, ards, P P a à s s to to r.) r.) ! pervisors A gpod way to celebrate A rm istice C y eiv .su is in ... session m ade th e state- her8elf into M orning subject, “ The New O ppor-' m ent tb a t since tb e w ar people in arm s of a VOung m an Day is to atten d th e Victory dinner y. g . , ’ , • , at C hautauqua Pioneer hall next tunitv o t'th e Church ” Evening sub- general had sim ply gone crazy over tbe arm s o Tuesday, 11:30 to 1:30. The ject: Rev. Dr. D aniord. th e d istrict dancing. Even th e Young W om en-. « lB * “ “ R h e"m lg h t W ednesday afternoon club will serve . „ „ e r i n t e n d e n t , p r e a c h . cafeteria style— as m uch o r as little as you w ish— to suit your purse and T rio ,,, E p „ c o ,» , C h u n h j <■ •— K,> Holv com m union a t 7 30 a m To me th e re is nothing m ore beau- T he girl a t th e public dances na. • • • TIOlV C O 111 111 ll II 1 011 dL t • o* <1 • III» ! | i . n n n „ p n m rvY p t * p i n 1 i ic c ip t t i l tTlO D l'O - M orning tifu l and a ttra c tiv e th a n a group of been a com m ercial asse 1 T hanksgiving Day union services Sundav school a t 9 45 Sunday school a t 9.4&. M oim ng nponlp dancing gracefully to Prietor. She is usually adm ited free people dancing gracetu n y t o , will be held in the C hristian church prayer and serm on a t 11. S tra n g e rs j > ¡th e rhythm of good music, and I sin- because they need her. Oui recent Novem ber 27. Rev. W. N. F e rris, ac­ and visitors cordially welcomed. cerely wish th a t it m ight be possible, ordinance covering th e se places le cording to th e ro tary plan, will be! to m ain tain sta n d a rd s which would Quires th a t th e girl be charged at th e p reacher of th e occasion. A good,) B aptist Church elim inate inate th th e e peril peril in in dancing. dancing. The ’east b a ^ as m u ch as th e m an, program will be provided, it is a s­ (Block south of Citizens B ank; W .) elim danger in th e am usem ent overshad- hoping th a t th is m ight d etain some sured. N orton F e rris, P a sto r.) 9 45 a m D iv in e! cws a11 tb e good- It is possible th a t Sirls from a tte n d in g so frequently, • * • Bible school, m. Serm on by some girls m ay dance tinder proper Tbe S’rl wbo dances a t t e par- The W ednesday club will observe worship 11:00 a. m. se rm o n Dy “ nd not be harm ed but ,o r o r P rivate chaperoned dances, pUpwhere as well The V ictory Day, Novem ber 11, w ith a pastor. Them e, “ W hat Should We Do su p e r'isio ii and not be harm ed but • New E ngland dinner, at C hau tau ­ F ir s t’ ” A m essage full of business w here th e re is one such case th e re dances elsew here a Everv m em ber should h e a r it I a re literally th o u san d s who m eet dances m ay be highly respec a e qua hall, 11:30 to 1:30. Prices rea­ nep Young People’s m eetin J t 6 30 p | th e ir dow nfall th ro u g h tem p tatio n , a » °n tw a rd appearances b u t who can - JOHN PHILIP SOUSA, Conductor sonable. 59-2 \o u n g le o p le s m eeting at 6 30 P; th e reason th a t dancing appeals tell th e effect upon a n adolescent • * * m. Topic, “ How To Avoid F ailu re. ’ I Ior to e reason tn a i uancing appeals ___ Mrs. O. C. A pplegite, a siste r of Special service of song and serm on, j to th e sex in stin ct as does no o th er girl? „.WITH... I know of a girl from a C hristian Mrs. G. W. Loosley and Mrs. J. M. 7 30. Them e, “ The Shepherd and form of am usem ent. Any one wish- home who had never a tte n d e d any-)) W agner of th is city, died a t her His Lost Sheep.” Illu stra te d by to experim ent along th is line will th in g b u t respectable d an ces in her ! hom e in K lam ath Falls, T hursday. pictures— very fine. We cordially obtain resu lts by holding dances a t cwn town. She cam e to P o rtla n d to ; Mrs. A pplegate had been critically ill invite m em bers, friends and neigh- which m en are obliged to dance w ith to r m any m onths and h er death was hors. S tran g ers welcome. not unexpected. * * • F irst 1‘rt'sbyterian Church Leave your m agazine subscriptions (C. F. K oehler, P a sto r.) w ith us. Poley’s D rug Store. Subject Sunday m orning, “ The —--------- - Sfate Social Worker Condemns Dancing U SED CARS 1919 Chalmers 1918 Buiek 1919 Ford Sedan 1918 Ford Bug AT THE CHURCHES | n a DTPTCT 1131 VHURvH "!These! cars! are!in!A-l!condition What? Hines & Snider Auto Go. - - - £ RplIPCtllWnnP PiftllFPS »¿“re Mediord,! Oregon SU N D AY N IG H T MUSICIAN S • • « A. C. M cCormick, acting su p erin ­ ten d e n t of th e Southern Oregon Ex­ perim ent statio n , was an Ashland vis­ ito r yesterday afternoon. • • • Glenn Young of H ilts. Calif., is in A shland visiting his m other, Mrs. Dora Young, a t h er hom e on G ranite stre e t. « • * R elation of the C hristian to the C hurch.” Subject Sunday evening, “ P a u l’s P ray er to th e Colossians.” Sunday school, 9:45 at m. C hris­ tian E ndeavor, 6 :30 p. m. Evening) services, 7:30 p. m. P ra y e r m eet-, ing, T hursday, 7:30 p. m. All in ­ terested in Bible study a re invited to go w ith us th ro u g h th e Book of F irst T hessalonians, a t the prayer m eeting. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Loosley w ere called to K lam ath F alls th is week F ree M ethodist Church by the death of the la tte r ’s sister, P reaching Sunday, m orning and Mrs. O. C. A pplegate. evening. T he m orning service a t 11 a. m., to be led by J. H. Bogue. Special sale of m illinery. All h a ts E vening service a t 7:30 p. m., led one-half price at the V anity Shop by Mr. M intle. Medford. 55-12 FLORENCE HARDEMAN - Violinist MARY BAKER - Soprano-Soloist Lady Demonstrator FRANK SIMON F o r m o s t! C o r n e t is t t n ! A m e r ic a M ONDAY, N O V . 1 0 th THE Famous Saxophone Sextette Explaining and d em onstrating the various uses and ful resu lts obtained from th e STAR w onder­ And other Unequalled Soloists, Will Positively Appear at the I £ C hristian Church Most Rev. A rchbishop C hristy will (W . E. Bean, P a sto r.) he in A shland Sunday, Novem ber 16 Bible school a t 10 a. m., preach­ and will ad m in ister the sacram ent of ing a t 11. Young people’s m eeting confirm ation at th e Catholic church a t 6:30 p. m. P reach in g a t 7:30. A large class is being prepared for th is cerem ony by th e local pastor Rev. F a th e r Conaty. • • « W ord has been received from P ro fesso r F. C. R eim er, superintend ent of th e Southern Oregon experi m ent station, who went to China sev eral m onths ago on scientific research w ork, th a t he expects to re tu rn home about th e first of th e year. • • • Special for S atu rd ay : F ish and ovsters. Plaza M arket, 64 N. Main 59-2t • • • Mrs. F red A. Denny of Roseville Calif., is in A shland visiting with h er sister. Mrs. E. E. Phipps and b ro th e r, F ra n k Crouch. Special for S a tu rd a y : Hom e ren dered lard. 35c a pound. Plaza M ar­ ket, 64 N orth Main. 59-2t • • • H er num erous friends and ac quaintances finally prevailed upon Mrs. G a rtn e r to rem ain in o u r m idst instead of going elsew here, which phe had originally intended to do The High Cost OF LIVING Electric Vibrator Come! and! learn! how! to! use properly! to! get! results D em onstrator shows m ethod of PACE TREATM EN T and MAS­ will be a problem of the past for tliose tr a d in g at SAGE, SCALP TREATM ENT, as well as use of v ib ra to r on th e body. On the P la za Remnantsand Bargains Galore Ashland Armory Sunday, N ovem b er 16th A t 3 .0 0 P . M . * V ib rato r absolutely in d estru ctab le . C heapest R ELIA B LE Vi­ b ra to r on m arket. We tak e pleasure in inviting you The Bazaar 65 J < * ’ j i J 1 •. Poley’s Drug Store POLEY & ELH AR T, D ruggists. | , Tickets now on sale at Butler’s Candy Store on the Plaza, Rose Bros’, and Enders’ Confectionery Department. Every Ticket entitles purchaser to one seat and will be exchangable at the Boot Shop Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 13th, 14th and 15th, for Reserved Seat.