y Saturday, Novem ber ft, 101 ft A shland daily tidings PAGE TWO well w ithout o u r dictation before we CHRISTMAS CARDS cam e, and it is ou r opinion th at W e have a full line of embossed E stablished 1876 th e re is'n o d an g er of th e tow n going C hristm as Cards, w ith envelopes, P ublished E v e ry E vening Except to th e e te rn al bow-wows if we keep su itab le for business o r personal Sunday by o u r hands off now. At least th a t greetings. All styles and prices. We iH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. W om en’s C ollege Club can p rin t your own sentim ents on — fis w hat we a re going to do. The W om en's College club of the them and deliver them in lots a t less B ert R. Greer ............................E ditor The Tidings advertising colum ns Rogue River Valley m eets' th is af­ th a n th e re ta il price. O rder early Good M eals and Short Orders. Day and N ight Service. O FFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY will be open to any individual w ith a legitim ate cause and to every po­ ternoon at th e home of Mrs. F. H. before th e C hristm as ru sh and we PA PE R . 2 9 7 East Main litical faction a t th e reg u lar adver­ Johnson on M anzanita stre e t. Mem­ w ill m ake delivery on d a te you de­ TELEPH O NE 3 9 bers of th is organization from Ash­ sire. * ASHLAND TIDINGS. tisin g rate, so long as those b u y ii^ ¿subscription R ates D elivered in City land, M edford and o th er points in One M onth, D e liv e r e d .............. $ .50 the space assum e responsibility for th e valley are in attendance. it by m aking public th e ir identity. One W eek ............................................15 Subscription R ates By Mail O utside So, go to it. F ight, if you m ust. o f City Celebrated Silver W edding F o r our p art we intend to keep our One year by m a i l ....................... $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Thom as H. Simpson hands off, prin t the news, reseive Six m onths by m a i l ..................... 2.75 N. G. BATES, Prop. T hree m onths by m a i l .............. 1.50 subscriptions and sell advertising celebrated th eir silver w edding a n ­ W e use th e V iolet Ray fo r Scalp niversary last evening w ith a pleas­ No out of tow n subscriptions tak en space. T re atm e n t and F allin g H air. io r less th an th re e m onths. The Tidings is a corporation. an t g a th erin g a t th e ir hom e on N orth By Mail O utside o f U nited States B ath s Shoe Chining Parlor C orporations have no politics. They Main stre e t. Only m em bers of the One Y ear ......................................$8.12j . , .. Six M onths ................................... 4-31 a re organized. S tanding alw ays for fam ily and a few n e a r friends were I f You A re L ooking F or No subscription for less th a n six advancem ent of the com m unity we present, but all enjoyed th e occasion m onths. j fice. It is th eir province only to p e r- : wbich was one of m any felicitations ADVERTISING RATES . ' form the functions for which they , to . Mr. L and Mrs. Simpson. Fine re- D isplay A dvertising— are recognized. S tanding alw ays for freshm ents were served. AT Single in s e rtio n . . . .each inch, 30c a high m oral tone and th e proper: YEARLY CONTRACTS advancem ent of the com m unity it Try the D isplay A d vertisin g— will leave all the personal and po- One tim e a week, each inch, each t jme 27 % c ! b tic a l spites to citizens who like to Two tim es a week, each inch, each indulge in factions and politics. The T A IL O R S FO R tim e ............................................... 25c Tidings ad v ertising colum ns are Every o th er day, each inch, each open to a n ot- you But, you m ust ,20c assum e responsibility ' ‘L i .: ; ’ ' LI X ' ' ¿¿.V ' ' for w hat you ____ _ issue, each inch, each say in your advertisem ents. You will tim e ............................................ 17 Vi c L ocal R eaders— I not be allow ed to m ask your iden- B est W o o le n s; L a te s t F a s h Each line each tim e (6 words^ to t jty ancj jeave tills paper to appear io n s A lw ay s. ’i ne) ...................*111’ I I I ’ »A»’„„a t(> tie responsible for w hat you are To ru n every o th er day for o n e , 1 J m onth, each line each tim e ___ 7c try in g to do. In o th er words, your S a tisfa c tio n G u a ra n te e d To ru n every issue for one m o n th ,: ad v ertising relatio n s w ith th is pa- P h one 84 o r m ore, each line each tim e 5c per m ust be legitim ate. E d ito rial C lassified Column • opinions are not for sale. Feed Y our Calves, Chickens and C hicken D inner E very Sunday. One cent th e word each tim e. . . . , _ . To run every issue for one m onth This much because A shland is now • » P igs • Open from tf A. M. till 9 :3 0 P . M. or m ore, % c th e word each tim e, i a one new spaper tow n and it is ASHLAND. OREGON. C ards of T hanks, $1.00. ¡p ro p e r th a t citizens be given to: O bituaries, 2 ^ cents the line. know our policy under th e circm n-i Fraternal Orders and S ocieties . ' It takes th e place of whole stock A dvertising for fra te rn a l orders s 1 ces- N either w 11 this policy m Bk aiKj ¡s absolutely g u aran teed , or societies charging a reg u la r iniU a-) prove m ollycoddle. The Tidings w ill: Cream is w orth too m uch m oney tion fee and dues, no discount. Re­ alw ays have opinions on m atte rs th a t now to feed to the calves w hen Mu- ligious and benevolent orders will effect the citv and w ill stand steaH I , , ~ . y a w 11 sta n a stead , tu a l com pound is b e tte r feed for be charged for all ad v ertising when l s , lastly and fearlessly for th e upbuild- ■ ...FOR... half th e cost. an adm ission or o th er charge ing of the com m unity. m ade, a t th e re g u la r rate. We have no enem ies to punish or i ” . f ‘' '» — «• w . 353 E a st Main. Tel. 214 tory than all other new spapers com- P>st to publish a good new spaper, one everybody will w ant to read. bined. O ur greatest am bition is to help i E n tered a t the A shland, Oregon, m ake Ashland such a large and p ro s -; P ostoffice as Second Class Mail perous city th a t we be required to j M atter. publish sixteen pages every day t o ' OUR POLICY IN HANDLING AN accom m odate the business. We have 5 EXCLUSIVE FIE L D absolute faith th a t in th e not fa r The A shland Tidings now h as an ) d ista n t fu tu re it will be so. exclusive field. Since th e Record plant was moved to M edford it leaves I f fT M A C T J T F f T ' i f th e Tidings plant the only one i n ' U l j w U H I V H U l U tow n. T hat leaves the paper w ith a »«<1 heavy responsibility. T here is enough publishing business in A shland to support one fairly good new spaper. I M rs- Hevener and Miss Ew an, bal- T here is not enough, no r has th e re cony floor- V aupel’s Store, ever been enough, to support two. PAULSERUD & BARRETT T hat is the reason th e Record plant has been moved away. But in a city the size of A sh la n d ; m any individual and political in te r - ' F o r Men an d W omen. Tel. 11» ests clash, resu ltin g in w hat people) 171 E a st Main. call “ factions.” Each faction, of) course is anxious to stan d in w ith ) th e new spaper and have it s u p p o rt: its personal or political c o n te n tio n .) W e a r e alw ays pleased to see you a t o u r sto re w hen you call, To do th a t would be fine for th e I m uch to, its cash re n t and selling . B a rg a in s in b u t we ‘will serve you ju st as well w hen you find it m ore con­ factionalist but it is death to th e j value. new spaper. The o th er faction i s : venient to phone. bound to have publicity and not be­ City and R anch P ro p erties, H ouse ing able to get it in one new spaper D on’t do w ith o u t an y th in g you need— don’t hesitate. to R ent. it establishes an o th er, which event- C itizens’ B ank B uilding. ually becomes a financial burden to O ur re p u ta tio n for reliab ility in th is line is unquestioned and I both ad v ertisers and subscribers and is backedi by o u r positive g u a ra n te e th a t goes w ith each sale. We because it has but a p a rt of th e to­ The P a in t Man tal business th e new spaper is not w a n t y o u r b u tte r a n d eggs. financially able to produce a publi­ cation th a t is a credit to th e town. T here is but one logical way out. OUfíT /S THE T R A D E T H A T S E R V IC E M A D E T he new spaper m ust reduce its ac­ tiv ities to purely a business basis. T here is no reason why it cannot be done. The proper function of a country new spaper is to supply its \ D o llar S ta rts a n A ccou n t rea d e rs w ith all th e news. T hat is sta p l é w hat they pay for and th a t is w hat STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. they should have. No new spaper can — live on subscriptions alone. The First Class Baking an<* L ight L unches . L T 'T i — .' ■' price is too low for th a t. T herefore new spapers have found by selling space to a d v ertisers they gain the m eans of paying th e expense of pub­ AND lication and ah th e sam e tim e give th e a d v e rtise r m ore benefit th an he pays for. In o th er w ords it sells rth and A S treet Acroso ad v ertisin g to support itself and Corner F ou From th e Depot. m ake m oney for those who buy the ad v ertisin g space. T here its respon­ Tel. 117 Oak St. sibility to individuals ends. F o r m ore th an fo rty years before „ _ ... B illiard players p refer th is place th e present ow ners of the Tidings because they know th a t they can g0t cam e here Ashland, everyrtw o years GOOD cues; and m odern equipm ent had elected councilm en, m ayor and m akes a lot of difference in th e o th er city officers, m em bers of coun- ple^sure^of^Ule ^game. ty court, legislators. They got along p ^ f a n i ty , gam bling and o th er un­ desirable elem ents a re absolutely TABOO here. W e invite GENTLE­ MEN only. This is a clean, congenial am use­ m ent hall fo r decent clean-cut fel­ lows. D o Y ou W a n t Ashland Tidings H om e The Social Realm R e sta u r a n t H O T E L M JS T IN BA R BER SH O P O R R E S. MEN AND WOMEN GOOD NELDA LOUIS SCHW EIN, Prop. C leanliness. NORTH MAIN, ASHLAND Q uality Meat. Instead of Ills and Pills; and Doctor ’sbHls WATCH FOR THE BIG lcSalc W E P R E S C R IB E Good Warm Underwear The Rexall Store NOVEMBER T R Y U S F IR S T Cafe 13,14 and 15 Elks Block » luîual EASLE MEAT MARKET -Mitchell’s— M E N ’S W E A R McNAIR BROS. Compound L O O M IS & N E L S O N ADOI LAR SAVED ISAS GOOD AS TWO EARNED SA V E YOUR M ONEY — BY BUYING — FLOUR, 1 EED. S< H A TCH, CORN, MILL RUN, BRAN. PANCAKE FLOUR, DAIRY F E E D , ROLLED BARLEY, ETC. f — Qt th e — Staple and Fancy Groceries Hardware and Sporting Goods My Name Is Dennis ASHLAND MILLS Fine Tailoring C. B . L A M K IN r iT í ie ------- Fresi National Bank --------- O C L G O N ^ M ^ ^ E V C A R T E fe .P P tS . C M V A U PEL VICE PRES J W W C O Y . C a s h ie r C L A R K BUSftASST CAS* REALE STATE On Savings Accounts Dickerson Interest W h it t le Transferí „is/. Line T BON TON BAKERY COFFEE PARLOR . P H O N E 122 For Service Storage, Coal and Transfer Good Cues and Tips -rw p* CITIZENS BANK OFASHLAND Alnutt’s Billiard Parlor “(le a n Sport for R egular Fellow» ’ FURS ! A Pleasant Duly Saving is a duty b u t it is a pleasant one— espe­ cially so when the money is prom ptly put to work a t in te rest w ith The Cit­ izens Bank of Ashland. Do not delay— now is th e tim e to come in and s ta rt an account w ith us. SAVINGS DEPOSITS. Ladies of Ashland We a re now ready to do your fur rep airin g o r sell you a new set of furs. F. W . BARTLETT, T axiderm ist and Furrier. 115 W. Main St. M edford, Oregon. Steaking A Claim P rove th e claim to yourself by e a t­ ing a steak sold a t o u r own g u a r­ antee. T enderloins, steaks, chops and ro asts th a t have th e ta ste and fre sh ­ ness of perfect stock in th e gravy which comes from th e h e a rt of th e ir goodness is th e best offer any m eat m an m ay m ake. to S a v e S om e M oney? R e-insulating a b a t­ te ry is a b o u t th e m ost expensive re p a ir th e re is. A nd th e re ’s only one kind o f b a tte ry in gen­ eral use th a t ¿s/i’f p r a c - E X P E R T BUYING; we have had over T h irty Y ears’ experience in H o u sefu rn ish in g business. W e buy rig h t and buy th e rig h t Goods. W e buy fo r Cash, ta k in g ad v a n ta g e of a ll cash discounts. W e own o u r sto re building, no re n t to pay. No expensive clerk h ire to provide for. tically certain to be ’ re-insulated —o r j unit­ e d — w ith in th e n e x t year or two. F o r th e above reasons we can and DO SELL FOR MUCH LESS th a n D e p a rtm en t S tores o r M ail O rder Houses. We m eet a ll com ­ petition. / * T h a t one except4on is t h e W illard B attery w ith T hread­ ed R ubber Insulation. Come to trur Store, brin g a lo n g your C atalogue and be convinced. W a a re ju s t now show ing th e BEST LINE OF RUGS to be found In th e V alley and a t prices t h a t a re RIGHT. E v e ry th in g in th e H O USEFURNISHING LINE a t bottom prices. Come in an d try us. I Come in and w ell te l, you why. Jordan Electric Co. Ashland, Oregon P hone 188. 5 R eliab le H ouse F u rn ish ers UNDERTAKERS ox R t c c n a t o -S T Y L E SU U ES OP »U A U TY - New Models in Milady’s Shoes “ Style Shoes of Quality tf W ith sh o rte r days and lo n g er nights, and w ith th e approach o f Ja ck F ro st, we feel it a duty to rem ind you th a t th e oxford se .tso n is a t an end and t h a t Dame F ashion com m ands you to s e lt'c t your F a ll boots. • F o rtu n a te ly , a lth o u g h n o t w ith o u t su rm ounting th e difficul­ ties a r is in g th ro u g h a scarcity of le a th e r and o th er post-w hr condititons fam iliar to you, we placed o u r o rd er w ith Utz & Dunn early. As a resu lt we a re able to offer you a splendid selec­ tio n of boots a t reasonable prices. T he dlelightful m odels a re on th e shelves and sam e of the styles griace th e window. Y ou will adm ire them , we know. These boots have every new and w orthy p ein t of style. May w e have th e pleasure of a call? r i ' i J. P. DODGE 6 SONS East Side Meat Market JAS. BARRATT, Prop. E ith e r Cash o r In stallm en t. UTZ.