W ednesday, Novem ber 3, 1910 ASH LAND W EEK LY TIDINGS PAGE THREE Ashland, Oregon, Sunday afternoon, November 16 Portland Grateful For Entertainment THREE NEW SONGS American Camel Train in Arabia to accom pany each caravan. W a rre n to n — Land acquired f o r T h e rea fte r th e supplies a rriv ed reg­ dock frontage on Colum bia. ularly. One hundred native carp e n te rs W eston dedicates public m em orial were rounded up by C aptain Bickel hall. and set to work reco n stru ctin g the ruined buildings. As a resu lt of this A m erican energy and ingenuity, scores of A rm enian fam ilies have been able to reoccupy th e ir old 1 homes. _________________________ (By the United P ress) ALEPPO , Syria.— (By M ail).— B ringing lum ber aeross the A rabian P rofessor A. G. Gilm ore has com­ desert by cam el caravan is one of the Lynn D. M owat, secretary of the OREGON WOMEN TO FORM achievem ents for which A m ericans BRANCH OF WOMEN VOTERS posed m usic to th re e songs of so A shland Com m ercial club, is in re-j m elodious and singable c h a ra c te r as will be longest rem em bered in Alep­ po. The lum ber was used in th e re­ ceipt of th e follow ing le tte rs of ap-! to m ake them welcome visitors both , YES WE DO (By the (Tinted Press} co n struction of A rm enian refu g ees’ preciation from th e P ortland o rg an ­ to th e concert stage and dom estic hom es. PORTLAND, Nov. 5— W omen vot­ izations of which rep resen tativ es re­ circle. W hen the A m erican Red Cross a r ­ ers of the s ta te of Oregon a re m eet­ cently visited A shland and were en­ They a re e n title d : “ If I W ere a rived here it found m any refugees ing here today with Mrs. C arrie te rta in e d by the local Com m ercial S unbeam ,” “ The Song of the T h ru sh ,” living in the open, th e ir houses hav­ C hapm an C att, president of th e Na­ and “ The Two L ittle K itte n s,” this ing fallen a p a rt th ro u g h th e rem oval club and Business Men’s association. FAMILY WASHING last being a serio— comic com m enc­ of tim b ers by T urk soldiery for fire- Edw in N. W inbaum , secretary tional E qual S uffrage association. | wood. The nearest tim ber source . 7czpeil .lb” plus lc for each rough Mrs. C att cam e here to form an ing w ith these w ords: Southern Oregon T rade Excursion, was th e T au ru s m ountains along the a ry (u n fin ish ed ) piece. “ Two little k itten s, one storm y night, w rites: Oregon branch of th e N ational Legue Began to q u a rre l and then to fight. E u p h ra te s river. An expedition un­ “ On behalf of the S outhern Ore­ of W omen Voters. H er call stated One had a m ouse, th e o th e r had der C aptain E dw ard Bickel of S eat­ gon T rade Excursion com m ittee and tle, W ash., was sent to investigate. none. th e P ortland C ham ber of Commerce the purpose of th e organization a s : P hone 165 I th an k you m ost sincerely for the “ th e co-ordination of th e activities I And th a t was th e way th e q u arrel It a rra n g e d for th e cu ttin g of tim ­ F . E. FRENCH & SON, Props. of women citizens.” ber and its tra n sp o rta tio n down b egun.” hospitable and courteous a tte n tio n Many of the Oregon women who Mrs. C. E. H ockett will shortly th e riv e r on ra fts to E l Doir, in the accorded o u r delegation when in your Feed Your Calves, Chickens and com m unity. It was one of th e best have tak en a leading p a rt in fe m e -’ give these com positions a public a ir ­ desert. Pigs Convoys of cam els w ere then en­ ing. arra n g e d receptions th a t we en­ nine activities in the past, respond­ ed to Mrs. C a tt's call w ith consider­ P ro fesso r G ilm ore has added a gaged and th e lum ber carried for joyed on th e e n tire trip. able reluctance, seeing in th e “ co­ ’cello obligato to “ The Song of the m iles across th e d esert to A intab, “ T he box of apples reached us in due tim e and they were used a t ou r o rdination of the activities of wo­ T h ru s h ” for the express m anipulation Aleppo and M arash. T roubles arose It takes the place of whole stock j with the Bodouin trib es of the des-I men citizens” som ething th a t is lim ­ of Dr. E. A. W oods of th is city. re g u la r M em bers' F orum luncheon m ilk and is absolutely g uaranteed. itless in its scope and political in ' e rt, a tta c k s being m ade upon the con-1 yesterday noon, which was S outhern I Cream is w orth too m uch money sound. They are afraid the real ob­ voys and th e lum ber occasionally de­ now to feed to the calves when Mu­ Oregon day. At th is luncheon one s tr o y e d . C aptain Bickel then a r ­ ject of the organization is th e foun­ of o u r m em bers urged upon the gen­ tu al Com pound is b e tte r feed for dation of a political “ one big u n io n ” ranged for a guard of 30 arm ed men h alf the cost. e ral m em bership of th e C ham ber of of wom en voters. Com m erce th a t we do all w ithin our So th e m eeting, which is being pow er to bring about a b e tte r u n d er­ held th is afternoon, m ay be a ra th e r sta n d in g of the need of a Southern lively affa ir. All the in terest isn’t 3,»3 E ast Main. Oregon norm al school and th a t like T el. - 214 W hat is th e difference betw een Prove th e claim to yourself by e a t­ on th e inside, either. Some of the facilities be established in E astern ing a steak sold a t o u r own g u a r­ political leaders am ong thpm men. a “ bachelor g irl” and an “ old m aid ” ? antee. Oregon. P erhaps you will say th e form er is on th e outside a re anxiously a w ait­ “ Again th an k in g you and hoping steaks, chops and ing news of w h a t’s going on inside. a polite term for the la tte r, but it Tenderloins, th a t th e co-operation betw een your roasts th a t have th e taste and fre sh ­ doesn’t work out th a t way in ness of perfect stock in th e gravy com m unity and th is m etropolis will “ W idow by P roxy,” the new P a ra- which comes from th e h e a rt of th eir be of the m ost cordial n a tu re , I am, LOS A N G E I.E S FIG H TS R EN T H O « « m o u n t-A rtcraft photoplay s ta rrin g goodness is th e best offer any m eat “ Yours very cordially. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Nov. 5 — M arguerite C lark, which will be seen m an m ay m ake. “ EDW IN N. WINBAUM.” E stablishm ent of a revolving fund a t the Vining th e a te r today and to ­ A. G. C lark, m anager of th e As­ by th e city to be used in financing m orrow . sociated In d u stries of Oregon, w rites: house building projects is under con­ A lthough G loria Grey, th e role JAS. BARRATT, Prop. “ D ear Mr. Mowat: sideration by the city council. played by Miss C lark in the picture, P hone 188. ‘ We wish to th an k von for th e It resu lts from a g itatio n by the is an unm arried woman of m arria g e ­ splendid in terest which you took in Los Angeles Rent P a y e rs’ League able age, you w ouldn’t think of call­ connection with the display of Ore­ which claim s rent p ro fiteerin g in ing such a dainty little woman an gon products in A shland d u rin g the Los Angeles is ram pant. old m aid ! W hen she m asquer­ visit of the P ortland p atty. DAN CONNER, Pi •oprieror. Under th e proposed plan a c h a r­ ades as Dolores P ennington, the sup­ "The in te rest tak en by your com ­ te r am endm ent would be necessary to posed widow of a soldier, and pulls H e a d q u a rte rs for C om m ercial Men m ittee. headed by Mr. Ferguson, we perm it the city to ap p ro p riate a sum and T ourists. th e wool over the sh arp eyes of a feel is responsible for th e splendid of m oney to be used Excellent Grill. in building p a ir of typical M assachusetts spin­ E uropean P ian. show ing th a t was m ade, and which houses which would be so’d to c it­ M erchants’ Lunch. sters, you know she is fa r and away was most gratify in g to this o rg an i­ izens on th ein sta llm e n t plan at a out of th e ir class. Two Blocks from L ith ia P ark . zation and to th e e n tire P ortlan d low ra te of in terest and on long “ Widow by Proxy” is m ighty good pa rty. term paym ents. fun and introduces ever-charm ing “ Very tru ly yours, Miss C lark in a role th a t fits her “ ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES OF -C ounty budget to be like a glove. Nigel B arrie, ju st re­ OREGON. m illion d o llars higher tu rn e d from service in the Royal “ A. G. CLARK. M anager.' Flying Corps, is leading man. TH E CITIZENS BANK OFASHLAND Rough Dry A Pleasant Ashland Laundry Co. < Saving is a duty b u t it is a pleasant one— espe­ cially so when th e money is prom ptly put to w ork ‘ a t in te rest w ith The Cit­ izens Bank of A shland. Mutual Compound Marguerite Clark In Widow by Proxy Steakinq A Claim Name is Dennis Do not delay— now is th e tim e to come in and s ta r t an account w ith us. [4%ON DEPOSITS savings We bave on hand a quantity of East Side Meat Market Hotel Austin CEDAR POSTS 4x5-7 ft. T A IL O R S at the Same Old Price FOR MEN AND WOMEN C o n jlii 't in g T îzQ u g h ts Best W oolens; L a te st F a ^ h ions A lw ays. CARSON-FOWLER LUMBER CO. IN TH E H E A R T OF TOWN Ssiti faction G uaranteed • • 1 Ashland, Oregon The Home of Dependable Tools, Cutlery, Kitchen w are Stoves and Ranges - * One quart fruit cans 90c Two quart fruit cans $1.25 f f I ♦ I I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦