Monday, Novem ber 3, 191» ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS PA G E EIGHT Covert, R oseburg; E rn est L. Sm ith. Billings, G. E. Vance, A. W. H olt, Fine photos. Studio A shland. 54-tf p a rty in th e church p arlo rs last F r i­ K lam ath F a lls; George P eters, P ort M edford; W. T. Irw in and wife, W e­ day night. The guests g ath ered at j: „ , _ an early h o u r and w ere shown into ~ * O tir iS lS s t o p p i n g natchee, \y a sh .; F. J I. A llem ant, San land. Roy Behb, an employe of th e Daily F rancisco; D. L. Tysop, O akland; H otel A shland th e parlo rs by a young lady. On at- H At Local Hotels : T idings office, was called to C entral W. B. Gilrie, W aldo, B. C.; I. I. H arry Fluss, Fred Spain, Spokane. tem p tin g to tu rn th e door knob they 52tf P oint S aturday by the illness of his H ave a fit a t O rres T ailors. w ere given an electric shock, which » • • j sister. H otel A ustin by the way of in tro d u ctio n prepared Miss Am elia F u re r of San Diego,I * * . * . Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Sanborn, La­ » ♦ » > - C alif., arrived in A shland this m orn-i W e will be b u sier in D ecem ber them for all so rts of H allow e’en conia, N. H.; F. C. K leiner, New ing and will spend a few days in th e D on’t w ait. Studio A shland. 54-tt trick s and pranks, and in th is they York City; K. Sm uckler, Los An­ were not disappointed Not a dull city looking a fte r business in te rests. I * geles; C. B. W oodruff, S eattle; Mrs. m om ent was experienced by th e large * * * Jo h n B raysher of R osebury, Idaho, Jo h n Robinson, C rescent City, W ednesday, Novem ber 5. is th e last is in A shland, a guest of th e P ark s com pany present u n til a late hour Calif.; O. S. B lanchard, H. L. Sto- when they relu c ta n tly ad journed. nay in which to pay your 1918 taxes fam ily. n aker, C. A. W inetrout, E. H. Balsi- ger. G ran ts P ass; George C. Taylor, w ith o u t a big fine. Pav a t Billings I M issionary Society Q uality first a t Studio Ashland. Agency. 5 5 -2 t| Fernw ood, Ida.; Cecil Bromly, As­ The W om an’s F oreign M issionary * * * * * * to ria ; C harlie C lark, M edford; A. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. W ooley o f' A 9% pound d a u g h te r arrived at society of the M ethodist church will W. K ugler, S eattle; S. B. Beesley, G ran ts Pass were week-end guests ¡th e hom e of Mr. an.l Mrs. F ra n k m eet a t th e hom e of Mrs. A lbert New Y ork; F. A. H agerty, Wm. A. Crouch on F acto ry s tre e t F rid ay M arske, 495 N orth Main stre e t, F r i­ Heil and wife, San F rancisco; L. E. of A shland. day aftern o o n . Novem ber 7. The sil- night. King, H. J. Larson, Siskiyou Top; ver side loses in th e contest and will „ ' „ , " ' „ . x Dr. A. M. P e tty of P o rtla n d , rep­ .. , * Mrs. and Miss Schoenem an, R obert tre a t th e gold side. , , ...... , „ resen tin g the inter-ch u rch w orld R ew ard fo r re tu rn of w atch sign, and V. G. Schoenem an, W illard P a r­ m ovem ent, spoke in th e B aptist F reeb u rg . 54 I ker, Long Beach, Calif.; Alonzo W. W. C. T. V. to Meet church last night. P ictu res illus- P etty , E. W. H eadrick, P o rtla n d ; The W om en’s C h ristian T em per­ L eonard C. P e ttit has been granted - G. P. S h u art, H ornbrook, Calif. tra tin g th e life of C hrist and also il­ ance Union will m eet a t th e library a sta te te a c h e rs’ certificate of music lu stra tiv e of the hym ns used were for violin. His pupils m ay receive a t 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, No­ shown w ith splendid effect. H otel Colum bia credit any high school in th e sta te vem ber 4. All th e m em bers a re asked • * * L. C. Mulloy, H ilts, C alif.; A. W. to be present on account of im p o rt­ Moon and fam ily, Bray, Calif.; Jam es See W. A. F reeb erg fo r w atch, providing they com plete th e course Admission 10c to ail. 10c the Dance a n t business? By o rd er of th e sec­ prescribed by th e sta te board of ed­ clock, jew elry and spectacle re p a ir­ and Georgia C hichetti. Tony Cichetti retary . 34-1 Dancing Free from 8 to 9 p. m. and fam ily, S eattle/ D. N. D onofrew ; ing. Old prices. 7 e.o.d. tf* ucation. MRS. ELLA W HITE. » * « E lla Davies and d au g h ter, Seattle; Colonel John L. M .v and wife of H. V. Sm ith, Lodi, Calif.; W. F. I O. E . S. Pany, G alt; H. E. Bagwild and wife, t P o rtla n d passed th ro u g h A shland g l Officers, m em bers and visitors of P o rtla n d ; L. B. A tterbury, Lee L la s t evening w hile on th e ir way home “ j A lpha c h a p te r No. 1, please notice —.... —............. from Nevada w here they had been ** aittiJtttttti IP'.lUtiiUtimmiXiiliUtUUimJ beginning Tuesday evening, No­ visiting. H allow e’en P a rt vem ber 4, c h a p te r opens prom ptly a t Pnl fgS Miss G ertru d e Biede en te rta in ed a 7:30 o ’clock. In itia to ry work. The D. O. K. K ’s a re coming. 52-5 L. M .^ ALDW ELL, Secretary. large com pany of friends at h er Dr. B ertha Sawyer, who has been borne on Nob Hill stre e t S aturday CAROLINE SCHUERMAN. W. M. SJu 11 ■ ■ - li T M L TH EATER BEAUTIFUL in Chicago for th e past tw o m onths ! evening. The event was in th e na- ta k in g a special course in osteopathy. tu re of a H allow e’en party , and the JA P S RUSH TO B l'Y a and who had expected to re tu rn to bouse was b eautifully decorated with VALLEY ORCHARD LAND A shland th e first of Novem ber, lias a ,j appointm ents th a t go w ith th at ; Jap an ese a re ru sh in g to increase been detained and will not a rriv e festival. A pleasant evening was ( th e ir holding in P la ce r county, Cali- here until som e tim e a fte r th e 10th spent with cards and gam es of various j fOI-nia’s fam ous fru it belt th ro u g h of th is m onth. sorts, a fte r which th e hostess served jeases a n ,l purchases by associations, fine refreshm ents. The guest list This is declared to be due to the You w ant Studio A shland photos ¡nci ui)ed Mrs. Em m a Cooffee, Mrs. C. a g ita tio n for a n ti-Ja p a n e se .legis­ fo r Xmas. I t ’s none too early. 54-tf p iegei ( Mrs. N ate Bates. Mrs. E. H. lation. * * * Bush, Misses C alla Biegel, Geòrgie More th an a dozen ran ch ers in the The dance announced to be given , c offee, Messrs. J. F. Place, George Loom is d istric t have b^-en m ade very a t the N atato riu m in A shland by th e . King. H. G. E astm an, E lm er and Mil- tem p tin g offers by Japanese. M cllroy o rch e stra of P o rtla n d o n / ton Bjegel and R obert W arner. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY — ednesday ' ' ‘ ' has been can-1 ---------- W night, P aren t-T each ers to Meet celled. FOR RENT— One furnished room. • • The P arent-T eachers Circles will Lady preferred, Call 502 Boule- 55-2 vard. A. C. G unn, a m ail clerk located bold a jo in t m eeting in Vie Junion LOCAL AND PERSONAL TOMORROW ------- TH AT BIG, SNAPPY------- DANCE! C. C. MCCORMICK’S JAZZENSATION ORCHESTRA of Portland “ M OM ENTS M U S IC A L ” Five of Oregon’s Best M usicians A S H L A N D N A T . The Social Realm • • « Las! Times Today V/T*1 nŒ 1 m un— a Easy Io Make Money” Bert Lyttell Starring This is a Good Picture. Come aiyl See It. ----------------- —— TUESDAY------------------ ------- V IV IA N high school tom orrow . Tuesday, af- LOST— The 1st day of October, 15 ternoon. beginning a t 4 o’clock. Mrs. dollars in bills. F in d er notify the T idings office. R ew ard. 55-2* I pj. C. Galfey, th e newly elected mem- her of th e school board, w ill^speak WANTED— By widow w ith one child, on conditions in th e school as she position as housekeeper for wid­ ow er w ith children. A ddress O, , pas found them . S uperintendent G. care Tidings. 25-4t « • • a . Briscoe will also speak and re- Mrs. H. L. Green, a new com er to pOrts will be given from the p arent- A shland from G ran ts Pass, has pur- teach ers congress in session here chased the Abbott place on Union f ast m onth. x s tre e t and will m ake th a t residence ----------- h e r hom e. Teacup Chib * * * . i The Teacup club of the M ethodist H em stitching. Picotitig. if) cents church will m eet at th £ hom e of Mis. a yard. We pay th e postage. The C arroll E. P ra tt, 438 N orth Main Vanity H at Shop. M edford. Ore. 6-tl stre e t, next Tuesday afternoon, No- * * ♦ j vem ber 4. Mrs. J. W McCoy, who has beer. ’ ——— - D ancing P a rty n in m ate of a local hospital for sev­ Mr. and Mrs. G. S. B utler have is- eral weeks w here she underw ent an operation, is so fa r recovered as to sued in v itatio n s to a dancing pait> he able to re tu rn to l.e r hom e Sat- to be held in M emorial hall Tuesday nrday. H er condition is m uch im- evening. This is the first event of its j proved and she expect1-- to regain h er kind given in Ashland since befon norm al health in a sh o rt tim e. th e w ar and th e invited guests ai> . . . (looking forw ard w ith m uch anticipa- C harles M cW illiams cam e down tio n for th e affair. from P o rtlan d d u rin g the past week ' driving a new model Reo Six, which- C lass O rganizes The Live W ire class of the B aptist was a w edding gift to Mr. and Mrs He retu rn ed to his Sunday school m et at the hom e cf J. E. E nders. hom e in K lam ath F ails a fte r deliv th e teacher, Leslie Phillips, Friday n ig h t and organized for th e com ing erin g th e car. year. The follow ing officers received Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Brooks, who the election; P resid en t. C lark But- cam e here from Gooding. Idaho, to te rfie ld ; vice-president. R aym ond m ake A shland th e ir hom e for th e C arson; secretary, Lym an L a n d iitli, R aym on Osiin. A lbert w inter, have tak en th e Holley h o u s e ' tre a s u re r C a rte r was elected to keep order. on G ranite street. . . . L uncheon fo r E ig h t Fine w ork ta k e s tim e. Sit for y o u r 1 Mrs. J. M. W agner was hostess at X m as photos now. Studio Ashland. luncheoi “ at her hom e on Oak 54-tf a * * • stre e t S aturday. E ig h t ladies were D orm ar D illard is an inm ate of th e included in the guest list who sat S an itariu m w here he underw ent an down a t the table. o p eration for appendicitis last week. | • -IN in th is city, who has been spending a three-w eeks’ vacation in Cali- fornia. retu rn ed hom e yesterday. * * * Leave your m agazine subscriptions w ith us. Poley’s D rug Store. He is g e ttin g a lo n g nicely. * * * ( ’. E . Social j The Arab p a tro l of S hriners lias been re-organized u n d °r th e captain- cy of M ajor C. A. Malone of M edford, p rep a ra to ry to the cerem onial to be held in G ran ts Pass the last of No- vem ber. • • • The C hristian E ndeavor society of h ristia n church will give a so- c*al vat th e church p arlo rs F iidav evening to which all th e young people aI1