I 4 : Warns Against Sulfur for Smut CONGREGATION DE LAVAL SEPARATORS 2,325,000 BON TON BAKERY CO FFEE PARLOR P reserv es Better Kind School Books HAVE YOU A LITTLE ACER? 'blooded” stock do not fail to have i th e ir anim als “ reg iste red .” It adds i to th e ir value and is th ere fo re ju stly . . . . <3> •?> stage let them prepare for th e ir vo- regarded as highly desirable. • cational fu tu re by tu rn in g them loose C o ntrasting this a ttitu d e w ith th a t (W ritte n for the United Press. • doing piece work on the fam ily s tu f f .! of m any careless paren ts, th e U. S. By You will be am azed w hat satisfac-! public h e a lth service gives th e fol- M arg aret Bohe. tory resu lts will be obtained in a lowing reasons why babies’ b irth • rem arkably sh o rt tim e. V isiting should be registered. <3> <•> <» U ............................. trien d s viewing the b a ttle scarred j 1. To establish identity. fro n ts of w hat a short space agor.e ( 2. To prove n ationality. NEW YORK, Oct. 31.— This is a was a 1919 su ite from M cBeery’s de-, 3. To prove legitim acy. m oving tale! Not th e harrow ing or p a rtm en t sto re will m u rm u r estati- 4. To show w hen th e child has the th e cinem a v ariety but sim ply an ciilly “ W here ever did you pick up rig h t to e n te r school. echo of O ctober 1. Goodness knows such w onderful old pieces, my d e a r? ” 5. To show when th e child has th e crash of my sh a tte re d fu rn itu re I'm su re if it w asn’t for th e child the rig h t to seek em ploym ent under and m irro rs was enough to leave an labor law s a n tiq u e fu rn itu re m ak­ th e child labor law. echo. ers would h ire nothing but o rd in ary 6. To establish the rig h t of in h e r­ It was th e old cabinet m ak er whom boys am ong th e ir high hoys and itance to property. I called in to give first aid to the th e ir low boys in th e ageing rooms. 7. To establish liability to m ilitary w reckage who gave me th e tacts. s exem ption there- J u s t outside of New York th e duty, as well Apropos of my b a tte re d household o th e r day w as a n a u rtio n sale of a ; from . tre a s u re s w ith vivid and m in u te de­ 8. To establish th e rig h t to vote, ta il. he described th e ageing room s defunct m aiden a u n t whose attic s disgorged w onderful old hand woven | 9. To qualify to hold title to, and in th e a n tiq u e fu rn itu re factories th a t every well reg u lated m etropolis linen sheets, q u ilts ra re china, Pais- to buy or sell, real estate. ley shaw ls, spinning wheels, four-] 10. To establish th e rig h t to hold cherishes in its bosom. It seem s that th e to rtu re s inflicted on perfectly posters, fiddle backed chairs and all public office. the w onderful an tiq u es th a t m ake i 11. To prove the age a t which new sq u are four-posters, solid sub­ m odern m a tro n ’s m outh w ater, th e m arriag e contract m ay be e n te i- sta n tia l secretaries ar.d sta te ly high­ Folks flocked for m iles around to ed into. boys in these fell cham bers a re th e sale an d g rea t were th e re tu rn s, 12. To m ake possible sta tistic a l equal alm ost to th e h o rro rs of the stu d ies of h ealth conditions. In q uisition. Burly w orkm en m aul therefrom . Alas sales like th is are g e ttin g , ---------------------------- and buffet them . H uge iron chains ra re r Ond ra re r. Real a n tiq u e pieecs PR IN T E D SIGN CARDS a re dragged across the im m aculate are becom ing few er and few er. Still su rfaces and last and crow ning in ­ We have th e follow ing signs p rin t­ ju ry they are shot full of “ worm- the dem and increases in direct ratio ed on su b sta n tia l card b o ard in stock w ith th e d im in ish in g supply. If you ho les” with birdshot. for sale, 2 for 25c: a re wise yon will- act im m ediately No A dm ittance. Ju st th ink of h irin g men for such neon th e tim ely little household hint N otary Public. a job when the m overs rej-el in do­ I have given you. D ressm aking. ing it for th e m ere joy of th e thing. No Sm oking. The only m ain essential is “ Have W hen th ese professional w reckers A uto F o r Hire. you a little fu rn itu re ager in your (I am re fe rrin g now to th e an tiq u e P lease Do Not Smoke. hom e?” No Loafing. factory hands not th e m overs) get ” This Team F o r Sale. th ro u g h an expert would sw ear G. H ousekeeping Room s F o r Rent. W ashington slept in it a t least one MODEL FARM E S T A B L IS H E D ., No T respassing. night at one of his 57 varieties of BY SETTLEM ENT COMMISSION F o r Sale o r Rent. F o r R ent. h e a d q u a rte rs. ---------- F o r Sale. Now ju st th in k of the possibilities The first d em onstration farm se- Room s and Board. open to you! W om en’s m agazines lected by the Oregon Land Settle- P o st No Bills. an d Sunday p apers tell you how to m ent com m ission has been establish- No P eddlers. No H itching. m ak e dressing tables (tut of packing ed u n d er th e supervision of H. D. C learance Sale. boxes, work tables out of cheese Scudder, head of farm m anagem ent Positively No A dm ittance. boxes and p o rtie rs out of old tin cans. at th e a g ric u ltu ra l college and sup- Anv of them tw o fo r a q u a rte r. B ut h e re ’s a prize household hint erin ten d e n t of th e com m ission. It 34-tf ASHLAND TIDINGS. exposing to you how you m ay age consists of 60 acres lying th re e m iles ---------------------------- y o u r own a n tiq u e fu rn itu re right in south of Independence on the S. P. MAXY COWS TESTED, th e fam ily flat. railw ay. Its chief sources of in- Ju st 3737 Oregon cows w ere tested Almost every well reg u lated come will be sheep, poultry, swine, for m ilk production by th e six test- A m erican fam ily has two or th re e berries, clover seed and potatoes. ing associatins in A ugust. T heir av- w illing little w orkers rig h t a t th e The house, b arns, hog and poul- erage yield was 697.52 pounds of hom e and fireside. Of course you *«’>' houses, well house and w a te r m ilk carry in g 30.44 pounds fat. Big m ay tyive intended to m ake a pre- tan k a re m odels of convenience and as th is yield is it is fa r below the) m iere danseuse out of a little Dor- econom y, m aking an a ttra c tiv e and produetion of th e best herd, w h ic h ,,, othea and a second Mischa E lm an sa n ita ry farm stead. The farm will averaged 1392 pounds m ilk w i t h '” out of Percival H arold. Still it be stocked th is fall and la te r sold as 47.56 pounds fat. The heaviest m ilk f w ere much b e tte r to let them follow a hom e to a farm e r who will o p erate producer was a H olstein cow giving th e ir tru e and n a tu ra l in stin cts and according to plan. O ther m odel 1779 pounds m ilk, and th e biggest develop into s ta r p e rfo rm ers in th e farm s will be established by th e fat yielders w ere a H olstein and a ■ ageing room of some a n tiq u e fu rn i- Commission in o th e r typical farm in g grade Jersey giving 76.14 pounds ¡0 tu r e factory a n d in th e ir em bryo d istricts. ■ j each ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ MclLROY’S ORCHESTRA IN MEDFORD NOV. 3, IN DAILY USE THE WORLD OVER In the differen t places w here Cole W herever grass grows and cow> M cElroy’s fam ous Syncopated Or- are m ilked, you will find th e De La- c h e stra of P o rtla n d has played, Mr. val th e favorite cream sep arato r. M cElroy is frequently asked: “ How More De Lavals are in use th a a F a rm e rs should th in k tw ice before ean you affo rd to c a rry a larg e o r­ all o th e r m akes com bined. The De Laval is tim e tested. It m ixing s u lfu r w ith seed a t th e tim e c h e s tra ? ” and “ Why is dancing so was £be pioneer cream se p a ra to r in (By th e U nited P ress) of p lan tin g to prevent sm u t in grain, p o p u la r? ” In response to th is in- 1878 and has led in popularity anil CHARLESTON, S. C — A practical believes H. P. B arss, professor of bot­ quiry, Mr. M cElroy said today: sales for forty years. plan to persuade m em bers to a tte n d I t’s th e w orld's sta n d a rd creani any and p lan t pathology a t th e O re­ “ Since prohibition has become ef­ church services and su p p o rt church separator. gon A g ricu ltu ral college. A C alifor­ fective, th e am usem ent-loving public work has been found here in th e in­ nia s u lfu r com pany is u rg in g use of (has practically two sources of am use- ASHLAND CREAMERY su ran ce plan put in o peration by s u lfu r for th is purpose a sse rtin g th a t j m ent, viz: the movie and dancing. Rev. A. E. C ornish, rec to r of St. it has evidence of its effectiveness. T herefore, it was my purpose to ca­ Jo h n ’s Episcopal Mission. Ashland Iron Works S u lfu r as a m eans of sm u t control te r to th is dem and by giving the In th e two m onths th e plan, w here­ (In c o rp o ra te« ) by th e church insured its m em bers, has not been given experim ental dancing public not only good m usic, b u t th e very best m usic obtainable Office and W orks No. 2 48 H elm aa tria ls in Oregon or in any p a rt of th e curled to correspond with the others. has been in o p eration th e m em ber­ n o rth w est in th e know ledge of P ro ­ and felt assu red th a t if I could do St., A shland, Ore. A faded plume may be tinted or a ship of th e church has increased to fessor Barss. In m ost cases th e tre a t- th a t, th e g re a t expense involved j Manufacturing Engineers, General white plume given a color by dipping such an extent th a t plans are on Repair Work them in gasoline into which a little foot to raise a $50,000 fund for the m ent w ould be a failu re in Oregon, w ould be en tirely ju stified by th e in- a lth o u g h it m ight prove a success in (creased patronage, I also d e te r - ( w e m a n u ia c tu re P aving P la n t oil paint, such as comes in small tubes, b u ilding of a la rg e r church. m ined to fu rn ish am usem ent f o rE q u ip m e n t, Sawm ill, M ining a n d has been dissolved. One has to ex­ E a rly last sum m er Rev. Cornish ce rtain p a rts of C alifornia, he thinks. th o se who did not o r could not dance. Ship M achinery, Steam and Gas En- perim ent to get the tin t wanted. Gas­ found th e m em bers fallin g in to ap- G row ers a re w arned a g ain st com ing , . gines, Boilers and Heavy Steel oline will not affect the curl of a Grey IroQ Semi. Steel> Br a s . . ... m, . .. .. v. ..i i athv. A ttendance was fallin g off to th e conclusion th a t because in by securing m usicians who w ere ex- feather. This tinting should be done ; , . , som e instances th is m ethod seem s to cellent e n te rta in e rs a lso .” and Bronze C astings of every kind. by an open window in a room that has antl th e v e s tl' was becom ing a a rm ­ T h a t Mr. M cElroy has been sue- H aving tho ro u g h ly equipped o u r have produced favorable resu lts in no fire of any kind in it or in the ed at w hat seem ed to be a sure slow C alifornia th e tre a tm e n t w ould be a cessful is evidenced bv the g ratifying p lan t for th e m an u factu re and re ­ d eath for th e parish. The p asto r hit open air. press com m ent of every section or” »»1™ of h,eavy %Ud aU ClaSS6S ° L m a: It takes a professional feather man­ upon th e idea th a t to induce nYbin- success in Oregon. 1 chine and foundry w ork, we solicit: “ N othing is m ore reliable th an th e j th e country. y our o rd ers and inquiries. E stim ateo ufacturer to make fancy feather or­ bers to ta k e an in terest in th e church naments, w reaths and pompons of the he w ould have to give them som e­ old blue stone m ethod followed by | In charg in g a general adm ission of | and q u o tatio n s fu rn ish ed on applica- i th e lim e b ath for control of w heat j 25 cents to everybody, an opportunity tion. flues. There are many new ways of th in g to do. B s -' is th u s afforded to the old folks and . . ■ — , : .. j . . ,.._ b using ostrich flues on the new milli­ Calling his leading m em bers into sm u t.” says P rofessor Barss. nery for fall and w inter an d .tlie pos­ 1 council w ith him, he laid before pecially as th e cool w e a th er a p -¡to those who do not dance to spend an First Class Baking Products a n il sessor of plumes will not look far be­ Light Lunches i them th e plan to tax each w orking proaclies th is m ethod should tak e enjoyable evening, and really be en-, fore finding a use for them. form aldehyde i te rta in e d , going hom e feeling th a t m an and w om an in th e parish one I precedence over th e d ay ’s wages a m onth. All o th ers m ethod because of d efinite know-1-; they have leceived a liberal tw o-bits | should pay $1.00 a m onth each, it edge th a t form aldehyde is not quite) w orth. In ch arg in g 10 cents for th e ' AND was decided. W ith th is fund he p r o - ) so effective in cold as in w arm dance, th e o p p ortunity is given to little or as m uch as one wishes. w eath er and also resu lts in a ten d e n ­ posed to nay benefits to th e sick, the D ancing is free from 8 to 9 p. m. Feminine Fripperies. poor and needy and to relatives of cy on th e p a rt of th e seedlings to be Velvet figures, cut with raw edges m em bers who died. som ew hat w eaker w hen conditions P o rtla n d dock com m ission w ants Corner Fourth and A Street Across and applied on capes and evening From the Depot. The schem e was declared w-orkable for prom pt g erm ination do not exist. $370,484 for operations in 1920. coats of heavy silk jersey, are an effec­ and put into operation. D uring the “ Blue stone alone is not recom ­ tive trimming. Sometimes they are edged with silk floss, sometimes with first m onth 54 m em bers subscribed. m ended as it produces serious germ i­ In th e second m onth th e subscrip- nation in ju ry unless followed by lime_ jet or colored beads. For the woman who enjoys sport tions had m ounted enorm ously until ’ bath W ith this, how ever, th e m eth- Preserving tune brings requirements that toggery great enveloping scarfs of the now Rev. C ornish declares in terest od is satisfactory. The presence of must necessarily be fture and good, if you softest Shetland wool woven on the in church w ork and social service a slight blue stone deposit on the would obtain tbe best results from your effort— diagonal and made in the most fas­ a re a t th e highest point. g rain s seem s to protect a g a in st a t ­ cinating misty colors are to be found M em bers over 7 0 years old get pen­ tack of soil fungi which som etim es in a few of the sm artest shops and sions of $2 a week. Those will re- late in th e season a re active in caus- appear to be finding favor when worn straight around the neck, with the ceive $5 a week. R elatives of dead ¡ng th e seeds to rot in th e soil w here of the g erm ination is slow .” wide soft ends tucked under the belt m em bers a re given $100 each. In te re st is such th a t now Rev. Cor- ---------------------------- in front. nish has u n d ertak en to obtain t h e , H eppner E lks lodge s ta rts building Fall Footwear Notes. church building fund by selling 1000 $40,000 tem ple. Some of the newest shoes and pumps $50 bonds payable in cash o r in i n - ______,___ ____ ______ _________———— W e vouch for tbe purity of have the squat French heel,* called stallm ents. O ther plans, including a I our spices, and other essentials Babv Louis. The toes of our autum n nursery, have been proposed by wo­ for tbe proper making o f J el­ footw ear will, we are told, be more men m em bers. lies and Preserves. U se them and your preserves will have that | pointed than ever. pure fruit flavor that appeals to old and young. REG ISTER ED CATTLE I AND REGISTERED BABIES O ur grocery prices point out tbe way to cut down living Complete line of expenses, and at tbe same time obtain tbe purest and best of goods. Horses and ca ttle b reeders owning oner Now th at ostrich feathers have re­ turned to favor the woman th at has cared for her plumes will bring them out to find them increased in money value and available in a number of ways. Fashion approves of ostrich flues in many form s and plumes are used not alone in millinery bin as dec­ orations for evening dresses and for m aking the handsomest fans. The flues form innum erable fancy feather m illinery ornaments, neckpieces, w reaths and fringes and are fashion­ able in both the curled and uncurled state. Handsome w reaths for hats a re shown with the feathers along one side of the rib curled aud along the other straight. If plumes that have been laid away are in g o o d condition but soiled it is not a difficult m atter to clean them, except that the curling process is a little tedious. They may be w asted in a lukewarm suds of soft w ater and castile soap. They are shaken in the suds and drawn through the hand to squeeze out the soiled water. After they are clean they should be rinsed in warm, clear w ater and wrapped in cheesecloth or other absorbent mate­ rial and put through an ordinary clothes wringer. But the rolls of the wringer must not be close enough to damage the feathers. A fter this washing process they should be shaken until dry. Holding the feather by the rib it is shaken and gently beaten against the other hand. If the little flues cling together this may be corrected by holding them over the spout of a steam ing kettle. When the plume is thoroughly dry it is ready for curling. An ordinary table knife will answ er for curling a plume. The plume is draw n along the edge of the knife be­ tween it and the thumb. The trick is to curl the flue only at the end and not too tightly. Each flue is to be PAGE THREE ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS Monday, November 3, 191» School Supplies Tablets M ake T h is S tore Your D a ily M arket Place. Plaza Grocery, Ashland Your Personal Highway and Y our personal highw ay is th e road you tra v e l a ll day long. EAT And w h ether or not it is a happy one de­ WELL pends upon w h eth er you have had a tab le of K EEP WELL good tru e food placed before you. You a re buying the b est possible food when LIVE LONG you p atronize ou r sto re and m ake use of the DIE e x tra o rd in a ry values we offer you in th e every HAPPY day buying w hich every fam ily m ust do. M ake it a h a b it to e a t well and w ork ac­ <$>- -«S' cordingly. A m an i s ’ m ade of w hat he eata, and we w ant to be responsible for the good eatin g of ou r im m e­ diate vicinity. W e have th e groceries, they have the quality, and we m ake the price. Pencils at the East Side Pharm acy White House Grocery NININGER & ROBERTSON, Props: We close a t 5:30 P. M., e v e ry day except S aturday. >-» ♦ r. P' , W J? % & ¡V ' ? - J ♦-»-» » ♦ ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ i L Wc have on hand a quantity of Children’s Shoes! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ....... M ust be of good quality. 0 W e have them . proves. Service J u s t com plaints CEDAR POSTS 4x5-7 it. alw ays carefully consid­ ered and satisfacto rily a d ­ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : ju stm e n t m ade. at the Same Old Price CARSON-FOWLER LUMBER CO. IN THE HEART OF TOWN » ♦ ♦■»■e * « « ♦ ♦»-» t u t l t w »*- ..,»«» »»-41 tj-t v*!. 1 ’ r* >*' < »•* r,>'! •i-'-ii i I 1 t f ” “ * * * * '* * * * * • • « . . . , |t , * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦