ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAG E TWO HE SO LD TH E KING A T H R IF T stam p RED CROSS GIVES FULL ACCOUNTING War Council Teiis Hew Millions Contributad by Public Were Used Far Belief. BIG TASK IS DESCRIBED In Twenty Months $154,000,009 Was Spent Overseas and $115,000,000, In the United States. W ashington. (Special.)—Through a complete report of the work of the American Red Cross in the w ar by Chairman Henry P. Davison, on be­ half of the war council, the organiza­ tion on the eve of its annual enroll­ ment of members during the Third Red Cross Roll Call, November 2 to 11, has rendered an accounting of the many millions given it by the Ameri­ can people to help our fighting men and our allies. The statem ent is, In part, as follows: “The war council of the American Red Cross is now prepared to make a complete accounting to the American people of money contributed and ex­ pended, as well as the work done by the American Red Cross during the period in which the w ar council, was in control of its affairs. The war council was appointed May 1!*, 1919, Richard Siprelle, 11 ^ears old. who is a student in the Crocker Interm e­ and went out of existence February diate School in San Francisco, wen national attention recently when he sold 28, 1919. King Albert of Belgium a 25 cent T hrift Stamp. The King had ju st seated “It was the practice of the war himself in his automobile after an official reception in San Francisco when council to give complete publicity to “ Richard, the Lion-Hearted,"’ braving the United States Secret Service men, Its policies and finances, but it Is only leaped aboard the King’s machine and th ru st Thrift Stamp and card into now that a picture ot the war period as a whole can he presented. It is A lbert’s hands. “Thank you.” said the King, and then the King’s car lurched forward leav- ! the feeling o f the war council that a report in this summarized form should ing the kid behind. be made directly to the public which “ I didn’t want the two-bits,” said Richard. “ I wanted the King to know; provided the money and gave the ef­ w hat a T hrift Stamp is.” fort which made the American Red Cross a success. “A statem ent of the American Red Crftss effort and finances since the war council relinquished its control will be made to the public through the executive committee, and it is im­ portant, therefore, tliat the fact that this report covers the period only until March 1, should be carefully noted.” Following are certain round figures ' farm in g is th e m ost p re d o m n a n t' covering American Red Cross particl | pat lop iti the war, as revealed by the am ong the occupations. L et products flow sm oothly front, „ n • Jg estjm tfted th a t K ansas, war council's report: Improved 9 Road Talk Way to Work M onday, Novem ber 3, 1919 Red Cross w as early on th e scene w ith m edicines and hospital supplies which w ere d istrib u ted to th e insti- tu tio n s found to be in th e g reatest need. Local o rganizations w ere (By th e U nited P ress) ham pered in th e ir work in the in ter- MARASH, M esopotam ia, Oct. 25. ior because of th e difficulty atten d - -One h u n d red m iles of stone roads ing a proper allocation of th e relief and several reco n stru cted steel supplies com ing in to Reval. bridges are am ong th e perm an en t m onum ents th a t A m erica will leave • SCARECROW S USED TO in th is p a rt of th e N ear E ast. SOLVE COAL PROBLEM W hen th e Red Cross arrived here GREENSBURG, Pa. — A farm er i tfound th a t th e condition ’of the nam ed M iller, living along th e Cone- highw ays would ham per its relief naugh division of th e Pennsylvania operations am ong th e refugee A r­ R ailroad com pany, n e a r T unnelton, m enians in th is d istrict. So it set has solved th e problem of coal sup- about to rebuild stre tc h e s of roads ply for his fam ily. This farm er has betw een A intaub, Aleppo and M arnsh. a big corn field facing the railroad C aptain E dw ard Bickel, of Seattle, for a q u a rte r of a mile. As a m eans W ashington, was placed in charge of t0 keep crow s o u t of bis corn field th e engineering work. He had to F a rm e r M iller constructed th re e overcom e d ifficulties which would m odern scarecrow s ju st inside his have halted m any c o n tra cto rs of pub-; (ence_ pje rigged up his scarecrow s lie w orks in Am erica. T here was no w ith bideous a n d niost grotesque m ale labor, m ate ria ls were scarce, false faces. The scarecrow s a ttr a c t­ and sm all b u rro s and cam els w ere ed th e a tte n tio n and th e aim of th e, th e only m eans of tra n sp o rt. hrakem en on th e coal tra in s and He settled th e labor question by every k n ig h t of th é b rak e wheels h irin g A rm enian wom en, who were glad to have em ploym ent of any kind. T here w ere 500 A rm enian women on th e payroll of the Red Cross in this road building work. M aterials were a tta in e d from abandoned hom es which had been p a rtly dem olished d u rin g th e war. Convoys of m oun­ tain b u rro s and cam els were hired to tra n sp o rt th e m aterial. In less th an four m onths th is fe­ m ale labor and ancient tra n sp o rt, under Am erican direction, had recon­ stru cted 100 m iles of roads, rebuilt several ruined bridges over trib u ­ ta rie s of th e E u p h ra te s river, and m ade possible th e speedy distrib u tio n of Red Cross supplies in th is dis­ trict. Women of Armenia Help Build Roads . . HOTEL AUSTIN BARBER SHOP N. G. W e use th e T reatm en t B ath s RATES, P rop. V iolet Ray for Scalp and F allin g H air. Shoe C hining P a rlo r I New Auto Tops The season is here w hen th e auto top should be looked after. I m ake new ones or fix the old one. L et me look a t it. Ashland Furniture Hospital 89 N orth Main TH C IT IZ E N S PAULSERUD & BARRETT BANK OFASHLANI Your Every Banking Requirement First Health Board orf'Baltic Coast (By th e U nited P ress) R EV EL, E sth o n ia— (By M ail.) — The republic of E sthonia, one of the half dozen political offshoots of the old R ussian em pire, has established a national b u reau of public h e a lth — the first in stitu tio n of its kind to be founded by one of the new Baltic states. “ land to m en" sum m arizes th e I . S. which will spend $8.000.000 on bet- E sth o n ia ’s national health bureau i Some Outstanding Figures. D ep artm en t or L ab o r's point of view 20>000 mo- Contributions received cam e into being as th e resu lt of a X i_ „ ’ * f (m n i M aterial tP r iH « and n il 1 money). I1 I.IIP V 1 $490,009,090 series of conferences, ju st concluded, in offering a solution of th e high to r tru c k s in the sam e period. Red Cross mem bers: cost of living problem . betw een M inister-P resident S tro n g -' Adults, 20,000,000: ( “ M innesota has a road-building Children, 11,009,000 . . . 31,099,090 niann and L ieutenant Colonel E d­ "T he farm com m unity,” th e d e ­ program calling for the expenditure Red Cross w orkers.......... 8,199,000 p a rtm e n t’s rep o rt says, “ should be of $1 1,217,986. w ard M. Ryan of Scranton, Pa., I Relief articles produced by volunteer w orkers.. 371,577,000 A m erican Red Cross com m issioner ; linked w ith th e city m ark et. R ail­ As an illu stra tio n of w hat the fa r­ ! Fam ilies of soldiers aided w ay, w aterw ay and m otor tru c k se r­ m er in th is g reat sta te th in g s of th e i by Home Service in U.S. 500,090 for w estern R ussia. Colonel Ryan I vice should be effectively co-ordinat­ m otor tru c k m ight be cited a state- I Kefreslunents served l»y insisted on the establishm ent of the canteen workers in U.S. 40,000,000 national health board as a condition , ed. F arm products such as m ilk, nient recently issued by the N orth- Nurses enrolled for swv- eggs, poultry, fru it and vegetables w estern N ational Bank in M inneapo- precedent to th e enlargem ent of th e! Sn u >> na\> or 23,822 A m erican relief program in Esthon- can, on seventy-five per cent of th e lis in which it is said th a t ‘tru c k s Kinds of comfort articles farm s, be carried in sm all co n tain ­ in larg e num bers, intended for im-1 distributed to soldiers ian territo ry . , . . and sailors in I . S.. . . 2,700 ers and sent direct into th e cities by Since its estab lish m en t as an in­ m ediate use in m ark e tin g grain, a ie j K nitted articles given to tru c k , th u s relieving th e burden on being held to th is large buying class’ j ^ddjers and sailors in dependent sta te , E sthonia has had 10,900,000 no centralized m edical control. The th e ra ilro a d s.” (th e fa rm e rs ), and elevator scales in rpo„ s of relief supplies 1 I pon reading the rep o rt the ques- m any p]a ces a re being revam ped to , shipped overseas 101,000 YES W E DO tio n which n a tu ra lly arises is. are sccom m o(ia te th e grow ing fleet o f ! * '0^ 1.^" wJa UCr(r,'««S „rier th e farm ing com m unities aw akening f a m e r s . tru c k s .’ ated . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 to the need of doing th e ir sh are in ,iJowa p o ten tia , buyer of m any PsUlent days in Red Cross 1,155,000 c re a tin g the channels by which th e ir, , . , win anend «‘>0 498 534 ! t- 1,0SVlta! in T r'in ,c . — . m otor tru ck s, will spend | French hospitals given products may flow sm oothly e , ayg> m aterial aid ..... 3,780 “ land to m en," j . T hus it goe, In th e farm in g X T 294,000 FAM ILY WASHING An a rra y of tacts and figures a re com m un,t jeg the com ing of th e mo- Gallons of nitrous oxide b ro u g h t forth by E. F a rr, d irecto r to). truck hag ma(Je th e era of good j ^ n d ^ o x ^ e n m n is h e d 7c per lb., plus lc for each rough 4,340.090 dry (u n fin ish ed ) piece. of th e F iresto n e Ship b> liu c k Bu- roads t a ]k gjVe wav to the era of Men served bv Red Cross 15.370.0: Hl rea u , at Akron. 0 .. to_ support his ROO(J rQads co n stru ctio n . Tbe fa r- Re? uX “ l V ' i n F m i ^ 1,726,000 affirm ativ e answ er. The b u rea u , m er is doing his full sh are, to th e | American convalescent P hone 165 w hich has 63 branches in the I nited begt big a b iijty in linking his soldiers attending Red F . E . FR EN C H & SON, P rops. 3,110,000 Cross movies in France S tates, keeps in touch, th ro u g h com m unity to th e city m a rk e t.” Soldiers carried by Red th ese branches and its special inves­ Cross ambulances In 148.000 Italy ................................ tig a to rs, with all m atte rs affecting PROM PT PAYMENT Children cared for by th e m otor tru c k and its uses. 155,000 Red Cross in Ita ly ........ TO IN JU R ED MADE “ M otor tru c k s on im proved h ig h ­ Corner by th e Park. POSSIBLE BY KIRK Of the $400.000.000 in money and w ays,” says Mr. F a rr, “ offer the supplies, contributed to the American H E ID ER TRACTORS AND P. F . O. ; fa rm e rs of the nation th e best op- SALEM — The tim e elapsing from I Red Cross during the twenty months PLOW S , p o rtu n ity of sta rtin g products on a the receipt of rep o rts of an in d u stria l *, the w ar council was In existence, New and used sew ing m achines of I - - ' x , , . , . . $263.000.000 was alloted to national m ost any m ake and style. m ovem ent from sm ooth flow ing tria l accident by the sta te in d u stria l | * ______ _ .... And today the accident bv the s ta te in d u stria l acci-i headquarters, while $137.000 000 went ‘land to m en’.’ A carload of A m erican fence and U nited States is carry in g on the big- (lpnt commi88ion to the tinie of m art. to the chapters to finance their ac­ b arb w ire ju st in. B ring in your tivities. Expenditures in the twenty- gest highw ay im provem ent cam- jng thp jn ju red w orkm an a check for months totalled $273.000,000. divided w ants before sending them to the paign in its h istory and in the his- com pensation will be cut from five as follows: By national headquarters catalogue houses and we will see if to ry of the world. At th e some tim e days to less th an two as result o f : in France. $57.009099: elsewhere over- we can ’t m eet th e ir prices for cash. th e factories are tu rn in g out an in­ im provem ents in th e system of h a n d -j seas, $64,000.000: hi the 1 nited S ates. Have som e dandy a u to robes left. creasingly large num ber of m otor ljng cblhns wbicb w orked orked ! I $48.000.1 $48.1M»0.tMMl : by chapters in the United At P e il’s C orner. •la in i a w h i c h haVP h a v p been been w tru c k s, most of which will go to out bv Com m issioner W ill T. K ir k .! States, $43,000.000: cost . . of . . ehnpter- . . . . r m e j , o r in .,, .h e service o . .arm - b). he>ds #f , proAne"! « M - I France. $25.(MX1.000, elsewhere over- ers. It would appear, then, th a t th e m ents having to do w ith claim s. i seas, $8 099.999; in the United States. fa rm e r is aw akening fully to his op- Not only has th e m ailing of checks $28.000,900. making total expenditures p o rtu n itie s in th is respect. been expedited by K irk 's plan but fn France. $82.000,000. elsewhere over- “ He is sim plifying his end of th e the paym ent for tim e lost has been ' seas, $72,090,000; in the United States, d istrib u tiv e system by m aking it pos- changed from paying on a m onthly $119,000,000. eible to speed his products to m ar­ basis to paying for two weeks. H ere­ k et, thereby lessening th e num ber tofore if a m an w ere badly in ju red of agencies th ro u g h whose hands th e paym ent was m ade for the m onth th ese products will pass, w ith the if the loss of tim e am ounted to th a t A D o lla r Starts ar. Account consequent n arrow ing of the circle period. U nder the new plan if an of those who m ight be tem pted ta accident is of such severity th a t it STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. add to th e price which will be paid is self evident the m an will lose by th e consum er. .m uch tim e, a paym ent for two weeks “ F ig u res recently announced by will he m ade at once and the claim th e In te rn atio n a l Shipping Digest will then go th ro u g h reg u la r chan­ B illiard players p re fe r th is place show th a t d u rin g th e c u rre n t tw elve nels and such additional com pensa­ because they know th a t they can get ‘ m onths $375.000.000 will be ex­ tion as may be necessary will be a l­ GOOD cues; and m odern equipm ent pended on road im provem ents and lowed. m akes a lot of difference in th e ; pleasure of th e gam e. m aintenanceof roads in the United You KNOW It. States. From reliable sources it is JA P GOVERNMENT MAY P ro fan ity , gam bling and o th e r u n - , estim ated th a t in the sam e period LEGALIZE TRADE UNIONS desirable elem ents are absolutely | th e country will m an u factu re 180,- TABOO here. W e invite GENTLE- j TOK IO.— A ccording to Jap an ese MEN Only. 000 m otor trucks. new spapers, th e Jap an ese g o v e rn -; This is a clean, congenial am use­ “ It is significant th a t the s ta te s nient has decided to introduce a bill m ent hall fo r decent clean-cut fel­ ■which will spend most freely for bet- in the forthcom ing session of th e diet lows. te r highw ays and which m an u fa ctu r- for the legalizing of tra d e unions as e rs depend upon to buy th e m ost the best m eans of effecting harm ony m otor tru c k s a re sta te s in which betw een capital and labor. 1 . m ade it his business every tim e his coal tra in passed to shy a black dia- mond a t each scarecrow . Noting th e grow ing coal piles M iller co n stru ct- ed th re e additional scarecrow s in his cornfield. His coal bin is rapidly filling. — Fine Tailoring F or Men and W omen. 171 E ast Main. T el. 119 C. B. LAMKIN Bargains in REALE STATE City and Ranch P ro p erties. H ouset to Rent. C itizens’ Bank Building is well cared fc r a t th e Citizens Bank of A shland. W e m ake it a point to serve o u r custom ers w ith efficiency and dis­ patch. A ccounts solicited. u 12 » * ,8 \AOf O N 1. SAVINGS 4- 7oUPI DEPOSITS F , ' . ' . lös ; Rough Dry U T Z . “S T Y L E < S D .S H O E S U N N ’5 O F .O U A U T Y ' Ashland Laundry Co. P E I L ’S On Savings Accounts jo in The American R e d C ro s s Interest Good Cues and Tips All you need is -anda- Alnutt’s Billiard Parlor New Models in Milady’s Shoes “Style Shoes of Quality 99 W ith s h o rte r days and lo n g er n ights, and w ith th e approach •of Jack F ro st, we feel it a duty to rem ind you th a t th e oxford season is a t an end and t h a t Dame F ashion com m ands you to select y o u r F a ll boots. < F o rtu n a te ly , a lth o u g h n o t w ith o u t surm o u n tin g the difficul­ tie s arisin g th ro u g h a scarcity of le a th e r and o th er pest-w ar conditions fam iliar to you, we placed o u r o rd er w ith Utz A Dunn early. As a re su lt we a re able to offer you a splendid selec­ tio n of boots a t reasonable prices. T he delig h tfu l m odels a re on th e shelves and sam e ef the styles grace th e window. You will adm ire them , we knew . These boots have every new and w orthy point of style. May we have t h e pleasure of a call? C .H .V A U P E L Quality Store 68*72 K. Main St., Ashland.